Grade 9 L 6 Circulatory System
Grade 9 L 6 Circulatory System
Grade 9 L 6 Circulatory System
Grade 9 - Unit 6
Dunya N. Perera
It needs electrical signals which are sent to the heart muscle telling it
when to contract and relax, then the heart keeps pumping blood
The four chambers of the heart are made of a special type of muscle called myocardium. The
myocardium ( Cardiac muscles) does the main pumping work: It relaxes to fill with blood and then
squeezes (contracts) to pump the blood.
▪ Left atrium
▪ Right atrium
▪ Left ventricle
▪ Right ventricle
• Aorta( artery) starts from the left ventricle. The aorta is the largest blood vessel in
human body.
• Pulmonary artery starts from the right ventricle
4. Semi lunar valves at the starting points of the main arteries.
• The superior vena cava and inferior vena cava open to the right atrium.
• Left and right pulmonary veins open to the left atrium.