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MYP2 Rates

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Teacher(s Subject group and Math

) discipline
Unit title Rates MYP year 2 Unit duration

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context

Relationships Equivalence, measurement Globalization and sustainability:

Interconnectedness of human-made

Statement of inquiry

Establishing relationships of equivalence between measurements illustrates the interconnectedness of human-made systems.

Inquiry questions
Factual— What is a rate? What does it mean to be equivalent?

Conceptual— How are relationships of equivalence established?

Debatable— How can ‘different’ still be equivalent? Do our different systems hinder our interconnectedness?

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 1

Objectives Summative assessment
A: Knowing and understanding Outline of summative assessment task(s) Relationship between summative
including assessment criteria: assessment task(s) and statement of
i. select appropriate mathematics inquiry:
when solving problems in both
familiar and unfamiliar situations
ii. apply the selected mathematics Unit Test: (criterion A)
successfully when solving The Unit Test will allow students to apply
problems In this task, students will answer a wide
the content they have learned to a wide
iii. solve problems correctly in a range of questions, from simple to
range of questions and verify that they
variety of contexts. complex to challenging (in both familiar
can establish relationships of equivalence
and unfamiliar situations), all related to
between different measurements. Many of
B: Investigating patterns relationships of equivalence that exist
the questions will include applications
among different systems of measurement.
involving human-made systems.
i. select and apply mathematical In particular, students will convert between
problem- solving techniques to different currencies and different systems
discover complex patterns of linear measurement. The test will be
ii. describe patterns as relationships completed individually during one class
and/or general rules consistent period.
with findings
iii. verify and justify relationships
and/or general rules.
Investigation: Unit Rates (criterion B)
C: Communicating In this task, students will develop the This investigation establishes
process for calculating unit rates. They will relationships of equivalence between a
i. use appropriate mathematical be given different scenarios and asked to variety of measurements. It will help
language (notation, symbols and find an equivalent ratio that is compared to students discover and develop a basic
terminology) in both oral and a measurement of “one” (e.g. one hour, skill that will then allow them to compare

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 2

written explanations one euro, etc.). From their work, they will and convert across human-made
ii. use appropriate forms of generalize the procedure for determining systems.
mathematical representation to the unit rate given any ratio of
present information measurements. The investigation will be
iii. move between different forms of done during one class period under test
mathematical representation conditions.
iv. communicate complete and
coherent mathematical lines of
reasoning Holiday Travels: (criteria C, D)
v. organize information using a In this task, students will create an
logical structure. In the Holiday Travels task, students use
itinerary for a holiday trip to five different relationships of equivalence (rates) in a
countries. Students will research travel, wide range of ways as they plan and
D: Applying mathematics in real-life accommodations, meals and sights in
contexts budget for a trip. They will see how
each location in local currencies. They will different monetary systems (which are
then convert these amounts to their own human-made) are connected as well as
i. identify relevant elements of currency to arrive at a budget for the entire
authentic real-life situations different systems of measurement as they
trip. Additional questions related to travel, calculate the length of time for each leg of
ii. select appropriate mathematical buying goods and finding a job in the local
strategies when solving authentic their trip. They will experience how being
country will require students to further familiar and adept at moving between
real-life situations apply the rates that they have been
iii. apply the selected mathematical different human-made systems allows
learning all unit. The final product will be a them to make good decisions.
strategies successfully to reach a report that includes a map and itinerary as
solution well as detailed calculations for the cost of
iv. explain the degree of accuracy of the trip.
a solution
v. explain whether a solution makes
sense in the context of the
authentic real-life situation.

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 3

Approaches to learning (ATL)

In order for students to develop as inquirers, students will make guesses, ask ‘what if’ questions and generate testable hypotheses
(Thinking: Creative thinking skills). The strategy students will learn and practice is “I wonder…” where they will pose their own
“what if?” questions related to content that they have just learned. They will be encouraged to look beyond just skill development
and to wonder aloud. These will be discussed with a peer before sharing and exploring as a class.

In order for students to develop powers of abstraction, students will draw reasonable conclusions and generalizations (Thinking:
Critical thinking skills). Throughout the unit, students will be asked to develop theories and procedures, make connections between
topics, and analyze information. These will help them develop their ability to reason quantitatively and abstractly, which is a
necessary skill to develop as a mathematician, and be successful in future mathematics courses.

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning process

Learning experiences and teaching strategies

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 4

Formative assessment



Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 5

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 6

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