Drug Abuse Among Youth in Informal Settlement in Nairobi-Rachel Muchemi
Drug Abuse Among Youth in Informal Settlement in Nairobi-Rachel Muchemi
Drug Abuse Among Youth in Informal Settlement in Nairobi-Rachel Muchemi
• General Introduction
• Background to the problem/Statement of the problem
• Significance of the study
• Research Objectives.
• Basic Assumptions of the study
• Methodology
• Aim of Research
• Target population, sample size and sampling procedures
• Theoretical Framework/Conceptual Framework
• Findings
• Recommendations
• Suggestions for Further Research.
General Introduction;
40% 83% Strongly Disagree
20% Disagree
10% 13.33%3.33%
0% 0.00% Neutral
Strongly Agree
Figure 3.2(Social factors)
100% 94%
40% Strongly Agree
20% Agree
10% 2.22% 2.22% 1.11%
0% Neutral
Strongly Disagree
• The youth felt social factors are also causes of
youths engaging in drug/substance abuse.
• For instance, most youth out of school said they
dropped from school at an early age in order to
look for money that well cater for the whole
family and that their little ones go to school while
them they don’t as told by their parents to do, and
since they fear being disowned, they obey.
• This could also be included in the cultural factors
as it’s a way of life among these young people.
Figure 3.3-economic factors.
6.66% 0.00%
Strongly Agree
75.55% Disagree
Strongly disagree
• From the above views, 75.55% of the youth who were 68
out of 90 strongly believed and agreed that the economic
factors facing the society today contributes to the problem,
especially the youth mostly in and out of school. The reason
is, due to the problems facing the slum dwellers like lack of
capital and better ways to earn a living due to no
employment leads them to indulge in this menace also as a
way of life and earning a living.
• On the other hand 17.77% just agreed economic factors
influences them, 6.66% were neutral where as no number
disagreed nor strongly disagreed. This shows that economic
factors are seen as also mostly the cause of the youth’s ways
of life due to economic retardation in our country,
unemployment to mention a few.
Figure 3.4-Political factors
Strongly Agree
22.22% Agree
46.66% Neutral
• This indicates 46.6% of the youth 42 out of 90 was the
highest number of youth who believed that
drug/substance abuse among the youth is influenced by
political factors, how? for lack of transparency among
our guiders in the society welfare, culture of impunity,
as well as weak legal prosecutory where by the youth
felt that this weakens the battle against this menace.
They also believed that poor policies in place has led to
the youth in not minding what’s going around them
hence engages in this stark reality.
Figure 3.5(Environmental factors);
60 Strongly Disagree
40 Disagree
30 58.88 Neutral
20 Agree
0 10 Strongly Agree
• The views on environmental factors indicated
that, 58.8% of the youth strongly agreed they
do cause abuse of drugs. How?, living in slums
watching their elders engaging in drugs, and
substances like alcohol leads them to indulging
in drug/substance abuse. Then, 31% just
agreed these factors were causes, where as
10% were neutral.
• Hence, we can see that the factors mentioned
above were the causes of drug and substance
among the youth though we need to dig deep
to see whether there could be other causes of
which I believe could be there if we unite and
pursue the whole agenda together.
Effects of Drug/Substances Abuse as
reported by the youth;
• There were also effects of drug and substance abuse as the youth revealed
to be; health complications, family break-ups, poor performance in schools
as well as contributor of social evils in the community, increased school
dropouts, diseases like cancer, HIV and AIDs, sexual transmitted diseases
due to the influence of the drugs and substances they use, for instance
alcohol, injecting drugs among others.