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Unit 3 Lesson 1

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Detailed lesson Plan in English 7

I. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. identify different types of signs and symbols;
b. explain the purpose of each type of signs and symbols; and
c. explain the importance of each type of signs and symbols. 

II. Learning Content:

a. Topic: Meanings of Common Signs and Symbols
b. Reference: Quipper Study Guide: Grade 7 Unit 3: Reading Maps and Signs  
c. Materials: Presentation slides, copies of the drills 
d. Strategies: Technology Integration, Inquiry-based Instruction

III. Learning Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminaries

Good morning, class! Good morning, sir!

I want everybody to stand and pray. Phoebe,

please lead us a prayer. The students pray.

Before you sit, kindly pick up all the pieces

of paper scattered under your chairs and
throw them to the trash bin. Then, arrange
your chairs in their proper alignment. The students housekeep.

B. Motivation

Where’s our house?

Pair up with your seatmate and imagine that

you will be inviting your classmate to your
house for a project that requires extended
time at home. Since it is their first time to
get to your place, you must give a clear
description of your house and your
neighborhood. Then, give specific directions
on how to get to your place if the point of
reference would be the school.

You are given 10 minutes to do your The students vigorously participate in the
activity. given activity.
Comprehension Questions:
It was easy to understand and follow
What made your partner’s directions easy to because of the signs and symbols.
understand and follow?  (answers vary)

How did you give your partner the Through the signs and symbols that I had
directions to your house in the easiest ordered him/her to follow.
manner?  (answers vary)

Excellent, class!

C. Lesson Proper

In the activity that you just had, you may

have been prompted to use signs and
symbols, such as street signs and others we
will learn more about today. Those signs
and symbols make giving directions simpler
and easier to understand. They told your
classmates what to watch out for as they go
to your house. Today, we are going to
discuss different signs and symbols, and Road signs or traffic signs give instruction
their meanings. and provide information to the organization
and safety of all the road users. It is
What are road signs or traffic signs? important that they are followed. For this
reason, they are placed on those areas
which are visible to the users.

The Vienna Convention on Road Signs

and Signals is an international treaty
What is Vienna Convention on Road Signs designed to increase road safety and assist
and Signals? international road traffic by standardizing
the signing system for road traffic. The
Philippines is one of the signatories to this

In an article, the convention classifies all

Enumerate the categories of road signs road signs into a number of categories:
classified by the convention. A. Danger warning signs
B. Priority signs
C. Prohibitory or restrictive signs
D. Mandatory signs
E. Special regulation signs
F. Information, facilities, or service signs
G. Direction, position, or indication signs
H. Additional panels

Meanwhile, Philippine road signage practice

follows the Vienna Convention but with
local adaptations. Road signs in the country
are classified as follows:

Regulatory signs – These are generally

circular with a black symbol on a white
background within a red border (for
prohibitions) or a white symbol on a blue
background (for mandatory instructions).
These are also called prohibitory or
restrictive signs. Examples include the no parking sign, no
bus allowed sign, keep left sign, and
What do you think are examples of pedestrians only sign, among others.
regulatory signs?

Warning signs - These signs feature a black

symbol on a white background within a red–
bordered equilateral triangle. In 2012, a
fluorescent yellow-green pentagon with
black border and symbol has been adopted
for pedestrian-related signs. Examples include the two-way traffic sign,
winding road signs, crossroad sign, and
What do you think are examples of warning falling rocks sign, among others.

Guide signs - These are divided into the

1. Directional signs - These signs use a
green background with white letters and
2. Service signs - Service signs use a blue
background with white letters, arrows, and
3. Route markers - These are based on
Australian National Route marker and
reserved for future use.
4. Tourist-related signs - These type of road
signs use a brown background with white
letters, arrows, and symbols.

Expressway signs - These are composed of

exit signs, wrong way signs, and start/end of
expressway signs, which are patterned after
the Australian freeway signage.

Traffic instruction signs - These signs are A. Danger Warning Signs - indicate
textual signs used to supplement warning any potential hazard, obstacle, or
and regulatory signs. condition that requires special
Name some common road signs in the
B. Priority Signs - indicate the order in
which vehicles should pass
intersection points.
C. Prohibitory or Restrictive Signs -
used to prohibit certain types of
maneuvers or some types of traffic.
D. Mandatory Signs - used to set the
obligations of all traffic which use a
specific area of the road.
E. Information, Facilities, or Service
Signs - indicate a specific facility by
which many can find helpful,
especially those that can be used for
medical purposes, security, and
F. Direction, Position, or Indication
Signs - used primarily to provide
information about the location of
either the driver or possible

D. Generalization
Recognizing signs and symbols is an
Why is recognizing signs and symbols an essential skill because it lets us know what
important life skill?” is prohibited and allowed while on the road
as well as gives us information about an
(answers vary)

By following roads signs, we will be

How can diligently following road signs benefited with self-discipline which is
benefit us as a nation and as members of the essential for a nation to prosper.
community? (answers vary)

E. Application

Puzzling Signs

1. students are asked to create large puzzles

out of pictures of some of the signs that
were taught in
this lesson.
2. Students form groups of 5 members.
3. Each group is assigned puzzle(s).
4. Each group is asked to complete the
picture puzzle assigned to them.
5. students are asked to give a situation
wherein the sign(s) assigned to them can
be of great help to them and others. The students vigorously participate in the
6. Each group is given 5 minutes to given activity.
complete the puzzles and prepare for a
one-minute presentation on their assigned

IV. Evaluation

Fill in the blanks with the correct term.

1. _____________________ give instruction and provide information for the
organization and safety of all the road users. (Road signs/traffic signs)
2. _____________________ is an international treaty designed to increase the road
safety and assist international traffic. (Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals)
3. _____________________ are generally circular with a black symbol on a white
background within a red border (for prohibitions) or a white symbol on a black
background (for mandatory instructions). (Regulatory signs)
4. _____________________ are composed of exit signs, wrong way signs, and
start/end in expressways. (Expressway signs)
5. _____________________ indicate any potential hazard, obstacle, or condition that
requires special attention. (Danger warning signs)
6. _____________________ are road signs that are used to set the obligations of all
traffic that use a specific area or road. (Mandatory signs)
7. _____________________ are used primarily to provide information about the
location of either the driver or the possible destinations. (Direction/Position/
Indication signs)
8. _____________________ indicate a specific ability by which many can find
helpful, especially those that can be used for medical purposes, security, and food.
(Information/Facilities/Service signs)
9. _____________________ are used to prohibit certain types of maneuvers of some
types of traffic. (Prohibitory/Restrictive signs)
10. _____________________ indicate the order in which vehicles should pass
intersection points. (Priority signs)

V. Assignment
a. Follow-up:
1. Take pictures of signs and symbols seen around your school or neighborhood.
2. Then, answer the following questions:
a. Are these signs effectively used and followed by the members of the
b. What are the effects of following and not following the signs and symbols?

b. Advanced:
Read in advance, our next topic, Reading Maps on your Quipper Study Guide:
Grade 7 Unit 3: Reading Maps and Signs.

Prepared by:
Jan Nicasio A. Ventican

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