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Final Project Report

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Django School Management System

Submitted by

Prashant Kumar Dhaiya(20BCS2181)

in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of



Chandigarh University

NOV 2022

I hereby declare that I have worked on my project report from 15/09/2022 to 13/11/2022 under
the guidance of my Supervisor(Tushar Semwal). I hereby undertake that the project undertaken
by me is the genuine work of mine.

Name of Student: Prashant Kumar Dhaiya

Date: 13/11/2022

It is my proud privilege and duty to acknowledge the kind of help and guidance received
from several people in preparation of this report. It would not have been possible to
prepare this report in this form without their valuable help, cooperation and guidance.

First and foremost, I wish to record our sincere gratitude to my College

Seniors for their constant support and encouragement in preparation of this report.

The seminar on “Python and Django” was very helpful for me in giving
the necessary background information and inspiration in choosing this topic for
this project. The contributions and technical support in preparing this report are
greatly acknowledged. And also thanks to the fellow Programmers from whose
code i had taken help to make this project in running state.

Last but not the least, we wish to thank our parents for financing our studies in this
college as well as for constantly encouraging us to learn engineering. Their personal
sacrifice in providing this opportunity to learn engineering is gratefully acknowledged.

1. List of Figures
2. Abstract
3. Abbreviations
4. Introduction
5. Chapter 1
6. Chapter 2
7. Chapter 3
8. Chapter 4
9. Chapter 5
10. References
List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Timeline (Gantt Chart).......................................................................................9

Figure 3.1 Use Case diagram of the SMS..........................................................................15
Figure 3.2 Data Flow Diagram Level 0.............................................................................16
Figure 3.3 Data Flow Diagram Level 1.............................................................................17
Figure 3.4 Data Flow Diagram Level 2.............................................................................18
Figure 5.1 Login Screen.....................................................................................................21
Figure 5.2 Main Menu.......................................................................................................22
Figure 5.3 Students Registration Portal.............................................................................23
Figure 5.4 Fee Payment Portal...........................................................................................24

The Django School Management System(SMS) is a web-based system

which will use as a platform for interaction between student, teachers.
While the main objective of this project is to computerize the paperwork in
the system and automate the work. The computerization is done so that the
storage of all the details regarding students and teachers will be stored in
the system which makes system centralized and the chance of duplication of
any data is minimized. While by doing automation to the system will reduce
the time for storing any data in the system. A School Management
Information System(SMIS) is a system that provides the information
necessary to manage a school effectively.


1.1 Background -

Education system forms the backbone of every nation. And hence it is important to provide a strong
educational foundation to the young generation to ensure the development of open-minded global
citizens securing the future for everyone. Advanced technology available today can play a crucial
role in streamlining education-related processes to promote solidarity among students, teachers,
parents and the school staff. Education is central to development. It is one of the most powerful
instruments for reducing poverty and inequality and lays a foundation for sustained economic
growth. With this aim currently our government has given special emphasis to the educational sector
and school improvement activities such as continuous professional development for teachers, training
and upgrading teachers and capacitating schools with manpower and materials are among the major
actions which have been taken in both primary and secondary schools. In order to facilitate and
simplify these actions one of the major tool is to have automated school management system. School
Management System(SMS) consists of tasks such as registering students, attendance record keeping
to control absentees, producing report cards, producing official transcript, preparing timetable and
producing different reports for teachers, parents, officials from different education bureaus and other
stakeholders. Automation is the utilization of technology to replace human with a machine that can
perform more quickly and more continuously [1]. By automating SMS documents that took up many
large storage rooms can be stored on few disks. Transcript images can be annotated. It reduces the
time to retrieve old transcripts from hours to seconds. However, the school system in the government
schools is not automated and the record officers generate transcripts and reports manually and the
school administrators use their experienced knowledge of miss and hit approaches to prepare

1.2 Statement of the Problem -

To help promote students achievement and success, schools must have access to complete,
accurate, and timely information about students. One of the benefits of automated SMS is that the
student record system will simplify retrieval of required information and is a great instrument for
school improvement by taking measures from the information acquired. Despite the use of
automated SMS, the government schools are using paper based documentation system for
performing various tasks and the school administrators apply their knowledge of hit and miss
approach in scheduling classes and courses (preparing the timetable) which wastes manpower and
much time unnecessarily that does not utilize the current technology.

Transcripts of students are prepared manually by the record officer and teachers. Report cards are
produced by the home-room teachers. Attendance of students is recorded by the home-room
teachers. In order to control absentees and know the number of days that a student has been
absent from the school during the school days the attendance officer has to collect the attendance
slips from the corresponding homeroom teachers and compile it which is also a time taking
process. In addition to that retrieving records of students who have graduated couple of years ago
has been a difficult task and the manual system also has difficulty of producing different reports
which are required by the stakeholders such as teachers, administrators or officials.

Teachers may want to associate a student with his parent or emergency persons for disciplinary
measures which need searching of the students record in the record office. It has been difficult to
search a record from thousands of such records and observed that students can take any person
claiming that he/she is their parent or emergency person which creates problem in control of
students. Due to the inefficiency of the current manual system, the need arises to automate SMS
in order to efficiently handle students’ attendance, to produce transcript, report cards and the
various reports satisfying users and customers and to produce timetable which can schedule
courses for teachers and classes of students.
1.2 Timeline
Fig 1.1(Gantt Chart)

1.4 Organization of the Report -

This report document contains five chapters including this chapter. Chapter two defines and
describes Literature Review with regard to SMS, aiming to give a general view to the reader of
the document about tasks or activities which need automation in the school environment. Chapter
three presents Design Flow on SMS. In chapters four and five, I have presented the analysis,
design and implementation of the developed system respectively. In the remaining chapters,
prototype development and conclusion and recommendations are briefly explained.

Chapter 2

Literature Review

Automated SMS plays a great role in simplifying the job of employees at the school and
satisfying the need of customers and stakeholders of the school. Even though no documentation
is found in Ethiopia to be reviewed, products have been observed at some schools to help
understand the problem of managing schools and handling school data. This chapter reviews
these products.

2.1 Observed Products

In the year 2003 City Government of Addis Ababa Education Bureau (CGAAEB) was very much
interested to have automated school management system to get uniform and quick access to the
students’ data for administrative purpose on promoting the students’ achievement and related
issues. The bureau has selected Wundrad Preparatory School for pilot test. At the time the school
principals together with officials from CGAAEB signed a contractual agreement with some
software developer company. The developers installed their first version of the product which can
register a student offline and generate official transcript with some level of difficulty. As the
system is not fully automated, it does not support management of attendance, does not support
generating report cards and other important functions such as generating school timetable and a
web based report for parents. Due to the lack of follow up by the government officials at
CGAAEB, the company was unable to complete the project. The school currently is unable to use
the partially developed system because of lack of trained person and lack of hardware and
software maintenance.

Another product that is in use is transcript generator system. The transcript generator system at
Menelik II Preparatory School generates official transcript of students. In order to generate
transcript the record officer enters the student information along with the grade marks for the
grades completed per year and per semester. Then the system generates the required official
transcript. Currently the school is using the system to generate official transcript even though the
data entry format has unnecessarily many fields which are not applicable for the record office but
can be used for continuous assessment by the course teacher.

2.2 Manual Timetabling

Manual timetables are prepared by dedicated teachers. In manual timetabling, it is common to

proceed in an iterative fashion where each iteration selects and schedules a lesson [2]. Scheduling
a lesson requires to choose a classroom (fixed for each section of students) and a time slot such
that the commitment to the choice will not violate any constraint.

In school timetabling, we are required to schedule a given set of meetings such that the resulting
timetables are feasible and acceptable to all people involved. Humans are able to prepare the
timetable using some hit/miss approach. So it is possible to automate the timetable based on a
simulation of the human way of solving the problem. Such techniques, that we call direct
heuristics, were based on a successive augmentation. That is, a partial timetable is extended,
lecture by lecture, until all lectures have been scheduled. The underlying idea of all approaches is
to schedule the most constrained lecture first.

Usually some responsible teachers are assigned to schedule subjects and teachers. The number of
teachers available per each subject is predefined and the load that each teacher has is calculated.
With these data the timetable constructor assigns each teacher-subject association to the
appropriate classes with the available time slots.

The manual solution of the timetabling problem usually requires many person-days of work. In
addition, the solution obtained may be unsatisfactory. The lessons should be fairly distributed
satisfying the identified constraints.

2.3 Proposed system

The school management system will manage all the work in any school in particular order so that
the time requirement and complexity of the system will be reduced, at first it will focus on
student related information. As a student gets the admission in the school system will start
managing the details regarding the students. It will manage the fee details, and if the full payment
has not done, then it will notify about the fee to a staff of the school. This will then display the
date of the test and when the test completes it will display the results of the students.

2.4 Drawbacks of the Reviewed Systems

The reviews described have the following problems:

 Generate official transcript with some level of difficulty,

 Do not sufficiently produce the required reports to allow parents to view status of their
children and reports for officials of kebele and kifle-ketema to help them participate in
decision making,

This project work tries to fill the gap by automating the various activities at schools. It tries to
satisfy customers need and simplify the works of administrators, record officer and teachers.
With an automated school management system parents can easily interact with the school
community to follow up their children’s achievement and play their role in the school
development processes.

2.5 Objective -

The general and specific objectives of the project are described below:

2.5.1 General Objective

The general objective of the project is to automate the SMS.

2.5.2 Specific Objectives

In order to attain the general objective, the following list of specific objectives is set:

 To develop an offline registration system,

 To facilitate attendance record keeping,
 To facilitate various report generation,
 To produce a timetable
Chapter 3


3.1 Selection of Specific Features -

A Django School Management System  runs Django Framework in back-end

and HTML, CSS in front-end. It has a interactive dashboard built in for admin using
which admin can add student, manage fees , manage employees, manage results.

 Academy Management - Manage Session , Terms, Subjects, Classes.

 Student Management -  Add Student , Bulk Add Student,  Fees Details Check ,
View Profile.

 Employee Management - Add Employee, Edit Employee, View Employee.

 Fees Management -  Add Fees , Delete Fees, Pay fee , Fees Structure , customize fee

 Result Management -  Add Result , Edit Result , Manage Result.

3.2 Design Constraints -

 Data Migration - Normally data such as student admissions, student attendance, fee collections, and
student report cards are said to be the most important data for a school. The people in the management
such as you need to make sure that it is uploaded onto the database and is then properly checked to
verify how accurate the data is.

 User Requirements - It should ideally be capable of dealing well with the following kinds of work in your
school: Managing course & admissions, Timetable management, Online examination Attendance
management Fees management Result management & more The system should also let teachers,
parents, and students have access to it by way of login. At the same time, various people from different
departments in your school should be able to view this information from any and everywhere they wish

 Connectivity - Internet Connectivity This is always a major issue when it comes to implementing school
ERP systems. The thing about this is that the ERPs used by schools these days are web-based. This is why
good connectivity is needed so that the system could be provided with all the support that it needs. The
ERP system in question should also be able to integrate with the software system that you are using
right now

3.3 Design Flow -

Fig 3.1 Use Case Diagram of the SMS -







3.4 Implementation plan/Methodology -

Fig 3.2 Detailed Data flow Diagram -

- 16 -
Fig 3.3 DFD LEVEL - 1

- 17 -
Fig 3.4 DFD LEVEL 2 -

- 18 -
Chapter 4

System Design

In the previous chapter we have identified the functional and non-functional requirements
of the system and produced the analysis model. The following are discussed in this
chapter: design goals, system architecture, system decomposition, deployment and
database design.

4.1 Design Goals -

Design goals describe the qualities of the system that developers should optimize. Such
goals are normally derived from the non-functional requirements of the system.

Design goals are grouped into five categories. These are

 Performance
 Dependability
 Maintenance
 End User Criteria

4.1.1 Performance Criteria -

The part of the system to be used for the record office should have a fast response time
(real time) with maximum throughput. Furthermore, the system should not be taking up
too much space in memory. The record officer has chosen fast response time over
throughput and hence the system should try to be more interactive. In the case of the
timetabling subsystem, the system should be more reliable in order to satisfy the
constraints than fast response time.

- 19 -
4.1.2 Dependability -

The school needs the system to be highly dependable as it is expected to be used by non- IT professionals.
The system should be robust and fault tolerant. Furthermore, as the system is handling sensitive data of the
school, high emphasis should be given with regards to security, as there are subsystems to be accessed
through web.

4.1.2 Maintenance -

The system should be easily extensible to add new functionalities at a later stage. It should also be easily
modifiable to make changes to the features and functionalities.

4.1.3 End User Criteria -

Usability: Usability is the extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified
goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use. From the end users’
perspective the system should be designed in such a way that it is easy to learn and use, efficient and having
few errors if any.

Trade-off is inevitable in trying to achieve a particular design goal. One best case is the issue of security
versus response time. Checking User-Id and Password before a member can enter to the SMS creates
response time problem/overhead. The other case is the issue of response time versus quality. There is some
amount of time taken by the system to generate the timetable. So the user has to wait a little after telling the
system to generate the timetable and getting the result to get a quality timetable.

- 20 -
Chapter 5

Results Analysis

5.1 Implementation -

Fig 5.1 Login Screen

- 21 -
Fig 5.2 Main Menu

- 22 -
Fig 5.3 Students Registration Portal -

- 23 -
Fig 5.4 Fee Payment Portal -

- 24 -

[1]. J. G. Hedberg et. al. (1992). Educational information systems: Problems of the small educational organisation.
Australian Journal of Educational Technology, 8(2), 132-160. http://www.ascilite.org.au/ajet/ajet8/hedberg.html

[2]. M. Marte. Models and Algorithms for School Timetabling, A Constraint-Programming Approach, Ph.D dissertation,
an der Fakult¨at f¨ur Mathematik, Informatik und Statistik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit ¨at M¨unchen, July, 2002

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