Résumé TOR
Résumé TOR
Résumé TOR
Is the Tor network the only way to remain anonymous on the internet?
Does the Tor network really keep the anonymity of its users and is not hazardous to use it?
TOR is a network which is constituted of nodes (like the proxys) which are created by internet users.
The goal is to transport IP packets anonymously to a destination. All these nodes allow to secure the
anonymity for the communications.
The routing:
The routing mode used is in charge of the anonymization of connections. In fact, a random path is
chosen among the Tor nodes before arriving at the destination server. The packet will be routed
through several nodes, that will increase the difficulty for the identification of the connection
source. Each Tor node used by a packet transiting via the Tor server only knows the previous and the
next nodes. It doesn’t know the full path taken by the packet sent by the user.
Source 1
Ledune Kévin - Iacolina Nicolas
The encryption:
The encryption is the second method to protect our private live, so our anonymity.
The first method is basic: Before the packet is sent, the client collects each public key node of circuit
and encrypt the as follows:
=> the package is encrypted with the public key of the node that precedes the server.
=>The package got is encrypted with the public key of n-1 relay.
This method does not allow an element to decrypt the transmitted message. When the first server
receives the package, it can decrypt a part of the package with its private key. However, the content
of package is always encrypted because other layers encapsulate the initial data. Finally, the last
node decrypts the last layer before sending the data to the server.
The second method is a Deffie-Hellman negotiation: the goal is to create a symmetric key between
the client and each node. The client performs a negotiation with each node. To have a symmetric
key, a number sequence of the client and the node must be assembled. The client will encrypt the
first part of the negotiation with the public key of the node. This one will decrypt the message with
his private key, add that part of the negotiation and encrypt the message with the public key of the
client. The client decrypts the message and the symmetric key is created.
Source 2
Tor ensures the anonymity but not the strict data privacy, that is the real problem of Tor network.
The Tor network is not the only way to keep the anonymity on the internet, there are two other
ways namely the proxy server and the VPN.
Ledune Kévin - Iacolina Nicolas
The Proxy server is a server which acts as an intermediary between your computer and Internet.
When the computer will do a request on Internet, it will transmit it to server and the server will
transmit it to Internet.
Thanks to the proxy server, when we are surfing on the internet, it’s not the IP address of the
computer user which is recognized but the one of the proxy server.
Inconvenients :
Despite the proxy server allows to keep the anonymity it also owns some constraints as for example,
a slower response time, not always compatible with website (impossible to connect to a website).
Moreover, it can record the data which flow between the user’s computer and the website. So, it’s
hazardous to use the proxy server for the confidentiality.
A VPN consists in using the Internet as a transmission medium using a tunnelling protocol enabling
secure transfer of data from one end of the VPN
The principle is to build a virtual path after identifying the issuer and the recipient. The data are
secured by an encryption algorithm. The word “tunnel” is used because the data are encrypted and
protected between the entrance and the exit of VPN.
The customer sets a secure connection with the server which propose the VPN service. This one,
connects on internet with its IP address. So, the user’s IP address doesn’t appear on the internet.
Through this project, we realize that the Tor network is a good way to remain anonymous. However,
the total anonymity doesn’t exist on the internet. We just can make the identification more difficult.
Moreover, while browsing the Tor network, we can be surrounded by cybercriminals who used the
Tor network for other quite frightening reasons (for example: terrorism, hacking, frauds,..). In fact, if
a malware enters our computer, it will collect all our data easily. At this moment, there would not be
anonymity. Consequently, we think that to anonymize a connection, there are several less hazardous
ways than the TOR network as the VPN.
Ledune Kévin - Iacolina Nicolas
Bibliographie :
Source 1 : https://www.xmco.fr/actu-secu/XMCO-ActuSecu-Janvier2008.pdf