I. Incomplete Sentences
A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices
are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence.
460929 – Nguyễn Duy Hà Ngân
C. accept (D) either
D. accepted 20. Most companies expect all their
16. The chairperson was trying to employees ................... on innovative
curtail a lengthy, heated products and to believe passionately in
discussion............. the merits of their mission.
work ethics due to the time A. to work
constraint. B. worked
A. on C. working
B. by D. work
C. about 21. Fifty cents……how much I owe you.
D. in (A) is
17. We’ll start when he…………… (B) does
ready. (C) are
(A) will (D) do
(B) will is 22. The general hospital was able to
(C) will be improve patient care significantly
(D) is without hiring more staff
18. Kim Jones, together with her by ......................... in a new
roommate, …….. to write a letter to information system.
the campus newspaper. A. invests
(A) will B. invested
(B) are going C. investing
(C) is going D. invest
(D) shall 23. Under no circumstances may you
19. Neither Professor Johnson nor copy or distribute any secret
his students………going to join the information..............appropriate written
project. permission from us.
(A) will A. upon
(B) is B. without
(C) are
460929 – Nguyễn Duy Hà Ngân
C. until 27. During the sessions, speakers will
D. along discuss the process of ............. a global
24. Passengers will get to their service by opening doors to economic
destination on time ............ our opportunities.
departure time is a little late due to A. established
a mechanical problem. B. establishing
A. as if C. establish
B. while D. to establish
C. because 28. Employees must get approval from
D. even though their supervisors ................... deleting
25. The plans are under serious data even if the data seem unused.
consideration ............... extension A. before
of better garbage collection, street B. until
maintenance and adequate C. from
sewerage services into the D. during
province. 29. You are advised to contact us
A. for immediately .................. technical
B. on problems with your computer system
C. onto don’t seem to be resolved.
D. into A. so
26. Anyone who has B. if
questions ............ our community C. as
service can leave a message with D. because
my secretary or our answering 30. The United Nations………to begin
service. fund raising for the earthquake victims.
A. concern (A) are expect
B. concerned (B) is expect
C. to concern (C) are expected
D. concerning (D) is expected
460929 – Nguyễn Duy Hà Ngân
31. As the company B. served
became ..........., it did not need to C. serves
rely on local suppliers, but could D. serving
import equipment from other 35. ………….all of the prisoners were
cities. set free.
A. richest (A) Most
B. more rich (B) Almost
C. successfully (C) Both
D. wealthier (D) Neither
32. Whenever you look to make a 36. I am proud to announce that we are
deal........................anybody, now the country’s............. producer of
always establish the decision- steel filaments.
making hierarchy ahead of time. A. biggest
A. to B. most big
B. of C. bigger
C. with D. big
D. over 37. Not only does Steve sing at a bar,
33. The flight arrived …….he also serves the patrons.
late ................ the stormy weather. (A) and
A. for (B) or
B. because of (C) but
C. because (D) still
D. instead of 38. Due to the unusually cool summer
34. We are a business this year, we have seen the ..................
strategy consulting sales of air conditioners in a decade.
firm.................... the top A. lowest
management of leading B. fewest
corporations. C. most
A. serve D. biggest
460929 – Nguyễn Duy Hà Ngân
39. Unfortunately, neither Mr. D. started
Pitch…………Ms Jenny will be 43. The Sioux language is spoken not
able to attend the awards banquet only………..Sioux but also by the Crow
this evening. and Osage tribes.
(A) but (A) by the
(B) and (B) the
(C) nor (C) do the
(D) either (D) and the
40. His first job................. 44. Vista International Airport will be
graduating from college was closed ........................... stormy
working for an automobile conditions.
dealership. A. therefore
A. when B. due to
B. since C. because
C. after D. since
D. while 45. Let me show you a ...................
41. From what I understand, the way to print out the report.
overtime rate is much ............at A. more better
safe shops than at super shops. B. best
A. cheaper C. better
B. lowest D. the best
C. cheap 46. Fax me ......... the shipment arrives.
D. lower A. when
42. I’d rather ................... B. until
work at 6:00 than spend C. while
time in traffic. D. for
A. starting 47. Why don’t you buy a camera
B. start through the Internet? The prices
C. to start are ................... than in a camera shop.
460929 – Nguyễn Duy Hà Ngân
A. fewer
B. lower
C. low
D. less
48..................... hiring the British
marketing agent Arthur Down
shire, Keene Clothiers Co. has
gained an edge against its
A. Because of
B. When
C. By
D. Since
49. ........................... interest rates
may please those with savings, but
they will be a burden to anyone
saddled with a large mortgage.
A. Bigger
B. Lower
C. Extra
D. Higher
50. You should always get
approval...........the purchasing
manager before buying any new
A. to
B. with
C. at
D. from
II. Use will (positive or negative form) and the verb below to complete the
predictions about the year 2050.
live disappear meet increase exist
1. Human will not meet aliens from other planets.
2. World population will increase to 15 billion.
3. People will live on other planet such as Mars.
4. Wild animals will not disappear on the earth.
5. Many cities will exist because of global warming.
III. Complete the sentences about the pictures. Use the correct form of verbs
(going to or will).