Shareholder Activismin India
Shareholder Activismin India
Shareholder Activismin India
14 5,204
1 author:
Umakanth Varottil
National University of Singapore
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
All content following this page was uploaded by Umakanth Varottil on 27 March 2018.
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore. I thank the
students in the Corporate Governance course at the NUJS Summer School held at
IIM-Shillong in June 2012, and the participants at the National Seminar on
“Corporate Laws: Contemporary Issues & Challenges” held at the Gujarat
National Law University, Gandhinagarin October 2012, for thought-provoking
discussions that have helped shape this paper. All errors and omissions are mine.
583 Journal on Governance [Vol 1:583
I. Introduction
II. Shareholder Activism: The Concept
A. Collective Action Problems; Shareholder Apathy
B. Defining the Concept
III. Shareholder Passivity as the Starting Point
IV. Regulatory Reforms Towards Greater Shareholder Participation
A. Voting Methods
B. Shareholder Meetings
C. Voting as Responsibility
D. Assessing the Reforms
V. Corporate Governance Intermediaries
A. Proxy Advisors in India: Their Influence
B. Concerns and Possible Mitigating Factors
C. Other Informational Intermediaries
VI. Feasibility of Interactive/Combative Strategies
A. Interactive Strategy
B. Change of Control Strategy
C. Litigation Strategy
VII. Evaluating the Impact of Shareholder Activism
A. Distilling the Evidence
B. Effect on Controlled Companies
VII. Conclusion
585 Journal on Governance [Vol 1:585
I. Introduction
At the same time, the existing standards are said to be far from
the desirable, and governance crises such as that witnessed in the
Satyam accounting scandal have underscored this line of criticism. 3
Given the influence of controlling shareholders in most Indian
companies, one of the significant shortcomings in the current
dispensation is the lack of shareholder activism, particularly amongst
Corporate governance measures are administered through clause 49 of the listing
agreement entered into between listed companies and the stock exchanges.
Although the listing agreement is essentially a contractual arrangement, it has
statutory support as violations of the listing agreement could result in penal
consequences. §23E, Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956.
Bernard S. Black & Vikramaditya S. Khanna, Can Corporate Governance
Reforms Increase Firms’ Market Values? Evidence from India, JOURNAL OF
EMPIRICAL STUDIES, Vol. 4 (2007), available at /abstract=914440;
Dhammika Dharmapala & Vikramaditya Khanna, Corporate Governance,
Enforcement, and Firm Value: Evidence from India, (2008) available at
Umakanth Varottil, A Cautionary Tale of the Transplant Effect on Indian
Corporate Governance, 21(1) NAT. L. SCH. IND. REV.1 (2009).
2012] The Advent of Shareholder Activism in India 586
institutional and retail investors that hold minority stakes.4 This
perceived weakness in Indian corporate governance appears to be
addressing itself through the onset of activist shareholders in the
Indian corporate sphere, whose efforts have been further buoyed by
regulatory reforms. The phenomenon of shareholder activism, hitherto
absent in India, has made its mark rapidly, and has become a force to
reckon with for Indian listed companies.
Id., at 49.
587 Journal on Governance [Vol 1:587
2012] The Advent of Shareholder Activism in India 588
decision-making due to collective action problems.6 Even in controlled
companies, which are predominant in India, 7 collective action
problems prevent minority shareholders from coalescing, which
reduces their effective participation through the exercise of corporate
franchise. In such a case, the lack of minority shareholder participation
augurs to the benefit of the controlling shareholders, and managers
appointed with their concurrence. Related to the collective action
problem is “shareholder apathy”. Since the costs of coordination
among minority shareholders are high, these shareholders either
abstain from voting or merely vote in favor of management (or the
controlling shareholders, as the case may be). 8
Collective action problems are the difficulties that arise in achieving consensus
among a diffused set of shareholders who do not play an active role in the
company. The heterogeneity of interests and differing levels of information
available with these shareholders exacerbate the problems. See, Stephen M.
Bainbridge, Director Primacy: The Means and Ends of Corporate Governance, 97
NW. U.L. REV. 547, 557 (2003).
Shaun J. Mathew, Hostile Takeovers in India: New Prospects, Challenges, and
Regulatory Opportunities, 2007(3) COLUM. BUS. L. REV. 800; George S. Geis, Can
Independent Blockholding Play Much of a Role in Indian Corporate Governance?,
3 CORP. GOVERNANCE L. REV. 283 (2007).
See, Lee Harris, Missing in Activism: Retail Investor Abstinence in Corporate
Elections, 2010 COLUM. BUS. L. REV. 104, 166; Frank H. Easterbrook & Daniel R.
Fischel, Voting in Corporate Law, 26 J.L. & ECON. 395 (1983). See also, Lucian
Bebchuk, The Case for Increasing Shareholder Power, 118 HARV. L. REV. 833,
877 (2005) (Noting some of the reasons why shareholders may have a tendency to
vote in favor of management proposals).
Stuart Gillan & Laura T. Starks, The Evolution of Shareholder Activism in the
United States (2007), available at
589 Journal on Governance [Vol 1:589
See e.g., Bernard Black, Shareholder Activism and Corporate Governance in the
ECONOMICS AND THE LAW (1998), available at;
Stephen M. Bainbridge, Shareholder Activism and Institutional Investors, UCLA
SCHOOL OF LAW, LAW & ECONOMICS RESEARCH PAPER SERIES, available at; Roberta Romano, Less is More: Making
Institutional Investor Activism a Valuable Mechanism of Corporate Governance,
18 YALE J. ON REG. 174 (2001).
Black, supra note 10 at 3.
Gillan & Starks, supra note 9, at 5.
Jayne Elizabeth Zanglein, From Wall Street Walk to Wall Street Talk: The
Changing Face of Corporate Governance, 11 DEPAUL BUS. L.J. 43 (1998).
However, there could be an argument that the potential for exit by large investors
2012] The Advent of Shareholder Activism in India 590
There are various shades of shareholder activism, although this
paper primarily deals with three. I refer to the first type as
“participative” shareholder activism. In this type, shareholders assume
greater responsibility for participating in shareholder meetings and
exercising their corporate franchise. This way, greater participation by
minority shareholders could have an impact on the outcome of
corporate decisions. Even if the decisions themselves may not be
different because minority shareholders may only have infinitesimal
shareholding in the company, their overwhelming response cannot be
ignored altogether by managements and controlling shareholders.
While shareholders, particularly of the institutional variety, are
demonstrating greater interest in participative activism, legal reforms
in various jurisdictions are utilizing soft law and self-regulatory
mechanisms to encourage greater participation by shareholders in
corporate decision-making. 14
With this background regarding the rationale for, and types of,
shareholder activism, the paper now turns to the evolution of the
phenomenon in India.
This type of activism is becoming prominent with certain types of institutional
investors such as hedge funds. Thomas W. Briggs, Corporate Governance and
the New Hedge Fund Activism: An Empirical Analysis, 32 J. CORP. L. 681
(2007); Marcel Kahan & Edward B. Rock, Hedge Funds in Corporate
Governance and Corporate Control, 155 U. PA. L. REV. 1021 (2007).
Briggs, supra note 15 at 681; Brian R. Cheffins & John Armour, The Past,
Present and Future of Shareholder Activism by Hedge Funds, 37 J. CORP. L. 51
Kahan & Rock, supra note 15, at 1038-39; See also, Randall S. Thomas, The
Evolving Role of Institutional Investors in Corporate Governance and Corporate
Litigation, 61 VAND. L. REV. 299 (2008); Stephen J. Choi & Jill E. Fisch, On
Beyond CalPERS: Survey Evidence on the Developing Role of Public Pension
Funds in Corporate Governance, 61 VAND. L. REV. 315 (2008).
2012] The Advent of Shareholder Activism in India 592
John Armour & Priya Lele, Law, Finance, and Politics: The Case of India, 43
LAW & SOC’Y REV. 491, 496.
§166(2), Companies Act, 1956, wherein annual general meetings can be held
only at the registered office of the company or at some other place within the
same city, town or village as the registered office, although there are no
geographical restrictions as far as other shareholders’ meetings are concerned.
Jayati Sarkar & Subrata Sarkar, Large Shareholder Activism in Corporate
Governance in Developing Countries: Evidence from India (2000), available at, at 8.
593 Journal on Governance [Vol 1:593
Omkar Goswami, The Tide Rises, Gradually: Corporate Governance in India
(2000), available at
ernanceprinciples/1931364.pdf, at 8.
Mathew, supra note 7, at 834.
Both SEBI and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) have created a separate facility
for investment by FII’s into Indian companies. See, e.g., Securities and Exchange
Board of India (Foreign Institutional Investors), Regulations, 1995.
§16, Securities and Exchange Board of India (Foreign Institutional Investors),
Regulations, 1995.
2012] The Advent of Shareholder Activism in India 594
Indian companies, they have seldom exercised voting rights in those
companies, barring exceptional circumstances. 26
Reeba Zachariah & Partha Sinha, FII-PEs’ holdings set to change, TIMES OF
INDIA, September 24, 2009; S. Murlidharan, Encourage GDRs, Not FIIs, THE
HINDU BUSINESS LINE, January 18, 2012.
In the 1990s and 2000s, several Indian companies approached the international
capital markets to issue global depository receipts (GDRs) and American
depository receipts (ADRs), which are listed on stock exchanges overseas. This
route proved advantageous for Indian companies to attract foreign capital at a
premium to the domestic market.
Under various provisions of company legislation, only members registered in the
books of such a company are entitled to receive notices of meetings and to
exercise voting rights. See, e.g., §§ 82, 172, Companies Act, 1956.
These are set out in some detail in a background paper issued by SEBI. Securities
and Exchange Board of India, Voting Rights of GDR / ADR Holders, available at
595 Journal on Governance [Vol 1:595
A. Voting Methods
§192A, the Companies Act, 1956.
2012] The Advent of Shareholder Activism in India 596
shareholder meetings, often in remote locations of the country. The
system of postal ballot permits shareholders to send in their votes by
post instead of personally attending and voting at a meeting. A set of
rules promulgated by the Central Government listed certain resolutions
that are to be mandatorily put to vote by postal ballot.31 In other cases,
the company has the option to offer the postal ballot facility. 32
These are matters that materially affect shareholder interest, such as alteration of
the constitutional documents, sale of substantial undertaking of the company,
buyback of shares, issue of shares with differential voting rights, and the like. §4,
Companies (Passing of the Resolution by Postal Ballot) Rules, 2001.
Although not mandated by legislation, SEBI exhorted companies to undertake
shareholder voting through postal ballot even in other cases by imposing this as a
condition while granting specific dispensations to companies, such as in
exemptions from making an offer under SEBI’s takeover regulations.
Welcome to the World of E-Voting, THE FIRM: CORPORATE LAW IN INDIA, July 2,
The law explicitly recognizes the possibility of shareholder voting through
electronic mode. §192A , Companies Act, 1956. Moreover, the Companies
(Passing of the Resolution by Postal Ballot) Rules, 2001 were superseded by the
597 Journal on Governance [Vol 1:597
B. Shareholder Meetings
Companies (Passing of the Resolution by Postal Ballot) Rules, 2011, with effect
from May 30, 2011, which expressly recognize voting by electronic mode.
Securities and Exchange Board of India, Amendment to the Equity Listing
Agreement – Platform for E-Voting by Shareholders of Listed Companies,
Circular CIR/CFD/DIL/6/2012 (Jul. 13, 2012).
Id. These agencies are the Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL)
and the National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL). Both these agencies
have established e-voting systems, available at
Vinod Kothari, E-voting becomes mandatory for all listed companies,
MONEYLIFE, July 16, 2012; Tania Kishore, E-voting will make life easier for
investors, BUSINESS STANDARD, July 4, 2012.
It would not be far-fetched to expect persons holding shares in companies to have
access to computers and the Internet.
2012] The Advent of Shareholder Activism in India 598
and convey their views to enable the other shareholders to exercise
their votes in an informed manner as well. Recognizing the limitations
of physical shareholders’ meetings, the Government of India has
introduced the concept of electronic participation. Companies may
now provide the option to shareholders to attend meetings
electronically, through audio-visual means, such that “all persons
participating in that meeting … communicate concurrently with each
other without an intermediary, and … participate effectively in the
meeting.”39 Moreover, companies may provide video conferencing
connectivity during such meetings in at least five locations within
India.40 At the same time, responsibility is placed on the company and
the chairman of the meeting to put in adequate safeguards to ensure the
integrity of the meeting. Although these measures were initially
intended to be mandatory for listed companies in the period
subsequent to the financial year 2011-12, concerns were raised
regarding the legal validity of electronic meetings in the context of the
Companies Act, due to which such electronic meetings are intended to
be optional for listed companies too.41
Since these measures are only optional, and are yet to be fully
effective, they are unlikely to be widely followed. While it is certainly
possible that some of the blue-chip companies will adopt these
voluntary measures, widespread compliance across corporate India
may have to wait.
Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India, Green initiative in the
Corporate Governance – Participation by shareholders in general meetings
under the Companies Act, 1956 through electronic mode, General Circular No.
27/2011 (May 20, 2011), ¶ 4(a).
Id., at ¶ 6.
Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Governance of India, Green Initiatives in
Corporate Governance – Further Clarification regarding participation by
Shareholders or Directors in meetings under the Companies Act, 1956 through
electronic mode – authorization regarding e-voting, General Circular No.
72/2011 (Dec. 27, 2011).
599 Journal on Governance [Vol 1:599
C. Voting as Responsibility
Cambridge Gas Transportation Corporation v. Official Committee of Unsecured
Creditors of Navigator Holdings plc, [2006] UKPC 26, [2007] 1 AC 508;
Borland's Trustee v. Steel Brothers & Co Ltd,[1901] 1 Ch 279.
Securities and Exchange Board of India, Circular for Mutual Funds,
SEBI/IMD/CIR No 18 / 198647/2010 (Mar. 15, 2010) [hereinafter the SEBI
Circular for Mutual Funds].
In such an approach, although there is no compulsion to comply with such
requirement, the persons subject to it are required to make appropriate
disclosures on whether they comply with the requirement, or alternatively to
explain the reasons for non-compliance. Anita Indira Anand, An Analysis of
Enabling vs. Mandatory Corporate Governance: Structures Post-Sarbanes
Oxley, 31 DEL. J. CORP. L. 229, 229-30 (2006).
2012] The Advent of Shareholder Activism in India 600
funds to disclose on their websites and in annual reports their general
policies and procedures regarding the exercise of votes on listed
companies.45 Moreover, they are also required to disclose the specific
exercise of voting rights in respect of identified matters such as
corporate governance, changes to capital structure, mergers, takeovers,
and the like. 46
The SEBI Circular for Mutual Funds, supra note 43 at ¶ 4(ii).
Id. at ¶ 4(ii).
601 Journal on Governance [Vol 1:601
See, infra, Part IV.
§§ 173, 393, Companies Act, 1956.
Umakanth Varottil, Corporate Governance in M&A Transactions, Luncheon
Address at the International Bar Association Conference on "The Indian Story in
Global Mergers and Acquisitions", Mumbai (Mar. 9, 2012).
Malini Goyal, How and why transparency in boardrooms helps both India Inc &
investors, THE ECONOMIC TIMES, September 30, 2012.
2012] The Advent of Shareholder Activism in India 602
Paul Rose, On the Role and Regulation of Proxy Advisors, MICHIGAN LAW
James R. Copland, Yevgeniy Feyman & Margaret O’Keefe, Proxy Monitor 2012:
A Report on Corporate Governance and Shareholder Activism 22 (Fall 2012),
available at
They are (i) InGovern (; (ii) Institutional Investor
Advisory Services (IIAS) (; and (iii) Stakeholders
Empowerment Services (SES) (
603 Journal on Governance [Vol 1:603
Bhuma Srivastava, Proxy advisory firms give a boost to shareholder activism,
THE MINT, June 29, 2012; Naren Karunakaran, Proxy firms wade through
proposed resolutions, THE ECONOMIC TIMES, November 29, 2011.
Sucheta Dalal, Proxy advice: Check on misgovernance, MONEYLIFE, August 11,
KARUNAKARAN, supra note 55.
2012] The Advent of Shareholder Activism in India 604
Another positive effect of the proxy advisory industry is its
ability to constantly enhance governance standards. Although listed
companies in India are required to comply with the standards of
corporate governance set out by law, 59 the close monitoring by proxy
advisory firms will motivate companies to elevate their standards of
governance. It is expected that the industry will also help instill global
best standards and practices among Indian companies.
While some of the corporate governance standards are mandatory (e.g.
Companies Act, 1956; Clause 49 of the listing agreement), others are voluntary
and to be adhered to on a “comply-or-explain” basis (e.g. Ministry of Corporate
Affairs, Government of India, Corporate Governance Voluntary Guidelines
ROSE, supra note 51.
Paul Rose, The Corporate Governance Industry, 32 J. Corp. L. 887, 926 (2007).
605 Journal on Governance [Vol 1:605
A detailed discussion of these is contained in Rose, supra note 61 at 906-19.
Id. at 892.
Id. at 898.
Id. at 906-07.
Id. at 907-08
2012] The Advent of Shareholder Activism in India 606
different proposals. 67 Excessive standardization of recommendations
will have the effect of substantially diluting their value, and
obliterating the contributions that proxy advisory firms can make
towards better corporate governance.
Id. See also, N Sundaresha Subramanian & Raghu Balakrishnan, Small
shareholders on collision course with PEs in Manappuram, BUSINESS
STANDARD, July 27, 2012.
European Securities and Markets Authority, Discussion Paper: An Overview of
the Proxy Advisory Industry, Considerations on Possible Policy Options 22,
ESMA 2012/212 (Mar. 22, 2012) [hereinafter the ESMA Paper].
In India, as discussed earlier, there are only three players thus far. Even at a
global scale, the industry has been subject to some criticism on account of the
lack of competition. See, e.g., David F. Larcker, Allan L. McCall & Gaizka
Ormazabal, Proxy Advisory Firms and Stock Option Exchanges: The Case of
Institutional Shareholder Services 2-3, STANFORD GSB RESEARCH PAPER NO.
2077 (April 2011), available at
607 Journal on Governance [Vol 1:607
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Hearings:
Competition and Credit Rating Agencies 6 (2010), available at
edsectors/46825342.pdf (discussing the oligopolistic situation in the credit rating
industry where the top 3 players command 90% market share); Bernard Ascher,
The Audit Industry: World’s Weakest Oligopoly?, THE AMERICAN ANTITRUST
INSTITUTE WORKING PAPER NO. 08-03 (Aug. 2008), available at (discussing the impact of the oligopolistic
situation with respect to auditors).
European Commission, Green Paper: The EU corporate governance framework
(2011), available at
com2011-164_en.pdf; ESMA Paper, supra note 68.
Mary L. Schapiro, Remarks to the CorporateCounsel.Net, Say-on-Pay Workshop
Conference (Nov. 2, 2011), available at
/speech/2011/spch110211mls.htm; Joseph E. Bachelder III, Say on Pay: Who is
Watching the Watchmen?, The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate
Governance and Financial Regulation (Apr. 11, 2012).
Canadian Securities Administrators, Potential Regulation of Proxy Advisory
Firms, Consultation Paper 25-401 (Jun. 21, 2012), available at
2012] The Advent of Shareholder Activism in India 608
which may have the closest domain relationship with such firms, has
not yet taken any steps to regulate it. At the same time, there have been
calls for SEBI to initiate steps to regulate the industry and lay down
standards of service to be provided by proxy advisory firms. 74 This
would require the establishment of a registration mechanism for such
firms, which would ensure that only those firms with basic
qualifications and competence levels will be permitted to carry on the
business, thereby instituting high entry-barriers. This would help
maintain high quality standards in the industry. Such a registration
mechanism would also help SEBI monitor the actions of the firms, and
also to impose sanctions in the event of non-compliance with services
standards. This would be similar to the regulation of credit rating
agencies, whereby SEBI has been effective in maintaining standards
within the Indian industry, although the industry at the wider global
level had come under some criticism due to its role in the sub-prime
crisis. 75
C. Other Informational Intermediaries
DALAL, supra note 56.
Vandana Gupta, R.K. Mittal & V.K. Bhalla, Role of the credit rating agencies in
the financial market crisis, 2 J. DEV. AGRIC. ECON. 286 (2010).
Lijee Philip & Kausik Datta, Analysts go beyond numbers to take on promoters:
will corporates learn to live with criticism?, THE ECONOMIC TIMES, August 21,
James Crabtree, Analysts toughen stance on corporate India, FINANCIAL TIMES,
August 13, 2012.
609 Journal on Governance [Vol 1:609
A. Interactive Strategy
Nishant Vasudevan, Raising governance issues of Indiabulls, RCOM, others
brings Veritas in the spotlight, THE ECONOMIC TIMES, August. 10, 2012.
2012] The Advent of Shareholder Activism in India 610
company. 79 In this arrangement, investors are in close contact with
management and they also tend to provide strategic advice to
management that is beneficial not only to the company but also
indirectly preserves (or even enhances) value to the investors in the
stock they hold. While it is likely that such interactive efforts are being
undertaken in the Indian context too, whereby institutional investors
influence corporate governance in companies, their effect is hard to
measure.80As such interaction takes place in confidence, trends cannot
be discerned due to the absence of publicly available information.
Gillan & Starks, supra note 9, at 31; N.K. Chidambaram & Kose John,
Relationship investing: Large shareholder monitoring with managerial
cooperation, NYU WORKING PAPER NO. FIN-98-044 (1998), available at
Gillan & Starks, supra note 9, at 31.
§163, Companies Act, 1956.
§196, Companies Act, 1956.
Only directors have the right to inspect the books of accounts of a company.
§209(4), Companies Act, 1956. Shareholders do not have a similar right or even
the right to inspect the minutes of meetings of the board of directors. ARVIND
611 Journal on Governance [Vol 1:611
§3(ii), SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992.
§12(2), SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992.
§6.0(i), Schedule II, SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992.
§6.0, Schedule II, SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992. For
example, discussions with investors must be recorded.
2012] The Advent of Shareholder Activism in India 612
the company. 89 Often, activist investors have indeed succeeded in
replacing managements that have resisted their efforts.90
Briggs, supra note 15 at 686, 708-09.
Id. at 686.
Mathew, supra note 7 at 831-39.
For a further discussion of controlling shareholders in Indian companies, see,
Varottil, supra note 3 at 18-20.
Mathew, supra note 7 at 811-14. See also, Apoorva Paranjpe & Krishna
Shorewala, Institutional investors, corporate governance and global standards:
An Indian perspective, 22(4) I.C.C.L.R. 135, 142 (2011).
§19A , Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules, 1957. Arguably, this rule too is
unlikely to cause a significant dent in the controlling shareholders’ powers as the
ability of controlling shareholders to hold as high as 75% shares is a powerful
one in the backdrop of public shareholders such as institutional and retail
investors whose holdings tend to be fragmented.
613 Journal on Governance [Vol 1:613
C. Litigation Strategy95
Parts of this section have been derived from the broader discussion on
shareholder derivative actions in India contained in Vikramaditya Khanna &
Umakanth Varottil, The rarity of derivative actions in India: reasons and
APPROACH (2012).
It is understandable that the board members may not at all be motivated to initiate
legal action against one of their own.
2012] The Advent of Shareholder Activism in India 614
recoveries under the suit will inure to the benefit of the company rather
than the shareholders. The second type is a direct action. Here, the
shareholder brings a suit against the company, its board, management
or other shareholders for the breach of a duty owed to the shareholder.
In such case, the shareholder can bring a suit for its own benefit and
the remedies would inure to the benefit of the shareholder, who may
enjoy it directly. For instance, any recovery or benefit under a direct
shareholder suit will accrue to the shareholder, and generally not to the
1. Derivative Action
Khanna & Varottil, supra note 95 at 380.
Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India, Annual Report 2011-12
(2012) at 24.
Pending litigations – 2010 tally from 3.1 crore to 3.2 crore cases, BAR & BENCH,
February 17, 2011; Jayanth K. Krishnan, Globetrotting Law Firms, 23 GEO. J.
LEGAL ETHICS 57, 70 (2010).
615 Journal on Governance [Vol 1:615
(1843) 2 Har 461. Under this age-old rule, when an injury is caused to the
company, it is only the company that can initiate legal action against the
wrongdoer, and shareholders are barred from doing so.
Over the years, the rule has been subjected to several exceptions that permit a
shareholder to initiate a legal action on behalf of the company that has suffered a
breach and loss. For a discussion of these exceptions, see, Khanna & Varottil,
supra note 95 at 381-83.
Although not used in the technical sense, “fraud on the minority” requires the
establishment of some kind of unfair discrimination against the minority. See,
This is because a derivative action under common law is considered an equitable
remedy that imposes such an onus on the plaintiff shareholder. For an implicit
acceptance of this approach by the Indian courts, see, M. Sreenivasulu Reddy v.
Kishore R. Chhabria, (2002) 109 COMP. CAS. 18 (Bom.); Incable Net (Andhra)
Limited v. Apaksh Broadband Limited, (2008) 142 COMP. CAS. 860 (CLB).
For some examples, see, Khanna & Varottil, supra note 95 at 379.
2012] The Advent of Shareholder Activism in India 616
Fourth, countries where shareholder actions have succeeded
possess an active plaintiff bar, whereby plaintiff law firms initiate
actions on behalf of shareholders. Such an active plaintiff bar is non-
existent in India due to the prohibition against lawyers from charging
contingency fees. 105 The absence of a plaintiff bar offers a big blow to
derivative actions because shareholders who incur costs in initiating
suits are unable to enjoy the benefits, which instead flow to the
company. 106
2. Direct Action
§20, Bar Council of India Rules, Part VI, Chapter II.
SEBI has introduced litigation funding with a view to funding shareholder
action by recognized investor groups. SEBI (Investor Protection and Education
Fund) Regulations, 2009; SEBI (Aid for Legal Proceedings) Guidelines, 2009.
However, this mechanism is accompanied by several limitations that have thus
far hindered its effective utilization. Khanna & Varottil, supra note 95 at 394-
For a comparison of shareholder derivative litigation in India and China, see,
Ann M. Scarlett, Investors Beware: Assessing Shareholder Derivative Litigation
in India and China, 33 U. PA. J. INT’L L. 172 (2011).
617 Journal on Governance [Vol 1:617
§397, Companies Act, 1956.
§398, Companies Act, 1956.
While the oppression remedy is available in several common law countries, the
mismanagement remedy is unique in India as it has not been borrowed from
English law. DATAR, supra note 83 at 4445.
The powers of the CLB will be taken over by the National Company Law
Tribunal, once it is constituted. This will have to await amendments to the
Companies Act, 1956 or the passage of the Companies Bill, 2012, which is
pending before the Rajya Sabha.
§402, Companies Act, 1956.
An action for oppression or mismanagement must carry the support of at least
100 shareholders in number or 1/10th of the total number of shareholders,
whichever is less, or such number of shareholders as hold at least 10% of the
total issued shares of the company in value. §399, Companies Act, 1956.
2012] The Advent of Shareholder Activism in India 618
shareholders, the collective action problems discussed earlier 114 will
prevent shareholders from coordinating to support any direct action.
The threshold requirements are therefore prohibitive in nature.115 Even
if these are satisfied, the substantive law imposes onerous
requirements on plaintiff shareholders. For example, for the oppression
remedy, mere isolated instances of abuse may not be adequate, and
there may be a need to demonstrate continuous acts or conduct that
justifies the invocation of the remedy. 116
See, supra note 6 and accompanying text.
However, the Central Government has the power to authorize shareholders to
initiate an action for oppression or mismanagement even without the support of
the requisite number of shareholders, if it finds just and equitable to do so in the
circumstances. §399(4), Companies Act, 1956.
Shanti Prasad Jain v. Kalinga Tubes Ltd, AIR 1965 SC 1535, ¶ 20.
§11C, Securities and Exchange Board of India, 1992.
619 Journal on Governance [Vol 1:619
4. Exported Litigation
§11B, Securities and Exchange Board of India, 1992.
Khanna & Varottil, supra note 95, at 389.
§§15Y, 20A, Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992.
Kesha Appliances P. Ltd v. Royal Holdings Services Ltd, (2006) 130 COMP.
CAS. 227 (Bom.).
2012] The Advent of Shareholder Activism in India 620
came into the public domain early 2009. 122 This was followed by
frenetic regulatory action. The Government of India initiated
investigations and criminal charges against the wrongdoers, while at
the same time it also ensured that the company was preserved and then
sold to a suitor, so as to protect the interests of various stakeholders to
the extent possible. 123 While the regulatory response was quite
powerful, there were hardly any private shareholder actions in India,
either by the institutional investors or retail investors. The only
exception was an action by a shareholder association on behalf of
Satyam’s shareholders, which too was dismissed by the court. 124 On
the other hand, both the company as well as the audit firm faced
shareholder suits in the US almost instantaneously as the scandal
unfolded.125 These suits were filed on behalf of holders of American
depository receipts (ADRs) residing in the US. 126 Both the company
and the audit firm settled the suits in the US resulting in payouts of
millions of dollars to US investors.127 Appallingly, the Indian
shareholders of Satyam were unable to recover any compensation
whatsoever, while the US shareholders benefited from the settlement.
This is a glaring example of the disparity in private shareholder
remedies in a developed jurisdiction such as the US and in India.
Afra Afsharipour, Corporate Governance Convergence: Lessons from the
Indian Experience, 29 Nw. J. Int'l L. & Bus. 335 (2009); Vikramaditya Khanna,
Corporate Governance in India: Past, Present and Future?, 1 JINDAL GLOBAL
LAW REVIEW 171 (2009).
Reactions to the Satyam Sale, INDIAN CORPORATE LAW BLOG, April 15, 2009,
available at
Press Trust of India, SC dismisses Midas Touch Investor Association plea
against Satyam, BUSINESS STANDARD (Aug. 10, 2009).
Shantanu Surpure, Satyam’s Class Action Law Suit, VCCIRCLE, January 19,
Kenan Macado, Satyam Gets U.S. Court OK for Class-Action Settlement, THE
WALL STREET JOURNAL, September 15, 2011; Michael Rapoport, PWC in $25.5
Million Settlement, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, May 2, 2011.
621 Journal on Governance [Vol 1:621
Letter dated Mar. 12, 2012 addressed by The Children’s Investment Fund
Management (UK) LLP to the Board of Directors of Coal India Limited.
Shine Jacob & N. Sundaresha Subramanian, TCI sues CIL execs over losses,
BUSINESS STANDARD, October 13, 2012; James Crabtree, TCI turns up the heat
in Coal India dispute, THE FINANCIAL TIMES, Oct. 13, 2012.
Vidya Ram & Siddhartha P. Saikia, Coal India issue: Investment fund TCI firm
on action; Ministry sees no need for arbitration, THE HINDU BUSINESS LINE,
May 29, 2012.
Anuradha RV & Deepak Raju, BIT of a problem, INDIAN EXPRESS, Jun. 29,
Prabhash Ranjan, The White Industries Arbitration: Implications for India’s
Investment Treaty Programme, INVESTMENT TREATY NEWS, April 13, 2012.
2012] The Advent of Shareholder Activism in India 622
and limitations. 134 In any event, BIT actions are available only when
government action is involved (as in the CIL situation), but cannot be
resorted to in the context of listed companies that are owned by private
A detailed discussion of the merits of such an action by a portfolio investment
under the jurisprudence pertaining to BITs is beyond the purview of this paper.
§245, Companies Bill, 2012.
Khanna & Varottil, supra note 95, at 395-96.
For instance, actions may be entertained only if they are supported by 100
shareholders or those holding such percentage of shares in the company as the
Government may prescribe by way of rules.
623 Journal on Governance [Vol 1:623
For a discussion of several empirical studies, see, Gillan & Starks, supra note 9;
Black, supra note 10.
Gillan & Starks, supra note 9, at 16-17.
2012] The Advent of Shareholder Activism in India 624
public evidence of the interactive efforts of shareholders to influence
corporate governance in investee companies. Moreover, there are
difficulties in establishing the causal link between activism and better
corporate governance.140 Even when measurable, the results have not
been convincing, as the impact appears to be quite feeble. 141 As Gillan
and Starks note:
On the other hand, it has been argued that the significant costs
generated by shareholder activism cannot justify the limited benefits it
confers. 143
Id. at 17.
Black, supra note 10, at 15.
Gillan & Starks, supra note 9, at 35.
Bainbridge, supra note 10 at 13-14; Romano, supra note 10.
Gillan & Starks, supra note 9, at 34. See also, Henry T.C. Hu & Bernard Black,
The New Vote Buying: Empty Voting and Hidden (Morphable) Ownership, 79 S.
CAL. L. REV. 811 (2006).
Briggs, supra note 15, at 722 (although empirical evidence to support this
continues to be mixed).
625 Journal on Governance [Vol 1:625
Bainbridge, supra note 10, at 1; Iman Anabtawi & Lynn Stout, Fiduciary Duties
for Activist Shareholders, 60 STAN. L. REV. 1255 (2008) (arguing that activist
shareholders are susceptible to greed and self-interest, which must be
counterbalanced by foisting fiduciary duties upon them). See also, Iman
Anabtawi, Some Skepticism About Increasing Shareholder Power, 53 UCLA L.
REV. 561 (2006).
For an extensive discussion of the conflict issue in China, see Chao Xi,
Institutional Shareholder Activism in China: Law and Practice (Part 1), [2006]
I.C.C.L.R. 251, 258-62.
2012] The Advent of Shareholder Activism in India 626
outcome of proposals made by management.148 On the other hand,
where controlling shareholders are dominant, it is unlikely that efforts
on the part of the regulators to promote shareholder voting or activist
stances adopted by certain institutional shareholders will have the
same effect as in companies with diffused shareholding. As Bebchuk
and Hamdani note:
However, even in such cases, the evidence is unconvincing. For example, a
recent report indicates that shareholders do not necessarily vote along with
recommendations made by proxy advisory firms. James R. Copland, Politicized
Proxy Advisers vs. Individual Investors, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, October
8, 2012.
Lucian A. Bebchuk & Assaf Hamdani, The Elusive Quest for Global
Governance Standards, 157 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1263, 1291 (2009).
627 Journal on Governance [Vol 1:627
VII. Conclusion
Geis, supra note 7.
2012] The Advent of Shareholder Activism in India 628
respect of hundreds of Indian listed companies, and high-profile
examples of institutional investors such as hedge funds confronting
Indian managements is emblematic of the trend.
Umakanth Varottil, Evolution and Effectiveness of Independent Directors in
Indian Corporate Governance, 6 HASTINGS BUS. L.J. 281, 357-60 (2010).
Varottil, supra note 3, at 49. SEBI Press Release, “Recommendation to MCA on
related party transactions” (Feb. 7, 2011).
A detailed menu of recommendations to enhance institutional shareholder
participation is contained in Paranjpe & Shorewala, supra note 93 at 146-47.