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Co Art

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APPENDIX A F. Art is subjective.

Henceforth, it cannot be
measured by its significance or the level of skill with
BASIC ASSUMPTION OF ARTS (Leano, R. and Agtani, which it is created. It's subjective nature makes art's
J., 2018) only measurable quality is whether or not it exists.
Assumption is a thing that is accepted as true Example "beauty is the eye of the beholder"
or as certain to happen, without proof. It is meaning, every individual has his/her own perception
something that you accept as true without question and/or interpretation about the subject. It would
or proof. Many assumption has been written about never be the same for every individual.
arts and some of these are: APPENDIX B
A. Art has been created by all people at all times, in THE NATURE OF ART
all countries and it lives because its well-liked and
enjoyed. Naturally, arts linger on particularly if it is 1. Art is a diverse range of human activities in
popular and loved by the people. Example, the works creating visual, auditory or performing art works
and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal and the movie, The Ten expressing the author's imaginative or technical skill,
Commandments. intended to be appreciated for their beauty or
expressional power. In their most general form these
B. Art involves experience. In order to experience activities include the production of works of art, the
something, you have to make use of your five senses. criticism of art, the study of history of art, and
There can never be appreciation of art without having aesthetic written dissemination of art.
experienced it.
2. Art represents reality. Representation is the use of
C. Art is not nature. Nature is not art. Art is made by signs that stand in for and take the place of
man and nature by God. However, nature can be something else. It is through representation that
enhanced by man. The enhanced beauty and artistry people organize the world and reality through the act
of nature, then, can be classified as an art. of naming its elements. Signs are arranged in order to
D. Art is cultural. Art is a work of humans and form semantic constructions and expressed relations.
anything that has been created by humans is part of Art represents reality, since it is often depicting
culture. Art becomes cultural when it depicts people's objects or scenes from the world. An artwork can
way of life, religious practices, mores and traditions, depict a scene such as cafe or restaurant, or a park or
etc. garden. So, there is a sense in which art represents
the mind the mind's eye or what the imagination
E. Art is a form of creation. Art is something that is perceives.
created with imagination and skill that is beautiful or
that expresses important ideas or feelings (Meriam 3. Art is an expression. The expression containing the
Webster). As it is said, human is the creator of art. No form is an attempt to translate the unnamed and the
art can be created without human which, in turn, unknown. Intrinsic to our existence as humans is our
uses his/her imagination and creativity to produce quest to create meaning, and art allows the process
art. According to the world's most basic definition, an to take place. Making meaning involves
artist is simply a person who creates art. understanding our its surroundings and marking our
4. Art serves as the means of communication of new thing in response to a sense of need. The very
emotion. The purpose of works of art may be need itself creates, working through man as its agent.
communicate political, spiritual, or philosophical
ideas, to create a sense of beauty, to explore the
nature of perception, for pleasure, or to generate THE FUNCTIONS OF ART (Yagyagan, Daniel, et. al.,
strong emotions. Art is an act of expressing feelings, 1986
thoughts, and observation of human conditions. A
fundamental purpose common to most art forms is Art has a great number of different functions
the underlying intention to appeal to, and connect throughout its history, making its purpose difficult to
with, human emotion. abstract or quantify to a single concept. This does not
imply that the purpose of art is "vague" but that is
5. Art matters. the arts matter because they allow us has had many unique, different reasons for being
to express ourselves and illustrate the world around created. Some of the functions of art maybe grouped
us in a different light, helping us to gain according to those which are non-motivated and
understanding of people and society, and give hope those which are motivated.
while living in this world. Art matters because it
illustrates the human experiences. Non-motivated Functions of Art

The non-motivated purposes of art are those that are

integral to being human transcend the individual or
6. Art is universal. Literally, art can be found in every do not fulfill a specific external purpose. Aristotle has
corner of the world. Art is everywhere and it is said, "Imitation, then, is one instinct of nature". In
embedded into the way of life of the people. this sense, art, as creativity is something that humans
Exclusivity is out of bounds when we speak of arts must do by their very nature (i.e. no other species
because because it is for everyone. Art is that true creates art) and is therefore beyond utility.
Esperanto, an article international language, the one
form of culture that is genuinely beyond national
limitations. Art knows no barriers; not even language
Naturally, individuals had this basic human
is a barrier in understanding it. Example foreign arts
instinct for harmony, balance and rhythm. And art at
are displayed in museums throughout the world,
this level is neither an action nor an object, rather an
paintings such as the Mona Lisa Sistine Chapel, and
internal appreciation of balance and harmony
photos of well-known places medley viewed we have
(beauty) and therefore an aspect of being beyond
also some foreign performers performing in the
-"Imitation then, is in nature one's instinct.
7. Art is creation. It is the combination of already
Secondly, there is the instinct for "harmony and
existing materials elements into new forms which
rhythm", "harmony and rhythm", meters being
become the realization of a preconceived idea. Both
manifestly sections or rhythm. An individual, thus,
hut and picture rose in the imagination of their
starts with his natural gift and developed further by
makers before they took shape of things. The
degrees of one's special aptitude, till their rude
material of each was given already in nature; but the
improvisation gave birth to poetry". (Aristotle)
form, as the maker fashioned it, was new. In its
essence and widest compass art is the making of a
with a way to experience ourselves in relation to the
universe. This experience may often come Painting is taken literally in the practice of
applying pigment suspended in a carrier (or medium)
unmotivated, as we appreciate art, music and poetry.
and a binding agent (a glue) to a surface (support)
Motivated Functions of Art such as paper, canvas or a wall. Painting is also used
to express spiritual motif and ideas, sites of this kind
The purposes of art are motivated refers to of painting range from artwork depicting
intentional, conscious, actions on the part of the mythological figures on pottery.
artistic or creator. This could bring about political
change, to comment on an aspect of society, to C. PRINTMAKING
convey a specific emotion specific emotion or mood,
to address personal psychology to illustrate another Printmaking is creating for artistic purposes
an image on a matrix which is then transferred to a
discipline, to sell a product or simply as a form of
communication. two dimensional (flat) surface by means of ink (or
another form of pigmentation). Historically, the major
APPENDIX A. techniques (also called media) involved are woodcut
lie engraving, etching, lithography and screen-printing
CLASSIFICATIONS OF VISUAL ARTS (Leano, 2018) (serigraphy, silk screening) including modern digital

-- no perspective at all, they are simply flat, two- D. PHOTOGRAPHY

dimensional objects or designs and do not pretend to Photography is a process of making pictures
be anything more. by means of the action of light. Light patterns
-- make no pretense at being more than something reflected or emitted from objects are recorded into a
drawn or painted on a flat surface. Most craft designs sensitive medium storage chip through a timed
on the surfaces of buildings usually are meant to be, exposure. The process is done through mechanical,
however attractive, nothing more than a flat or nearly chemical or digital devices known as cameras. The
flat image. words come from the Greek word phos means
"drawing with light" or representation by means of
A. DRAWING lines or drawing. The term "image" has begun to
replace photograph.
Drawing is a means of making an image, using
any of a wide variety of tools and techniques. It is E. MOSAIC
generally involves making marks on a surface by
applying pressure from a tool or moving a tool across Mosaic art was an important feature of
a surface using dry media such graphic pencils, pen Byzantine churches. Mosaic art is related to painting
and ink, inked brushes, wax color pencils, crayons, only because it creates pictures on flat surfaces.
charcoals, pastels and marker. Digital tools which Mosaics are wall or floor decorations made of small
stimulate the effects of these, are also used. The cubes or irregularly cut pieces of colored stone or
main technique is used in drawing are: line drawing, glass called tesserae. These are fitted together to
hatching, cross hatching, and random hatching, form a pattern and glued on a surface with plaster or
scribbling, stippling and blending. cement.

Stained glass developed as a major art when -- Perspective in them is created,

it appeared as an important part of the Gothic
-- the propositions of their parts look exactly like in
cathedral. It served many purposes. Stained-glass
windows admitted the much-needed light that was real life, an example is a statue that's look like six-foot
statue of human. This kind of perspective is, then,
missing from the Romanesque churches. By doing
this, they enlivened the otherwise tomblike interiors simply a real or natural perspective.
and introduced a bright and warm atmosphere. They A. SCULPTURE
were also a means of religious instruction, depicting
scenes from the Bible and from the lives of the saints. A work of sculpture is a three-dimensional
form constructed to represent a natural or imaginary
G. TAPESTRY shape. It can be free-standing, carved in relief,
The walls of palaces, castles, and chapels in kinetic.
Europe were decorated in the Middle Ages with Free-standing sculpture, or sculpture in the round, is
hangings called tapestries. These hangings added one which can seen from more than one position.
color to the drab interiors and also served to retain in
the room whatever heat was generated from the Examples: The statues of saints in our churches
Bas relief. The figures of relief sculpture project from
Tapestries are fabrics into which colored a flat background. When the forms are slightly raised,
designs have been woven. In making tapestry, the the sculpture is called a bas relief.
weaver closely follows a pattern, the actual size of
Examples: Coins, Medals
the finished tapestry, which is placed under the warp
threads on the loom. A shuttle is employed to weave High relief sculptures are those whose figures
each color thread used as weft over the area where project to the extent of one half their thickness or
the color appears in the pattern. more, so that they are almost round.
H. COMPUTER ART Mobiles, a kind of kinetic sculpture, are made
of strips of metal, glass, wood, or plastic, arranged
Visual artist are no longer limited to
with wires and hung where they can move. Mobiles
traditional art media computer which may enhance
are usually associated with Alexander Calder who first
visual art from ease of rendering or capturing, to
created them the 1930's.
editing, exploring, multiple compositions and printing
including 3D printing. Computer art played a role in
production or display of the artwork. Such art can be
an image, sound, animation, video, CD ROM, DVD- B. ARCHITECTURE
ROM, video game, website, algorithm, performance
 The term architecture refers to a process, a
or gallery installation. Computer art is beginning to
profession or documentation.
appear in art museum exhibits.
 As a process, architecture is the activity of
designing and constructing buildings and other
physical structures by a person or a compute,
primarily to provide shelter. A wide definition the allotted space for convenience and ease of
often includes the design of the total built movement.
environment, from the macro levels as to how a
building integrates with its surrounding
landscape like city planning, urban design and - enhancement of land: the enhancement of the
landscape architecture to the micro level of appearance of land, especially around buildings, by
architectural or construction details sometimes altering its contours and planting trees, shrubs, and
furniture. flowers
 As a profession, architecture is the role of those - garden design: the profession of designing or
persons or machines providing architectural creating gardens by combining plants and other
services. features to produce a pleasing overall effect
 As for documentation, architecture defines the A building does not exist in a world of its
structure and or behavior of a building or any own. It must be harmoniously related to its natural
other kind of system that is to be or has been setting as well as to the other buildings in the area.
constructed. Thus, most architects are much concerned about the
planning and utilization of the spaces between and
Architects have primarily object providing for
the spatial and shelter needs of people in groups of around these buildings. This involves the arts of
landscaping and environmental planning.
some kind (families, schools, churches, business etc.)
by the creative organization of materials and The landscape artist makes use of the terrain
components in a land or city space, dealing with as his basic medium, along with the sand, rocks,
mass, space, form, volume, texture, structure, light, water, and growing plants found on it. Occasionally,
shadow, materials, program and pragmatic elements he gives artificial forms to trees and shrubbery by
such as cost, construction, limitations and pruning and shaping them to blend structurally with
technology. the architecture. Sometimes he adds such
C. INTERIOR DESIGN embellishments, as fountains, pools, lanterns, and
benches, depending on the desires of his clients.
A well-designed interior should cap the
architect's work of providing his client with a Landscape design is determined by many
factors. Among them are site and size of the building:
comfortable place to live and work in.
the building's relationship to other rig buildings in the
Interior design is concerned with the area; the. topography, or the nature of the terrain;
selection of space and furnishings to transform an amount of privacy desired, which would determine
empty shell of a building building into a livable area. the height and the fence needed; the soil and the
The interior designer works with such articles as climate of the area, which would influence the choice
pieces of furniture, appliances, fixtures, draperies, and arrangement of plants; and the embellishments
and rugs with an eye for texture and color that would the owner wants to include in his lot.
bring about both unity and variety in the place. With
the tastes and the needs of the occupants in mind, he
selects furnishings on the basis of use,
appropriateness, and beauty, and organizes them in
E. CRAFTSMAKING Types of Artist

Crafts are as old as human history. Originally A. The Visual Artists

fulfilling utilitarian purposes, they are now a means of
1. An architect designs and constructs buildings and
producing objects of intrinsic aesthetic appeal.
Among the earliest basic crafts are basketry, weaving, other physical structures primarily to provide shelter.
and pottery. Nearly every craft now practiced can be 2. A designer studies fashion trends, sketches designs
traced back many hundreds or even thousands of of clothing and accessories, and selects colors and
years. fabrics. He creates dresses, suits, shoes, and other
In many parts of the world crafts are still accessories.
produced as they have been for centuries; Chinese 3. A painter applies paint, pigment, color. sand, clay,
basketry and Indonesian batik are examples. In the scraps of paper and other mediums to surfaces such
southern Appalachian highlands of the United States, as a wall, paper. canvas, wood, or glass to form an
basketry and woven goods are made today by much art.
the same methods used by the original settlers of the
region; the federal government has made grants to 4. A photographer controls the camera and lens to
support such traditional work. "expose" the light recording material (such as film) to
the required amount of light to form a "latent image"
Throughout the world, museums of (on film) or "raw file" (in digital cameras) which, after
ethnography rely on exhibits of indigenous crafts and appropriate processing, is converted to a usable
artisanry to document the development of various image.
cultures; art museums with archaeological collections
frequently supplement their displays of formal art 5. A sculptor shapes and re-shapes various mediums
objects by showing examples of related folk crafts. In such as wood, stone, metal, glass to form his
addition, special museums of folk art and of crafts masterpiece.
have been established to preserve and display
examples of traditional crafts.
B. The Performing Artists

1. An actor or actress acts in a dramatic production

and who works in film. television, theatre, or radio in
that capacity. S/he interprets a dramatic character.

2. A composer writes an original composition for

theatre, tv, radio, film, computer games and other
areas where music is needed.

3. A dancer expresses ideas, stories, rhythm, and

sound with his body. She/He works in musical shows,
opera, musical comedy, television, poetry. movies,
and music videos.

4. An instrumentalist plays musical instrument.

5. A singer uses the voice to produce music. He is

often accompanied by musicians and instruments.

C. The Literary Artists

1. An essayist is one who writes compositions about

any particular subject.

2. A novelist writes a long work of written fiction that

basically involves many characters and tells a
complex story by placing the characters in a number
of different situations.

3. A poet displays imaginative power and beauty of

thought and language, as well as eloquence of
expression through poetry.

4. A playwright, also known as a dramatist writes

dramatic literature or drama. It may be written
specifically to be performed by actors or it may be a
closet drama or a literary work written using dramatic
forms but not meant for performance.

5. A scriptwriter prepares scripts for commercials,

soap operas, comedies, and dramas that appear on
television, in films, and on stage.

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