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Canadian Respiratory Journal

Volume 2022, Article ID 5680311, 18 pages

Review Article
Inspiratory Muscle Rehabilitation Training in Pediatrics:
What Is the Evidence?

Dharini M. Bhammar ,1 Harrison N. Jones ,2 and Jason E. Lang 3

Center for Tobacco Research, Division of Medical Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH, USA
Department of Head and Neck Surgery & Communication Sciences, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA
Division of Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine, Duke Children’s Hospital and Health Center, Durham, NC, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Dharini M. Bhammar; dharini.bhammar@osumc.edu

Received 16 February 2022; Revised 4 July 2022; Accepted 15 July 2022; Published 18 August 2022

Academic Editor: Paola Pierucci

Copyright © 2022 Dharini M. Bhammar et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Pulmonary rehabilitation is typically used for reducing respiratory symptoms and improving fitness and quality of life for
patients with chronic lung disease. However, it is rarely prescribed and may be underused in pediatric conditions. Pulmonary
rehabilitation can include inspiratory muscle training that improves the strength and endurance of the respiratory muscles. The
purpose of this narrative review is to summarize the current literature related to inspiratory muscle rehabilitation training
(IMRT) in healthy and diseased pediatric populations. This review highlights the different methods of IMRT and their effects
on respiratory musculature in children. Available literature demonstrates that IMRT can improve respiratory muscle strength
and endurance, perceived dyspnea and exertion, maximum voluntary ventilation, and exercise performance in the pediatric
population. These mechanistic changes help explain improvements in symptomology and clinical outcomes with IMRT and
highlight our evolving understanding of the role of IMRT in pediatric patients. There remains considerable heterogeneity in the
literature related to the type of training utilized, training protocols, duration of the training, use of control versus placebo, and
reported outcome measures. There is a need to test and refine different IMRT protocols, conduct larger randomized
controlled trials, and include patient-centered clinical outcomes to help improve the evidence base and support the use of
IMRT in patient care.

1. Introduction In most cases, PR is prescribed by a physician and le-

verages the expertise and guidance of physical and respiratory
Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is a class of treatments that therapists [7]. PR has the advantage of being practical in
aims to help patients suffering from chronic respiratory numerous settings and can be beneficial with a range of
symptoms [1]. PR usually employs a combination of mo- frequencies, ranging from daily to just a few times per month.
dalities that improves fitness, disease understanding, and PR involves a combination of whole-body exercise (e.g.,
lifestyle choices in ways that promote overall health and walking, aerobics, cycling, and swimming) and skeletal
improved quality of life [1]. PR is most commonly prescribed muscle resistance or strength training to build strength and
for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); how- endurance of the heart, limb muscles, and respiratory mus-
ever, PR can be effective in a number of other conditions, cles. PR can also include various forms of breathing exercises,
particularly those associated with dyspnea and fatigue, such including those that improve the strength and endurance of
as heart disease, interstitial lung disease, lung cancer, cystic the respiratory muscles. Altogether, PR can relieve respiratory
fibrosis, and asthma [2–6]. To date, PR is rarely prescribed in symptoms, reduce dyspnea, and increase mobility, endurance,
pediatric conditions and may very well be underutilized. and disease-related quality of life [8–11].
2 Canadian Respiratory Journal

2. Respiratory Musculature disease or when the body is under stress (i.e., during exercise),
increased work of breathing and greater dyspnea can result.
2.1. Mechanics of Breathing. The lungs cannot fulfill their gas Additionally, the pediatric diaphragm sits more superiorly in
exchange role without a mechanical apparatus (or pump) the thoracoabdominal cavity with a reduced zone of appo-
that expands the lungs and draws air into the lower airways. sition. Children’s ribs are more horizontally aligned pre-
This complex apparatus includes the thoracic cage (made up venting a more efficient bucket-handle effect, raising the ribs
of the spinal vertebrae, the ribs, and sternum), the lung up and out.
pleura, and the respiratory muscles. The respiratory muscles
are similar in nature to other skeletal muscles, and during
quiet breathing, they work in unison to expand the thoracic 2.3. Respiratory Muscle Fatigue. Several factors can predis-
cage and induce inhalation. Respiratory muscles have both pose respiratory muscles to fatigue in health and disease. Any
voluntary and involuntary innervation and are thought to factor that increases the energy demands of respiration im-
have greater resilience to fatigue than other skeletal muscles. pairs the capacity of the respiratory muscles to handle an
The muscular diaphragm is the main driver of inhalation. increased ventilatory workload and quickly leads to respi-
During quiet involuntary breathing, the diaphragm mostly ratory muscle fatigue and dyspnea. Two common examples
acts alone. As the diaphragm contracts, it flattens and de- include restrictive lung disease (e.g., obesity, myopathy) and
scends into the abdominal cavity, leading to drops in airway collapse and hyperinflation (e.g., asthma), both of
intrapleural and alveolar pressures. Assuming airway pa- which limit the respiratory muscles from handling increased
tency, air moves from the atmosphere to the lower, subat- ventilatory workload. Secondly, reduced energy reserves,
mospheric pressures in the alveoli. malnutrition, or homeostatic problems, such as circulating
Exhalation, on the other hand, is a more passive process acidosis or reactive oxygen species, can impair respiratory
and results from the relaxation of the respiratory muscles. muscle function leading to fatigue. Lastly, deconditioning or
The diaphragm relaxes and ascends, allowing recoil of the atrophy (following severe illness or after prolonged me-
lungs and thoracic cage to the resting volume known as chanical ventilation), anemia, low cardiac output states, and
functional residual capacity (FRC). During hyperventilation hypoxemia all predispose to diaphragmatic dysfunction and
or volitional exhalation, the rectus abdominal muscles (and fatigue. Table 1 shows the most common conditions that can
to some degree the internal intercostals, intercostales intimi, affect the functioning of the respiratory muscles in childhood.
and subcostal muscles) promote thoracic recoil and forced
exhalation. During volitional breathing or hyperventilation
2.4. Assessment of Respiratory Muscle Functioning. More
induced by exercise, exhalation is facilitated mainly by the
research is needed to understand how best to measure and
abdominal muscles (rectus and transversus abdominal
follow changes in respiratory muscle functioning. The
muscles and internal and external oblique muscles) and
strength of the respiratory muscles can be quantified in the
secondarily by the internal intercostals. Contraction of these
clinical setting easily by the maximum inspiratory pressure
muscles together actively augment the ascent of the dia-
(MIP) at the mouth by manometry against a closed
phragm, raising the pleural and alveolar pressures and
mouthpiece [14]. These tests require patient cooperation and
leading to rapid exhalation.
maximal effort. Current guidelines recommend at least three
inspiratory maneuvers with maximal effort within 10%.
Typically, the MIP is measured at the initiation of inspiration
2.2. Developmental and Pediatric Specific Issues with the from the lung’s residual volume. Maximal expiratory
Diaphragm and Respiratory Musculature. Key develop- pressure (MEP) measured at expiration from total lung
mental issues are involved in inspiration during health and capacity measures the strength of the expiratory muscles
disease. All respiratory muscles originally derive from em- [15]. Some conditions such as obesity do not demonstrate
bryonic (cranial and trunk) mesoderm. The embryonic and uniformly reduced baseline inspiratory muscle strength (i.e.,
early-life development of the diaphragm is critical to normal MIP) but display greater fatigue of respiratory muscles
respiration and can exhibit developmental defects that impair under stress. Though resting MIP is not a direct measure of
breathing efficiency. The muscular diaphragm develops as a fatigue, it is closely correlated with inspiratory muscle fa-
thin sheet that is both a central tendon and emanating muscle tigue and exertional dyspnea [15–17]. Currently, there are no
connecting anteriorly to the costal cartilages of ribs 7–10 and universally accepted measures of inspiratory muscle en-
xiphoid and posteriorly to the lumbar vertebral bodies, durance or fatigue. Despite this, several procedures have
transverse processes, and the 11th and 12th ribs; it separates the been described in the research setting, but all have con-
thoracic from the abdominal cavity. After the diaphragm is siderable limitations. Procedures that have been described
fully developed, the descent of the diaphragm during con- but need further pediatric validation include various forms
traction stabilizes and elevates the lowest ribs via its anterior of incremental-load testing, constant-load testing, and time
connections. This is known as the bucket handle effect. It is trials [14, 15].
thought that children have less efficient inspiratory motion
due to incomplete diaphragmatic development [12, 13], which
can lead to earlier fatigue and resulting dyspnea with activity. 2.5. Pediatric Methods for Training the Inspiratory Muscles.
In addition, the increased thoracic compliance seen in chil- Training approaches for inspiratory muscles can broadly be
dren further makes inspiration less efficient. With respiratory separated into strength-or endurance-training approaches.
Canadian Respiratory Journal 3

Table 1: Causes of respiratory muscle weakness or fatigue.

Common classes Examples/comments
Injury to spinal cord/diaphragmatic innervation Trauma affecting spinal nerves C3–5
Arnold–Chiari malformations Types I–IV
Guillain–Barre syndrome Following acute infections, rarely vaccines
Myasthenic syndromes
Muscular dystrophies Duchenne, Becker, Myotonic, Limb-girdle
Spinal muscular atrophy Types 1 (infantile onset), 2 (intermediate), 3/4 (mild, adult onset)
Multiple sclerosis
Metabolic myopathy Pompe, McArdle, mitochondrial
Airway diseases COPD, asthma
Diaphragmatic disorders Congenital diaphragmatic hernia, eventration
Cerebral vascular accidents (stroke)
Critical illness Prolonged ECMO, chronic mechanical ventilation
Inflammatory myopathy Polymyositis, dermatomyositis
Iatrogenic (steroid myopathy, radiation injury)
Poisoning/toxins Botulism, narcotics
Infections Polio, polio-like viruses, acute flaccid myelitis
Obesity Restricted diaphragmatic motion and thoracic expansion
Note. COPD – chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and ECMO – extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.

Strength-training approaches generally involve higher ex- respiratory load via a fixed 2 mm port, incorporates an
ternal loads (intensity) with lower training volumes, while integrated pressure transducer to quantify resistance, and
endurance-training approaches typically use lower external uses a Bluetooth-connected smartphone app to provide
loads and higher training volumes [18]. Although training targeted loads, biofeedback, and user adherence data.
methods vary considerably, three primary methods have
been used to train the respiratory muscles: (1) voluntary
isocapnic hyperpnea (VIH), (2) flow-resistive loading, and 2.5.3. Pressure-Threshold Loading. Pressure-threshold
(3) pressure-threshold loading. loading provides an external load to the respiratory muscles
via ventilation through an orifice that remains closed with a
spring-loaded valve or other methods until a target pressure
2.5.1. VIH Training. VIH training typically requires vigor-
ous hyperventilation for up to 30 minutes to target respi- ®
is achieved (e.g., Threshold IMT from Phillips Respironics
ratory muscle endurance. To prevent hypocapnia, ™ ™
(Figure 2), EMST150 with IA150 from Aspire Products
(Figure 3)). This approach allows delivery of a quantifiable
incorporation of a dead space rebreathing circuit or sup- and adjustable external load that is relatively independent of
plemental oxygen to avoid hypoxemia and maintain iso- flow rate using simple and relatively inexpensive equipment.
capnia is necessary. Training sessions generally occur at a A limitation is that once the target pressure is achieved, the
frequency of 3–5 times per week at an intensity of 60–90% of training resistance remits. Additional details about training
maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV). A limitation of VIH devices including commercial product examples, strengths,
is that high motivation is required as patients may find and limitations can be found in Table 2.
training to be strenuous and time-consuming [18–21]. The purpose of this narrative review is to summarize the
Overall, VIH appears to enhance measures of respiratory currently available literature on the various types of IMRT
muscle endurance but not strength [18, 22]. protocols utilized in pediatric populations including youth
athletes, children with neuromuscular disease, children with
2.5.2. Flow-Resistive Loading. Flow-resistive loading pro- asthma, and children with obesity and to summarize the
vides the respiratory muscles an external load during ven- effectiveness of IMRT protocols on pulmonary and per-
tilation through a variable diameter orifice. Traditionally, formance outcomes.
this is accomplished with the use of analog devices with
adjustable dials, which allow the orifice surface area to be 3. Effectiveness of Inspiratory Muscle
manipulated to change the flow and resulting load. For a Rehabilitation Training
given flow rate, the load increases as the orifice surface area
decreases, although load also varies with flow rate. Therefore, 3.1. Description of Literature Search. A PubMed search was
in order to provide a quantifiable load, respiratory flow or performed using the search terms “inspiratory training” or
pressure must be measured, which has led to the develop- “inspiratory muscle training” AND “children” or “child” or
ment of devices that provide electronic flow-resistive “pediatric” AND the appropriate population of interest such
loading. For example, the K-series devices from POWER- as “athletes,” “neuromuscular disease,” “obesity,” or
breathe provide an external load via an electronically
controlled orifice that varies to achieve a target load or flow
“asthma” between January and March 2022. By screening the
title and abstract, we were able to identify original pro-

rate. Similarly, the PrO2 device (Figure 1) provides a spective studies with full text available in English in children
4 Canadian Respiratory Journal

Figure 1: PrO2 ™ IMRT device (left) with user biofeedback (right) in PrO2™ Fit app via Bluetooth connection.
of IMRT on dyspnea or swim performance assessed with an
incremental swimming test protocol. The increase in MIP
after IMRT was consistent among the studies in swimmers
[25–29] and in the study in soccer players [30].
Although the performance was not improved after IMRT
in the national-level competitive swimmers, IMRT improved
50-meter and 200-meter swim performance in short- and
Figure 2: Threshold IMT from Phillips Respironics provides
pressure-threshold loading from 9 to 41 cm H2O resistance.
middle-distance swimmers training 20 hours/week [26],
100-meter and 200-meter performance in swimmers
training 10 hours/week but not in those training 14–19
hours/week [27], and apnea max (maximum distance swum
after inspiration) in fin-swimmers [28]. Running perfor-
mance was improved in soccer players after IMRT, more so
than in the control training group [30]. Ratings of perceived
exertion and dyspnea were reportedly lower after IMRT in
swimmers [25, 26]. Forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced
expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) improvements
were noted in most [24, 26, 29, 30] but not all [25, 28] studies
Figure 3: EMST150TM with IA150TM from Aspire Products pro- that included spirometry.
vides pressure-threshold loading from 30 to 150 cm H2O resistance.

<18 years that included an IMRT intervention that was 3.3. IMRT in Children with Neuromuscular Diseases. We
described in sufficient detail so as to be reproducible. IMRT performed a review of the literature on IMRT in children
was defined as an intervention that involved loading the with neuromuscular diseases. Several studies were excluded
inspiratory muscles with an external device to improve due to insufficient details regarding the specifics of their
inspiratory muscle strength and/or endurance. The refer- training protocol or outcomes [31–38]. Of the eight included
ences and citations of each article identified with the search studies (Table 4), five included children with muscular
were also screened. Study quality was assessed using the dystrophy, of which four involved children with Duchenne
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s tailored quality muscular dystrophy (DMD) [39–42] and one involved
assessment tools [23] with individual study quality assess- children with limb girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) or
ments provided in Supplemental Tables 1–3. spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) [43]. In the four studies with
DMD patients, respiratory training occurred frequently
from twice daily to 5 times per week for an overall duration
3.2. IMRT in Pediatric Athletes. We performed a review of of 5–6 weeks. Topin and colleagues [41] and Takaso and
the literature on the use of inspiratory muscle training in colleagues [42] both used pressure-threshold loading at an
pediatric-age athletes (Table 3). Most pediatric IMRT studies intensity of 30% MIP. DiMarco and colleagues [39] and
have involved swimmers [24–28], including one in disabled Martin and colleagues [40] both used flow-resistive loading
swimmers [29]. One study was on soccer players [30]. Wells developed in-house at an intensity that could be tolerated for
and colleagues examined the effects of six weeks of mod- 5–15 minutes in the former or ventilation to exhaustion in
erate-intensity IMRT followed by six weeks of high-intensity less than 3 minutes in the latter. Training intensity was
IMRT compared with six weeks of sham (or placebo) fol- defined temporally by DiMarco et al. (15–20 minutes), while
lowed by six weeks of moderate-intensity IMRT in national- Martin and colleagues required 3 efforts to exhaustion.
level competitive swimmers [24]. They reported improve- Additionally, Martin et al. required subjects to complete
ments in MIP and MEP as well as inspiratory and expiratory maximum isometric inspiratory/expiratory maneuvers over
muscle power output during the respiratory muscle en- their range of vital capacity for 30 minutes. Overall, based on
durance test after 12 weeks in both groups with no differ- their training intensity and volume, these 4 studies in DMD
ences between the groups. In this study, there was no effect seemed to target respiratory muscle endurance more than
Canadian Respiratory Journal 5

Table 2: Types of inspiratory muscle rehabilitation training.

Device type Subtypes Commercial products Strengths Limitations
Relatively expensive and complex
Voluntary equipment
isocapnic N/A SpiroTiger Real-time biofeedback Limited portability
hyperpnea Training is strenuous and time-
Flow-resistive Inexpensive Load varies with flow rate
Analog Breather, P-Flex
loading Highly portable Limited biofeedback capability
Highly programmable

Automated data collection Relatively expensive

Real-time biofeedback with Breathe- Full functionality for K4/K5 devices
Digital POWERbreathe K-series
Link software for K4/K5 requires a computer, which increases
KH1 allows measurement of MIP cost and decreases portability
Wide range of resistance (5–200 cm
Highly portable
Highly programmable
Relatively expensive
PrO2 Automated data collection Full functionality requires a
Real-time biofeedback provided via smartphone/tablet and an app
smartphone app
Measurement of MIP
Highly portable
Pressure- Limited biofeedback capability
Load is relatively independent of flow
threshold N/A Threshold IMT Available load is low range and narrow
loading (9–41 cm H2O)
Calibration markings are easy to
interpret and set
Limited biofeedback capability
Highly portable
Analog devices from Can be difficult to determine range of
Load is relatively independent of flow
POWERbreathe (e.g., Medic, load for various models
Classic, Plus) Ordinal calibration markings do not
Relatively wide range of loads
quantify load
Relatively inexpensive
Limited biofeedback capability
Highly portable
For inspiratory training, both
Load is relatively independent of flow
expiratory device (EMST75 or
rate (mm)
EMST75/150 with IA150 EMST150) and inspiratory adapter
Relatively wide range of loads
(IA150) are required
available (5–75 cm H2O with
Calibration markings to quantify load
EMST75; 30–150 cm H2O with
may be difficult to interpret
Note. MIP – maximal inspiratory pressure and EMST – expiratory muscle strength training.

strength, except for the study from Martin and colleagues The population of interest in the three remaining studies
that specifically targeted both strength and endurance. were children with infantile-onset Pompe disease (IOPD)
Improvements in inspiratory muscle endurance were including a before-and-after trial in 9 subjects [44] and 2
noted in all three of the studies which included endurance case studies involving three participants [45, 46]. Smith et al.
measures including improved MVV [39], the duration that [44] used inspiratory pressure-threshold loading twice per
MIP/MEP maneuvers could be sustained ≥90% [40], and week for 90 days. The intensity was the highest tolerated load
time-to-exhaustion testing [41]. Inspiratory muscle strength in which they generated at least 50% of their unassisted tidal
(MIP) did not improve in three of the studies [39–41]. volume for a volume of 3–4 sets of 6–10 repetitions. Jones
Takaso et al. [42] reported improvements in forced vital et al. [45] and Crisp et al. [46] used inspiratory and expi-
capacity. Yeldan et al. [43] studied inspiratory pressure- ratory pressure-threshold loading 5 times per week for 12
threshold loading 2 times per day for 12 weeks in patients weeks. Training intensity was 60–70% MIP/MEP and vol-
with LGMD and SMA. Training intensity was 30% MIP, and ume was 3 sets of 25 inspiratory and expiratory repetitions.
volume was 15 minutes/session. Based on MIP, inspiratory Results from Smith et al. [44] differed based on the me-
muscle strength improved, though FVC and FEV1 were chanical ventilation status of participants. For those on full
unchanged. mechanical ventilation, no changes in peak inspiratory flow,
6 Canadian Respiratory Journal

Table 3: Inspiratory muscle rehabilitation training (IMRT) in youth athletes.

Citation Study Design Population Intervention Outcomes Limitations
At 6 weeks, no change
in MIP and MEP in
IMRT or sham groups;
at 12 weeks,
∆MIP � 14.4 cmH20
Duration: 12 weeks
and ∆MEP � 20 cmH20
in females (combining
IMRT and sham
subjects) with no
changes in males
MVV15, FEV1, and
FVC increased in both
IMRT and sham groups
Frequency: 10 sessions/
after 12 weeks; no
difference between
IMRT and sham at 6
Intensity: 50% weeks
National-level 1–3 and 60% weeks 3–6
competitive for MIP and MEP; 70%
No statistical between-
Wells et al. 2005 swimmers, weeks 7–9 and 80%
RCT group comparisons
[24] 15.6 ± 1.3 years weeks 10–12 for MIP
n � 34 (20 females, and MEP
14 males) Volume: 10 breaths per
Type: inspiratory and
expiratory flow-resistive
Equipment: PowerLung No differences in
Control: sham IMRT performance (swim
(10% MIP and MEP) for velocity) or dyspnea
6 weeks followed by
moderate IMRT (50%
weeks 7–9 and 60%
weeks 10–12 for MIP
and MEP)
(Both groups continued
regular swim training;
only first 6 weeks
represent differences
between IMRT and
Canadian Respiratory Journal 7

Table 3: Continued.
Citation Study Design Population Intervention Outcomes Limitations
∆MIP � 10.5 cmH20 in
IMRT group vs.
Duration: 6 weeks
0.3 cmH20 in sham
Swim time improved
for 100 m and 200 m
Frequency: 7 days/week
time trials, but not for
400 m time trial
Intensity: 50% MIP.
Club-level Rating of perceived
Instructed to increased
competitive exertion decreased
Kilding et al. load periodically so that
RCT swimmers n � 16 across a range of
2010 [25] 30 breaths could only
(6 females, 10 intensities
just be completed
Volume: 30 breaths, FVC, FEV1, PEF: No
twice a day change
Type: pressure threshold
Equipment: POWER-
breathe MEP not reported
Control: sham IMRT, 60
slow protracted breaths
once daily at 15% MIP
∆MIP � ≈25 cmH20 in
RMET group vs. no
Duration: 8 weeks
change in control
∆MEP � ≈25 cmH20 in
Frequency: 5 days per RMET group vs. no
week change in control
Competition swim
Intensity: 60% of MVV12 time on 50 m and
200 m improved
Swimmers, Respiratory endurance
13–18 yr, avg. test breathing duration
Volume: 30 min MIP and MEP reported
Lemaitre et al. Controlled before training 45–48 wk/ increased from 16 to
in figures (absolute
2013 [26] and after study yr, 20 h/wk n � 20 24.6 min
values not reported)
(7 females, 13 Type: voluntary
males) isocapnic hyperpnea VEmax and maximum
(respiratory muscle breathing frequency
endurance training or increased
Rating of perceived
exertion and rating of
Equipment: SpiroTiger
perceived dyspnea
during the 50 m and
Control: usual training 200 m race
only FVC (% pred) and
MVV increased
8 Canadian Respiratory Journal

Table 3: Continued.
Citation Study Design Population Intervention Outcomes Limitations
∆MIP � ≈55 cmH20
(high-training IMRT
group), ≈35 cmH20
Duration: 6 weeks (low-training IMRT
group) and ≈20 cmH20
(high-training control
MIP reported in figures
Frequency: 7 days/wk No change in MEP
Swimmers, two (pre and post absolute
Intensity: 50% MIP.
groups based on values not reported).
Instructed to increased
Lomax et al. training distance 36% improvement in
RCT load periodically so that
2019 [27] (low and high) MIP (combined for
30 breaths could only
n � 33 (15 females, high and low-training
just be completed 100 m and 200 m
18 males) IMRT groups) reported
Volume: 30 breaths, swimming times
in text of article
twice a day improved in the low-
Type: pressure threshold training IMRT group
loading only
Equipment: POWER-
Control: usual swim
training only
∆MIP � 33 cmH20
Duration: 8 weeks (IMRT group) and 16
cmH20 (control group)
FVC, FEV1, and PEF
Frequency: 5 days/week increased in IMRT
Intensity: 30% MIP in
week 1, increased to 40%
Disabled in weeks 2 and 3, 50% in
swimming weeks 4 and 5, and 60%
RCT division athletes, in weeks 6–8
et al. 2019 [29]
16–20 yr n � 16 (8 Volume: 30 breaths,
females, 8 males) 5 min in week 1
MEP increased in both
increased to 15 min in
week 8, twice a day
Type: pressure threshold
Equipment: philips
Control: usual swim
training only
Canadian Respiratory Journal 9

Table 3: Continued.
Citation Study Design Population Intervention Outcomes Limitations
MIP increased by
20.8% in the IMRT
Duration: 4 weeks group vs. 1.5% in the
control group (post 4
MEP increased by
10.6% in the IMRT
Frequency: 7 days/week group vs. 5.1% decrease
in the control group
(post 4 weeks)
Intensity: 30% MIP and Length able to swim for
MEP and increased by 2 one inspiration
cm H20 every week until increased by 27.4%
maximum possible (IMRT in first phase),
controlled trial
Club-level fin- resistance on the 20.7% (IMRT in second Results reported as
(parallel arm with
Vašı́čková et al. swimmers n � 20 threshold devices phase) median values; absolute
control group
2017 [28] (did not report Volume: 10 maximal values not reported for
receiving the IMRT
sample size by sex) inspirations and 10 MIP and MEP
intervention after a 1-
maximal expirations
month washout)
(strength) + 15 min of
continuous breathing
against resistance
Type: pressure threshold FVC, FEV1, PEF: no
loading (inspiratory and change
Equipment: philips
Control: usual swim
training (with IMRT
completed in second
phase after washout)
∆MIP � 44 cmH20
Duration: 8 weeks (IMRT group) vs. 11
cmH20 (control group)
∆MEP � 41 cmH20
Frequency: 5 days/week (IMRT group) vs. 4
cmH20 (control group)
Running test distance
Intensity: 40% MIP in increased by 5% in
week 1, increased by 5% IMRT group vs. 2.1% in
every week to 80% in the control group (both
Club-level week 8 changes were
Mackala et al. competitive junior statistically significant)
2019 [30] soccer players Volume: 5 repetitions in
n � 16 males week 1 to 15 repetitions
in week 8, each FVC improved in
repetition was 45 s of IMRT group
IMRT followed by a 15 s
break, twice a day
Type: pressure threshold
Equipment: philips FEV1 improved in
respironics both groups
Control: usual training
Note. RCT–randomized control trial, MIP–maximal inspiratory pressure, MEP–maximal expiratory pressure, MVV12–Maximal voluntary ventilation
measured by assessing ventilation during maximal voluntary effort for 12 seconds and extrapolating to calculate maximal ventilation in liters per minute,
FEV1–forced expiratory volume in 1 second, FVC–forced vital capacity, PEF–peak expiratory flow, and VEmax–maximal ventilation.
10 Canadian Respiratory Journal

Table 4: Inspiratory muscle rehabilitation training (IMRT) in children with neuromuscular disease.
Citation Study design Population Intervention Outcomes
Various NMD: DMD
(n � 5) LGMD (n � 5) Duration: 6 weeks MIP: no ∆
FSHMD (n � 1)
Frequency: 2 x/day MEP: no ∆
Intensity: Inspiratory resistance
tolerated for >5 minutes and <15 VC: no ∆
DiMarco et Before-and after-
al. 1985 [39] trial
N � 11 (did not report Maximum voluntary ventilation
Volume: 15–20 minutes/session
sample size by sex) (MVV):
Type: inspiratory flow-resistive loading 30% MVV: ↑128 ± 81%, p<0.01
50% MVV: ↑107 ± 36%, p < 0.01
Equipment: developed in-house 70% MVV: ↑85 ± 40%, p < 0.01
90% MVV: ↑75 ± 24%, p < 0.01
DMD Duration: 5 weeks MIP: no ∆
Frequency: 5 days/week MEP: no ∆
Intensity: maximum isometric
inspiratory/expiratory maneuvers at
20% intervals over VC range (strength
training) or resistive IMT/EMT via VC: no ∆
various diameters of tubing that led to
exhaustion in <3 minutes (endurance
Martin et al. training)
Cross-over trial
1986 [40] N � 18 males Volume: 30 minutes (strength training); Inspiratory endurance (duration of
ventilation to exhaustion 3 x (endurance MIP ≥90%): ↑ 8.5 ± 8.1 seconds,
training) p < 0.01
Type: isometric inspiratory/expiratory
maneuvers against occluded tube
Expiratory endurance (duration of
(strength training);
MEP ≥90%): ↑ 6.1 ± 5.1 seconds,
Inspiratory/expiratory flow-resistive
p < 0.01
loading (endurance training)
Equipment: developed in-house
DMD Duration: 6 weeks MIP: no ∆
Frequency: 2 x/day FVC: no ∆
Intensity: 30% MIP
Topin et al. Volume: 10 minutes/session
RCT Inspiratory muscle endurance (Tlim):
2002 [41] N � 16 males Type: inspiratory pressure-threshold
↑ from 307.6 ± 126.6 to 448.4 ± 176.7,
p < 0.05
Equipment: threshold IMT
(Control: sham-IMT 5% MIP)
LGMD (n � 17), BMD
Duration: 12 weeks VC: no ∆
(n � 6) recruited
Frequency: 2 x/day FVC: no ∆
Intensity: 30% MIP FEV1: no ∆
Non-RCT with
Yeldan et al. MIP: ↑ 37.5 ± 22.8 cmH20 (IMRT
2008 [43] N � 21 completed (8 Volume: 15 minutes/session group) vs. 10.3 ± 12.1 cmH20 (control
females, 13 males) group), p � 0.05
Type: inspiratory pressure-threshold
resistance MEP: no ∆
(Control: breathing exercises)
%FVC: increased from 21.5 ± 3.1 to
DMD Duration: 6 weeks
26.4 ± 2.8%
Frequency: daily
Takaso et al. Before-and after- Intensity: 30% MIP
2010 [42] trial Volume: 3 sets of 15 repetitions
N � 17 males MIP and MEP not measured
Type: inspiratory pressure-threshold
Equipment: threshold IMT
Canadian Respiratory Journal 11

Table 4: Continued.
Citation Study design Population Intervention Outcomes
MIP: ↑ from 17 cmH20 to 26 cmH20
IOPD Duration: 12 weeks (in subject 1) and from 22 cmH20 to
34 cmH20 (in subject 2)
MEP: ↑ from 16 cmH20 to 20 cmH20
Frequency: 5 x/week (in subject 1) and from 43 cmH20 to
80 cmH20 (in subject 2)
Jones et al.
Case report Intensity: 60–70% MIP/MEP Peak cough flow (subject 2 only): ↑
2014 [45]
N � 2 (1 female, 1 Volume: 3 sets of 25 inspiratory and
male) expiratory repetitions
Type: inspiratory/expiratory pressure-
FVC: no ∆
threshold resistance equipment:
threshold IMT, threshold PEP, EMST
Subjects on full MV: PIF, tidal
IOPD 2–15-years-old Duration: 12 weeks volume, inspiratory time, expiratory
time, duty cycle: no ∆
Frequency: 3 x/week
Intensity: highest tolerated load in which
Smith et al. Before-and-after
they generated at least 50% of unassisted Subjects on partial/no MV:
2017 [44] trial
N � 9 (did not report tidal volume
sample size by sex) Volume: 3-4 sets of 6–10 repetitions ↑ PIF at 5 cmH2O
Type: inspiratory pressure-threshold
resistance Pre-post IMRT MIP not reported
Equipment: threshold PEP, AccuPEEP
MIP: ↑ 10.1 cmH2O (after 12 weeks;
IOPD Duration: 12 weeks
1st treatment phase)
MEP: ↑ 35.2 cmH2O (after 12 weeks;
Frequency: 5 x/week
1st treatment phase)
Intensity: 60–70% MIP/MEP
Crisp et al.
Case report Volume: 3 sets of 25 inspiratory and
2020 [46]
N � 1 female expiratory repetitions
Type: inspiratory/expiratory pressure- Peak cough flow: ↑
threshold resistance
Equipment: threshold IMT, Threshold
Note. RCT–randomized controlled trial, NMD–neuromuscular disease, DMD–duchenne muscular dystropy, LGMD–limb-girdle muscular dystrophy,
FSHMD–fascioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, MIP–maximal inspiratory pressure, MEP–maximal expiratory pressure, VC–vital capacity,
IMT–inspiratory muscle training, EMT–expiratory muscle training, FVC–forced vital capacity, FEV1–forced expiratory volume in 1 s, BMD–Becker muscular
dystrophy, IOPD–infantile-onset Pompe disease, MV–mechanical ventilation, PIF–peak inspiratory flow, and EMST–expiratory muscle strength training.

tidal volume, inspiratory time, and expiratory time were patients with asthma [47]. The IMRT sessions in these 5
noted. For subjects on partial or no mechanical ventilation, Cochrane studies lasted between 10 and 30 minutes, and
peak inspiratory flow and tidal volume improved. In the case IMRT regimen duration ranged from 3 to 12 weeks. IMRT
studies from Jones et al. [45] and Crisp et al. [46], increases was consistently well-tolerated and consistently improved
in MIP, MEP, and peak cough flow were noted. inspiratory strength measured by MIP. However, definitive
Overall, respiratory training appeared to improve re- clinical conclusions regarding asthma outcomes were not
spiratory muscle endurance and is likely to offer benefits in possible due to the relatively small number of subjects and
children with neuromuscular diseases considering the effects heterogeneous end points across studies. This Cochrane
of respiratory muscle fatigue under stress on the morbidity review included two studies in which IMRT increased in-
and mortality in this population. Additionally, training spiratory muscle strength in adults with mild [48] and mild-
appeared to be well-tolerated with no reported adverse to-moderate asthma [49] who were high consumers of in-
events [39,43,45,46]. However, the lack of focus on patient- haled β2 agonists (>1 puff/day) for breakthrough asthma
centered clinical end points in these studies highlights the symptoms. The increased inspiratory muscle strength has
need for additional research on these populations. seen following IMRT correlated closely with a decrease in
dyspnea with exercise (measured by Borg scoring) and a
decrease in β2-agonist consumption [49]. Since this 2013
3.4. IMRT in Children with Airways Disease. A Cochrane review, two additional IMRT studies in adults with asthma
review involving 115 adult patients was published in 2013 (n � 81) demonstrated reduced dyspnea, respiratory symp-
summarizing the results of 5 studies employing IMRT in toms, and activity impairment with IMRT [50, 51]. These
12 Canadian Respiratory Journal

Table 5: Inspiratory muscle rehabilitation training (IMRT) in children with asthma.

Citation Population Intervention Outcomes
Significant improvements in IMRT
versus control seen in MIP
(∆MIP � 62 cmH20 [IMRT group] vs.
8–12-year-old patients with
0 cmH20 [control group]; p < 0.0001),
new referral for asthma and on
Duration: 7 weeks MEP (∆MEP � 31 cmH20 [IMRT
no asthma treatment presenting
group] vs. 0 cmH20 [control group]),
with uncontrolled symptoms
and PEF; daytime and nocturnal
symptoms, activity limitation, and
asthma attacks
IMRT effects on MIP, MEP, and PEF
Lima et al.
RCT Frequency: 2 x/week Intensity: 40% MIP were generally durable after 7 weeks off
2008 [52]
Volume: 50 min sessions
Type: inspiratory pressure threshold
N � 50 (34 females, 16 males)
Equipment: respironics threshold IMT No differences between groups in
(Control intervention: education emergency room treatment and
without IMRT; all participants started hospitalization
monthly visits and asthma education;
participants could be started on ICS or
ICS/LABA and adjusted monthly)
12–16-year-old patients with
past diagnosis of asthma,
Duration: 12 weeks
clinically stable asthma on daily
Frequency: 3 x/week
Significant improvement in IMRT vs.
Intensity: 40% MIP, reassessed every
placebo seen in FEV1 (p � 0.003), FVC
(p � 0.001), FEV1/FVC (p � 0.004), MIP
Volume: 15 breaths with 10 s rest
(∆MIP � 17 cmH20 [IMRT group] vs.
intervals for 15 min + continuous
Elnaggar 11 cmH20 [placebo group]; p � 0.002),
RCT breathing for 5 min for endurance (total:
2020 [53] MEP (∆MEP � 19 cmH20 [IMRT
20 min sessions)
group] vs. 11 cmH20 [placebo group];
N � 31 (11 females, 20 males) Type: inspiratory pressure threshold
p � 0.004), and asthma control test
score (p � 0.001) adjusted to the
Equipment: respironics threshold IMT
pretreatment values
(Placebo control: IMT at 5% MIP and
similar frequency, volume, and
Both groups received a conventional
respiratory rehabilitation program
Note. RCT–randomized controlled trial, IMT–inspiratory muscle training, ICS–inhaled corticosteroid, LABA–long-acting beta agonist, MIP–maximum
inspiratory pressure, MEP–maximum expiratory pressure, PEF–peak expiratory flow, and SABA–short-acting beta agonist.

data emphasize the promise that inspiratory muscle reha- visits and education on asthma [52]. The IMRT was per-
bilitation has for patients with asthma with excess dyspnea formed using a pressure threshold load of 40% of MIP. All
and high β2-agonist bronchodilator use. There were no children completing IMRT spent the first 25 minutes doing
studies describing exacerbation events that required the use diaphragmatic breathing, fractionated breathing, and
of reliever medication, emergency department visits, or pursed-lip breathing sitting and in the supine position
hospital admissions. This 2013 Cochrane review strongly (each exercise was performed in a series of 10 repetitions).
recommended that studies on children be conducted in the Next, pressure-threshold loading IMRT was performed for
future. 25 minutes using a spring-loaded adjustable resistance
To date, only two IMRT studies have been published in valve device. During the first 20 minutes, inspirations were
pediatric asthma [52, 53], which were not included in the performed repeatedly in a series of 10 repetitions for
Cochrane review (Table 5). The first, by Lima and col- 60 seconds each, separated by 60 second rest periods.
leagues, was a randomized controlled study involving 50 During the final 5 minutes, IMRT was performed contin-
children with asthma allocated to 1 of 2 groups: an IMRT uously without rest. The IMRT resistance load was 40% of
group, comprising 25 children, and a control group, MIP, which was calculated at the beginning of each session.
comprising 25 children who submitted to monthly medical The active intervention lasted for 7 weeks. The 25
Canadian Respiratory Journal 13

Table 6: Inspiratory muscle rehabilitation training (IMRT) in children with obesity.

Citation Study Design Population Intervention Outcomes
Body weight reduction program
with IMRT was associated with
12–17-year-old children with improved exercise performance
obesity (BMI z > 2) enrolled in a (peak work rate increased by
Duration: 3 weeks
multidisciplinary body weight 26 W; p � 0.003) and lung and
reduction program chest wall volume recruitment
(inspiratory capacity reduced by
290 ± 550 mL)
Dyspnea and leg discomfort
(Mean BMI � 36 kg/cm2) Frequency: 5 x/week
during exercise were reduced
FVC improved by 4% predicted
Intensity: 50–60% MVV
(p � 0.019)
During exercise, abdominal
LoMauro et al. Before-and-after Volume: 12–18 min sessions,
ribcage hyperinflation was delayed
2016 [61] trial 25 inspirations, 1 session/d
and led to
15% increased exercise capacity
Type: eucapnic and reduced dyspnea at high
hyperventilation workloads (p < 0.05) without
N � 11 males ventilatory and metabolic changes
Equipment: Spiro 141 Tiger
All participants underwent a
body weight reduction
program including
MIP and MEP not reported
energy-restricted diet,
psychological and
nutritional counseling and
aerobic physical activity
IMRT group had significantly
greater PEF (∆PEF � 13%
15–19-year-old sedentary predicted [IMRT group] vs. 3%
adolescents with a BMI >97th predicted [control group]),
percentile enrolled in a Duration: 3 weeks reduced oxygen cost of exercise
multidisciplinary body weight and dyspnea ratings during
reduction program exercise completed above the gas
exchange threshold compared
with the control group
(mean BMI ≈ 39 kg/cm2) Frequency: 5 x/week
Non- Intensity: 50–60% MVV
Salvadego et randomized Volume: 12–18 min sessions,
al. 2017 [59] parallel group 25 inspirations, 1 session/d
trial Type: eucapnic
Equipment: Spiro Tiger
(Control: No IMRT)
® MIP and MEP not reported
N � 17 males
All participants underwent a
body weight reduction
program including
energy-restricted diet,
psychological and
nutritional counseling and
aerobic physical activity
14 Canadian Respiratory Journal

Table 6: Continued.
Citation Study Design Population Intervention Outcomes
15–18-year-old sedentary
IMRT group had significantly
adolescents with a BMI >97th
greater improvement in time to
percentile enrolled in a Duration: 3 weeks
exhaustion and peak exercise
multidisciplinary body weight
intensity during a treadmill test
reduction program
IMRT had greater reduction in
heart rate and oxygen cost of
exercise below and above the gas
(Mean BMI � 40 kg/cm2) Frequency: 5 x/week
exchange threshold and in
dyspnea ratings above the gas
exchange threshold
Intensity: 50–60% MVV
Alemayehu et
RCT Volume: 12–18 min sessions,
al. 2018 [60]
25 inspirations, 1 session/d
Type: eucapnic
Equipment: Spiro Tiger
(Control: no IMRT)
N � 16 males MIP and MEP not reported
All participants underwent a
body weight reduction
program including
energy-restricted diet,
psychological and
nutritional counseling and
aerobic physical activity
Note. BMI–body mass index, MVV–maximal voluntary ventilation, FVC–forced vital capacity, and PEF–peak expiratory flow.

participants in each intervention group were generally measured by the validated Asthma Control Test (ACT)
similar. The mean age in both groups was just under 10 (P � 0.001). Elnaggar concluded that the incorporation of
years. At 49 and 90 days, the IMRT group had significantly IMRT in children with asthma can improve respiratory
improved MIP, MEP, and PEF from baseline, which were function, enhance respiratory muscle strength, and improve
significantly improved over that of the control group. children’s perception of asthma symptoms.
Children undergoing IMRT experienced a mean 127%
improvement from baseline in MIP (standardized effect
size (SES) improvement of 10.7) at 90 days and 76% im- 3.5. IMRT in Children with Obesity. Studies that have ex-
provement from baseline in PEF (SES improvement of 2.6) amined the effects of IMRT in overweight and obese adults
at 90 days. Once IMRT was discontinued, improvements in have reported improved exercise performance [54–57], MIP
MIP, MEP, and PEF remained stable after 7 weeks. There [56–58], respiratory muscle endurance [54, 55], and reduced
were clear numeric reductions from baseline in the fre- exertional dyspnea [54, 55]. Three studies have examined the
quency of asthma attacks, nocturnal and diurnal symp- effects of IMRT in adolescents with obesity, all from the same
toms, and reported activity limitation in IMRT-treated research group in Italy [59–61] (Table 6). The IMRT protocol
children not seen in the control arm. was completed at 50–60% MVV, 1 session per day, 5 days per
More recently in 2020, Elnaggar investigated the efficacy week, with each session lasting 12–18 minutes. LoMauro
of IMRT on lung function, respiratory muscle strength, and et al. reported significant weight loss (3.5 kg), improvements
asthma symptoms in asthmatic children [53]. Elnaggar used in exercise performance and FVC, and reduced dyspnea and
a randomized placebo-controlled assessor-blinded study of leg discomfort during exercise after a 3-week multidisci-
34 children with asthma and randomized participants to plinary body weight reduction program that included IMRT
receive either the IMRT at 40% of the MIP for 20 minutes/ [61]. However, since the program included diet, aerobic
session, 3 times per week, over 12 consecutive weeks (IMRT exercise, and psychological and nutrition counseling in
group; n = 17) or placebo IMRT at 5% of MIP (placebo addition to the IMRT component, it is impossible to tease
group; n = 17). Both interventional groups received a con- out the independent effects of IMRT. In two studies that
ventional respiratory rehabilitation program. The re- differed on the mode of exercise (i.e., cycling vs. walking),
searchers reported significant post-treatment differences three weeks of IMRT combined with a multidisciplinary
between the IMRT and placebo groups in FEV1 (P � 0.003), weight loss program was effective in reducing the oxygen
FVC (P � 0.001), FEV1/FVC (P � 0.004), MIP (P � 0.002), cost of exercise during moderate-intensity walking and
and MEP (P � 0.004), adjusted to the pretreatment values, in vigorous-intensity walking and cycling when compared with
favor of the IMRT group. In addition, IMRT was associated a multidisciplinary weight loss program alone; both inter-
with significant improvement in asthma symptom scores ventions resulted in similar weight loss [59, 60]. IMRT
Canadian Respiratory Journal 15

combined with a multidisciplinary weight loss program also measure inspiratory or expiratory muscle strength [59–61].
resulted in improved peak performance, reduced exertional Interestingly, three randomized trials with an exclusive
dyspnea ratings, higher FVC, and a reduced slow component inspiratory training protocol nevertheless reported im-
of oxygen uptake during vigorous-intensity exercise [59, 60]. provements in MEP [53]. Whether there is any additional
The slow component of oxygen uptake during vigorous- benefit to including an expiratory muscle training compo-
intensity exercise is partly due to the increased oxygen cost nent in pulmonary rehabilitation protocols remains unclear.
of breathing [62], and a greater slow component can be Theoretically, since the inspiratory phase of breathing is
associated with reduced exercise tolerance [63]; improve- active while the expiratory phase is mostly due to passive
ments in the slow component of oxygen uptake could recoil except at higher ranges of ventilation, the benefit of
therefore have beneficial implications for exercise tolerance training expiratory muscles is not readily apparent. How-
for the pediatric obese population. ever, studies that compare inspiratory training alone versus
combined training in different youth populations may offer
4. Clinical Considerations insights into this issue and inform interventions in the PR
field. The optimal dose of IMRT regarding intensity (percent
IMRT appears to represent a viable non-pharmacologic of MIP), repetitions and weekly frequency, and duration are
option for patients in need of improving their exercise poorly understood. Dose ranging and physiologic studies
tolerance and reducing dyspnea. The exact mechanisms by that describe potential mechanisms are needed to guide
which IMRT reduces asthma symptoms remain poorly clinical practice, as are studies that include patient-centered
defined. For children with asthma, we speculate that IMRT clinical end points. Larger randomized controlled trials that
improves disease control through improved lung function, evaluate IMRT effectiveness and look at mechanistic out-
reduced airway closure, and reduced respiratory muscle comes are also needed in the pediatric population in ad-
fatigue leading to reduced frequency of dyspnea, which dition to trials that can offer insight into specific patient
previously was perceived as asthma symptoms. While there groups that may benefit most from IMRT.
have not been any published reports on the effectiveness of
IMRT in children with obesity and asthma, a special pop- 6. Conclusion
ulation that experiences a high symptom burden [64], fa-
vorable results showing that IMRT improves performance Dyspnea and exercise intolerance are common symptoms
and reduces dyspnea in nonasthmatic children with obesity noted in pediatric patients with neuromuscular diseases,
are encouraging. IMRT has major advantages: it is simple, asthma, and obesity. Only a handful of studies have in-
safe, and inexpensive, and is generally very attractive to vestigated the effects of IMRT on clinical outcomes and
many patients interested in a nonpharmacologic therapy. underlying physiological mechanisms in these pediatric
For patients who experience significant dyspnea or exercise patients. These studies demonstrate that IMRT is likely ef-
intolerance with consequent physical activity avoidance, fective in improving respiratory muscle strength and re-
IMRT could be a precursor to the implementation of a ducing airway closure (i.e., higher FVC) and potentially in
home- or center-based exercise program. A careful assess- improving breathing mechanics and reducing dyspnea
ment by a healthcare professional to evaluate differential during exercise. These mechanistic changes can help explain
diagnoses for dyspnea and/or exercise intolerance, a baseline improvements in symptomology and clinical outcomes, and
test of inspiratory muscle strength, and a cardiopulmonary they highlight our evolving understanding of the role of
exercise test could help identify patients who have reduced IMRT in pediatric patients.
inspiratory muscle strength and/or impaired breathing
mechanics; these are the patients that may benefit most from Data Availability
IMRT. Follow-up testing, regular contact between the
healthcare professional and patient, and documentation of Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new
the effectiveness of IMRT through clinical audits could datasets were created or analyzed in this study.
inform clinical practice models [65].
Conflicts of Interest
5. Future Directions
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
Relatively few children have been formally studied with
high-quality IMRT utilizing randomization and blinding. Authors’ Contributions
Among studies included in this review, approximately half
included both inspiratory and expiratory muscle training. It Dharini M. Bhammar contributed to conceptualization
may be reasonable to hypothesize that expiratory muscle (supporting), methodology (supporting), visualization
training would improve expiratory muscle strength (i.e., (equal), writing the original draft (equal), and reviewing and
MEP). Although this hypothesis was supported by two editing (lead). Harrison N. Jones contributed to conceptu-
randomized trials [26, 28] and two case reports [45, 46], it alization (supporting), methodology (supporting), visuali-
was not supported by two other randomized trials [24, 40]. zation (equal), writing original draft (equal), and reviewing
In addition, three studies on obese youth included an in- and editing (supporting). Jason E. Lang contributed to
spiratory and expiratory training component but did not conceptualization (lead), methodology (lead), visualization
16 Canadian Respiratory Journal

(equal), writing original draft (equal), and reviewing and obstructive pulmonary disease,” Cochrane Database of Sys-
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Scoring and quality of studies as well as adverse events for
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