Leadership - Big Five Model
Leadership - Big Five Model
Leadership - Big Five Model
(1)Traits and Personality Traits are distinguishing personal characteristics, while a personality is a
combination of traits that classifies an individuals behavior.
(3)Personality Profiles identify individual stronger and weaker traits. They are used to ensure a proper
match between the worker and the job. They are also used to categorize people as a means of
predicting job success.
Dominance – Wants to be in charge. Not overly bossy or bullying. Affects all other traits.
High Energy – Drive, hard work, stamina, persistence. Tolerate stress well
Self-confidence – trust own judgements, decisions, ideas, capabilities. Related to effectiveness and
Locus of control – Internal Locus of Control refers to belief in the control of your own destiny. External
Locus of Control regers to beliefs in fate, luck, etc.
Stability – Emotionally in control, secure, positive. Associated with managerial effectiveness and
Intelligence – Ability to think critically, solve problems and make decisions. It’s the best predictor of job
Emotional Intelligence – Self awareness, being conscious of your own emotions and how they affect
your personal and professional life. Social awareness, the ability to understand others. Self
management, the ability to control disruptive emotions. Relationship management, the ability to work
well with others.
Flexibility – change, adjust to changes. The ability to influence others about change.
Sensitivity – understand group members as individuals, communicate well, people centered. Requires
(5)Leadership Attitudes are positive or negative feelings about people, things, and issues. Job attitudes
and performance are perhaps the two most central sets of consructs in individual level organizational
analysis research.
(6)Leadership Attitudes:
Theory X and Theor Y – Attempt to explain and predict leadership behavior and performance based on
the leader’s attitude about followers.
Theory X attitude: Employees dislike work and must be closely supervised. Managers display
more coercive, autocratic leadership and use external means of control, such as threats and
Theory Y attitude: Employees like to work and do not need to be closely supervised. Managers
display more participative leadership and use internal motivation and rewards (e.g. pride in your
work, feelings of respect from supervisors, personal growth, gaining more trust, doing work that
is enjoyable, feeling of accomplishment, learning something new, expanding competence).
Pygmalion effect – Proposes that leaders’ attitudes toward and expectations of followers, and their
treatment of them, explain and predict followers’ behavior and performance.
Self-concept – Refers to the positive or negative attitudes people have about themselves. Self-efficacy is
the belief in one’s own capability to perform in a specific situation. Both are colsely related to self
confidence, the belief that one can be successful.
(8)Ethics are standards of right and wrong that influence behavior. Business ethics and ethics codes
guide and constrain everyday business conduct.
(9)Personality Traits, Attitudes and Etchics:
Moral deveopment refer to understanding right from wrong and choosing to do the right thing, There
are three levels of moral development:
(11)The Situation and Ethics – People are more likely to act unethically in highly competitive situations;
unsupervised situations; when there is no formal ethics policy; when unethical behavior is not punished
or is rewarded.
Diffusion of responsibility – Using the unethical behavior with no one person being held responsible
Disregard or distortion of consequences – Minimizing the harm caused by the unethical behavior
Attribution of blame – Claiming the unethical behavior was caused by someone else’s behavior
Euphemistic labeling – Using “cosmetic” words to make the behavior sound acceptable
Courage! An ethically courageous leader must focus on a higher purpose, draw strength from others,
take risks without fear of failure, use frustration and anger for good, take action to stop unethical