Creating Fortran DLLs
Creating Fortran DLLs
Creating Fortran DLLs
Like a static library, a DLL is an executable file. Unlike a static library where
routines are included in the base executable image during linking, the routines
in a DLL are loaded when an application that references that DLL is loaded (run
time). A DLL can also be used as a place to share data across processes.
l You can change the functions in a DLL without recompiling or relinking the
applications that use them, as long as the functions' arguments and return
types do not change.
This allows you to upgrade your applications easily. For example, a display
driver DLL can be modified to support a display that was not available
when your application was created.
l When general functions are placed in DLLs, the applications that share the
DLLs can have very small executables.
l Multiple applications can access the same DLL.
This reduces the overall amount of memory needed in the system, which
results in fewer memory swaps to disk and improves performance.
You cannot make a QuickWin application into a DLL (see Using QuickWin) and
QuickWin applications cannot be used with Fortran run-time routines in a DLL.
A dynamic-link library (DLL) contains one or more subprograms that are
compiled, linked and stored separately from the applications using them.
1. Within your Fortran DLL, export each subprogram that will be used outside
the DLL. Add a cDEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT directive to declare that
a function, subroutine, or data is being exported outside the DLL. For
REAL(4) arr(3, 7)
DO i = 1, 3
DO j = 1, 7
arr (i, j) = 11.0 * i + j
REAL rarray(3, 7)
3. Build the DLL and then build the main program, as described in Building
and Using Dynamic-Link Libraries.
Fortran and C applications can call Fortran and C DLLs provided the calling
conventions are consistent (see Programming with Mixed Languages, especially
Visual Fortran/Visual C++ Mixed-Language Programs).
Visual Basic applications can also call Fortran functions and subroutines in the
form of DLLs (see Programming with Mixed Languages, especially Calling Visual
Fortran from Visual Basic).
l Declare the order, size, and data types of shared data consistently in the
DLL and in all procedures importing the DLL exported data.
l If more than one thread or process can write to the common block
simultaneously, use the appropriate features of the Windows operating
system to control access to the shared data. Such features on Windows NT
4 and Windows 2000 systems include critical sections (for single process,
multiple thread synchronization) and mutex objects (for multi-process
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Data and code in a dynamic-link library is loaded into the same address space
as the data and code of the program that calls it. However, variables and
routines declared in the program and in the DLL are not visible to one another
unless you use the cDEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLIMPORT and DLLEXPORT compiler
directives. These directives enable the compiler and linker to map to the correct
portions of the address space so that the data and routines can be shared,
allowing use of common block data across multiple images.
You can use DLLEXPORT to declare that a common block in a DLL is being
exported to a program or another DLL. Similarly, you can use DLLIMPORT within
a calling routine to tell the compiler that a common block is being imported from
the DLL that defines it.
1. Create a common block in the subprogram that will be built into a Fortran
DLL. Export that common block with a cDEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT
directive, followed by the COMMON statement, associated data
declarations, and any procedure declarations to be exported. For example:
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A = A + 1.
I = I + 1
WRITE (6,*) 'In SETA subroutine, values of A and I:' , A, I
2. Refer to the common block in the main image with a cDEC$ ATTRIBUTES
DLLIMPORT directive, followed by the local data declarations and any
procedure declarations defined in the exported DLL. For example:
A = 0.
I = 0
WRITE (6,*) 'In Main program before calling SETA...'
WRITE (6,*) 'values of A and I:' , A, I
WRITE (6,*) 'In Main program after calling SETA...'
WRITE (6,*) 'values of A and I:' , Q, I
A = A + 1.
I = I + 1
WRITE (6,*) 'In Main program after incrementing values'
3. Build the DLL and then build the main program, as described in Building
and Using Dynamic-Link Libraries.
You can give data objects in a module the DLLEXPORT property, in which case
the object is exported from a DLL.
When a module is used in other program units, through the USE statement, any
objects in the module with the DLLEXPORT property are treated in the program
using the module as if they were declared with the DLLIMPORT property. So, a
main program that uses a module contained in a DLL has the correct import
attributes for all objects exported from the DLL.
You can also give some objects in a module the DLLIMPORT property. Only
procedure declarations in INTERFACE blocks and objects declared EXTERNAL or
with cDEC$ ATTRIBUTES EXTERN can have the DLLIMPORT property. In this
case, the objects are imported by any program unit using the module.
If you use a module that is part of a DLL and you use an object from that
module that does not have the DLLEXPORT or DLLIMPORT property, the results
are undefined.
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When you first create a DLL, you follow the general steps described in Defining
Your Project. Select Fortran Dynamic-Link Library as the project type when you
create a new project in the Microsoft visual development environment.
To debug a DLL, you must use a main program that calls the library routines (or
references the data). From the Project Settings menu, choose the Debug tab. A
dialog box is available for you to specify the executable for a debug session.
1. A Fortran DLL project is created like any other project, but you must
specify Fortran Dynamic-Link Library as the project type (see Defining Your
2. Add files to your Fortran DLL project (see Defining Your Project). Include
the DLL Fortran source that exports procedures or data as a file in your
3. If your DLL exports data, for both the DLL and any image that references
the DLL's exported data, consistently specify the project settings options in
the Fortran Data category. In the Fortran Data compiler option category,
specify the appropriate values for Common Element Alignment (common
block data) and Structure Element Alignment (structures in a module). This
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4. If you need to specify linker options, use the Linker tab of the Project
Settings dialog box.
5. Build your Fortran DLL project.
1. If you build a DLL from the command line or use an exported makefile, you
must specify the /dll option. For example, if the Fortran DLL source code is
in the file f90arr.f90, use the following command line:
DF /dll f90arr.f90
If you also specify /exe:file or /link /out:file, you name a .DLL rather than
an .EXE file (the default file extension becomes projectname.DLL instead of
The /dll option selects as the default the DLL run-time libraries to support
multithreaded operation.
2. If your DLL will export data, the procedures must be compiled and linked
consistently. Consistently use the same /alignment option for the DLL
export procedure and the application that references (imports) it. The goal
is to specify padding to ensure that exported data items are naturally
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The /dll option automatically selects the correct linker instructions for
loading the proper run-time library routines (located in a DLL themselves).
Your DLL is created as a multithread-enabled library.
l An import library (.LIB), which the linker uses to associate a main program
with the DLL.
l The .DLL file containing the library's executable code.
Both files have the same basename as the library project by default.
Your library routines are contained in the file projectname.DLL located in the
default directory for your project, unless you specified another name and
location. Your import library file is projectname.LIB, located in the default
directory for your project.
To make sure that everything that you want to be visible shows up in the export
table, look at the export information of an existing DLL file by using QuickView
in the Windows Explorer File menu or the following DUMPBIN command:
When you build the executable that imports the procedures or data defined in
the DLL, you must link using the import library, check certain project settings or
command-line options, copy the import library so the Linker can locate it, and
then build the executable.
1. Add the import .LIB file with its path and library name to the other image.
In the visual development environment, add the .LIB import library file to
your project. In the Project menu, click Add to project, then Files.
On the command line, specify the .LIB file on the command line.
The import .LIB file contains information that your program needs to work
with the DLL.
2. If your DLL exports data, consistently use the same project settings options
in the Fortran Data category /alignment option as was used to create the
DLL. In the Fortran Data compiler option category, specify the appropriate
values for Common Element Alignment (common block data) and Structure
Element Alignment (structures in a module). This sets the /alignment
option, which specifies whether padding is needed to ensure that imported
data items are naturally aligned.
3. In the Project Settings dialog box (Fortran tab), make sure the type of
libraries specified is consistent with that specified for the Fortran DLL.
4. If you need to specify linker options:
¡ In the visual development environment, specify linker options in the
¡ Make sure you have added the import library (created when you built
the DLL file) to the project by (click the FileView tab).
¡ Like building other projects in the visual development environment,
use the Build menu items to create the executable (see Defining Your
For example, to build the main application from the command line that
references 4-byte items in a common block defined in dllfile.dll:
Other Samples that use DLLs are folders in ...\DF98\SAMPLES\DLL\. For example:
l The files associated with Sample DLLEXP2 are in the folder ...\DF98
\SAMPLES\DLL\DLLEXP2\. DLLEXP2 demonstrates how COMMON variables
defined in a DLL can be shared between multiple programs. To build
DLLEXP2, use the makefile.
l The Sample Loadexp1 shows how to dynamically load a DLL by using the
LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress Win32 routines. The folder ...\DF98
\SAMPLES\DLL\Loadexp1\ contains the source files and a project workspace