متميز- بارز
Quantum theory
نظرية الكم
يمدح في شخص بعد وفاته- ينعى.
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That was none other than Dr. Ali Moustafa Mosharafa. Dr.
Moustafa published 25 original papers in distinguished
scientific journals about quantum theory, the theory of
relativity, and the relation between radiation and matter. He published around
12 scientific books about relativity and mathematics. His books, on the theory
of relativity, were translated into English, French, German and Polish. He also
translated 10 books of astronomy and mathematics into Arabic.
He died on the 15th of January 1950, under mysterious circumstances and the
case was never subject to proper investigation.
Albert Einstein eulogized his death saying: “I cannot believe that Mosharafa
is dead, he is alive through his research. We are in need of his talents, it is a
great loss, he was a genius. I used to follow up his research in atomic energy,
definitely he is one of the best scientists in physics.”
On the 11th of July 1898, in Damietta, a man that would soon after change our
very understanding of the world, and shake up the scientific scene at the time -
was born.
ويهز، ولد رجل كان على وشك أن يغير مفهومنا عن العالم بشكل كلي، في دمياط، 1898 يوليو11 في
.الساحة العلمية في ذلك الوقت
That was none other than Dr. Ali Moustafa Mosharafa. Dr. Moustafa published
25 original papers in distinguished scientific journals about quantum theory, the
theory of relativity, and the relation between radiation and matter.
ً 25 نشر الدكتور مصطفى. علي مصطفى مشرفة.لم يكن ذلك سوى د
بحثا في مجالت علمية متميزة حول
. والعالقة بين اإلشعاع والمادة، ونظرية النسبية، نظرية الكم
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His books, on the theory of relativity, were translated into English, French,
German and Polish.
.وقد ترجمت كتبه حول نظرية النسبية إلى اإلنجليزية والفرنسية واأللمانية والبولندية
He died on the 15th of January 1950, under mysterious circumstances and the
case was never subject to proper investigation.
. في ظروف غامضة ولم تخضع القضية للتحقيق المناسب، 1950 يناير15 توفي في
Albert Einstein eulogized his death saying: “I cannot believe that Mosharafa is
dead, he is alive through his research.
. فهو حي من خالل بحثه، ال أستطيع أن أصدق أن مشرفة مات:قائال ونعى ألبرت أينشتاين وفاته