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SSE10 - Socio-Cultural Anthropology

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Cagayan De Oro City

Syllabus for Online Learning

I. COURSE TITLE : SSE10 - Socio-Cultural Anthropology

Prerequisite Subject/s : None


III. COURSE DESCRIPTION : The course leads the students to demonstrate understanding of kinship, political economy and other social
dimensions of human societies across time. It also leads them to demonstrate an understanding of the basic
ideas, issues, concepts and principles of anthropology.


At the end of the course, the pre-service teachers can:

CO1. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of kinship, political economy and other social dimensions of human societies across

CO2. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the basic ideas, issues, concepts and principles of anthropology and applied

CO3. demonstrate an understanding of culture and language and their relationship;

CO4. demonstrate an understanding of the development of production, human sexuality, economic organization, and marriage and
family; and

CO5. demonstrate an understanding of the origins and anatomy of state, social stratification, gender hierarchies, religion, and arts.

Week #
(10 weeks with 5 hours per Course Outcomes
week + 1 hour (only the Course Four-Pronged Integration Expected Output /
Topics Learning Outcomes
academic consultation Outcome Number: e.g. (Process Questions) Assessment
(synchronous and CO1, CO2, CO3, etc.)

Synchronous: At the end of the week, the preservice teacher Designing a timeline of the
A. Orientation of the Course (PST) should be able to: Core/Related Value: history of Anthropology,
1. Definition and historical a. define and discuss Anthropology and its Faith / Nationalism. including its history in the
background of Anthropology basic concerns its different subfields; How can understanding a culture develop Philippines.
2. Subfields of Anthropology CO1 b. explain the relations of Anthropology, with the sense of nationalism of a person?
3. Relations of Anthropology to other Social Science disciplines and its Submission of the
other Social Science disciplines importance in personal and professional Social Integration: accomplished timeline
4. Uses of Anthropology lives; Cultural Appropriation is the act of culture
Week 1 & 2 5. Anthropological methods c. identify methods used in Anthropology; adopting, or assimilating another form of Individual viewing of TV or
d. define and discuss culture, the significance culture into theirs, in order to interact with YouTube advertisement
Asynchronous: of enculturation, cultural relativism and each other and form relationships that
B. Nature of Culture diffusion; and are, by all means, good more often than Output is a reflection paper
1. Definition of Culture e. explain mental and behavioral aspects of bad. How can understanding one’s culture on cultural relativism
2. Role of enculturation and
culture and the universal characteristics of help improve the good and bad behaviors
relativism in understanding
CO2 culture. related to cultural appropriation?
3. Mental and behavioral aspects
of culture Subject Across Discipline:
4. Universal patterns of culture In ESP (Edukasyon sa pagkakatao),
respect, especially to those with different
culture to us is discussed.How can we
show respect to other people with
different beliefs.
Biblical Scripture:
Why should we not show biases
regardless of race, gender, or culture?

James 2:1-26 ESV

My brothers, show no partiality as you
hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the
Lord of glory. For if a man wearing a gold
ring and fine clothing comes into your
assembly, and a poor man in shabby
clothing also comes in, and if you pay
attention to the one who wears the fine
clothing and say, “You sit here in a good
place,” while you say to the poor man,
“You stand over there,” or, “Sit down at
my feet,” have you not then made
distinctions among yourselves and
become judges with evil thoughts? Listen,
my beloved brothers, has not God chosen
those who are poor in the world to be rich
in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he
has promised to those who love him?
Week #
(10 weeks with 5 hours per Course Outcomes Expected Output /
week + 1 hour (only the Course Learning Outcomes Four-Pronged Integration Assessment
academic consultation Topics Outcome Number: e.g. (SMART) (Process Questions) (Brief Description of the
(synchronous and CO1, CO2, CO3, etc.)
asynchronous) Assessment/Output)

At the end of the week, the preservice Recitation on the relationship

Synchronous: teacher (PST) should be able to: Core/Related Value: between language and
C. Language and Culture Service / Stewardship. culture
1. Universal features of language a. identify universal features of language; How do we become good stewards to
2. Biological and cultural aspects CO3 b. explain the biological and cultural aspects people with different cultures and Written objective test on
of culture 3. Relationship of language; sexuality? identifying food hunting and
between language and culture c. describe the relationship between gathering techniques, and
language and culture; Social Integration: different types of agriculture
D. Development of Production d. explain how energy production have Discrimination and Rascim is a long
1.Evolution of Energy Production developed through time; e. identify some standing social issue we still experience. Written objective essay on
2. Food Hunting and Gathering CO4 of the food hunting and gathering How should we treat and act towards explaining the differences of
Stage techniques of early people; people with different backgrounds and human sexuality in different
3. Agriculture f. discuss the different types of agriculture; origins from us? cultures
e. differentiate between sex and gender;
E. Human Sexuality and Subject Across Discipline:
1. Definition of Sex and Gender g. describe human sexuality and explain its In Christian Living Subject, it is taught that
Week 3 & 4 2. Differentiation between sex differences in different cultures. we must love our neighbors as we love
and gender CO4 ourselves. Why should we develop a
3. Definition of Human sexuality sense of love and camaraderie to
4. Human sexuality in different ourselves and other people?
cultural set ups
Biblical Scripture:
What is the connection between loving
our neighbors, ourselves, and God?

Luke 10:27 (NKJV)

So he answered and said, "'You shall love
the LORD your God with all your heart,
with all your soul, with all your strength,
and with all your mind,' and 'your
neighbor as yourself.'" (NKJV)

Week #
(10 weeks with 5 hours per Course Outcomes Expected Output /
week + 1 hour (only the Course Learning Outcomes Four-Pronged Integration Assessment
academic consultation Outcome Number: e.g. (SMART) (Process Questions) (Brief Description of the
(synchronous and CO1, CO2, CO3, etc.) Assessment/Output)

At the end of the week, the preservice Wet market/dry market/ sari-
Synchronous: teacher (PST) should be able to: Core/Related Value: sari store/ talipapa/ carinderia
F. Economic Organization a. explain economic organization and its Service / Preferential Love for the Poor? survey on forces that drive
1. Definition of economic different forms; How do we show love to our family and price market exchange.
organization b. discuss how reciprocity redistribution kin? Output is group reflection
2. Different forms of function in preindustrial societies and paper on the survey
economic organization the forces that drives a price market Social Integration:
3. Differentiate reciprocity CO4 exchange; The family group's culture in the Written objective test on the
and redistribution c. explain the factors of the uneven world Philippines is diverse. How can we show different family groups
4. What is a price market population distribution, causes and respect and understanding to people with
exchange? effects of human movement, different family group compositions Creating student’s own family
G. Marriage and Family overpopulation and urbanization, and different from ours? tree, with explanation.
1.Definition of marriage the impact of man on culture; and Rubrics shall be provided.
2. Economic aspects of
Week 5 & 6 d. explain descent, kinship and marital Subject Across Discipline: Output is an illustration of the
residence, the determinants of In Economics, a family’s composition and family tree.
3. Restrictions on bilateral descent and lineages and financial capabilities collectively affects
marriage clans, and the causes of patrilocality, their ability financially and economically.
4. Different family groups CO4 matrilocality and avunculocality. In what way does a family group explain
a. Nuclear economic activities of a family, especially
family if it involves expenses and consumption of
b. Polygamous necessary goods?
c. Extended
Family d. One- Biblical Scripture:
parent domestic What must be our attitude towards our
groups family, ourselves, and to our God,
Asynchronous: especially if we are challenged financially
H. Marital Residence, Kinship and
and economically?
1. Define Kinship,
2 Corinthians 8:1-24 ESV
Descent and marital
residence We want you to know, brothers, about the
2. What are the grace of God that has been given among
determinants of bilateral the churches of Macedonia, for in a
descent groups CO4 severe test of affliction, their abundance
3. Determinants of of joy and their extreme poverty have
lineages and clans overflowed in a wealth of generosity on
4. Causes of Patrilocality, their part. For they gave according to their
matrilocality and means, as I can testify, and beyond their
avunculocality means, of their own accord, begging us
earnestly for the favor of taking part in the
relief of the saints— and this, not as we
expected, but they gave themselves first
to the Lord and then by the will of God to
Week #
(10 weeks with 5 hours per Course Outcomes Expected Output /
week + 1 hour (only the Course Learning Outcomes Four-Pronged Integration Assessment
academic consultation Outcome Number: e.g. (SMART) (Process Questions) (Brief Description of the
(synchronous and CO1, CO2, CO3, etc.) Assessment/Output)

Synchronous: At the end of the week, the preservice teacher Core/Related Value:
I. Law, Order and War in NonState (PST) should be able to: Faith / Nationalism.
Societies a. discuss the role of order and war in band How is understanding Law and Order,
1. Law and Order in Band and village societies, nonkin societies and the Anatomy of a State, and Social
and Village Societies CO5 role they play, ways how hunters and Stratification improve our sense of
2. Non-Kin Associations gatherers settled their differences, and the nationalism?
3. Warfare among role of the Big Man;
hunters and Gatherers b. explain how the Big Man system have Social Integration:
4. Warfare and the Big evolved into chiefdoms, the origins of the Discrimination is an issue tackled if it
Man System state, and the role of the state and physical involves ranks, positions, and social
coercion; standing in a society. How can we avoid
J. Origins and Anatomy of the State c. discuss the characteristics of egalitarian, discrimination in a society where ranks
Week 7 & 8
1. Evolution of the Big rank and class societies and the differences and positions are evident?
Man System into between the three pre industrial societies.
Chiefdoms Subject Across Discipline:
2. The Origins of the CO5 In History, Hierarchical systems were
State founded to enact order and discipline. Is
3. The State and Physical the Hierarchical systems and social
Coercion stratification today still effective to enact
order or discipline?
K. Social Stratification Biblical Scripture:
1. Egalitarian societies CO5 Does ranks and positions in society still
2. Rank societies
matter when it talks about going to
3. Class societies

John 14:6 ESV

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the
truth, and the life. No one comes to the
Father except through me.

Week #
(10 weeks with 5 hours per Course Outcomes Expected Output /
week + 1 hour (only the Course Learning Outcomes Four-Pronged Integration Assessment
academic consultation Outcome Number: e.g. (SMART) (Process Questions) (Brief Description of the
(synchronous and CO1, CO2, CO3, etc.) Assessment/Output)

Synchronous: At the end of the week, the preservice Formulation of own

L. Gender Hierarchies teacher (PST) should be able to: Core/Related Value: development plan from the
1. Gender differences a. explain the differences in gender and its Service / Stewardship. present stage of life span, up
and hierarchies CO5 hierarchies, variations, and causes of How can we become good stewards to old age. Output will be a
2. Variations in Gender variations in gender hierarchies; towards people with different genders, commitment form to be
Hierarchies b. explain why religion is universal, its religion, and to those people who wear signed by the student.
3. Causes of variation in variations and rituals in different societies, unique fashion styles?
gender hierarchies and its role as an adaptation in different life Writing a 200-word essay on
situations; the status of different
Week 9 & 10 M. Religion c. explain the functions of body decorations Social Integration: religions today. Rubrics shall
1. Universality of religion and adornments, the reasons for the Discrimination still is evident against be presented to students.
2. Variations in religion CO5 variations in the arts, and why different people with different genders and Output is a hardcopy of the
and rituals cultures have different expressions of art; religion. How do we show to other people essay
3. Religion and and that regardless of sexuality, religion, or
adaptation d. explain what is applied anthropology, the artistic expression they are still human Cloth dying, body painting, or
relation of anthropology and societal and deserve respect? jar, paper, wood painting with
N. Arts development, and some examples of cultural significance. • Output
1. Body decorations and applied anthropology. Subject Across Discipline: is a mini exhibit in the
adornments In Araling Panlipunan, Racism and classroom, with pictures
2. Variations in the arts Discrimination across religion is uploaded in social media
3. Viewing the art of other happening still. In what ways do we (Facebook, Instagram) with
cultures promote to our community that this must appropriate captions. Rubrics
be avoided if not stopped? shall be provided.

Biblical Scripture: Writing a 200-word essay on

How can we demonstrate love for our why anthropology is or is not
O. Applied Anthropology
neighbors with different gender underrated in the Philippines.
1. Define what is applied
preferences and to those with different Output is a hardcopy of the
2. Relation of anthropology and religions from ours? essay
development CO5
3. Examples of applied Galatians 5:14 (NKJV)
anthropology For all the law is fulfilled in one word,
a. medical anthropology even in this: "You shall love your neighbor
b. forensics as yourself."

Learning Management System/Online Classroom Code :
Social Media Group Chat :
FB Account :
Consultation Schedule : Every Monday and Thursday 10:00 AM to 12:00 NN


Criteria for Grading

Dimensions For Major Subjects of Board Courses
Performance Tasks 50 %
Quizzes, Assignments 20%
Term Examinations 30 %
Total 100 %

A. Orientation of the Course
1. Definition and historical background of Anthropology
2. Subfields of Anthropology
3. Relations of Anthropology to other Social Science disciplines
4. Uses of Anthropology
5. Anthropological methods

B. Nature of Culture
1. Definition of Culture
2. Role of enculturation and relativism in understanding cultures
3. Mental and behavioral aspects of culture
4. Universal patterns of culture

C. Language and Culture

1. Universal features of language
2. Biological and cultural aspects of culture 3. Relationship between language and culture

D. Development of Production
1.Evolution of Energy Production
2. Food Hunting and Gathering Stage
3. Agriculture

E. Human Sexuality
1. Definition of Sex and Gender
2. Differentiation between sex and gender
3. Definition of Human sexuality
4. Human sexuality in different cultural set ups

F. Economic Organization
1. Definition of economic organization
2. Different forms of economic organization
3. Differentiate reciprocity and redistribution
4. What is a price market exchange?

G. Marriage and Family

1.Definition of marriage
2. Economic aspects of marriage
3. Restrictions on marriage
4. Different family groups
a. Nuclear family
b. Polygamous
c. Extended Family d. One-parent domestic groups

H. Marital Residence, Kinship and Descent

1. Define Kinship, Descent and marital residence
2. What are the determinants of bilateral descent groups
3. Determinants of lineages and clans
4. Causes of Patrilocality, matrilocality and avunculocality

I. Law, Order and War in NonState Societies

1. Law and Order in Band and Village Societies
2. Non-Kin Associations
3. Warfare among hunters and Gatherers
4. Warfare and the Big Man System

J. Origins and Anatomy of the State

1. Evolution of the Big Man System into Chiefdoms
2. The Origins of the State
3. The State and Physical Coercion

K. Social Stratification
1. Egalitarian societies
2. Rank societies
3. Class societies

L. Gender Hierarchies
1. Gender differences and hierarchies
2. Variations in Gender Hierarchies
3. Causes of variation in gender hierarchies
M. Religion
1. Universality of religion
2. Variations in religion and rituals
3. Religion and adaptation

N. Arts
1. Body decorations and adornments
2. Variations in the arts
3. Viewing the art of other cultures

O. Applied Anthropology
1. Define what is applied anthropology
2. Relation of anthropology and development
3. Examples of applied anthropology
a. medical anthropology
b. forensics


1. Lecture-discussion using PowerPoint Presentation on the definition and subfields of Anthropology, and on the relations of Anthropology and other
Social Science disciplines
2. Viewing of video clip on the historical background of Anthropology, incorporated with the uses and methods of Anthropology.
3. Viewing of video on various cultures of the world
4. Small group discussions on the scenes in the video that manifest enculturation, relativism, and universal patterns of culture
5. Lecture-Discussion on the nature of culture
6. Question-generation strategies
7. Lecture-discussion using PowerPoint presentation on the evolution of energy production
8. Viewing of video on food hunting and gathering stage, and agriculture
9. Lecture-discussion using PowerPoint presentation on human sexuality
10. Think, pair and share on students’ view of sexuality
11. Lecture-discussion using PowerPoint presentation on the definition and forms of economic organization, reciprocity and redistribution, and price
market exchange
12. Lecture-discussion using PowerPoint presentation on definition, economic aspects, and restrictions on marriage.
13. Video clip viewing on overpopulation (preferably the 6- minute link, https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=QsBT5EQt348)
14. Cumulative Brainstorming from the video clip. (Cumulative brainstorming in a group: each student in the group jots down an idea pertaining to a
different problem or issue. Each student then hands their sheet of paper to the student on the left (clockwise), who adds an idea or comment to the
sheet of paper they have just received. This continues until all the students have commented on all the sheets.)
15. Lecture-discussion using PowerPoint presentation on the definition of kinship, descent and marital residence, the determinants of bilateral descent
groups, lineages and clans, including causes of patrilocality, matrilocality, and avunculocality.
16. Retelling the lineage of Dr. Jose P. Rizal using his family tree
17. Lecture-discussion using PowerPoint presentation on law and order in band and village societies, non-kin associations
18. Video on warfare among hunter and gatherers, and the Big Man System
19. Lecture-discussion using PowerPoint presentation on the evolution of the Big Man System into Chiefdoms, origins of the State, and Physical
20. Lecture-discussion using PowerPoint presentation on egalitarian societies, rank societies, class societies
21. Sticky-Note Clustering (The instructor provides the students with symbols/indicators, e.g. cell phone brands, shoe brand logo, canned goods brand,
etc, and then gives each of them one sticky note. On each of their sticky note, students write down one idea why they stick their notes onto a wall or
whiteboard under one of the different categories of social rank/class)
22. Lecture-discussion using PowerPoint presentation on gender differences and hierarchies, its variations and causes
23. Reevaluation of men and women’s roles today
24. Lecture-discussion using PowerPoint presentation on universality of religion, variations in religion and rituals, and adaptation
25. Video clips on different views of world religions, and rituals
26. • Lecture-discussion using PowerPoint presentation on body decoration and adornments, and variations in the arts
27. Video clip on the arts of other cultures
28. Lecture-discussion using PowerPoint presentation on applied anthropology and its examples, and anthropology and its development
29. Video clips on how different anthropologists work.


Carrier, J. & Gewertz, D. (2016). The handbook of sociocultural anthropology. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

Ember, C., Melvin, E., & Peregrine, P. (2002). Physical anthropology and archaeology. Prentice Hall

Harris, M. (2000). Cultural anthropology. HarperCollins

Lewin, R. & Foley, R. (2003). Principle of human evolution. Blackwell Science Ltd

Rapport, N. (2014). Social and cultural anthropology. Routledge

Prepared by: Reviewed by:


Dean, Teacher Education Program

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