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Amazon Srs

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Amazon SRS

Object Oriented Programming Using Java (Sardar Patel University)

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Software RequirementsSpecification

Software Engineering (2160701)

Submitted To:
Proff. Deven Gol

Submitted by:
Ankit Vekariya(170110116061)

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1 Overview
1.2 Purpose
1.3 Scope
1.4 Outline ofSRS
1.5 References
1.6 Definitions, AcronymsandAbbreviations 5

2. Overalldescription
2.1 ProductPerspective
2.2 ProductFunction
2.3 User Classes andCharacteristics
2.4 UserDocumentation
2.5 OperatingEnvironment 8
2.6 Assumptions andDependencies 8
2.7 DesignImplementation

3. Specific Requirements
3.1 FunctionalRequirements 9
3.2 Non-FunctionalRequirements. 10
3.2.1 Performance
3.2.2 Security 10
3.2.3 Reliability
3.2.4 Maintainability
3.3 Constraints 11

4. ExternalInterfaces
4.1 UserInterface
4.1.1 Home PageUserInterface 12
4.1.2 Login InterfaceforUser 13
4.1.3 .....13

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4.1.4 Login interfaceforSeller 14

4.1.5 ...........14
4.2 HardwareInterface
4.3 CommunicationInterface
4.4 AnalyticsInterface 15

5. Software DesignSpecification
5.1 DataFlowDiagram 15
5.2 UnifiedModellingLanguage 21
5.2.1 Use CaseDiagram
5.2.2 SequenceDiagram
5.2.3 Classdiagram 26
5.2.4 ComponentDiagram 27
5.2.5 ActivityDiagram 28
5.2.6 StateChartDiagram 30
5.2.7 DeploymentDiagram 31
5.3 Databasedesign
5.3.1 TableDesign
5.3.2 Entity Relationship DiagramforUser 35
5.3.3 Entity Relationship DiagramforSeller 36

6. Testing ofSoftware
6.1 Unittesting
6.2 Integrationtesting 37
6.3 ValidationTesting 37
6.4 Test Cases 38
6.4.1 Objectives 38
6.4.2 Description 38
6.4.3 Features tobe tested 39
6.5 PerformanceTesting
6.6 Suspension andResumptionRequirements 44
6.6.1 Suspension Criteria
6.6.2 ResumptionRequirements 44

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1. Introduction
1.1 Overview:
The purpose of the document is to collect and analyze all assorted ideas that have come up to
define the system, its requirements with respect to consumers. The purpose of this SRS document
is to provide a detailed overview of our software product, its parameters and goals. Developing an
online platform is a job that requires equal share of technological expertise and sound decision
making. Principally built on PHP, this website offers human experience which makes the shopping
experience as satisfying as in a real store. Programming engineers make it sure that the site is high
on responsiveness and low on tech errors, which is the most favorable selling point of this online

1.2 Purpose:
Amazon.com is an e-commerce website allows consumers to electronically exchange goods and
services with no barriers of time or distance. Electronic commerce has expanded rapidly over the
past five years and is predicted to continue at this rate, or even accelerate. India's biggest online
store for Mobiles, Fashion(Cloths/Shoes), Electronics, Home Appliances, Books, Jewelry, Home,
Furniture, Sporting goods, Beauty & personal care and more! Largest selection from all brands at
lowest price. Payment options - COD, EMI, Credit card, Debit card & more.

1.3 Scope:
E-commerce is a term for any type of business, or commercial transaction that involves the
transfer of information across the Internet. It covers a range of different types of businesses, from
consumer based retail sites, through auction or music sites, to business exchanges trading goods
and services between corporations. It is currently one of the most important aspects of the Internet
to emerge.

1.4 Outline ofSRS:

This document describes the project's target audience and its user interface, hardware and
software requirements. It defines how our client, team and audience see the product and its
Nonetheless, it helps any designer and developer to assist in software delivery lifecycle (SDLC)

1.5 References:
Reference for geeky operating environments ww.w3techs.com
Reference for user interfaces of e-commerce www.uianduxdesign.com

Reference for functional diagram
ttps://creately.com/diagram/example/hdkb50lr/Amazon+DFDReference for h
h ttps://programformca.com

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1.6 Abbreviations:

SRS System Requirements Specification

UI User Interface
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
CRM Customer Relationship Management
DFD Data Flow Diagram

1.7 Definitions:
1.7.1 End user/Customer - The end user will be the one who visits the website andbuys
products online from the ones added by theVendors/Sellers.
1.7.2 Vendor/Seller - Vendors/Sellers will add their products to the database, which will beseen
in the website to the customers who can buy the products by selecting them. Vendors will
have the special privileges than the end users, and have ability to manage the products
added bythem.
1.7.3 Product - A product is the item offered for sale. The price that can be charged depends on
the market, the quality, the marketing and the segment that is targeted. Each product hasa
useful life after which it needs replacement, and a life cycle after which it has to be re-
1.7.4 Administrators - Administrators are the ones who adds or administers the categories for
the products, and administers theVendors.
1.7.5 User ID - At the time of login or signup user is required to enter our complete detailswhich

helps in all correspondence in future.

1.7.6 Seller ID - The seller must have a seller ID and password for this which is used to verifyand
find the unique profile of the seller. This allows him to list the products that seller have
available tosell.
1.7.7 OrderID Each purchased and sold item has a unique Identification no. called OrderID
that is used to track and record the details of the purchase done on the platform. It is
generated by the system itself and no two product can ever have same OrderID.
1.7.8 Bank Details - The transaction amount will be transferred back to the saved account.So
the bank details will be synchronized and saved at the backend databasesecurely.
1.7.9 Online Discussion - The data collected through the online discussion will be spreadat
various websites for reference purposes and people s review points will benoted.

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2. Overall Description
2.1 ProductPerspective:
-commerce is an outstanding way of bringing Sellers and
customers on an online platform to make purchase in a secured and efficient manner irrespective
of distance between the two. The product is one stop for 30 million products online. Amazon offers
daily recommendations for discounts and offers on products based on their category.

2.2 ProductFunction:
Provide a simple interface and platform to ease the process of buying as well as selling
products online
Include smooth functionality and efficiency
Appropriate space is dedicated to its Offers zone and deal of the day that fetches
adequate attention of users.
Amazon keeps a constant focus on new category creation and expansion of products.
Ads and promotion activities motivate shoppers to buy online.
Tracking feature of orders and pending deliveries for both sellers and buyers.
Notifying order and delivery reports to customers and sellers.

2.3 User Classes andCharacteristics:

2.3.1 Customer - He or she is a verified user of website who is intended to buy a product from
the seller via the Amazon platform. The customer must have a username and password
to make a purchase. The person is regularly updated and fed with latest offers
anddiscounts according theirinterest.
2.3.2 Seller-
details are stored on database and all the products are listed under him that he is ready to
sell or are available. He is responsible to set products details, price, and quantity.
2.3.3 Administrator - He or she is responsible for monitoring functions and procedures on
platform. Administrator is responsible to provide valid information of a purchase to the
concerned authority in case of any dispute between the customer and seller or in case
of exchange.

2.4 UserDocumentation:

Contact Us
Select the operator
Make A Payment
Submit Account Details
Payment Security
Privacy Policy

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2.5 DesignImplementation:
The user interface shall be implemented using any tool or software package like Java Applet, MS
Front Page, Enterprise Java-Beans (EJB) etc. on following languages.

Client-side Programming Language

JavaScript JavaScript is a lightweight, object-oriented, cross-platform
scripting language, mainly used within web pages.
HTML5 HTML5 is the fifth revision of the HTML standard.
CSS Cascading Style Sheets define style rules in a separate CSS file.
2.6 OperatingEnvironment:
Recommended browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer 8 or higher.

articulars Client System Server System

Operating System Windows/Linux/Android/iOS Linux
Processor Intel or AMD Intel or AMD
Hard Disk 1 GB 1 TB
RAM 256 8 GB

2.7 Analytics
Analytics are required in order to monitor and analyze the requirements details from customers.

Structured Data The Open Graph protocol, originally developed by Facebook, is an

Formats RDF a-based format that enables any web page to become a rich
object in a social graph.
Google Analytics Google Analytics is a free service to get detailed statistics about
the visitors of a website, provided by Google.

2.8 Assumptions andDependencies

The customer and seller must have basic knowledge of computers and English language.
Each User must have a User ID and password.
Each Seller must have Seller ID and password.
There must be an Administrator.
Internet connection is a must.

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3. SpecificRequirements

3.1 Functional requirements:

This subsection contains the requirements for the e-store. These requirements are organized by the
features discussed in the product functions. Features from there, they are then refined into use
case diagrams and to sequence diagram to best capture the functional requirements of the system.

3.1.1 Provide Search facility-

User to enter the search text on the screen and display matching products based on the
Enable user to select multiple options on the screen to search.
Display only 10 matching result on the current screen.
Enable user to navigate between the search results.
Notify the user when no matching product is found on the search.

3.1.2 Tailored Content for the User-

Using the cookies of the user to study the buying pattern of the user.
Assists him in his purchase and customizes his homepage according to his previous
Including additions to his wish-list, page views, previous searches, reviews about the product
among other things.
Making good use of data is imperative to designing great customized user experiences.

3.1.3 Displaying Related Items -

Including results for related items to the items already bought.

This can incentivize the customer to purchase more.
By tracking the buying pattern of the user who is logged in, system recommends
similar items for the user
Display similar products with high ratings newly in-stock or are featured at special
discount prices.
Displaying all related items that other users purchased in addition to that product.
This exposes the user to a larger variety of items of his interest.

3.1.4 Create Sellable items on website-

Provide an interface to all the sellers to add product description and price through
their account.
List all the sellers for a common product they offer to sell and prioritize them based on
percent of discount.

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3.1.5 Easy Return or Exchange-

like the product and get the feedback of customer

The system allows customer to exchange the product with seller in case of delivery of
any defective item and get feedback from customer.

3.1.6 Provide personalized profile -

respectively like

To display both the active and completed order history in the customer profile.
To allow user to select the order from the order history and detailed information.
To display the most frequently searched items by the user in the profile.
To help seller keep list of products and its information in itsprofile.

3.1.7 Move transaction money and details to Profile-

bank account after successful transaction ofmoney.

Send an order confirmation to the user and seller about the purchase through email or SMS.
3.1.8 Detailed invoice for Customer and Seller -

The system shall display detailed invoice for current order once it is confirmed.
The system shall allow user to print the invoice.

3.1.9 Provide shopping cart facility-

The system shall provide shopping cart during online purchase.

The system shall allow user to add/remove products in the shoppingcart.
Later customer can confirm orders forpurchase.

3.1.10 Online tracking of shipments-

The system shall allow user to enter the order information for tracking.
The system shall display the current tracking information about the
order The system notifies seller about delivery of product to the

3.1.11 Allow multiple payment methods-

The system shall display available payment methods for payment.

The system shall allow user to select the payment method for order.
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3.1.12 Provide Customer Support.-

customer support.
The system shall allow user to select the support type he wants.
The system shall allow user to enter the customer and product information for the support.
The system shall display user contact of seller and Amazon support desk
The system shall display the online help upon request.

3.2 Non-Functional Requirements:

3.2.1 Performance:
The product shall be based on web and has to be run from a web server.
The product shall take initial load time depending on internet connection strength which
also depends on the media from which the product is run.
The performance shall depend upon hardware components of the client/customer.
3.2.2 Security: Data Transfer -
The system shall use secure sockets in all transactions that include any
confidential customer information.
The system shall automatically log out all customers after a period of
inactivity. The system shall confirm all transactions w
The system shall not leave any cookiesonthe password
or confidentialinformation. Data Storage-

echoed with special characters representing typed characters.

retrieving from the database. It shall always be shown with just the last 4 digits of the credit
card number.
password may be reset but never shown.
-end servers shall only be accessible to authenticatedadministrators.
-end databases shall be encrypted .
3.2.3 Reliability:
The system provides storage of all databases on redundant computers with
automatic switchover.
The reliability of the overall program depends on the reliability of the separate components.
The main pillar of reliability of the system is the backup of the database which is
continuously maintained and updated to reflect the most recent changes.

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3.2.4 Safety:
financial, political, emotional, occupational, psychological, educational or other types or
consequences of failure, damage, error, accidents, harm or any other event which could be
This can take the form of being protected from the event or from exposure to something that
causes health or economical losses.
It can include protection of people or of possessions.
3.2.5 Maintainability
A commercial database is used for maintaining the database and the application server takes
care of the site.
In case of a failure, a re-initialization of the program will be done.
Also the software design is being done with modularity in mind so that maintainability can be
done efficiently

3.3 C onstraints
Limited numbers search queries for the users. Servers incapable of handling high traffic burst
The actual product might differ from its display image. Uniform quality of service is not
It cannot ensure the reliability of the review.
The User and Seller must have confirmed User ID and Seller ID respectively.

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4. InterfaceRequirements
4.1 Userinterface
Login or Signup Page

There will be a screen displaying information about all products that user searches.
If the customers select any product then it will open another tap about the product
After all transaction the system makes the selling report as portable document file
(pdf)and sent to the customer E-mailaddress.

4.1.1 Home Page UserInterface:

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4.1.2 Login Interface forUser:


Catego Produ t Offe s Registe Contac

View NO
Registe Ye

Lo n

4.1.3 Customer LoginInterface:

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4.1.4 Login Interface forSeller:

HOME Logo t

Ho e Categor Produ t Offe s Conta t

to t
Checkou View Retail about uct r
Add or delete offe
ToShi t r
Add product to ca
pT r


Proceedto checkout

4.1.5 :

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4.2 HardwareInterfaces:

Since the application must run over the internet, all the hardware shall require to connect internet
will be hardware interface for the system. As for e.g.Modem,WAN LAN, Ethernet Cross-Cable.
The system require Database also for the store the any transaction of the system like MYSQL etc.
system also require DNS (domain name space) for the naming on the internet. At the last user
need web browser for interact with thesystem.

Web Server Deployment and Technologies

Nginx Nginx (pronounced as "engine X") is a lightweight open source
web server developed by Igor Sysoev.
MySQL MySQL database for storage of Data and user as well as seller
RESTful API A RESTful API is an application program interface (API) that uses
HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST and DELETE data.

4.3 Communications Interfaces:

The e-store system shall use the HTTPS protocol for communication over the internet and for
the intranet communication will be through TCP/IP protocol suite. The user must have SSL
certificate licensing registered web browser.

5.1 Data flow Diagram(DFD):
A Data Flow Diagrams is a structured analysis and design tool that can be used for flowcharting in
place of, or in association with, information-oriented and process-oriented systems flowcharts. A
DFD is a network that describes the flow of data and the processes that change, or transform, data
throughout a system. This network is constructed by using a set of symbols that do not imply a
physical implementation. It has the purpose of clarifying system requirements and identifying
major transformations that will become programs in system design. So it is the starting point of
the design phase that functionality decomposes the requirement specifications down to the lowest
level of detail.

5.1.1 Data flow diagramsymbol:

Symbols Description
Data Flow: Data flow are pipelines through the packets of
information flow.
Process: A Process or task performed by the system

Entity: Entity are object of the system. A source or destination

data of a system
Data Store: A place where data to be stored

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5.1.2 ContextlevelDFD 0level:

The context level data flow diagram (DFD) is describe the whole system. The 0-level DFD describe
the all user module who operate the system. Below data flow diagram of online shopping site
shows the two user can operate the system Admin and Member user.

Product Records

Sell r
Amazon Stores into database

Creates User login

Product Record
Details s


o Level DFD for Online shopping websiteproject

The Seller will have the access to create Product ads on the website. Once the seller has added
item to sell list in website, administrator will receive the items details to take into consideration.
Only after administrator approve, the item will only be allowed to go into sell list of the Amazon
Online Shopping Store Website. So, the website is act as a medium between the seller and
customer (buyer). Besides that, the website will serve to provide the details of all product listed
there, if a user intend to buy, he/she has to contact the seller and make payment through the

Meanwhile, the user can access the website for buying, selling or to get product information. As only
a registered user can buy or sell items in Amazon Online Shopping Online Store Website, he/she
must agree to the terms and conditions of the system. Once register, he/she will receive a
verification mail to his/her email, which have a link to our website. By clicking on the link then will
n official member in Amazon Online
Shopping Store.

A seller can advertise the item he/she willing to sell with the personal detail. If the item advertise is
not approve by administer, he will receive a message from administer regarding it. The user still can
review the detail about the item he/she willing to sell which is still wait for administrator

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lOMoARcPSD|15082991 1st Level Seller SideDFD:

The Seller side DFD describe the functionality of Seller. Seller can first add category of item and
then add items by category wise and he can manage order and payment detail.

1stLevel Seller Side Data FlowDiagram

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lOMoARcPSD|15082991 2ndLevel Seller sideDFD:

2nd Level SellerDFD

Request to logi Che detail
Seller SellerMst
Response Login

Request for’ie\v
Repo Reply

Request forview

Item ItemMst



‹ Requestfo
Pavment Paymenth'lst
Repos Reply

Seller side DFD for online shopping website project

Downloaded by Kamlesh Parihar (pariharkamlesh576@gmail.com)

lOMoARcPSD|15082991 1stlevel User side Data flowDiagram

The user is all people who operate or visit our website. User is a customer of a website. User can
first select product for buy, user must have to register in our system for purchase any item from our
website. After register he can login to site and buy item by making online payment through any bank
debit card or credit card.

User side DFD for online shopping website project

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lOMoARcPSD|15082991 2ndlevel User sideDFD

2st Level User DFD

uest to logi check

User Login Userhlst
Response reply

Request for ' iew

View Item

Update password

Edit Profile
Confi Order

DFD for online shopping website project

Downloaded by Kamlesh Parihar (pariharkamlesh576@gmail.com)


5.2 UMLDiagrams
UML is a standard language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the
artifacts of software systems. UML diagrams are not only made for developers but also for
business users, common people, and anybody interested to understand the system. The system
can be a software or non-software system. Thus it must be clear that UML is not a development
method rather it companies with processes to make it a successful system.
UML is a modeling language used to model software and non-software systems. Although UML is
used for non-software systems, the emphasis is on modeling OO software applications. Most of
the UML diagrams discussed so far are used to model different aspects such as static, dynamic,
Now whatever be the aspect, the artifacts are nothing but objects. If we look into class diagram,
object diagram, collaboration diagram, activity diagrams all would basically be designed based on
the objects.
5.2.1 Use CaseDiagram:
The UML provides the use case diagram notation to illustrate the name of the use case actors and
relationship between them. User case diagrams are used to model the functional interaction
between users and system.

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5.2.2 Sequence Diagram:

A sequence diagram illustrates in a kind of format in which each object interacts via
messages. It is generalization between two or more specification diagram.
Sequence diagram is an interaction over view diagram. It provides a big picture over view of
now a set of interaction is related in terms of logic and process flow. User Login SequenceDiagram:

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lOMoARcPSD|15082991 Search SequenceDiagram:

GUI .GUI GUl aDepart’rrBot‘. aCat’ogory aPrcduct

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lOMoARcPSD|15082991 Buying (Add Product to Shopping Cart) SequenceDiagram:

GUI aCanltam

Prc›duct asox :Sesskx1aqeManr Shogg•:gCna :Ckder :Custorner



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lOMoARcPSD|15082991 Place Order SequenceDiagram:


Product aspx looin asox :Calmm

j select(productName) j

Add to

checkout artld)

I If aJstorrw Icggedin
Plan Login

Logged in

updateShippinglnf$(sbippingRegionId, shippirigType)

(Shi@ing detaib updated]

caIcTotaIPrlce(shIppngCost, quantity.unItCr›st)



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5.2.2 ClassDiagram:
Class diagram is a static diagram. It represents the static view of an application. Class
diagram is not only used for visualizing, describing, and documenting different aspects
of a system but also for constructing executable code of the software application.
Class diagram shows a collection of classes, interfaces, associations, collaborations,
and constraints. It is also known as a structural diagram.

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lOMoARcPSD|15082991 ComponentDiagram:
A component represents a modular part of a system, that encapsulates it contents and
whose manifestation is replaced with in its environment. A component defines its
behaviors in terms of provide and required interfaces.
Here the three components are applicant, system admin and authority.
The interface between people and system admin, from people toauthority.

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lOMoARcPSD|15082991 Activitydiagram:
The activity diagram used to describe flow of activity through a series of actions. Activity
diagram is an important diagram to describe the system.
The activity described as an action or operation of the system.
Activity diagram shows sequential and parallel activities in a process. They are useful for
modeling business, workflows, the data flows and complex algorithm.
A UML activity diagram offers rich notation to flows a sequential of activities. It may
be including parallel activities. It may be applied to any purpose, but it is popular for
visualization of business workflows and use case.

Activity Diagram for User Side

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Activity diagram for Admin side

Activity Diagram for AdminSide

( Authentication

In’ alid


’’ AddCategory ' Add Item Manage Order Manage User

ChangePnce.! Qnt ' Confirm.•’C Acti’ e•'

f›'1odifyDetail ' ancIe Inacti' e
Order User
EditItem '


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5.2.6 State ChartDiagram:

It illustrates the in-trusting events and state of an object and behaviors of an object is reaction
to an event. Transaction shows as allows labeled with theirs event. It is included with initial
pseudo state and final end state.
The state chart diagram of Online shopping website has 5 stages: Idle, New sale, Get
specification, Prompt Error and generate receipt. In each state the system interacts with the
user and get desired output based on the given inputs.

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5.2.7 DeploymentDiagram:

A deployment shows the assignment of concrete artifacts to computational nodes. It

shows the deployment of software elements to the physical architecture, and the
communication. Deployment diagrams are useful to communicate the physical and
deployment architecture. In the deployment diagram the object reference in component
diagram is also included the deployment diagram. In this authority and system admin,
interface through the people.
It is the process of installing the program.

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5.2 DatabaseDesign:
A database design is a collection of stored data organized in such a way that the data requirements
are satisfied by the database. The general objective is to make information access easy, quick,
inexpensive and flexible for the user. There are also some specific objectives like controlled
redundancy from failure, privacy, security and performance.
A collection of relative records make up a table. To design and store data to the needed forms
database tables are prepared. Two essential settings for a database are:
1. Primary key: - The field that is unique for all the recordoccurrences.
2. Foreign key: - The field used to set relation between tables. Normalization isa technique to
avoid redundancy in the tables.

5.2.1 Database Table Design:

1. Categorytable

Column name Data type Key constraint

Cat_id int Primary key not
Cat_name Char(20) Not null

2. ProductTable

Column name Data Key constraints extra

Prod_id Int Primary key not Auto
null increment
Cat_id int Foreign key Not
Prod_name Char(20) Not null

Prod_descp Char(40) null

Price double Not null

Available int Not null

Add_date date Not null

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3. Seller Logintable

Column name Data type Key constraint

Seller_id int Primary key not null
password Char(20) Not null

4. Logintable

Column name Data type Key constraint

User_id int Primary key not null
password Char(20) Not null

5. Storetable

Column name Data type Key constraint

Order_no int Primary key not null
report Char(20) null

6. Temptable

Column name Data type Key constraint

Prod_id int Foreign key not null
Prod_name Char(20) Not null
Price Double Not null
Items Int Not null
User_id Int Not null
Purchage_date Date Not null
Order_no Int null

7. Usertable

Column name Data Key extra

type constraint
User_id int primary key Auto
not null increment
Password Char(20) Not null
User_name Char(20) Not null
sex Char(6) Not null

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Address Char(40) Not null

Date_of_birth date Not null

Date_of_registe date Not null
Phone_no Char(10) Not null
email Char(30) Not null

8. Feedbacktable

Column name Data type Key constraint

User_id int not null
type Char(10) Not null

feedback Char(10) Not null

comment Varchar(40) null

Feedback_date date Not null

9. AccountTable

Column name Data type Key

Bank_name Char(20) not null
Account_no Char(20) not null
password Char(20) Not null
balance double Not null

10. OrderTable

Column name Data type Key constraint

Prod_id Int not null
Prod_name Char(20) not null
price Double Not null
items Int Not null
User_id Int Not null
Purchage_date Date Not null
Order_no int Not null

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5.3.2 ERDiagram:
The purpose of draw this diagram to show the relationship among the objects and
personal attributes that belong to them.
Diagram 1:
1. Customer can places many order (one to one relationship) as they wish when in Amazon
Online Shopping Store and vice versa. In order to have a list of order, we must have at least
one customer. There may be situation in which placement order action is not necessaryfrom
the customer.
2. Order can contains many order items details in the list and vice versa is part of the order. In
order to have an order items details, we must have at least one order taken from thecustomer.
3. Visitors can view many categories as they wish in Amazon Online Shopping Store.(manyto
4. Each category will contains many product (one to manyrelationship).
5. The product will have the order itemsdetails.

ER Diagram forUser

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Diagram 2:

1. Seller is provided with a control panel page atthe Amazon Online Shopping Store with series of
2. The Control Panel contains edit file functions and website application functions.(Assumption :
In order to have Edit File & Website Application functions, we must have a control panel first)s.
There may be a situation in which the functions is not necessary toimplement.

ER Diagram for Seller

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Software Testing is an empirical investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information
about the quality of the product or service under test, with respect to the context in which it is
intended to operate. Software Testing also provides an objective, independent view of the software
to allow the business to appreciate and understand the risks at implementation of the software.
Test techniques include, but are not limited to, the process of executing a program or application
with the intent of finding software bugs. It can also be stated as the process of validating and
verifying that a software program/application/product meets the business and technical
requirements that guided its design and development, so that it works as expected and can be
implemented with the same characteristics.
Software Testing, depending on the testing method employed, can be implemented at any time in
the development process, however the most test effort is employed after the requirements have
been defined and coding process has been completed.

6.1 UnitTesting:
The primary goal of unit testing is to take the smallest piece of testable software in the
application, isolate it from the remainder of the code, and determine whether it behaves exactly as
you expect. Each unit is tested separately before integrating them into modules to test the
interfaces between modules. Unit tests are typically written and run by software developers to
ensure that code meets itdesign and behaves as intended. Its implementation can vary from
being very manual (pencil and paper) to being formalized as part of buildautomation.

6.2 IntegrationTesting:
Integration testing, also known as integration and testing (I&T), is a software development process
which program units are combined and tested as groups in multiple ways. Integration testing can
expose problems with the interfaces among program components before trouble occurs in real-
world program execution. There are two major ways of carrying out an integration test, called the
bottom-up method and the top-down method. Bottom-up integration testing begins with unit
testing, followed by tests of progressively higher-level combinations of units called modules or
builds. In top-down integration testing, the highest-level modules are tested first and progressively
lower- level modules are tested after that. In a comprehensive software development environment,
bottom-up testing is usually done first, followed by top-down testing.

6.3 Validationtesting:
At the validation level, testing focuses on user visible actions and user recognizable output from
the system. Validations testing is said to be successful when software functions in a manner that
can be reasonably expected by the customer. Two types of validation testing
Alpha testing is simulated or actual operational testing by potential users/customers or an
independent test team at the developers' site. Alpha testing is often employed for off-the-
shelf software as a form of internal acceptance testing, before the software goes to beta
Beta testing comes after alpha testing. Versions of the software, known as beta version, are
released to a limited audience outside of the programming team. The software is released to
groups of people so that further testing can ensure the product has few faults or bugs.
Sometimes, beta versions are made available to the open public to increase the feedback field
to a maximal number of future users
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6.4 Testcases:
This software explains Test cases for amazon Online Shopping Web Application testing is a critical
element of software quality assurance and represents the ultimate review of specification, design
and coding. Testing presents an interesting of a system using various test data. Preparation of the
test data plays a vital role in the system testing. After preparation, the test data, the system under
study is tested those test data. Errors were found and corrected by using the following testing
steps and corrections are recorded for future references. Thus, series of testing is performed on
the system before it is already for implementation.
The development of software systems involves a series of production activities where
opportunities for injection of human errors are enormous. Errors may begin to occur at the very
inception of the process where the objectives may be erroneously or imperfectly specified as well
as in later design and development stages. Because of human in ability to perform and
communicate with perfection, software development is followed by assurance activities ER
Diagram for Customer.
6.4.1 Objectives:
The test plan for the system should support following objectives:
Identify which features of the system will be tested.
Define the pass/fail criteria for each feature to be tested.
Specify the testing approaches that will be used during testing.
Identify the deliverables of the testing process.

6.4.2 Description:
Test Steps - List all the test execution steps in detail. Write test steps in the order in which
they should be executed. Make sure to provide as many details as you can.
Test Data - Use of test data as an input for this test case. You can provide different data sets
with exact values to be used as an input.
Expected Result - What should be the system output after test execution? Describe the
expected result in detail including message/error that should be displayed on the screen.
Actual result - Actual test result should be filled after test execution. Describe system
behavior after test execution.
Status (Pass/Fail) - If actual result is not as per the expected result mark this test as failed.
Otherwise, update it as passed.
Notes/Comments/Questions - If there are some special conditions to support the above

actual results then mention them here.

Downloaded by Kamlesh Parihar (pariharkamlesh576@gmail.com)


6.4.3 Features to betested

This section outlines all the features that will be tested:

Type of Feature
User Identifier

User Case-1 System Register

Case-2 Edit Shopping Cart
Case-3 Add to Cart

Case-4 Place Order

Seller Case-5 Create and Delete product from Category
Case-6 Manage Orders

CASE 1: System Register

Purpose: Test that users can register with the proper username and password
1. Visit web page
2. Enter First name, Last name,username
3. Enter password, confirm password, e-mail,address
4. Security question and Securityanswer
5. Click Signupbutton

S/N Input data Actual Results Pass Fail Remarks
Display error is
Enter empty
message to required, Please
1 value for First
enter some Enter Correct
valid text. .
Enter empty
2 value for Last No error No error
Display error
Enter empty message to
value for User ID enter some .
valid text.
4. Display error
Error Message:
message to the
Enter a
user and he
username username is
should not be
already in use already taken
allowed to
with an existing please enter
register for an
user some other
account with
that username.

Downloaded by Kamlesh Parihar (pariharkamlesh576@gmail.com)


5. User should be
able to register
Enter a with the
Username not in website and
No Error
use with other directed to the
existing users. secure Web
Display error
Error message:
Enter empty message
6. value for Contact
Number contact

Display error Errormessage:

Enter non
message to
numeric value in
7. enter a valid number, Please
Contact Number
contact enter correct
field like abcde
Phone no.
Display error
Enter empty Error message:
8. value for Email
Display error
Enter empty Error message:
9. value for Confirm
Email Address email
Display error
Enter different Error message
10 email format Enter a valid
Enter a valid
likeYahoo.com.sg email Address
email Address
Enter empty Display error
value for either message Error message:
11. Password or
Confirm does not not
Error message
Enter password
12. less than 8 123456 length must
characters long be at least 8

Enter empty
13. No error No error
value for Address

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CASE 2: Edit Shopping Cart

Purpose: Test that clicking Update Quantities will update the cart summary accordingly.
1. After selecting a product, go to Shopping cart Webpage.
2. Check after entering incorrect input, an appropriate message should bedisplayed.
3. If entered a valid number, check if the total quantity and relative price is updated afterclicking
update or deletebutton.

S/N Input data Actual Result Pass Fail Remarks
Negative input
Display error
number or input Error message:
message to
1. other than integer Please input
notify the given
number in
input is invalid

The product
quantity should
Enter a Positive
be updated or No Error. The
integer number in
2. deleted item is updated
according to successfully
the specified
input number

CASE 3: Add to Cart

Purpose: Test that clicking add to cart button, product is getting added in the cart
1. Click Add to Cartbutton
2. Check whether the cart shows theproduct
3. Check if the quantity count is one, if product is not already in thecart.
4. Check if the quantity count is increased by one, if product is already in thecart

S/N Input data Expected

Actual Results Pass Fail Remarks
The product
1. should be product is
product not
moved to wish successfully
already inthe
cart. list.
If product
already exists product quantity
2. Button for
then itsquantity is successfully
product already
is updated by 1. increased by
in the cart.
one in the

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CASE 4: Place Order

Purpose: Test that user can place an order with valid profile information
1. Select a product toorder.
2. Click Place Order button with one of the fieldsempty.
3. Check if the message is to enter all requiredfields.

S/N Input data Expected

Actual Results Pass Fail Remarks
An empty
An appropriate
required field.
(First name and Error message:
should be
last name, Street
displayed and
1. address, city, the required
the user should
state, zip code, details to place
not be allowed
email, credit card
to place the
shipping address)
The user should The product
be able to place quantity should
No Error. The
an order and be updated or
product is ready
2. redirected to the deleted
to be shipped
order according to
within the week.
confirmation the specified
page. input number.

CASE 5: Edit a Product from Category for Seller

Test that after clicking Delete Product, Update Product, selected product is being removed from
the catalog. The carts before and up to that date are removed
1. Click Delete Productbutton
2. Check for the message- product has been removed from thecategory.
3. Check that after clicking Show products in category, the deleted product is notshown.

S/N Expected
Input data Actual Results Pass Fail Remarks
Error message:
The seller selects
Product is
a product to be The product
deleted, the should be
removed from
category from deleted from
1. that category but
which it is to be the category
not from others,
deleted and only for that
if it belongs to
clicks delete category.
more than one
Negative input
Display error Error message:
2. number or input
message to
other than integer

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number in notify the given valid no. of

input is invalid
The product
quantity should
Enter a Positive
be updated or
integer number in
3. deleted item is updated
according to
the specified
input number
The product
price should be
Enter a Positive
4. integer number in item is updated
according to
the specified
input number

CASE 6: Manage Orders

Purpose: Test that order status is correctly updated
1. Select the order from orderlist
2. Click Edit button
3. Check for the message- Order status successfullyupdated
4. Check that status of other orders in database isunchanged

S/N Expected
Input data Actual Results Pass Fail Remarks
The product
price should be
Enter a Positive
1. integer number in item is updated
according to
the specified
input number
Seller will enter
the date range,
number of orders
and type of order,
The status of
to view the
that order is
existing orders in Details of the
updated, but
2. database. He/she Product is
the status of
will then select successfully
all other orders
the order for
remains same
which the status
is to be updated
where its details
could be edited.

Downloaded by Kamlesh Parihar (pariharkamlesh576@gmail.com)


6.4.4 Approach:
Only functional black box testing will be performed to test the functionality of the system. The
features mentioned above describe how the user will interact with the system, so the testing will
require the tester to interact with the system in the same way a typical user would. The user
actions will be simulated through a set of test scenarios. Each scenario will trace back to a
requirement listed in the Vision Document.
6.5 PerformanceTesting:
This will be performed to test the entire system to see whether all driving requirements are satisfied.
Allowing multiple users log into the system and perform the operations at the same time using the
JMeter testing tool will do this. This test verifies that the components of the systems meet the
stated requirements for speed.
The following components of the system would be analyzed for performance:
Buying: Includes browsing the catalog, selecting a product, add to shopping cart, checkout,
enter personal details and place order.
Searching for a Product.
Getting Product recommendation
Using JMETER tool, approximately 100 concurrent virtual users with a minimum of 50 requests per
user will be inputted to calculate the response times for each of the above components. The
above tests would be done in different environments like:
Local connection of
54Mbps LAN connection of
100Mbps Wired connection

6.6 Suspension Criteria and ResumptionRequirements:

6.6.1. SuspensionCriteria:
If a test case fails, testing will be suspended for all dependent features. The failed test case will
be logged into a test log along with a description of the failure.
6.6.2. ResumptionRequirement:
Test cases, not dependent on the case in which a bug is reported, will continue tobe executed in
parallel to bug fixing. Testing for the failed test case will resume after the bug has been
identified andresolved.

Downloaded by Kamlesh Parihar (pariharkamlesh576@gmail.com)

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