Peter S Ruckman - Biblical Scholarship
Peter S Ruckman - Biblical Scholarship
Peter S Ruckman - Biblical Scholarship
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P eter S. R u ck m an
B.A., B.D., M .A., Th.M ., Ph.D.
P residen t an d F ounder o f
P ensacola B ible Institute
P.O. B ox 7135 P ensacola, FL 32534
Copyright © 1988 by Peter S. Ruckman
All rights reserved
Reprinted 1999
ISBN 1-58026-078-0
The Scripture quotations found herein are from the
text o f the A uthorized K ing Janies V ersion o f the
B ible. A ny deviations therefrom are not intentional.
Much Learning
Doth Make Thee Mad
“Let no man deceive himself. If any man
among you seemeth to be wise in this
world, let him become a fool, that he
may be wise.” (1 Corinthians 3:18)
Putting a Greek
New Testament Together
“The words of the Lord are pure words”
(Psalm 12:6)
“Thy word is very pure: therefore thy
servant loveth it.” (Psalm 119:140)
“Mad Dog is
An Englishman”
“. . . behold, I have set before thee an
open door, and no man can shut it: for
thou . . . hast kept my word . . . . ”
(Revelation 3:8)
-Q -
Q uarterly Review, 523
R eport on the H istory and R ecent C ollation o f the English Versions o f the
Bible, 47
Revelation and Inspiration, 102, 345
Revision R evised, 48, 487, 504, 541
The Rom ance o f B ible Scripts and Scholars, 149, 497
Rom anism and the Reform ation, 488, 516
Sa ta n ’s M asterpiece— The N ew ASV, 214
Second A m erican Revolution, 466
Secret H istory o f the Oxford M ovement, 516
Securing the True Text, 174
Selecting a Translation o f the Bible, 365, 372
Septuagint Introduction, 111
Septuagint Concordance, 1 0 9-110, 112
Short Studies A bout G reat Subjects, 488, 516
Six Lectures o f the Text o f the New Testament, 47
So M any Versions?, 51
The Spanish Inquisition, 517
Studies in M ethodology in Textual Criticism o f the New Testament, 48, 119
The Study o f the Bible, 53
Sure W ord o f Prophecy, 1
Survey o f Syntax in the O ld Testament, 51
Survey o f the O ld Testament, 113
S w ord o f the Lord, 41, 50, 203, 206, 210, 216, 239, 350, 406, 478
Text and Canon o f the New Testament, 53, 102
Text and Studies, 508
The Text o f the E pistles, 533
The Text o f the G reek Bible, 44, 422, 431
The Text o f the N ew Testament, 45, 53, 396, 504
Texte and Untersuchungen, 505
Textual Criticism , 508
Textual Studies in the New Testament, 505
The Textus R eceptus and the KJV, 51
T heological W ord Book o f the O ld Testament, 49
Theopneustia, 345
Things That Differ, 524
Thompson Chain Reference Bible, 236
The T raditional Text, 48, 482, 503, 505, 533
The Translation D ebate, 86
T ranslators and Translations, 50, 525
Treasures in the G reek New Testament, 43
The Truth A bout the King Jam es Only Controversy, xviii, 32, 92, 104 112
297, 436, 462, 466, 470
Unknown Bible, 23, 166, 448
U ntranslatable Riches, 43
Vancouver Sun, 7, 468
W aldensian Researches, 519
Wall Street Journal, 15
Washington Post, 526
W estcott and H ort G reet Text, 49
What Is the Best New Testament?, 54
Which Bible?, 123, 158,491
The W isest F ool in Christendom, 224
The W ord and the World, A l l
W ord o f the N ew Testam ent as A ltered and ascertain ed by M odern C riti
cism, 54
W ord Studies in the N ew Testament, 44
A blondi, A lberto, 85 A rchbishop N ew com e, 186
A ccom m odation T heory, 35, 388, A rcher, G leason Jr., 113, 472, 495,
475 505
A cts 8:37, 3 1 9 -3 2 0 A ristobulus, 109
A cts 9 :5 -6 , 320-321 A rm enian version, 138
A dler, E .N ., 91 A ssim ilation, 266
A dysh m anuscript, 139 A struc, Jean, 386
A edesius, 137 A thanasius, 432
A elfric, 40, 153 A ugustine, A urelius, 82, 105, 11 8 -
A fm an, Fred, 232, 4 1 8 -4 1 9 , 525 119, 133-134, 287, 432, 483,
A gricola, M ichael, 149 499, 508, 512
A khm im ic, 94 A uthorized V ersion (A V ), 1, 3, 4,
A land, Kurt, 8 4 -8 5 , 258, 488 10, 18, 24, 28, 46, 118, 154,
A lbigenses, 508 160, 164, 174, 224, 228, 234,
A lbright, W illiam , 8 2 3 6 -2 3 8 , 309, 3 6 1 -3 6 2 , 398,
A lcuin, 132 411, 414, 444, 447, 4 5 0 -4 5 1 ,
A ldhelm , 153 496, 517
A ldred, 153 A veritts, R ichard, 51
A leph (see S inaiticus) B ainton, R oland, 512
A lexandrian C ult, 416 B arnabus, 68
A lexandrian fam ily, 264 B arth, K arl, 43, 4 7 7 -4 7 8
A lex an d rin u s, xxii, 82, 1 15, 178, Basil the G reat, 432
420, 440-441 B asiliensis, 424
A lford, H enry, 202 B atton, Fred, 48
A lfred the G reat, 153 Bauer, F erdinand C hristian, 393
A lter, F.K ., 183 Baxter, R ichard, 389
A m brose, 82, 432 B eatty, C hester, 90-91
A m erican B ible S ociety, 47, 84 B eck, W illiam , 191
A m erican S tandard V ersion (A SV ), B ede, “V enerable” , 153
10, 11, 13, 18, 20, 84, 115, 122, B eegle, D ew ey, 465
189, 2 1 0 -2 1 1 , 213, 2 7 0 -2 7 1 , Bel and the D ragon, 108, 116
353, 4 0 0 -4 0 1 , 403, 455, 4 7 1 - B elsham , T hom as, 187
472, 484 B engel, H .J.A ., 179, 271
A m plified Version, 191 Bentley, R ichard, 178, 271
A ndrew s, J.N ., 491 B erkeley, G eorge, 180
A ngus, Joseph, 398 Betus Latina, 1 18
A ntioch o f Syria, 70, 92, 126, 141 Beza, T heodore, 141, 157, 202
A ntw erp P olyglot, 150 B ible, 64, 65
A phraates, 432 B ingham , C aroline, 223
A po cry p h a, 8 0 -8 1 , 85, 102, 115, Bios, 7 6 -7 7
117, 119, 131, 133, 141, 146, Birch, A ndrew , 183
153, 1 5 7 ,2 7 7 ,4 2 1 ,4 8 9 B ishop’s B ible, 101, 154, 158
A pologetic, 95 B lack, M „ 84
A postolic Constitutions, 324 B lakeney, 523
A quilla, xv, 103, 114, 118, 124-125, B leek, 115, 498
397, 540 Bob Jones U niversity, 3, 8, 19, 21,
A quinas, T hom as, 352 39, 205, 207, 211, 213, 216,
A rabic version, 139 232, 241, 244, 247, 297, 305,
369-370, 395,469-471,512 Cathcart, 491, 514
Bobbiensis, 129 Cavert, Samuel McCrae, 468
Bodmer papyri, 90-91 Challoner version, 162, 191
Boettner, Loraine, 102, 345 Chappel, Dwight, 16
Bohairic, 94, 115, 135-136, 509 Charles the First, 488
Book of Armagh, 132 Chrysostom, John, 64-65, 70, 82,
Bousset, Wilhelm, 505 297, 432
Bowie, Russell, 240 Cimino, David, 524
Bowie, Walter, 8 City o f God, 134
Brainerd, David, 389 Clark, K.W., 177
Bratton, Fred Gladstone, 391-392, Clark, Robert, 465-466
502, 537-538 Clement of Alexandria, 352, 432-
Brewer, Julius, 8 433
Briggs, Charles, 56 Clement of Rome, 432
British and Foreign Bible Society, Codex (codices), 67
84-85 Codex A (see Alexandrinus)
Brokenshire, Charles, 39, Codex Amiatinus, 132
Broughton, Hugh, 41, 102, 166 Codex Argenteus, 137
Brown, Francis, 56 Codex B (see Vaticanus)
Brown, Kenneth, 51 Codex Bezae, 40, 130, 423
Bruce, F.F., 51, 102, 237, 332, 465, Codex Boreelianus, 424
473, 517, 525 Codex C (see Ephraemi Rescriptus)
Brucioli, 150 Codex Cavensis, 132
Brunner, Emil, 43, 477-478 Codex Claromontanus, 178, 424
Brunner, W., xix, 39 Codex Colbertinus, 130
Burgon, Dean John William, 15, 48, Codex Corbiensis, 130
81, 97, 262, 274, 291-292, 298, Codex D (see Cantabregensis)
345, 398, 469, 482, 487, 494, Codex Dublinensis, 132
503-505, 527-528, 530-531, Codex Fuldensis, 132
533, 541 Codex Gigas, 130
Burkitt, xvii, 92, 130, 508 Codex Harleianus, 132
Burrows, Millar, 8 Codex K, 509
Bynum, E.L., 475, 478 Codex Laudianus, 424
Byzantine family, 265 Codex Mediolanensis, 132
Byzantine text, 65 Codex Palantinus, 129
Cadbury, Henry, 8 Codex Sangallensis, 132
Caedmon, 151 Codex Sangermanensis, 424
Caesarea, 68, 127, 482, 499 Codex Teplensis, 513
Caesarean family, 82, 128, 138-139, Codex Theta, 82, 128
265, 272, 279, 314, 383, 428- Codex Vercellensis, 130
431, 509, 529 Codex Veronensis, 130
Callipoli, 151 Codex W, (see Washingtonius)
Campbell, Alexander, 187 Codex Wolf II, 424
Cantabregensis, 82, 264, 424, 432, Cola, 77-78
493 Colet, John, 154
Carson, D.A., 51, 87, 297, 476 Colinaeus, 141
Cartwright, Peter, 163 Collation, 176
Catenae, 77 Colophones, 76
Columba, 492 D'Almeida, Ferreira, 150
Colwell, Ernest, 48,51, 54, 119-120, Darby, J.N., 188
272-274, 279, 292, 383-384, Darwin, Charles, 402
505, 530-533, 536-537 D’ Aubigne, 491
Commata, 77-78 David, Christian, 389
Commentary, 77 DeGrave, 150
Commodian, 483 Deissmann, Adolph, 55, 70, 71, 72
Common version, 162 Demotic script, 135
Com plutensian Polyglot, 156 DeReina, Casiodoro, 150
Conflation, 266 DeRossi, 133
Confraternity version, 191 Descartes, 179-180
Conjectures, 97, 133, 439 DeValera, Cipriano, 150
Conquest, J.T., 187 Dickinson, Rudolph, 187
Conradi, L.R., 491 D idache, 324
Constantine, 68, 69, 7 1, 94, 104, 229, Didymus, 330
433, 481 Diodati, 93, 150
Constantinople, 70, 136, 429 Dionysius, 432
Conybeare, 110 Dittography, 266
Cooke, 244 Dollar, Truman, 7, 14, 29, 32, 374,
Coptic, 135, 183 411-412, 418, 474
Coston, Stephen, 223 Dollard, W.D., 189
Council of Carthage, 82 Douay-Rheims Version, 17, 101,
Council of Trent, 302 131, 144, 161-162, 218, 236,
Coverdale, Myles, 153-154, 156— 283, 516
157 Driver, S.R., 56
Coy, George H„ 178, 402, 488, 523, Eclectic text, 63, 74
540 Edict of Milan, 229
Coyne, 191 Edman, Dr., 351
Craig, Clarence, 8 Edwards, Don, 413
Cranmer, Thomas, 488 Egede, Hans, 390
Creyk, John, 271 Egpyt, 69, 70, 89, 91, 103, 131, 135,
Crim, Keith, 26 420-421
Criswell, W.A., 14, 29, 32, 411-412, Eichorn, J.G., 388, 428
474 Elder, Isabel Hill, 492, 514
Cromwell, Thomas, 157 Eliot, John, 389
Cruden, Alexander, 390 Eliot Psalms, 186
Cureton, William, 126 Elizabeth Bible, 151
Curetonian Syriac, 430 Ellicott, Charles John, 271, 398
Cursive, 73, 83, 88 Ellison, James, 207
Custer, Stewart, xvi, xviii, 32, 63, Elzevir, 141, 202, 219
77,92, 104, 111-112, 117,207, Em phatic D iaglott, 182
211, 242, 261, 297, 327, 341, England, 160-161
419, 431, 436, 462, 466, 470- Ephraem Syrus, 127, 432
471, 477, 480-482, 490, 498, Ephraemi Rescriptus, xxii, 40, 264,
500-503, 509, 522, 541 268, 422
Cyprian, 134, 432 Epistle to Barnabus, 420
Cyril and Methodius, 139 Epistle to the Laodiceans, 132
Cyril of Jerusalem, 324, 432 Erasmus, 41, 80, 90, 140-141, 144,
154, “Golden Gospels,” 133
156, 202, 217-218, 311,
327, 332, 486, 489 Good News Bible, 85, 191, 231
Erdosi, Janos, 148 Goodspeed, Edgar, 8, 190, 396
Ethiopic version, 137 Gore, 384
Eusebian Canons, 78, 153, 259, 421— Gothic, 82, 94, 136, 513
422, 486 Gottschalkson’ s Bible, 150
Eusebius, 68, 71, 78-79, 82, 101, Graf, Karl Heinrich, 394
104, 122, 287, 319, 432-433, Graham, Billy, 29
481-482, 498-500, 540 Grant, Frederick, 8, 102
Eusebius of Vercelli, 130 Grant, R.M., 177
Evans, Herb, 41, 475 Gray, James M. 463
Faber, G., 516 Great Bible, 101, 153, 156, 158
Falwell, Jerry, 7, 29-30, 32, 474 Greenlee, J, Harold, 54
Farrar, F.W., 102 Greeven, H., 177
Farstad, Arthur L., 374 Gregg, Paul, 342
Feinberg, Charles Lee, 213-214 Gregory, Casper R., 53, 133, 257
Fell, John, 178 Gregory of Nyssa, 324
Ferrar group, 383, 427, 504 Grenfell, Willfred, 89
Fieldhouse, Marvin, 194 Griesbach, J.J., 82, 179-181, 184,
First John 5:7-8, 331-335 202, 383, 421
First Timothy 3:16, 315-316 Grocyn, 154
Fisher, George Park, 507 Guinness, H.G., 488, 516
Flacius, Matthias, 149 Gutenberg Bible, 481
Flannigan, Robert, 51 Gutenberg, Johann, 140, 481
Fleury Palimpset, 129 Gwatkins, 102
Fosdick, Harry Emerson, 7, 214 Handel, George Frederick, 390
Foster, Lewis, 189, 365, 367, 372, Hanson, J.W., 188
524 Haplography, 266
Fox, George, 388 Harclean Syriac, 128
Foxx, Peter, 466, 522 Harding, Stephen, 132
Francis of Enzina, 150 Hare, R.R., 187
Francke, August, 389 Harman, Henry, 109, 127, 134
Frasier, Antonia, 223 Harris, Rendall, 176
Frelinghuysen, Theodore, 389 Harwood, Edward, 186
Froude, J.A., 488, 516 Hatch, W.P., 74, 76
Frumentius, 137 Haupt, Hennan, 513
Fuller, David Otis, 123, 370, 491, Haweis, Thomas, 186
506-508, 513, 515, 519 Hawthorne, 238
Fust, Johann, 481 Hegel, George, 393
Gardner, Frederick, 54 Hegesippus, 127
Gaussen, 345 Helvidius, 507
G eneva B ib le, 101, 154-155, 157— Henderson, A.V., 14, 374, 411-412
158, 163, 224, 236 Hengstenberg, Ernst W., 330
Georgian version, 138-139 Henry, Matthew, 389
Gildas, 492 Herder, Johann, 391
Gilles, Anthony, 352, 479 Herklotts, H.G.G., 50, 114, 487
Glassman, Eugene, 86 Hexapla, 93, 103-104, 113, 114,
Glosses, 77 116, 118-119, 123-124, 127,
487 Jones III, Bob, 3, 77, 211, 471, 484-
Hieroglyphics, 135 485
Hilary of Poitiers, 432, 514 Joseph, Franz, 56
Hilgenfeld, 330 Josephus, xiv, xv, 125
Hills, Edward, 370, 430, 434, 528 Justin Martyr, 82, 432, 483
Hindson, Ed, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 4 11- Kahle, 1 12, 496-497
412, 419, 479, 490 Kakiagraphy, 293
Hippolytus, 82, 134, 432-433, 483 Kant, Immanuel, 180
Hitler, Adolph, 516 Katz, Peter, 67
Hobbs, Dayton. 465-466 Keller, Luwig, 513
Hobbs, Herschel, 41 I Kenrick, Bishop Francis P., 486
Hodge, Charles, 400-401 Kenyon, Frederick, 44, 177, 422,
Hodges, Zane, 338-342 431, 486, 506, 508
Homoioteleuton, 266 Kephalia, 76, 259
Hort, F.J.A., xviii, 20, 53, 71, 80- Kerr, William, 26, 473
81, 83, 85, 178-179, 183, 265, King James, 4, 22, 23, 41, 144, 166,
273, 280, 292, 398, 402, 428- 219-225, 387
429, 487, 508, 530-533, 535 King James Version (KJV), 6, 11,
Hoskier, H.C., 46, 262, 133, 398, 16, 17, 40, 43, 78, 102, 142,
510, 535 162, 209-212, 216, 229, 240,
Huish, 271 252-253, 340, 409, 474, 484
Hume, Cardinal Basil, 85 Kircher, Conrad, 109
Hume, David, 180 Kleist, 78
Hundhausen, 523 Klijn, 529
Hunt, 89 Knox, John, 157
Huss, John, 151 Koine Greek, 70, 71, 73, 172
Hutson, Curtis, 14, 351, 411-414, Kubo, Sakae, 51
419 Kuenen, 394
Hypothesis, 76-77 Kurtz, Johann Heinrich, 507
Ignatius, 432, 483 Kutilek, Doug, 32, 419
Impe, Jack Van, 369-340 Lachmann, Karl, 183, 202
Index, 217 Lactantius, 68
Irenaeus, 68, 82, 134, 184, 432-433, Lake, Kirsopp, 53, 176, 279, 396
483 Lambert, O.C., 382
Irwin, William, 8, 45 Lamsa, George, 128, 503-504
Itala, 133-134, 265, 507-508, 519 Lanfranc, 132
Jackson, Shirley Case, 483 LaSor, William, 48,, 237
Jacobus, 82, 506, 508 Latimer, Hugh, 488
James, Fleming, 8, 240 Latourette, Kenneth, 385
Jerome, 82, 92, 94, 101, 116, 126, Leach, Charles, 474
130-132, 287, 133-134, 139, Lectionary, 79-80, 97, 493
432, 482-483, 506-508, 512 Lee, William, 102
Jerusalem Bible, 162, 191,218 Lefevre, 150
Jesus, the son o f Sirach, 108, 110— Leger, 514
111 Leitzsmann, 102
John 5:4, 329-331 Lessing, Gotthold, 391
John 8:1-11, 321-323 Letter to Aristeas, xiv, 105-106, 108,
Jones Jr., Bob, 7, 214, 216, 231 496, 512
Lewis, Agnes, 126, 189 Melito, 127
Lewis, Jack, 98 Menologion, 80, 493-494
Liberty University, 239 Merk, xix
Liebnitz, G.W., 179 Mesrob, 138-139
Lightfoot, Joseph, 50, 398, 522, 525 Methodius, 483
Liguori, Alfonso Maria de\ 349 Metzger, Bruce, 45, 68, 69, 84, 128,
Linacre, 154 257, 272, 274-276, 380, 420,
Lindisfarne G osp els, 153 462, 488, 504, 506-507, 520,
Lindsell, Harold, 476 530-531, 533, 535, 539-540
Literary, 89 Michaelis, 240, 388
Living Bible, 4, 15, 25, 26, 27, 28, Mill, John, 178, 257, 271, 385
191, 231, 473 Miller, H.S., 48, 113, 174, 492, 497,
Locke, John, 180 506-507, 520, 539-540
Lockman Foundation, 21 Milligan, George, 54, 398
Lopez, Diego, 486 Minuscule, 74
Lovett, 158 Moffat, James, 8, 190
Lowe, E.A., 133 Mohler, Johann Adam, 385
Lucian, 130, 506 Monifaucon, Bernard de, 382
Luibheld, 481 Montgomery, Helen, 190
Luke 2:14, 316-319 Moody Bible Institute, 347, 399-400
Luther, Martin, 142,146, 148-149, Moody Colportage Association, 67
154,512-513 Moody M onthly, 222-223, 240
Mabillon, Jean, 382 Moody Press, 236
MacArthur, John, 343-344, 418 Morgan, G. Campbell, 32
Mace, Daniel, 186 Morgan, Jonathan, 187
Machen, J. Gresham, 451 Moulton, James Hope, 398
MacRae, Allan, 51, 218, 252-255 Mullen, Tobias, 523
Majority text, xix, xxii, 95, 135, 219, Murdock, James, 187
338 Musselman, Jr., Bruce, 232
Majuscule, 74 Musurillo, 501
Manly, Basil, 345 Narramore, Clyde, 411
Mark 16:9-20, 326-327,420 Nash collection, 90
Martin, 150 Nash, Jay Robert, 520-521
Martin, Roger, 418-419 National C ou n cil o f Christian
Martini, Bishop Carlo, 86 Churches (NCCC), 6, 7, 395,
Masoretes, 495 468
Matthae, C.F., 182 Neal, Marshall, 117, 213, 216, 471
Matthew 1:25, 313-315 Neander, Johann August Wilhelm,
Matthew 5:22, 327-329 514
Matthew 6:13, 323-326 Nelson, Wilbur, 346
M atthew ’s Bible, 153, 155 Neumas, 77-78
Maurice, J.F.D., 177 Nestle, Aland, Metzger, 83, 241, 284
McCall, Duke, 14, 411 Nestle, Eberhard, 71, 74, 81, 83, 85,
McElwee, William, 224 89, 139, 202, 293, 401, 440,
McDowell, Josh, 495 488, 528
McGee, J. Vernon, 419 Nevin, John, 541
McGregor, Geddes, 51, 495 New American Bible (NAB), 162,
Mclntire, Carl, 467-468 191, 218
New American Standard Version Orthography, 73
(NASV), 6, 8, 21, 77, 190, 214, Ostervald, 150
406 Ostraca, 65
New Berkeley Version, 190 Ostrong Bible, 151
New English Bible, 191,231 Oxford Press, 45
New International Version (NIV), 6, Oxford Movement, 177
15, 16, 17, 233, 236, 365, 469 P45, 435-436
New Jerusalem Bible, 162 p« 434-437
New King James Version (NKJV), P” , 434-436
6, 10, 11, 12, 21, 32, 248, 363,
Paisley, Ian, 244
365, 374, 407, 410-413 Palestinian Syriac, 128
New S cofield Reference B ible Palimpsest, 422
(NSRB), 18, 77, 312 Pamphilus, 68, 104, 122, 482, 499-
New World Translation (NWT), 421 500
Newman, Albert Henry, 537-538 Panosian, Edward, 244, 419
Newman, Cardinal, 177 Papebroch, Daniel, 381
Newman, Robert, 51, 218, 252-255 Papias, 68, 82, 432, 483
Nida, Eugene A., 84, 86, 191 Papyrus (papyri), 65, 67, 69, 71, 89,
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 43 91, 95, 268
Nisibenus, 82 Parchment, 65, 67, 68
Nitschmann, David, 390 Patrick, Saint, 93, 492, 515
Non-literary, 90 “Pauline Obsession” , 512
Norlie, Olaf, 190 Paulus, Bishop of Mesopotamia, 113
Norton, Andrews, 187 Peale, Norman Vincent, 7
Noyes, G.R., 1-88 Pearson, Bishop, 271
Ockenga, Harold, 14, 4 1 1 Pedersen, Christian, 149
Old African, 129 Penn, William, 389
Old Latin, 82, 90, 92-93, 101, 115- People’s Gospel Hour, 8
116-119, 127, 129, 130-131, Peshitta, xvii, 82, 92, 127-128, 130,
133-134, 168, 174, 178, 183, 178, 503-505
230, 429, 508, 519 Peter the Great, 151
Old Syriac, 82, 92, 94, 114-116, Petri, Olaus, 149
126-127, 172, 504504, Petrie, Flinders, 89
Olivetan, 93, 150, 514 Pfeiffer, Robert, 396
Oltramere, 150 Philadelphus, Ptolemy, 109
Omissions, 267 Phillips, Harold, 50, 525
Onomastica, 77 Phillips version, 190
Opiza manuscript, 139 Philo, xiv, xv, 103, 125, 378, 392,
Origen, Adamantius, 68, 69, 91, 93- 512,537-538
94, 103-104, 113, 114 -116 , Philoxenian Version, 127
118-120, 122-125, 127, 134, Philoxenus, Bishop, 128
175, 183, 287, 292, 329, 367, Pickering, Wilbur, 95, 292-293, 435,
397, 430, 432-433, 482-483, 492-493, 510, 529, 535-536
487, 492, 496-497, 500, 505- Picrilli, Robert, 472
506, 510, 527 Plummer, Alfred, 56
Orin, 153 Plutschau, Heinrich, 389
Orr, Edwin, 368 Polemic, 95
Orr, James, 345 Polycarp, 432, 483
Pope Damasus, 131 Routh, Martin Joseph, 127
Pope Gregory the Great, 352 Sabatie, Pierre, 175, 384
Pope John Paul II, 391, 537 Sahidic, 83, 94, 115, 135-136
Pope Victor, 396-397 Salmon, Stewart D.F., 56
Price, Ira, 45, 113, 502-503, 508 Savonarola, 154
Price, James, 7, 14, 411, 418-419 Sawyer, L.A., 188
Provan, Charles D., 490-491 Sayings of Jesus, 90
Pseudepigrapha, 137 Scarlett, Nathaniel, 186
Ptolemy, 106, 108 Schaff, David, 540
Purver, Anthony, 186 Schaff, Philip, 20, 114 -115 , 118,
Pusey, Edward, 177 122, 400, 402, 512-513, 515,
Pyle, Howard, 207 537-538, 541
Queen Elizabeth, 158, 163 Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 392
Queen of the Cursives, 89 Schleusner, John Friedrich, 110
Rabulla, Bishop, 116, 128 Schoffer, Peter, 481
Ramm, Bernard, 371 Scholia, 77
Rasmussen, Roland, 205 Scholtz, J.M.A., 183, 257
Ray, J.M., 186 Schraeder, Rick, 490
Reach Out, 26 Schwartz, W., 45, 116, 118, 486,
Recension, 92, 135 499, 512
Reimarus, 393 Science, 23, 41
Renan, Ernest, 393 Scofield Reference Bible, 18, 81,
Repetitions, 266 249
Reumann, John, 149, 496-497, 512- Scrivener, F.H.A., 45, 47, 258, 262,
513 398, 437, 487, 527, 531
Revised Standard Version (RSV), 6, Scroggie, 463
7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 27, 214-216, Sears, Victor, 467
231, 237, 240, 248, 370, 410, Segond, 150
445, 468 Semler, J.S., 35, 82, 179, 383, 386,
Revised Version (RV), 7, 22, 81, 84, 388
189, 258, 292, 442-443 Septuagint (LXX), xiv, 48, 81, 104,
Rice, John R„ 7, 41, 43, 50, 203, 105-106, 108-119, 123-126,
210, 212, 214-216, 236-237, 141, 487
239, 319, 345-346, 350-351, Sharpe, Samuel, 187
368-369, 406, 463-464, 475, Shenan, 462
478, 522 Shepherd of Hermas, 420
Riley, W.B., 463 Shoreham, 153
Roberts, 53, 54 Simon, Richard, 123, 175-176, 179,
Robertson, A.T., 40, 451 379-381
Robinson, H. Wheeler, 102 Sinaitic Syriac, 126
Rockwood, Perry, 8, 468-469 Sinaiticus, xxii, 40, 68, 69, 81-82,
Rogers, Adrian, 14 92, 94, 103-104, 112, 118, 131,
Rogers, John, 155 136, 168, 184, 259, 287, 293,
Rolle, 153 420, 434-435, 437, 440-441,
Roloff, Lester, 39 527-528
Rome, 69 Skehan, Patrick W., 112
Ross, Tony, 462 Slavic version, 139
Rotherham, Joseph, 188 Smith, Joseph, 188
Smith, Julia, 188 32, 232, 418
Smith, Oswald, J., 243 Tertullian, 68, 134, 229, 330, 432-
Smith, Vance, 398 433, 515
Smyth, J. Patterson, 40, 43 Tetrapla, 114
Son, James J., 359 Textus Receptus, xx, 82, 93, 95,
Soter, Ptolemy, 109 140 -141,179 ,20 9,212, 2 1 7 -
Soulen, Richard, 48 219, 258,261,267-268 ,398,
Souter, Alexander, 53, 102, 202 427, 430-431, 440, 493
Spain, 160-161 Theodotian, xv, 114, 118, 124-125,
Spanish Armada, 158, 161, 169 430, 540
Specht, Walter, 51 Theodotus, 396-397
Speculum , 130 Theodulf, 132
Spener, Philip, 389 Thet manuscript, 139
Sperry, Willard, 8 Thiessen, H.C., 257
Spinoza, Baruch, 179, 380 Thomas Nelson and Sons, 11, 40,
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon, 30, 31, 395, 407, 467-468
32, 463-464, 475 Thompson, Charles, 187
Stam, Cornelius, 249, 251, 524 Thorn, Leonard, 188
Stanley, 491 Tillich, Paul, 43
Steck, R., 330 Tischendorf, K., xviii, 71, 184, 202,
Stephanus, 141, 202, 257, 258 420, 498
Stichos, 74 Titloy, 76
Stock, 110 Titus, xv
Stonehouse and Wooley, 345 Tobit, 93, 108
Strauss, David, 393 Torquemada, 517
Streeter, Burnett H., 279, 281, 504 Torrey, R. A., 30, 3 1, 32, 463, 474
Sturz, H.A., 298 Towns, Elmer, 7, 14, 411-412
Sumner, Robert, 32, 206, 368, 381, Townsend, George, 187
413-414, 419, 463-464, 467, Trammius, Abraham, 110
476, 490, 522 Transpositions, 267
Sweeting, George, 399 Trench, Richard Chenevix, 398
Swete, H.B., 396, 498, 508 Trinitarian Bible Society, 15, 27,
Swindoll, Chuck, 418 182,489,515
Symmachus, xv, 103, 114, 118, 124— Twilley, L.D., 531
125 Tyndale Bible, 101, 517
Synaxaria, 80, 493-494 Tyndale House, 26
Syrian family, 268 Tyndale, William, 40, 153-156, 158,
Talbot, Louis, 463 517
Tatian, 259, 432, 513 Ulfilas, 82, 94, 136-138, 513
Tatian’ s D iatesseron, 94, 127, 138, Uncial, 73, 74, 80, 83, 135, 179, 420
324, 503 United Bible Societies, xix, 45, 83-
Tausen, Hans, 149 84-85, 175, 242, 258, 274, 277,
Taverner, Richard, 153, 156-157 321-322, 380, 530
Taylor, Kenneth, 4, 25, 27, 28, 191, United Brethren, 150
324, 402, 473 Vasa, Gustaf, 149
Tennent, Gilbert, 390 Vaticanus, xxii, 46, 68, 69, 80, 82,
Tennent, William, 389 85, 88, 90, 92, 94, 103, 112,
Tennessee Temple University, 21, 115, 118, 130-131, 136, 138,
168, 259, 261, 268, 276, 286- Westminster version, 191
287, 293, 421-422, 428, 434- Wettstein, J.J., 179, 257
435, 437, 440-441, 486, 509, Weymouth, 189, 202
527 Whitehead, John W., 466
Vaudois, 514 Whiting, Nathan, 187
Vellum, 67, 71 Whitney, Thomas, 464
Vercellone, 261, 527 Whitson, William, 186
Verkuyl, 190 Wikgren, Allen, 45, 113, 84-85
Victor of Antioch, 82 Wilberforce, Bishop, 398
Vincent, Marvin, 44 Wilhelm, “Father” Anthony, 347
Visoly Bible, 150 Wilkinson, Benjamin, 123, 158
Vogels, H.J., xix Williams, Charles, 190
Von Dobschutz, 491, 515 Williams, “Chip”, 343
Von Soden, Hermann, 202, 427-431 Williams, J.B., 244
Vulgate, 11, 82, 93, 126, 129-133, Williams, W „ 187
140-141, 144, 150, 153, 156, Willmington, Harold, 356, 419
162, 178, 184, 236, 265, 311, Wilson, Robert Dick, 386, 536
429, 506-508 Wisdom, Thurman W., 248, 419
Waite, Donald, 502 Wiseman, Cardinal, 523
Wakefield, Gilbert, 186 WMUU, 469
Waldensians, 93, 508, 513 Woide, 271
Walsh, W „ 516 Wolf, Frederich, 382, 535
Walton, Brian, 178 Woodruff, Hezekiah, 187
Ward, Norman, 469 Wordsworth, Christopher
Warfield, Benjamin, 102 Wrede, William, 393
Washingtonius, 83, 383 Wuest, Kenneth, 43, 191
Wattenbach, 133 Wycliffe, John, 40, 140, 153
Watterman, Leroy, 240 Ximenes, Cardinal, 80, 156
Watts, Isaac, 389 Yanagita-San, Tomonobu, 215-216
Watts, Robert, 345 Young, Patrick, 271
Webber, F.R., 514 Young, Robert, 188
Webster, Noah, 187 Ziegenbalg, Bartholomew, 389
Weeks, R.W., 189 Zimmerman, Thomas, 14
Weigle, Dean Luther, 12 Zinzendorf, Nicholas, Count von,
Weiss, B., xix, 71, 202 389
Weiss, Christian, 235 Zondervan, 15, 16, 51, 107-108,
Weldon, Anthony, 222 110, 476
Wellhausen, Julius, 394 Zuntz, 533
Wells, 385
Weniger, Archer, 468
Wenxzel, 150
Wesley, John, 389
Westcott and Hort Theory, 258, 260,
Westcott, B.F., xviii, 20, 53, 71, 80-
81, 83, 177, 398, 402
Western family, 127, 136, 264, 268,
383, 436