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Chapter5 - This Is My Worldddddd

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Learning Objectives

1. Students are able to identify what objects that are around them, they are :

- Things

- Building

- Animals

- People

- Place

2. Students are able to mention what objects that are around them using picture.

3. Students are able to classify the usage of demonstrative pronoun in a sentence.

4. Students are able to classify the usage of definite and indefinite Article in English text.

A. Things around us

What objects that are around us? let's read and understand the material below!

 Things are around Us

There are :

- A globe : Globe - A cupboard : Lemari

- A board : papan tulis - A book : buku
- A desk : meja - A chair : Kursi
- A floor : Lantai - A wall : Dinding
- A door : Pintu - A picture : Gambar
- A clock : Jam - A window : Jendela
- An air conditioner : AC
 Building around us

There are :

- A Mosque : Masjid - A Church : Gereja

- A School : Sekolahan - A factory : pabrik
- A Bridge : Jembatan - A Warehouse: Gudang
- A Police station : tempat polisi - A Hospital : Rumah sakit
 Animals around us

There are :

- A Zebra : Zebra - A Giraffe : Jerapah

- A Deer : Rusa - A Tiger : Macan
- A Lion : Singa - A Rhino : Badak
- A Bear : Beruang - A Elephant : Gajah
- A Leopard : Macan tutul - A Hippotamus : Kuda nil
- A Panda : Panda - A monkey : Monyet
 People Around us

There are :

- A Friend : Teman - A Teacher : Guru

- A Students : Siswa - A Parents : Orang tua
- A Brother : Kakak(lk) - A Sister : Saudara(pr)
- A Grandparents: Kakek Nenek - A Children : Anak
 Place around us.

There are :

- A Yard : Taman - A Pool : Guru

- A Mountain : Siswa - A Island : Pulau
- A River : Sungai - A Town : Kota


Choose one of the picture and identify the things that are in the picture bellow in the front of
the class!



Listen to the audio carefully and fill in the blank with choose one from the table!

This is the link Blackboard A Things of the audio :

The Clock Around


Teacher : Please tell me what are the_______around us? Started by you Aldo,
tell me to things you can see.
Aldo : okay mam, there is a_____ and ___globe.

Teacher : next you algren, tell me three things that you can see____us.

Algren : there is __cupboard in the corner, world map beside the_______

Demonstrative pronoun

demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun with a position as a substitute for a noun that is clearly
replaced. Nouns that are usually replaced by these types of pronouns can be people, objects
and also animals. demonstrative pronoun is classified based on the parameters of the number
of people / objects / animals it replaces, namely singular or plural. while to replace the
distance measured based on distance or near from the speaker.

- this = functions to show an object, person or animal that is close and has a singular
number. For example :
this is my book (ini adalah buku saya)
this is pen (ini adalah pulpen saya)
- that = functions to show an object, person or animal that is far enough away and has a
singular number. For example :
that is your plane (itu adalah pesawat kamu)
that is my house (itu adalah rumah kamu)
- these = functions to show an object, person or animal that is close and numbered more
than one / plural. For example :
these are my books (ini adalah buku-buku saya)
these are my cats (ini adalah kucing-kucing saya)
- those = functions to show an object, person or animal that is far away and is more
than one / plural. For example :
those are your books (itu adalah buku-buku kalian)
those are your foods (itu adalah makanan-makanan kalian)

Complete the sentence below using the words that, that this these those
this, these and those.
Example : ____are very expensive shoes

You should answer “those” because the use of "those" in that sentence refer to shoes that are a
long distance away and a plural. Therefore you should choose “those”.


Complete the sentence with choose one of that this these those
demonstartive pronoun from the tabel!

1. I’m Jennie and____are my children Lisa and Rose

2. Whose shoes are____
3. We need a coat hook on the back of____door
4. _____chicken tastes really good
5. _____trousers aren’t the right size.

B. Classification the use of Article A, An, and The

Next material is about Article a, An, and the. Let's read and understand the material below!
 Definite article (The word 'The' is included in the definite article. This 'The' has no
meaning but has several functions)
Article 'The' is used for unique objects, / it is used for a specific thing. for example:
- The sky is dark, maybe it is going to rain.
- The ocean is so blue.
- The internet is slow!
- The books is cheap
Article 'The' shows which objects are specific and clear which objects and how they are.

- I have finished the homework before my mother told me.

- The book has been returned to the library.

Article 'The' is placed in front of the noun that is already known at the beginning of the
sentence. Examples such as:

- We cooked a chicken for dinner last night, the chicken was very tough.

- Yesterday we bought a new computer, and the computer is really good.

 Indefinite article
A / An is an indefinite article which means sebuah, seorang, seekor, depending on
what object it shows. This means a / an indicates that there is only 1 object shown. Then
what is the difference between using a and an? The difference in use lies in the initial
letter of the object. Article 'a' is used for words that sound beginning with a consonant,
for example; a ball, a dog, a cat, a girl, a man, a university, a european and so on. While
article 'an' is used for words that sound beginning with a vowel, such as: an apple, an
enemy, an old man, an iguana, and so on.
A / an function in English
A = sebuah, seorang, sebutir or seekor.
a single noun beginning with a consonant sound (except than A I U E O)
example : a book, a bag, a cat etc.
An = sebuah, seorang, sebutir or seekor.
Singular noun beginning with a vowel sound (A I U E O)
Example : an umbrella, an orange, an apple etc.
Article a / an is used for singular objects. In which only one noun is shown. A and an
here mean an example like:
- My dad bought me a dog
- I bring an apple to school.
Article a / an is used to indicate a number such as a thousand or one hundred.
- I got a thousand dollars from the lottery.
- There were more than a hundred birds on the island.

Read the text bellow, give the right answers and reasons!

Today is a beautiful day, because today is my 17th birthday, and I got a gift from my mother, I
was very happy because suddenly my mother gave me a bag and gave me an umbrella. the
gift was bought by the mother from abroad.

Example : From the text there is sentence “I got a gift”, why use article a in a sentence
not use an or the? Explain it! It is because the word “gift” is not beginning with a
consonant (A I U E O) therefore we must use the article a, and the word "gift" is singular.
1. From the text there is sentence “gave me a bag” why use article a in a sentence not use a
or the? Explain it!
2. From the text there is sentence “gave me an umbrella” why use article an in a sentence
not use a or the? Explain it!
3. From the text there is sentence “the gift was bought” why use article the in a sentence
not use a or an? Explain it!
Glosarium :

Objects : benda

Things : benda mati

Building : Bangunan

Animal : Binatang

People : Orang-orang

Place : Tempat

Around : Sekitar

Demonstrative pronoun : kata ganti dengan posisi sebagai pengganti kata benda yang diganti
dengan jelas.

That : untuk menunjukkan suatu benda, orang atau hewan yang cukup
jauh dan memiliki bentuk tunggal

These : untuk menunjukkan suatu benda, orang atau binatang yang dekat
dan berjumlah lebih dari satu / jamak.

This : untuk menunjukkan suatu benda, orang atau hewan yang dekat
dan memiliki bilangan tunggal.

Those : untuk menunjukkan suatu benda, orang atau hewan yang jauh dan
lebih dari satu / jamak.

Article : Kata sandang

An : sebuah, seorang, seekor (untuk huruf vocal AIUEO)

The : itu

a : sebuah, seorang, seekor (kecuali huruf vocal AIUEO)

definite : pasti, terbatas atau spesifik.

indefinite : tidak pasti, tidak terbatas.

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