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In this section of the test you will have the chance to show how well you understand
spoken English. There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part.

PART I. PICTURES. Questions 1 to 3.

Directions: There are three items in this part. For each item, you will see a picture
on your test paper and you will hear four short statements. The
statements will be spoken TWICE. They will not be printed on your test
paper, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.
When you hear the four statements, look at the picture on your test
paper and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the
picture. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question
and mark your answer.

Look at the sample below. Now listen to the four statements:

Sample Answer:

Statement (D), “The children are participating in the

lesson”, best describes what you see in the picture.
Therefore, you should choose answer (D).

Now let’s begin with the picture marked number one (1) on your test



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Directions: There are four items in this part of the test. For each item, you will
hear a question or statement spoken in English followed by four
responses, also spoken in English. They will be spoken TWICE. They
will not be printed on your test paper, so you must listen carefully to
understand what the speakers say. You are to choose the best response
to each question or statement and mark it on your answer sheet.

Now listen to a sample question.

You will hear : Sample Answer:
You will also hear : A B C D

The best response to the question, “When should I call back?” is choice (C),
“Anytime after lunch is fine.” Therefore you should choose answer (C).

Now let’s begin with question number four (4) on your test paper.
4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.


Directions: There are four items in this part of the test. For each item you will hear
a short conversation between two people. You will hear the
conversations TWICE. They will not be printed on your test paper, so
you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. On your
test paper, you will read a question about each conversation. The
question will be followed by four answers. You are to choose the best
answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.

Now, let’s begin with question number eight (8) on your test paper.

8. What does the man want to do?

A. Learn to make diamonds
B. Buy a gift for his wife
C. Get his money back
D. Choose a necklace
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9. What information does the woman offer to give the man?
A. Her salary
B. Interest rates
C. A verification code
D. Her account number

10. Why do the projects run late?

A. Time escapes them.
B. The staffs like to work lazily.
C. There is too much to discuss.
D. Everyone wants to go home late.

11. How does the man feel about today’s topic meeting?
A. He doesn’t like it.
B. He is very excited.
C. He is quite confused.
D. He doesn’t understand it.

PART IV.SHORT TALKS. Questions 12 to 15.

Directions: In this part of the test you will hear two short talks. Each will be
spoken TWICE. They will not be printed on your test paper, so you
must listen carefully to understand and remember what is said. On your
test paper, you will read two or more questions about each short talk.
Each question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the
best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.

Now let’s begin with the following short talk.

12. What did the speaker say about the business hours?
A. December is fully closed.
B. The schedule is renewed.
C. It will be open on weekends.
D. There is no currency transaction.

13. When can stocks and bonds be bought and sold?

A. From 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
B. From 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
C. In January only.
D. On weekends.

14. What is the information about?

A. A rule in entering a building
B. A change in the operation hours
C. Important news for special visitors
D. New problems faced by the hospitals

15. How long will the special situation be in effect?

A. During lobby improvement.
B. From 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

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C. From 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
D. For one week.


In this part of the test you will have the chance to show how well you understand written
English. There are four parts to this section, with special directions for each part.

PART V. Directions: From questions 16 – 24,four clauses/sentences, marked

(A), (B), (C), or (D), are given beneath each incomplete
dialog. Choose the one clause/sentence that best completes
the dialog. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of
the question and mark your answer.

16. Andi : Do you think it’s wrong to hunt animals for sport, Ben?
Beno : ... Besides it’s cruel, it will make them vanished.
Andi : I think you are right, Ben.
A. I disagree.
B. I don’t think so.
C. I don’t know why.
D. I couldn’t agree more.

17. Salsa : Andy, drive me to the hospital, please.

Yusuf : Why are you so hurrying? What’s the matter?
Salsa : My father got a heart attack. …
A. I have to take him home.
B. I need to check him there.
C. I must call my father, first.
D. I shouldn’t care about my father.

18. Kiki : So, tell me a little about your brother? What does he do?
Riana : He works as a computer specialist.
Kiki : Really? What is his main activity?
Riana :….
A. He will create new computer program
B. He repairs and maintains computer
C. He is programming computer
D. He had repaired computer

19. Lisa : I’m having a terrible day. I must have left my purse at home.
Abun : ...?
Lisa : Would you lend me some money?
I need to be at a meeting downtown in 15 minutes.

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I could pay you back tomorrow.
A. Is there anything I can do
B. Will you help me, please
C. Can you give me a hand
D. May I take it back now

20. Irfan : You’ve been acting nervous all day. What’s up?
Mamad : I’m going to go by plane tomorrow.
Irfan :…
Mamad : No, I haven’t. I’ve been worrying about it for weeks.
A. Have you ever been an actor?
B. Have you tried to go far away?
C. Haven’t you ever flown before?
D. Haven’t you been eager to know it?

21. Voice : Hello. How may I help you?

Customer : It’s Gilang here. I ordered a computer unit from your store
yesterday. I just transferedthemoney. ...?
Voice : Well, in about two days, I think. May I know your order number,
A. When will it be delivered
B. When will it be returned
C. When will it be checked
D. When will it be opened

22. Aditya : What do you want for dinner?

Lisnawati : ... I think smoked salmon would be good.
Aditya : What about the drink?
A. I’d like some fish.
B. I like it well-done.
C. I prefer orange juice.
D. I’d rather have some tuna.

23. Rena : Are you going to the post office?

Dian : Yes, I am.
Rena :…
Dian : Not at all.
A. Can I help you mail this letter?
B. Would you mind telling me how far is it?
C. Would you please give my letter to Anita?
D. Would you mind mailing this letter for me?

24. Rizky : Your girlfriend didn’t show up at your birthday party.

Did she know about it?
Tono : I invited her for sure, but … She got backache.
A. she bought a birthday cake.

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B. she was going somewhere.
C. she decided not to come.
D. she didn’t know about it.

PART VI. Directions: Questions 25– 33 are based on short dialogs of certain
situation, such as invitation, daily activity, opinion, etc. Choose
the one best answer, (A), (B), (C), or (D), to each question.
Answer all the questions following each short dialog on the
basis of what is stated or implied in the dialog. Then, on your
answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your

Questions 25 – 27 are based on the following text dialog.

Man : Lovely day, isn’t it?
Woman: It certainly is. It’s just a shame we’re stuck in here behind computers!
Man : You can say that again! Any exciting plans for the weekend?
Woman: Yes, my husband and I want to take the kids to the seaside. What about you?
Man : Well, I think I’ll visit my mother.

25. What would the woman like to be doing on the weekend?

A. Working on a computer.
B. Taking a sick day.
C. Visiting mother.
D. Swimming.

26. “It’s just a shame we’re stuck in here behind computers!”

The synonym of the underlined word is … .
A. Shy
B. Happy
C. Excite
D. Wonderful

27. What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Friends.
B. Co – workers.
C. Husband and wife.
D. Employee and boss.

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Questions 28 – 30 are based on the following text dialog.

Bryan : What are you doing this weekend, Mamat?

Mamat : I’m not sure yet. Why?
Bryan : Well, my parents are having a barbecue on Sunday.
Would you like to come?
Mamat : Are you sure it’s OK? Your parents don’t know me.
Bryan : Of course. They always like to meet my friends. Some of my sister’s friends
will bethere, too. It’ll be a lot of enjoyment.
Mamat : OK. That sounds nice. Can I bring anything?
Bryan : Oh, no. We already have everything we need.

28. What is the dialog about?

A. Family habits during the weekend
B. Things to prepare for a barbecue
C. A small party at Mamat’shouse
D. An invitation to a barbecue

29. Which people will be attending the event?

A. Mamat’s parents
B. Friends of Bryan’s sister
C. Friends of Bryan’s parents
D. Bryan’s family members only

30. “It’ll be a lot of enjoyment” (line 6)

The underlined word can be replacedwith ... .
A. happiness
B. courses
C. entries
D. plans

Questions 31 – 33 are based on the following text dialog.

Wina : Does the hotel offer a courtesy shuttle from the airport?
Alisa : Yes, we do. Pick – up is from the arrivals at terminal 1.
Wina : Could you reserve us three places? Our flight gets in at 2 p.m.
Alisa : There is no need for that. There’s plenty of room on board, and our service
runs every 20 minutes.

31. What is the purpose of the dialog?

A. To inform about the flight reservation
B. To tell when the flight gets in
C. To check the pick-up service
D. To provide the flight service

32. Based on the dialog, What will hotel officer do to Wina?

A. Arrive early to welcome her
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B. Pick her up at Terminal 1
C. Reserve three places
D. Run in 20 minutes

33. The underlined word in the dialog can be replaced by ... .

A. reserved
B. polite
C. free
D. full

PART VII.Directions: Questions 37– 45 are based on a selection of reading

materials, such as notices, letters, forms,
articles,advertisements, etc. Choose the one best answer, (A),
(B), (C), or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions
following each reading selection on the basis of what is stated
or implied in the selection. Then, on your answer sheet, find the
number of the question and mark your answer.

Questions 34 – 36are based on the following text.

When we talk about railway networks, we will not forget Shinkansen, the most rapid railway in the
world. Shinkansen originally meant new trunk line. It refers to the high – speed rail line network in
Japan. In 1972, the term Shinkansen started to be used, replacing the term super express.
Shinkansen is operated by four Japanese railway companies. They started the project with the
Tokaido Shinkansen, ranging about 515.4 km. Tokaido Shinkansen is listed as the busiest high –
speed rail line in the world, surpassing France’s TGV, which is able to operate at 236 km/h. Every
year Tokaido Shinkansen carries 151 million passengers from Tokyo to Osaka, the two major cities
in Japan.
The company operates thirteen trains every day with sixteen cars each. Each train has 1,323 seats.
The companies may run more trains during the public holiday, especially at a New Year.
Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinkansen

34. What is the topic of the text?

A. The busiest and most rapid rail line in the world.
B. The most modern technology in rail line history.
C. The best time to travel on Shinkansen.
D. How Japan developed Shinkansen.

35. Why is Shinkansen called the busiest rail line in the world?
A. It surpasses the French rail line.
B. It carries millions of people every year.
C. It connects the most important cities in Japan.
D. It is the first high – speed rail line in the world.

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36. “..., surpassing the France’s TGV.” (Paragraph 2). What does the underlined
word mean?
A. Tresspassing.
B. Developing.
C. Exceeding.
D. Increasing.

Questions 37 – 39 are based on the following text.

What do you have for everyday meal? Yes, we have rice for our meal. Do you know how do the
farmers plant the rice? You can learn the following steps to plant rice.

The first step is selecting the seeds. Choose the seeds there are completely dry. These seeds
must have been storage at least 40 to 50 days in the storage.

The second step is seedling the seeds. Prepare the seedbed by hoeing and loosening the soil in
the watering sufficiently in the surface of seedling. Finally spread the seeds.

The following step is cultivating the soil. While you are doing rice seedling, you can hoe the
whole soil for planting. Plow the soil and spread the fertilizer. Mix the fertilizer with the soil
thoroughly to make the soil fertile. Give the water for about 3 cm above the surface of the soil
to make the fertilizer settled in the soil.

The last step is moving the seeds from the seedling to the planting area, pull out the seed
carefully from the seedling and the root of the seed stick some soil.

37. What is the purpose of the text ?

A. To ask to do farmers’ job
B. To instruct to grow seedling
C. To tell to make our everyday meal
D. To tell the procedure of planting rice

38. What should we do after selecting the seeds?

A. Store them in the storage
B. Dry them directly
C. Seedling them
D. Spread them

39. “... plow the soil and spread the fertilizer”.

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ... .
A. loosen
B. plough
C. dry
D. do

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Questions 40 – 42 are based on the following text.
Jl. Teratai 32
Gorontalo 65348

January 17th, 2018

The Major of
Municipality of Surabaya
Jl. Tugu 1

Dear Sir,

I am interested in applying for the position of traffic administrator in your city as I have
learned that the traffic system in Surabaya is among the best in Asia.

I graduated from Brawijaya University Malang majoring in transportation system of the

Civil Engineering and have three years experiences in developing the traffic system in my

I will be happy to meet you at your convenience and discuss how my education and
experience match your needs. You can reach me at 0813 1441 1669.

Yours faithfully,

Henry Mainaki

40. What is the text about?

A. An order letter
B. An application letter
C. A complaint letter
D. A reservation letter

41. What will the Mayor of Municipality of Surabaya probably do after reading the
A. Evaluated the salary offered.
B. Start working at municipality office.
C. Promote Mr. Henry to be a manager.
D. Consider Mr. Henry for an interview.

42. “You can reach me at …” (3rd paragraph). The underlined word has the similar meaning
to … .
A. take
B. send
C. give
D. contact

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Questions 43 – 45 are based on the following text.

Goa Lawah Temple or Bat Cave Temple is one of favorite places of interest in Bali and it is
located near of hilly bank so it is called reef of Middle hill. Goa Lawah Temple is located in
Pasinggahan countryside, Dawan sub district, Klungkung Regency, east part of Bali and about
1,5 hours from Denpasar Town. There is a nature cave at Goa Lawah Temple dwelt by
thousands of tail bat located at north side from Jeroan/center of Goa Lawah Temple. Meanwhile
the main road from Klungkung to Amlapura is just in front of the temple. This cave is apposite
to the beautiful beach with black sand along the coastal area.From the Goa Lawah Temple cave
we see also the beautiful coast with the blue ocean with Nusa Penida Island as a backdrop.

Pursuant to the papyrus of DwiJendraTattwa, the Goa Lawah's name is Goa Lelawah, the name
which is given by DanghyangNirartha (a priest overspread the Hindu teaching in Bali) when he
stop in this place on his TirthaYatra trips. He arrive at a Goa Lawah Temple cave which is a lot
of bats hang on and its unbroken voice clamor as hymn to add the beauty of the cave.
Therefore this cave is named by Goa Lawah Temple. On the above cave is growth by the flower
trees with it’s smelt fragrance and stimulus the peace mind of DanghyangNirartha, so that he
overnight stay for some nights in this place.

43. What is expected from the readers after reading the text?
A. Be aware of the beauty of the beach.
B. Be interested in visiting the object.
C. Understand the history about Bali.
D. Know which place to stay in Bali.

44. What is the second paragraph about?

A. The priest overspread teaching Hindu in Bali.
B. The beauty of the caves around Goa Lawah.
C. The simple route to come to Goa Lawah.
D. The origin of Goa Lawah in brief.

45. “... with Nusa Penida Island as a backdrop.” (1st paragraph, last sentence)
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ... .
A. backchannel
B. backcountry
C. background
D. backpacker

PART VIII.Directions: Questions 46– 50 are based on the following recount text.
Answer all the questions following reading on the basis of what
is stated or implied in the text. Then, on your answer sheet, find
the number of the question and write down your answer.

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Questions 46 – 50are based on the following text

In last December, we were in London for a week. I had heard from my teacher that London
public transportation was very good. He said that The Tube had made London have the best
transportation in the world – every day, a large number of commuters depend on it to go to
their workplace. It was a great time for me to ride it.

My mother and I took the district line from Kensington to Westminster. We boarded the train at
the West Kensington station. The route of The Tube was underground. Nothing much could be
seen except darkness on both sides.

The Tube was moving at an incredibly fast speed. the train coaches were vibrating as it was
going very fast. We passed six stations, Earl’s court, Gloucester Road, South Kensington,
Sloanne square, Victoria and St. James’ Park. The stations were all brightly lit and immaculately
clean. Warning posters could be seen everywhere. The commuters were reminded that no food
or drinks were allowed in the station or trains. These regulations are necessary and good for
the proper maintenance of the place.

The ride was comfortable, interesting and enjoyable. Above all it was hassle – free. There were
no traffic lights and no traffic jams. We got off the train at Westminster station, looking fresh. A
bus ride from Kensington to Westminster would have taken at least 45 minutes or more. By The
Tube, it took us only fifteen minutes.

In Westminster, we enjoyed being in front of the famous Parliament House and the
Westminster Abbey. It was a great moment.

46. What is the purpose of the text?

47. What is the tube?
48. In what station did they get on The Tube?
49. For what purpose is drinking and eating not allowed in the station?
50. Mention six stations did the writer pass!

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