GEC102-Compare and Contrast
GEC102-Compare and Contrast
GEC102-Compare and Contrast
To COMPARE is to tell how two or more things alike. To CONTRAST is to tell how two things are different. Clue
words such as like shows comparison. Clue words such as unlike and but show contrast. Often authors don't
use clue words.Readers must make comparison for themselves. Use the chart to compareand contrast the
Reasons for comparison : To identify the site of the first mass in the Philippines
The evidence of Albo's log-book. Based on the testimony of The evidence from Pigafetta.
Francisco Albo who was one of the eighteenth survivors
A. Pigafetta's testimony regarding the route.
who returned with Sebastian Elcano. He keeps in his diary
or Log-book on the voyage out while they were sailing B. The evidence of Pigafetta's Maps a. First
southward in the Atlantic along the coast of the South map (Blair and Robertson) b. Second map
(BR 33) double map c. T hird
America. map(BR33)Island of Mazaua
According to him the island that he calls Gada seems to be C. The two Kings
the acquada of Pigafetta, namely the isaland of Homonhon With the help of two native kings presence confirmed
where they took supplies of wood and water. The large evidence at Mazaua during the Magellan visit. One was the
king of Mazaua and the second one was the king or Rajah
island of Seilani which they coasted in the island of Leyte. of Butuan.
Coasting southwards along with eastern coast of that
D. Seven Days at Mazaua
island, then turning southwest they came upon a small
island named, Mazava. That fits the location of a small 1. Thursday, 28 March-arrival of Magellan and
companion in an island.
island of Limasawa. It is to be noted that Albo does not
mention the first Mass, only the planting of cross upon the 2. Friday, 29 March-"Next day, Holy day" 3.
Saturday 30 March-spent previous evening feasting
mountain top from which could be seen the three islands and drinking with the king....................4. Sunday, 31
to the west and southwest. This also fits the southern end March-the last of March and Easter day, obtain foods in
Zebu port. 5. Monday 1 April-No
of Limasawa. It does not fit the the coast of Butuan from work
was done 6. Tuesday 2 April & Wednesday 3
which no islands could be seen to the southwest but only April-work on the harvest during "during the next two
towards the North. days" 7. Thursday 4 April - leave. Mazaua, bound
for Cebu.
Conclusion: I therefore conclude, that the site of the first Mass in the Philippines happened in Limasawa on the
Easter Sunday of March 1521. As you can see in the given evidences. However, one have explained well based on
the evidences, the chronology of events are accurate to the given evidences and it is on Limasawa. There is an
error occurred while studying the history of the site of the first mass in the Philippines. It must be remembered
that the Butuan tradition is based on second hand information.