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Strategic Human Resources [2022]

with Catherine Mattice

HR Audit
Compliance Driven Solution-Focused HR Strategic HR Integrated HR
Offering services as the Following best practices Aligning with business and Driving decisions with data
need arises seeing employees as assets and insight


• Is there an HR resource for the • Is HR relied upon for advice • Is HR seen as a champion for • Is a member of the HR team part of
organization’s HR needs? related to personnel issues? employees? the executive team?

• Does HR conduct a salary • Does HR conduct an annual or • Does at least one member of HR
survey each year? biannual employee engagement attend strategic planning meetings
survey? with top leadership?
• Does HR have a focus on risk
management? • Does HR participate in creating • Is HR seen as an agent who drives
plans to build engagement? change?
• Does HR participate in labor
relations and negotiations? • Do employees understand how • Is HR part of developing and carrying
their job contributes to out key business processes?
• Does HR have basic systems in
organizational success?
place to ensure talent • Do functional business units rely
management practices are • Does HR have business partners on and trust HR to lead the people
manageable? with dedicated support for strategy?
functional work units/divisions?
• Does the organization tap into
• Does HR play a role in proactively and leverage people management
managing risk for the organization? technology infrastructure?

• Does HR actively provide leadership • Does the organization focus on and

for labor relations and negotiations? give HR resources to be an “employer
of choice” or a great place to work?
• Does HR follow industry trends in
HR, as well as in specific industry? • Are talent management practices
well integrated (hiring, onboarding,
• Does HR have an integrated
developing, retaining, promoting,
technology infrastructure?
retiring) into functional work units/

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• Does HR support development • Does HR use recruiting best • Does HR use metrics (for example, • Are metrics used to make business
of job descriptions and job practices instead of simply posting percentage of jobs filled from decisions?
requisitions? job postings? within, percentage of jobs filled
• To what extent have we adopted a
from different recruiting avenues,
• Does HR screen candidates? • Are we posting marketing-like competency model as a basis for
time to fill)?
job ads (that is, instead of job hiring, promoting, and developing
• Does HR provide guidance on employees?
descriptions)? • Does HR know future staffing
safeguarding against accusations
needs based on the organization’s
of harassment or discrimination in • Do we consider job restructuring or • What future staffing needs did we
strategic plan?
the interview and hiring process? other options before recruiting? discover as we participated in
• What are the gaps hindering creating the business’ strategic plan?
• Is there a method for interviews • Do we train interviewers on how to
organizational growth?
that is followed by all involved in best conduct an interview? • Is there a succession planning
hiring? • Do we have a strategic plan for program in place?
• What is the turnover rate? Are some
• Is the recruitment, screening, and departments higher than others? • What are the gaps hindering
selection process documented? Why? Is it in line with industry • Do we have and execute a strategy organizational growth and how
standards? If not, why? How can it for employer branding? do we solve them?
• Does HR assist the final authority
be improved?
to decide who is hired? • What is our employer brand? • What is the ROI on our recruiting
• Do recruiting methods encourage a automation programs and
• Is pay fair and consistent, and is it • What recruiting automation do we
diverse pool of applicants? processes?
on par with industry standards? have in place?
• Do we ask interview questions that • Do we have an employer branding
• Are references checked? • How do we measure the success of
address culture fit? program in place, and do we
our recruiting processes?
• Are conversations documented? measure ROI in terms of turnover
• Do we offer career pathing in order and employee satisfaction?
• Once the decision for hiring is
to promote from within?
made, does HR contact the
candidate and how? • Do core competencies include core
values, and do we ask questions
about those competencies turned
values in interviews?

New Hire Process

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• Who generates new hire paperwork? • What is the orientation process • Do we have metrics in place for • Are metrics used to make
Are new hire forms and brochures and agenda? time to proficiency, self-efficacy, business decisions?
provided in compliance with federal retention rate, etc.?
• Do we include more welcoming • Do we measure training
and state laws?
information than just a new hire • Do we have a mentor program in effectiveness and ROI?
• Is there a new hire probationary letter? What else is included to place that includes training for
• Are staff and managers made
period? enculturate a new employee? mentors?
aware of the onboarding program
• Is the contact person for questions • What kind of training do new hires • What is the onboarding process? and their accountability to its
clearly defined for new hires? go through? Who provides it? Who Is it clear and defined? success?
documents it?
• Are we making all proper notifications • Does the onboarding process last • Are department heads rewarded
of new hires (for example, state • What could we do to make easing at a minimum six months? for meeting set new hire goals (for
departments, payroll, IT)? Is this into the job better? example, training, production)
• Do managers and HR partners work
process streamlined?
together to ensure a positive • Is onboarding measured against
onboarding experience? turnover?

• Do we measure new hire, manager, • Is a new hire seen as cause for

and team satisfaction with celebration or stress?
• Are expectations for job
• How many hours do new hires performance clear upon hiring?
spend in training?

Compensation, Benefits, and Total Rewards

• Are salary ranges established? How? • Are merit increases tied to • Do we have metrics in place to • Are metrics used to make business
performance evaluations? measure how compensation, decisions?
• Is sick and vacation time offered
benefits, and total rewards affects
and in compliance with federal • Are compensation levels fair and • How is compensation tied into our
recruitment, turnover, and
and state laws? consistent and internally equitable company culture, mission, vision,
across the organization? and values?
• Are required insurance benefits
• Do we have a total rewards
provided and explained to • Are salary allocations periodically • Are merit increases and incentives
communication/marketing plan
employees? reviewed for competitiveness and tied to performance?
that is measured for success?
• Are the eligibility requirements for • Is HR facilitating employee
• Are benefits and other perks for
benefits programs communicated to • Is paid time off or vacation time competencies that are rewarded
employees periodically evaluated
employees in a timely manner? consistent with industry standards? and that result in organization’s
for recruitment and retention
ability to achieve its objectives?
• Do we offer retirement plans? purposes?

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• Do we offer paid holidays? • Are procedures and technology in • Are benefits in line with employee • Do employees take accountability
place to track and monitor leave needs? Do we measure that? What for managing and understanding
• Is time off calculated and managed else can we provide that they can their benefits packages?
usage and time off?
(for example, sick, PTO, vacation get excited about?
time)? • Does HR communicate intentionally
about compensation, merit increases, • Can employees contribute their
• Are there eligibility requirements for time off to other employees who
and bonuses across the organization?
PTO or vacation time? need it?
• Is our health insurance contribution
• Is there a cap to PTO or vacation? If • What proportion of merit pay is
in line with industry standards? Or
so, do we have a process in place for based on formal performance
standards from within our local
monitoring it? appraisals?
• How do we handle PTO or vacation • What is our current percentile
• Do we have an employee portal to
time at the end of the year (for ranking for total compensation
give employees access to pay and
example, roll over or must use)? and rewards?
benefit information?
How is this process managed?
• Are employees aware of and
• What is the process for requesting understanding about their
time off? Who approves the request? compensation package?
Is it documented?

• Does HR manage retirement

accounts and other benefits after
an employee leaves?

• Do we offer bonuses and, if so, does

HR play a role in managing them?

• Are nonexempt employees

receiving the right breaks and
mealtimes? How is this managed?

• Do we contribute toward health

insurance coverage and, if so, what

Training, Development, and Motivation

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• Are employees provided with • What is the average length of time • Are training learning objectives tied • Do we use metrics to make business
enough training to perform their someone works in the organization to performance-based rewards? decisions?
jobs effectively? before being given the opportunity
• Do we measure behavior change • Do we have a talent management
to move up, or at least to achieve
• Do job relevant training after training programs? Can the strategy in place? Does it incorporate
stretch goals?
opportunities exist for impact on the business, or return on succession planning and are
employees? • How much do we spend annually on investment (ROI), be demonstrated competencies embedded in talent
training and performance? for learning events? development?
• Do we keep track of training
attendance records? • Are formal training and development • Do we ensure managers and • Are career paths clear and navigable
programs made available to all supervisors know how to create by all staff (including managers)?
levels? If so, what are they? an environment that supports
• Do we measure and know ROI of
learning events?
• Do we measure employee response training and development programs?
to training programs? • Are managers trained to follow Do we measure programs against
through on learning objectives and business outcomes?
• Do programs promoting employee
carry out additional training as
wellness exist? • Are employee engagement survey
results tied to organizational
• Do programs recognizing employee performance?
• How do we excel in our health
accomplishments or milestones exist?
benefits and wellness programs?
• Are we a learning organization?
• Do advancement opportunities and What areas could we improve upon?
promotional pathways exist for • Do employees understand our
• How can employees become more
employees? competitive strategy and
involved in building our wellness
operational goals?
programs? Has it become part of
the organizational culture? • Do evaluation and compensation
practices seek out and reward
knowledge creation and sharing?

• Are we helping to develop necessary

leadership competencies? Were
those competencies developed in
conjunction with the organization’s
strategic plan?

Performance Management

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• Does HR play a role in evaluating • Are performance evaluation forms • Do we have metrics in place • Do we use metrics to make business
and measuring performance? reviewed and updated regularly? (for example, absence rate per decisions?
manager, number of units
• Do managers or supervisors meet • Is HR involved in monitoring the • What is the extent to which the
produced, voluntary turnover rate
with their employees at least once performance management of average employee can describe
of high and low performers)?
per month to touch base? deficient employees? the organization’s strategic goals
• Are managers trained to utilize and how their role assists in
• Do we have a step-disciplinary • Is the instrument used useful achievement of those goals?
performance evaluation tools and
procedure in place? Does it provide and valid?
address performance deficiencies
an opportunity to skip steps and • What is the percentage of minority
• Is discipline applied uniformly and in staff?
move directly to termination if promotions?
consistently across all levels?
needed? • Do supervisors and managers
• What percentage of the workforce
• How involved in disciplinary spend appropriate amounts of
• Who makes the final approval for is promotable?
conversations is HR? effort and time coaching their
employee termination?
teams for performance? • What is the percentage of retention
• How are good performance and of high-performing employees?
• Is the exit paperwork and final
accomplishments acknowledged • Is the focus of performance
paycheck provided to employees
and rewarded? Is this done by management what is going well, • How quickly do new hires become
compliant with federal and state laws?
managers or as an organization- rather than what is not working? high-functioning team members?
• Are the circumstances surrounding wide process unified across
• When performance is suffering, do • What percentage of planned
terminations kept confidential? all levels?
managers and supervisors provide development opportunities are
• Who is responsible for the resources and SMART goals for accomplished?
communication around an improvement? How and where is
that documented? • What is employee turnover by
employee termination?
performance level?
• Do we perform exit interviews? • Do we have a reward system for high
performers to include incentives or • Are rewards structured to foster
promotional pathways? leadership behavior?

• What is the change in performance • Are people rewarded for

appraisal ratings over time? What demonstrating the core values
are the changes attributed to? of the organization?

• Are employees growing toward


• Are employees satisfied with

advancement opportunities,
compensation, etc.?

• Do people know the core values?

• Do we perform stay interviews?

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Documentation and Compliance

• Who manages personnel files? • Are job descriptions reviewed on a • Is the policy handbook written in
Are items stored in compliance consistent basis? How often? a tone that matches our corporate
with federal and state laws? culture?
• How do we document training and
• Is the process for documenting professional development? • Do we have an internal auditing
time off, vacation, sick time, etc., process for proper records
• How do we document performance
in compliance with federal and retention?
state law?
• Do we seek competitive bids
• What is the process for updating and
• Does HR hold interview notes, for our payroll service provider
communicating corporate policies?
resumes, and personnel files for each year?
required periods of time? • Is the corporate policy handbook
up to date?
• Does HR document receipt of
updated corporate policies and • Has an attorney reviewed and
other types of communications? approved our policy handbook?
• Are mandated posters updated in • Are we in compliance with required
all locations? Does HR ensure safety training?
updated posters are available at
all times? • Is a cost-efficient payroll process
• Are we compliant with all state and
federal laws (ADA, Title VII, FMLA, • Are we using our payroll service
OSHA, etc.)? provider to the fullest extent in
terms of services they offer?
• Do we document injuries and
illnesses on the job? • Are documents, policies, and
procedures available to employees
• Do we have all of the appropriate online or in some type of eformat?
insurance (employment practices
liability, etc.)?

• Are we filing state and federal tax


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