Political Caricature of The American Era (1900-1941) Political Cartoons and Caricature
Political Caricature of The American Era (1900-1941) Political Cartoons and Caricature
Political Caricature of The American Era (1900-1941) Political Cartoons and Caricature
political cartoons published in newspaper dailies and periodicals in the aforementioned time period.
Political cartoons and caricature- are a rather recent art form, which veered away from the classical art by
exaggerating human features and poking fun at its subjects.
- portrays a point and/or issue of a particular event. usually targets persons of power and authority. Cartoons
became an effective tool of publicizing opinions through heavy use of symbolism
Alfred W. Mccoy - born on June 8, 1945 in Massachusetts, USA. Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin–
Death Cars
a commentary on the unprecedented cases of colorum automobiles in the city streets. The
Philippine Free Press published this commentary when fatal accidents involving colorum vehicles
and taxis occurred too often already. symbolizes the new transportation system brought by the
Americans where here we can see that rules and laws are lacking when it comes to automobile
(about colorum illegal cars)
cartoon depicts a cinema. A blown-up police officer was at the screen saying that
couples are not allowed to neck and make love in the theater. Two youngsters
looked horrified while an older couple seemed amused. (Being liberated)
requires taking into consideration both the ideas and beliefs of the people in the past and relevance of the past
events for our contemporary attitudes and situations.
MULTIPERSPECTIVITY - a way of looking at historical events from diff. perspective. there is a multitude of ways by which
we can view the world. (More than one perspective)
The Code of Kalantiaw - is a mythical legal code in the epic history Maragtas. (1968 that it was proved a hoax)
(fabricated). it was a source of pride for the people of Aklan. In fact, a historical marker was installed in the town of
Bataan, Aklan in 1956, with the following
ALBO’S LOG – he was one of magellan’s pilot. He is also a navigator form the island of Rhodes.
March 16 1521 - they saw land towards the northwest which is yunagan however they did not go because it has shallow
- That same day, they went to an island called Suluan where they saw canoes but quickly fled with their approach.
This island was at 9 & 2/3 degrees North latitude.
- They sailed westward to the Uninhabited Island of “gada” (acquada/ homonhon acc to pigafetta) where they
took in a supply of wood and water. (sea is free from shallow)
- From “gada”, they sailed westwards towards a large island named Seilani (known to have gold)
- ”Mazava” - southwards along the coast of that large island of Seilani, they turned southwest to a small island
- The people in the island were very good. Spaniards planted a cross upon a mountain-topfrom there they were
shown three islands to the west and southwest, where they were told there was much gold.
- "Matan" and "Subu - "From there they sailed westwards and saw three islets where they dropped anchor and
stayed for the night. There they entered a channel between two islands, one of which was called
town (la villa) of Subu - they stayed many days and obtained provisions and entered into a peace-pact
- east-west direction with the islands of Suluan and Mavaza. But between Mavaza and Subu
Mar.16,1521 (sat) - sighted a ―high land named “Zamal” which was some 300 leagues westward of Ladrones (Marianas)
Mar 17 (sun) – There they set up two tents for the sick members of the crew and had a sow killed for them. The name of
this island was “Humunu” (Homonhon). This island was located at 10 degrees North latitude.
Mar. 18 (mon) – a boat coming towards them with 9 men (Magellan asked for food supplies in four
Mar. 22 (fri) - they were in two boats, and they brought food supplies. ( @ noon)
Mar 25 (mon) – left homonhon. It was the feast of the Annunciation ( our lady’s day) (Magellan stayed in homonhon for
7 days)
- The route taken by the expedition after leaving Homonhon was ―toward the west southwest, between four
islands: Cenalo, Hiunanghan, Ibusson andAlbarien
Mar. 28 (holy thurs) - an island where there previous night they had seen a light or a bonfire, called “mazaua” (they
remain for 7 days)
At Gatighan, they sailed westward to the three islands of the Camotes Group, namely, Poro, Pasihan and Ponson.
Ponson. Here the Spanish ships stopped to allow the king of Mazaua to catch up with them, since balanghai is slower
than Spanish boats
Mar 28 (thur) – In the morning anchored near an island where they had seen a light the night before small boat (boloto)
came with eight natives, to whom Magellan threw some trinkets as presents. An exchange of gifts was effected.
(Thursday in Holy Week, or the Holy Thursday.)
Mar 29 (fri) – Next day. Holy Friday, Magellan sent his slave interpreter ashore in a small boat to ask to the king if he
could provide the expedition with food supplies, and to say that they had come as friends and not as enemies. In reply
the king himself came in a boat and went up Magellan’s ship. Another exchange of gifts was made.
Mar 30(Sat) – Pigafetta and his companion had spent the previous evening feasting and drinking with the native king
and his son.
Mar 31 (Sun) –Magellan sent the priest ashore with some men to prepare for the Mass. in the afternoon they returned
ashore to plant the cross on the summit of the hill. In attendance both at the Mass and at the planting of the cross were
the king of Mazaua and the king of Butuan.
March 31(Sun) –Magellan asked the two kings which ports he should go to in order to obtain more abundant supplies of
food than were available in that island. They replied that there were three ports to choose from: Ceylon, Zubu, and
Calagan. Of the three, Zubu was the port with the most trade so he wished to go there.
April 1 (mon) – Magellan sent men ashore to help with the harvest, but no work was done that day because the two
kings were sleeping off their drinking bout the
night before. differences similarities
Albo’s only the planting of the Both started their
April 2(tues) & April 3(wed) – Work on the testimony cross upon a mountain expedition on the
harvest during the top was mentioned 16th of March 1521
Pigafetta’s mentioned that the first Both albo and
April 4( thurs) – They leave Mazaua, bound for testimony mass is held in Mazaua pigafetta are
Cebu. on Easter Sunday, eyewitness
March 31. They both shared a log of
their expedition
Cavity Mutiny
The year 1872 is a historic year of two events: the Cavite Mutiny and the martyrdom of the three priests: Mariano
Gomez, Jose Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora (GOMBURZA)
2 accounts :
FILIPINO PERSECTIVE- it's simple mutiny by the native Filipino soldiers and laborers of the Cavite arsenal who
turned out to be dissatisfied with the abolition of their privileges.
Dr. Trinidad Hermenigildo Pardo de Tavera - a Filipino scholar and researcher, wrote the Filipino version of the bloody
incident in Cavite.
January 20, 1872 - Uprising of military personnel belief that it would elevate of Fort San Felipe (the to a national
uprising. The Spanish arsenal in the mutiny was unsuccessful, Philippines)
- Uprising of military personnel belief that it would elevate of Fort San Felipe ( the to a national uprising. The
Spanish arsenal in the mutiny was unsuccesful, Philippines) on January 20, and government soldiers 1872.
- Around 200 soldiers and laborers rose up in the belief that it would elevate to a national uprising. The mutiny
was unsuccessful, and government soldiers, executed many of the participants.
GOMBURZA - Collective name of the three Martyred Priests. Tagged as the masterminds of the Cavite Mutiny. They
were prominent Filipino priests charged with treason and sedition
Feb. 17, 1872 – GOMBURZA were executed by the public to serve as a threat to never attempt to fight the Spain.
SPANISH PERSPECTIVES - an attempt of the Indios to overthrow the Spanish government in the Philippines
JOSE MONTERO y VIDAL - a prolific Spanish historian documented the event and highlighted it as an attempt of the
Indios to overthrow the Spanish government in the Philippines.
●Gov. Gen. Rafael Izquierdo's official report to the king of Spain magnified the event and made use of it to implicate the
native clergy, which was then active in call for SECULARIZATION.
●In the Spaniards' account, 1872 was premeditated, a part of a big conspiracy among Educated leaders, Mestizos,
Lawyers, and residents of Manila and Cavite. They allegedly plan to liquidate high-ranking Spanish officers then kill friars
Jan 20, 1872 - district of Sampaloc celebrated the feast of the Virgin of Loreto, and came with it some fireworks. The
Cavitenos mistook this as the signal to commence with the attack.
Feb 17, 1872 - An attempt of the Spanish government and Frailocracia to give fear among the Filipinos and the
Gomburza were executed.
200 men were led by Sergeant Lamadrid attacked Spanish officers at sight and seized the arsenal.
Izquierdo, upon learning of the attack, ordered the reinforcement of the Spanish forces in Cavite to quell the
The revolution was crushed when Manilenos who were expected to aid Cavitenos did nor arrive.
Considering the four accounts of the 1872 Mutiny, there were some basic facts that remained to be unvarying:
1. there was dissatisfaction among the workers of the arsenal as well as the members of the native army after their
privileges were drawn back by Gen. Izquierdo;
2. Gen. Izquierdo introduced rigid and strict policies that made the Filipinos move and turn away from Spanish
government out of disgust;
3. the Central Government failed to conduct an investigation on what truly transpired but relied on reports of
Izquierdo and the friars and the opinion of the public;
4. The Central Government in Spain decided to deprive them of the power to intervene in government afairs as well
ass in the direction and management of schools prompting them to commit frantic moves to extend their stay and
5. the Filipino clergy members actively participated in the secularization movement in order to allow Filipino priests
to take hold of the parishes in the country making them prey to the rage of the friars;
6. Filipinos during the time were active participants, and responded to what they deemed as injustices;
7. the execution of GOMBURZA was a blunder on the part of the Spanish government, for the action severed the ill-
feelings of the Filipinos and the event inspired Filipino patriots to call for reforms and eventually independence.
Through the research of Professor Rene R. Escalante, another eyewitness account surfaced in 2016.
The documents contain Federico Moreno's report on Rizal's last hours. (written by Federico moreno)
Primary Source: Eyewitness Account of the Last Hours of Rizal
Source: Michael Charleston Chua, ―Retraction ni Jose Rizal: Mga Bagong Dokumento at Pananaw, GMA News
Online, published 29 December 2016.
7:50 AM
Along with the Vilaclara and Senor Taviel de Andrade, Jose Rizal entered the death row.
He was given a light breakfast shortly after entering at the latter's persuasion
Senor Maure, the Plaza Assistant, inquire of Rizal if he had any requests.
Father March promptly gave Rizal a prayer book when he stated that all he needed right then was one.
10:00 AM
12:30 PM
3:00 PM
Father March entered the chapel and Rizal handed him what he had written.
Immediately Senor del Fresno and Senor Maure, were informed.
They entered death row and together with Rizal signed the document that the accused had written.
Lt. Olegario Diaz ( guardia civil) - The Cry happened in Balintawak on August 25, 1896 according to him.
Teodoro M Kalaw ( a historian) - Says it happen in KangKong, Balintawak,last week of August 1896.
Santiago Alvarez - A Katipunero and son of Mariano Alvarez, a leader of Magdiwang Faction in Cavite said it
happened in Bahay Toro in Quezon City on August 24, 1896.
Pio Valenzuela - Also a Katipunero and privy in many events concerning katipunan said it happened at Pugad
Lawin on 23rd of August.
Gregorio Zaide - Identifies that it happened at Balintawak, 26th of August.
Teodoro Agoncillo - Put it at Pugad Lawin on August 23, 1896 in accordance to Pio Valenzuela's account.
Andres Bonifacio, Emilio Jacinto, Procopio The first place where some 500 Katipuneros
Bonifacio, Teodoro Plata and Aguedo del met was the house of Apolonio Samson at
Rosario arrived at Balintawak. Kangkong. Also present were Briccio Pantas,
Alejandro Santiago, Ramon Bernardo, Apolonio
August 20, 1896
Samson, and others.
Pio Valenzuela arrived on that place.
August 23, 1896 After the turbulent meeting, many of those
present tore their cedula certificates and
The debate to whether the revolution starts on
shouted: “Long live the Philippines! ... Long live
August 29, 1896 or not was carried out in Pugad
the Philippines!”
Lawin, in the yard of Juan Ramos, son of
Melchora Aquino, where 1000 Katipuneros
were gathered.
●He had nine brothers and one sister. His parents are teodora Alonso Realonda ( Mother ) , Francisco Mercado Rizal
( Father ).
●any piece of writing from Rizal that recants everything he wrote against the friars and the Catholic Church in the
Philippines could deal heavy damage to his image as a prominent Filipino revolutionary.
● The Retraction, declares Rizal’s belief in the Catholic faith, and retracts everything he wrote against the Church.
Fr. Balaguer mentioned, which makes the friar a mere secondary source to the writing of the document.
●The retraction of Rizal remains to this day, a controversy; many scholars, however, agree that the document does not
tarnish the heroism of Rizal. His relevance remained solidified to Filipinos and pushed them to continue the revolution,
which eventually resulted in independence in 1898.
Teodoro Agoncillo, a well-known historian from the Philippines, emphasizes the moment when Bonifaco tore
the tax receipt before the Katipuneros did the same.
Heroes of 1896 was erected in the location that is currently Andres Bonifacio Drive- North Diversion and Epifanio
de los Santos (EDSA) Avenue.
The Cry of Balintawak was commemorated every August 26th after that, up until 1962.
The locations include Balintawak, KAngkong, Pugad Lawin, and Bahay Toro; the dates are either August 23, 24,
25, or 26.
In Valenzuela’s account, he once told the Spanish investigators that the Cry happened on Wednesday, 26th of
August in Balintawak but later in his work “Memoirs of the Revolution” he said it happened at Pugad Lawin on
23rd of August.
According to Guerrero, Encarnacion and Villegas, these places are in Balintawak, formerly in Caloocan, now, in
Quezon City.
For the dates, this is due to Bonifacio’s movement from different place from time to time in evading the Spanish
Government who were pursuing the Katipuneros. This explains why there are several accounts of the Cry.