Vasc Lab
Vasc Lab
Vasc Lab
Te Whare Wānanga o Otāgo
Vascular diagnostics, clinical research and teaching in the field of vascular disease using hemodynamic
non-invasive techniques as part of a multidisciplinary team. Provide technical support for teaching,
research, and for the general activities of the surgical section of the department, and to assist with the
wider teaching and examination programme of the department.
• Develop high level of understanding and skill in the assessment of vascular disease using non-
invasive techniques.
• Evaluate peripheral vascular disease in the upper and lower extremity, which includes the
obtaining of a good medical history, clinical examination, the use of hemodynamic non-invasive
techniques for disease detection, assessment of functional impairment and prognostic
• Record, interpret and report laboratory results.
• Ensure all clinical documentation is accurate, concise, complete, and reported in a timely manner.
• High quality interaction with the patients, explanation of procedures.
• Consenting of patients for diagnostic tests and into research projects.
• Organisational duties to assist the smooth running of Otago vascular Diagnostics.
• Assist with the teaching programme of the department and postgraduate teaching including the
preparation of teaching materials.
• Should the successful applicant have nursing experience, nursing duties included the redressing
of wounds, in particular, venous ulcers (in house training will be provided).
• Vascular assessment reports to be completed within 24 hours.
• Complete and comprehensive record keeping as per Otago Vascular Diagnostics guidelines.
• Preserve the need for patient’s privacy and confidentiality at all times.
• Management of confidential clinical information.
• Awareness of the sensitivity to patients’ needs including physical, psychological and cultural
• Communicate a positive image of the department in any dealings or collaboration with other
departments, students, and members of the general public.
• Achieve all the mentioned tasks accurately and efficiently.
• Projects to be completed on schedule.
• High standards of both written and oral communication in providing a summary of findings to the
• referring physician.
• Ability to work cooperatively with others.
• Computer literacy, particularly with databases.
Contribute services to provide suitable coverage during periods of leave and peak period activities.
Act in a manner consistent with the principles and implications, as well as the University’s commitment
to the Treaty as articulated in the Māori Strategic Framework.
Act and work in a manner compliant with current health and safety at work legislation and University
procedures, frameworks and guidelines. Role model safe behaviour and practices, share the
responsibility to prevent harm and contribute to a safe campus and work environment, including raising
workplace health and safety concerns for self, students, visitors and other staff.
Act in a manner consistent with the University’s sustainability commitments; role-modelling sustainable
practices, with a particular emphasis on minimising the environmental impact of day-to-day activities.