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TMS Final Cheat Sheet

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Chapter 1 - TMS Modelling Chapter 2 - Job Organisation Chapter 3 - Hiring Process Chapter 4 - Work-Context Design Chapter 5 - Performance Auditing

Chapter 3 - Hiring Process Chapter 4 - Work-Context Design Chapter 5 - Performance Auditing Chapter 6 - Developing & Rewarding Mix

Stable/Unstable PESTELE environment Job description JD Employer brand ambassadors Behaviour of non-satisfied & non-dissatisfied staff (Herzberg) Psychological needs for performance evaluation Indirect monetary rewarding
Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Ecological, Legal, Ethical factors make Defines the positions and type of work, the major duties required, and the context in which it A brand ambassador is someone who promotes a brand and its products to their network with Non satisfied and non-dissatisfied staff will work "normally". Non satisfied staff motivators Psychological needs for performance evaluation mean that employees want to know that they are Indirect monetary rewarding is non-cash benefit provided by the employer to the employee.
up the external environment of a company and according to B&L, a company is performed. It includes a detailed explanation of roles and responsibilities, activities and the objective of increasing brand awareness and driving sales. Employees acting as brand such as the work itself, responsibility not enough for staff to be motivated. Non-dissatisfied "normal" or better and that they fit in a certain category. Humans want to know what they can Some examples of this include insurance plans, social benefits, and paid leave.
with a stable environment should have a tight TMS while a company with tasks, working contexts and relations. It contributes to the design of the company's structure. ambassadors are essential for extending your brand reach, increase leads and lead quality, and means that the hygiene factors such as salary, physical working conditions, and organisation’s potentially improve or change
unstable environment should have a loose TMS according to (B&L). This is one of the tasks that needs to be completed in the job analysis in order to understand improving social recruiting. Your best employer brand ambassadors are your employees. They principles/procedures are adequate enough for them. Rewards are given in recognition of service, effort, or achievement.
all the work that gets done in an organisation. The JD and JS must match and are used to are the most trusted source of truth about how your company works. They are your best
determine how many and what type of people a company requires Manpower Planning, to storytellers inside your company and can help you put forth a good image of your company. (FYI this applies to whole rewarding mix: Take into account PESTLE (External Environment),
decide whom to hire i.e. attract, select and integrate, and how: what to put in the job ad - Organization (Internal) and the Value of the Job (Job-based) and Value of the Job holder
external or public?, to consider how to measure the performance of employees at work, to (Competency-based)
define how and whom to reward, and whom to train and promote (SP26).
Alignment - Strategic alignment Job specification JS Efficient EVP Behaviour of Satisfied & Non-dissatisfied staff (Herzberg) Organisational need for performance evaluation Direct Monetary Rewarding
Structure and culture must be consistent with the client strategy and align with Defines the profiles, competencies that are needed and the knowledge, skills and abilities. It EVP stands for Employee or Employer Value Proposition. An EVP is intended to be a true Satisfied and non-dissatisfied staff will exhibit organisational citizenship behaviour. Satisfied Needs to know how the work is organized within the team, knowing each and Direct Monetary Rewarding is the money paid directly to the employees by employers in
the external environment according to B&L. A company with a stable contributes to the conception of the company's culture. It sets out qualifications, skills, representation of what the firm offers to its employees/ what is the promise of the employer staff motivators such as the work itself, responsibility over own work, and social growth are every ones’ positives and negatives. This is done in order to better split the tasks in the team or better exchange for their labour. This includes salaries, commissions, and bonuses.
environment should have a tight TMS while a company with unstable experience, educational background, personal attributes, and values. Refer above for what it to the employee. Employee value proposition is a unique set of offerings and values that adequate enough for staff to be motivated // non-dissatisfied means that the hygiene factors assign tasks to different people with different capabilities.
environment should have a loose TMS according to (B&L). is used for. The JD and the JS make a job classification, internal & confidential, and which positively influence targeted candidates. An efficient EVP leads to competitive advantage and such as salary, physical working conditions, and organisation’s principles/procedures are enough.
relates to the company’s strategy. What is in a JS? - technical & interpersonal skills, assists in employee retention according to BT
capabilities, behaviour in situations, professional focus and dynamics of motivation, role
expectations, aspirations, and professional projects, individual dynamic and working.
Potential strengths of good tight TMS Subject matter experts - SME Internal attraction process toward talent pool Behaviour of both satisfied & dissatisfied staff (Herzberg) Economic need for performance evaluation Non-monetary rewarding
Stability, clarity, consistency, less commission error, equity, accountability, SME are the people conducting/participating in the job analyses. It should include, at a Internal attraction process is a process of trying to attract current internal employees instead We cannot predict the behaviour of satisfied and dissatisfied staff according to the grid in the The investors need to know if the company is profitable in order to decide where to invest Non-monetary rewarding are rewards that do not involve any monetary value. There are 2
higher productivity minimum, the employee and the employee's immediate supervisor. Large organisations may of trying to attract external employees which is a process that is more expensive and more slides. 33% for each OCB, normal and CWB. their money. It is impossible to do that without conducting the analysis of the performance of the categories of non-monetary rewarding: work and work context. Work consists of activities, roles,
Tight TMS characteristics: (R&J) specialisation (low task variety, high task have one or more job analysts and in small organisations, line supervisors may be responsible time consuming. There are 3 main steps to the internal process: company. products, and T&D while work context consists of work relations and work conditions.
identity), individualistic, impersonal, values equity, formalised rules, centralised for job analysis. Their goal is to create an appropriate job description, adequate job 1) Keep track of your "talent pool" (update data on current internal employees, scan
authority, standardised activities, decision making that follows a chain of classification and pertinent job specification. Organisations can also seek outside counsel if the applicants files which have been track recorded --> spontaneous applications)
command, avoids commission errors, fits to a simple, predictable external lack expertise but costly. (Mondy) 2) Check adequation to your needs (analyse the current profile of internal employees)
environment with few surprises (B&L) 3) If none matches the requested job: edit and publish a job advertisement internally first and
then externally
Potential weaknesses of bad tight TMS Documentation method in the job analysis - JA Traditional attraction Behaviour of both non-satisfied & dissatisfied staff (Herzberg) Performance evaluation biases 4 parameters to consider in the choice for a rewarding mix
Rigidity, not flexible, more omission errors, unrealistic zero error principle, Using Google or other documents to gain knowledge about existing profiles and positions Traditional attraction is a way to attract potential talents or candidates by only enumerating Non-satisfied & dissatisfied staff will work less and have counter-performing deviant work Evaluation biases can influence the perception of candidates, unconsciously. 1. Valance: the value that an individual places on the reward of an outcome
inhibition and alienation (SP26) the positives of the company and your aim is to attract everyone i.e. all possible stakeholders, behaviour (CWB). Unconscious bias which is when evaluators/hirers give employees lower performance evaluations
According to Taylor, tight TMS principles include scientifically selecting, including customers, attracting a wide audience. Traditional recruitment can be innovating and You as a manager want: simply because they are overweight or height difference. 2. Industry Averages: the company's pay policy specifies the pay rates that will be used for its
educating and developing employees and make each employee match a Pros: Easy to access, free, a lot of good information available, good for benchmarking keep its promise. Enhances large diffusion of corporate brand image. i) to develop managees' organizational citizenship behaviours and performance at work. Primacy effect: evaluator’s first impression colours the rest of the appraisal. jobs, there
predefined specialised position. A good tight TMS leads to consistency, ii) Optimize your authority Recency effect: evaluator is blinded by recent events and cannot recall previous facts. are 3 policies - lead policy, match policy, or lag policy (especially relevant for monetary rewards)
accountability, social peace, and economic performance. Cons: too generic and not contingent enough, can be unreliable Good attraction: enhances large diffusion of corporate brand image, reaches a wide audience, iii) mitigate conflicts and diversity adopting directly on the spot. Central tendency effect: placing all evaluates within the average despite variations.
According to Weber, tight TMS principles include bureaucracy, rational and all stakeholders included, attracts a maximum number of applicants in the hiring campaign. iv) gain visibility from upper management Leniency vs. Strictness effect: evaluator respectively assigns excessively high marks/excessively low 3. Organizational Justice: this is how employees perceive the fairness of the reward, if the
impersonal management which ensures job standardisation, centralisation of Recommendations: according to Mondy, triangulation is the best option to balance out the As employee they want: marks to all employees assessed. reward and contribution of an individual is equal to other's rewards and their contributions, it is
formal authority, fixed minimal pay based on job specialisation, stability, and pros and cons of each method. For example, the analyst might use questionnaires supported Bad attraction: those in charge of the campaign are not recruiters and do not know about the i) why are we doing this? Contrast error: appraisal of target subordinate is tarnished by appraisals of other subordinates Halo perceived as fair. However, if an individual's reward and contribution is less than or greater than
equity. With a good tight TMS, the company can better achieve a mass strategy: by interviews and limited observation. jobs the company recruits for, if EVP is not kept, it will create potentially frustrated, ii) who am I going to do it with? effect: appraisal of one criterion is projected on to other criteria. the reward and contribution of others' rewards and contributions, it will be perceived us unfair.
consistent and reliable deliveries in high volumes (SP18). dissatisfied, and unproductive employees who may quit rapidly (SP40). iii) What are we going to do? Error of single observation: appraisal is based on single criterion while the rest are not taken into
iv) How are we going to do it? consideration. Stereotypes/prejudice. 4. Taxes: tax rate of the country of business can affect the rewards given.
Attribution errors: internal (evaluate to blame), external (context to blame). According to SP66
POCCC (Fayol) Method of questionnaires in the job analysis - JA Realistic Job Preview Hygiene factors (Herzberg) Dissatisfaction Result oriented vs. Behaviour oriented performance evaluation criteria Variable reward: make it vary according to what?
Plan, Organise, Command, Coordinate, Control. Only suitable for TIGHT TMS. Questionnaires are typically quick and economical to use. The job analyst may administer a Provides negative and positive information about the employment opportunity. Research Hygiene factors influence motivation in the workplace. Hygiene factors won’t encourage Result oriented performance evaluation criteria is used in a Tight TMS where the performance Variable rewards are basically performance-based rewards. The employee's pay or bonus is
This results in unity of direction, equity, unity of command, centralised structure questionnaire to employees, who identify the tasks they perform. shows that realistic job previews reduces turnover because it makes expectations more employees to work harder, but they will cause them to become unmotivated if they are not evaluation focuses on what was accomplished/produced (quantity and quality of work output) variable to their performance. Some examples of this include individual employee incentive,
authority which ultimately results in discipline, stability, equity and efficiency. accurate, increases trust, perceptions of honesty, and reduces role ambiguity (B&T). present. Examples include physical working conditions, salary, and benefits, employment Appraisal as Control: to check conformity between what has been achieved ("past orientated") to team-based incentives, incentives relating to sales, and annual bonuses according to Dessler.
Equity means that each individual is accountable for their mistake. If you want Pros: Can obtain results quite quickly, easy to send security, status/prestige, relationship with peers eliminate underperformers and keep top performers. Behaviour Oriented performance evaluation
to be an efficient leader in Tight TMS use POCCC criteria is used in a Loose TMS and focuses on the behaviours and how the work was performed.
Cons: the richness of info won't be present - superficial, is it relevant or representative? The Appraisal for Development: to understand what impacted this achievement and to identify strengths
employee may tend to exaggerate the significance of their tasks (self-reported bias) (Mondy). and points to improve ("future oriented") to understand, analyse, advise, train everyone equally
Vertical division of authority (Taylor) Method of the interview in the job analysis - JA Organisational commitment Motivators (Herzberg) Satisfaction Conflict of role that evaluators may face Lead policy regarding basic fixed pay
Structured like a pyramid with executives at the top, midlevel managers in the The analyst usually interviews the employee first to help them describe the duties performed. The extent to which employees are committed to their organisation: what would they do for Motivators influence motivation in the workplace. Motivators can encourage employees to work Conflict of role is a bias in comparison, meaning that there is a conflict between the evaluator being a The company's pay policy specifies the pay rates that will be used for its jobs. Lead policy is when
middle, and low-level managers and employees at the bottom. This top-down Then, the analyst normally contacts the supervisor for additional information to check the the organization. It influences significant outcomes such as in-role and extra-role performance harder. Examples include the work itself, responsibility over work, and self-achievement, form vs. evaluator. For example, the form used to evaluate the employee may focus on areas for the company pays somewhat above the market rate.
structure has a defined chain-of-command and strict protocols regarding how accuracy of the information obtained. and turnover (C&V-H). A good socialisation process can increase the organisational social/cognitive growth, promotion/advancement development, but the evaluator talks about appraisal as control. It is important to solve this by
your employees can make suggestions that reach the upper levels of your Pros: richer in content, more social, emotional and based on interactions commitment in the early stages of employment. organizing and processing this the right way and we don't want evaluatees to be the victims of a wrong
company. According to Taylor this leads to consistency, accountability, social Cons: might exaggerate their responsibilities or job specifications, risk of implicit knowledge, evaluation.
peace, and economic performance risk of tacit knowledge
Recommendations: to avoid self-reported inflation bias, the company could gather
information about the employee's job by having employees describe their daily work activities
in a diary or a log. This is the method of employee recording - according to Mondy.
Job standardisation (Weber) Experimentation method in the job analysis - JA Realistic attraction [Event-related/ Market] sources of psychological stress at work Two goals/purposes of performance appraisal Lag policy regarding basic fixed pay
High specialisation of functions and profiles which is designed to enable The job analyst becomes the employee in the specific department for a day and performs a In Realistic attraction candidates expect less from the job & the company and therefore do not Event-related sources of psychological stress at work include the staff's work-life context. For Performance appraisal is an evaluation of individual/person or group/team performance at work and The company's pay policy specifies the pay rates that will be used for its jobs. Lag policy is when
employees to master their tasks, the emphasis is on developing uniform job analysis based on experience. feel mislead by only the positives of the company. It is an exclusive attraction of only relevant example, if there was a traffic jam before coming to work that could cause stress in the the two main purposes are administrative and developmental according to (B&S). the company pays below the market, intentionally or under constraints
practices for organisational members to follow in doing their jobs, this ensures applications for a well-targeted job/requests a well targeted job ad. Realistic attraction is also a employee's work performance.
that work activates are being completed in the best way to accomplish the Pros: very rich/detailed content, ability to understand tacit knowledge, analyses almost way to attract a more precise set of candidates and aimed at dissuading some less "serious" Administrative: the goal is PA as control to provide input that can be used for promotions, transfers,
overall work of the organisation. everything candidates. This process attracts a narrower audience. However, realistic does not guarantee Market-related sources of psychological stress at work refer to contacts with the public such as layoffs, and pay decisions and to document management decisions by knowing how the performance
that EVP will be kept. errors at the cashier desk could lead to causes of stress with the employee. Mcdo asshole of employees compare with the goals established for them, judging them based on their past
Cons: high cost, very time consuming, wastes resources, may commit errors, and may not be Good attraction: candidates expect less from the job and will be unlikely to feel misled, those customer performance and identifying problems and ways to correct them.
as productive (SP28) who are not seriously interested or qualified for the job may decide not to apply or to self-
select out. Developmental: the goal is PA for development to provide managers and basic employees the
Bad attraction: limited audience, some stakeholders may miss some positive information that opportunity to discuss an employee's goal and how they align with the organisation's, discuss ways to
could have made them confident about the company, if messages are too negative or if EVP is build on their strengths, eliminate potential weaknesses, so that managers help employees understand
not kept, it may affect the overall corporate brand image and make employees dissatisfied and that the appraisals are being conducted to improve their future competencies and further their
leave (SP40). careers.
Impersonality of relations (Weber) Observation method in the job analysis - JA (BOTH TIGHT AND LOOSE) Functional benefit of the employer brand Working Contexts - recommendation for hygiene factors The rating scale method of performance appraisal Match policy regarding basic fixed pay
Official positions are free from personal involvement, emotions and The job analyst watches the worker perform job tasks and records his observations. This Employer branding leads to competitive advantage, helps employees internalize company Working Contexts Working conditions - material & physical relating to ergonomics and The rating scale method is mainly used in appraisal as control as it is a quantitative way to measure The company's pay policy specifies the pay rates that will be used for its jobs. Match policy is
sentiments. Decisions are governed by rational factors rather than personal method is used primary to gather information on interrelationships between physical and values and assists in employee retention. (B&T). Functional benefits of the employer brand focusing on facilities/equipment etc. & relationship at work – non-material & socio- performance. There are a set number of characteristics for each job and each task is ranked on how when the company sets the organisation's policy line at the middle of the market
factors. Don't hire your friends or relatives or even family. Impersonality of mental tasks. describe elements of employment with the firm that are desirable in objective terms like psychological i.e. Related to interpersonal relationship and team/group work can reduce well the employee achieves it. For example, greeting guests in an appropriate manner and the rating
relations inside the workplace is a key characteristic to a Tight TMS and the salary, benefits, leave allowances. stress, burnouts, incidents scale is from 1 to 5, 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest. Subjective bias is reduced somewhat
main consequence is that it leads to equity in the company linked with Pros: very detailed, ensures productivity, omission of errors when the dimensions on the scale and the scale points are defined as precisely as possible. According
nepotism Cons: different employees in different hotels have different ways of working which might not to B&S. The pro is that it is quick to develop and carry out and useful for comparisons. The con is that it
be suited to your hotel (Mondy) lacks in-depth information.
Formalisation of procedures (Weber) Self-reported inflation bias Hidden job market [Organisational sources/ Socio-personal sources] of psychological stress at work The critical incident method of performance appraisal Job-based pay structure
Decisions and policies put into written documentation to guide individual's Occurs when employees exaggerate the significance of their tasks, suggesting more A term used to describe jobs that aren't posted online. The employer may be trying to cut back Organisational sources of psychological stress at work refer to time and results/targets According to B&S, a critical incident occurs when employee behaviour results in unusual success or Traditional job evaluation that awards a worker based on the job description and duties. Some
behaviour. A written document ensures accountability, responsibility, control, responsibility than actually exists (Mondy). on advertising costs, but also sometimes employers hope to get good quality candidates requirements, workload, work schedule related stresses at work. For example, this could be unusual failure in some part of the job. In order to measure performance, the manager keeps a log or jobs pay higher and others pay lower and the description can help to determine that
and consistency overall these lead to stability through employee referrals or through word-of-mouth. These people can be friends, relatives, project deadlines or heavy workloads. diary for each employee throughout the appraisal period and notes specific critical incidents related to
friend's parents, supervisors, classmates, co-workers, alumni, speakers, neighbours (SP38) how well they perform. This method is generally used as appraisal for development and can help a
Socio-personal sources of psychological stress at work refer to interactions with colleagues, role manager counsel employees. The pro is that it lists critical types of behaviour and yields examples. The
management, supervisor's leadership. An example of this would be sexual harassment. con is that the evaluators must take notes regularly and it is hard to quantify.
Commission error Tacit knowledge in a job analysis - JA Selection criteria of selection methods Vicious cycle of dissatisfaction/ stress at work The BARS method of performance appraisal (BOTH FOR LOOSE AND TIGHT TMS) Valence (Vroom, Lawler, Porter)
When a mistake is made by incorrectly performing a task. This can be caused by Unconscious knowledge that one assumes that everyone knows (obvious) so it is not Selection criterias are specific factors that a company looks for in candidates in order to 1. Job stress & dissatisfaction According to B&S, a BARS consists of a series of five to ten vertical scales, one for each important The value that an individual places on the reward of an outcome (<0 avoid, 0 indifferent, >1
having a bad loose TMS. mentioned. Sometimes it is also hard to explain. This is often found in the case of interviews determine whether or not the employee is a correct fit for the company. They must be job- 2. Intention to leave job dimension of performance identifies through job analysis. These dimensions are anchored by welcome)
based (based on JD and JS) and measurable (to be used in the selection grid). Examples include 3. Evaluation of cost of leaving & opportunity behaviours identified through a job analysis. It is made typically by a committee that includes both
team spirit, business management knowledge, agility, interpersonal skills (SP41). 4. Evaluation of comparison of job alternative subordinates and managers. This method can be used in both appraisal as control and appraisal for
5. Decision to leave development. Employee participation can lead to greater acceptance of the PA process and the
6. Turnover (individual/collective) performance measures that it uses. Using a BARS results in scales that have a high degree of content
validity. The main disadvantage of a BARS is that it requires considerable time and effort to develop
and the because the scales are specific to particular jobs, a scale designed for one job might not apply
to another.
Profile of a specialist staff Contingency of the job analysis - JA Selection-grid & selection criteria for candidates Tangible symptoms of stress The 360 feedback PA: main features Perception of organisational justice
An employee that has very specific expertise in a certain domain and has deep The JA should take into account the specificities inherent to your company as this will provide A tool that can be used by companies in order to fairly compare candidates against desired Tangible symptoms = physical consequences of feeling stressed at work. Narrowed attention & The 360 feedback is a type of PA that gives an employee feedback from at least 3 sources, for example, Organisational justice is how an employee perceives the fairness of processes and systems of
knowledge rather than general knowledge Tight TMS. To ensure that a more accurate and representative analysis. Examples of specificities could be the external criteria for each candidate. Each criterion is detailed and mentions specific indicators that the reduced working memory, less accuracy, less creativity, poor listening, and less relevant decision- peers, directors, suppliers, or indirect directors. The main features are that it is intended to provide their organisation
specialist staff are working efficiently, the company should provide them with environment of the company, the specific guests' needs, the culture of the company. candidate should have, and these criteria are then given a weight of importance and then making strategies. Other tangible symptoms include actual pain and diseases caused by poor employees with as accurate a view of their performance by getting input from all angles, and there has
specific tasks only pertinent to specialists. Recommendation would be to ensure that the JA is specific to the company through summed up to find the ranking of each candidate. This tool would be found in structured working conditions such as Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). to always be anonymity to ensure its maximum quality, it must make respondents accountable -
understanding the linkage that one job has to the strategic direction of the organisation interviews. Example of criteria and indicators: supervisors should discuss each evaluation team member's input and let them know whether he used
(Mondy). Team spirit - 2 years as team leader of a team with more than 10 people the rating scales appropriately and if their responses were reliable, use statistical procedures - use
Systemic thinking - GMAT score > 700 weighted average or other quantitative approaches to combine evaluations
Interpersonal skills - mentor or coach or event management experience (SP41).
Potential strengths of good loose TMS Triangulation in the job analysis - JA Predictive validity of a selection method Homogenous vs. Heterogeneous teams/groups The 360 feedback PA: two success factors Equality vs. Equity
Personalisation, equality in diversity, vivacity and flexibility, less omission This uses three methods/sources to conduct a job analysis to better consider contingencies, Selection methods can help in predicting behaviours of candidates and some are more Characteristics of homogenous groups are that team members are similar with respect to The 360 feedback is a type of PA that gives an employee feedback from at least 3 sources, for example, Equality: Each employee is paid the same amount as everyone else.
errors. spot implicit or tacit knowledge and avoid inflation bias, to better manage time & cost in order effective than others while others may even have no predictive validity whatsoever. In the personality, age, gender, experience, ethnicity, and culture, experience. peers, directors, suppliers, or indirect directors. The main objective is to provide employees with as
to increase accuracy and representativity (Mondy). research conducted by F&P, it was found that work samples are the best method for Pros: quickly build social relations and engage in the interactions needed for work, raise creativity accurate a view of their performance by getting input from all angles. The two key success factors are Equity: Each employee gets paid according to how much work they do and how well they do it.
Characteristics of a loose TMS: (R&J) generalists (high task variety, low task predicting work performance, personality tests can predict conscientiousness and integrity, in problem solving activities and stronger focus on tasks rather than relations. anonymity and accountability in order to maximise quality and acceptance. Anonymity: make sure no
identity), teamwork, personalising, emotional, values equality, decentralised GMAT and logic/intelligence tests can predict the ability to learn new procedures quickly and Cons: limit the team in terms of ideas, viewpoints, and creativity. may create difficulties early in employee ever knows how many evaluation team members responded. Accountability: supervisors
authority, eliminates the chain of command, minimises status and rank, the ability to solve new problems, the analysis of handwriting/graphology has no evidence of stage of development due to potential conflicts. should evaluate each team member's input and let them know if they used it properly and if their
participative decision-making practices, avoids omission errors (lost validity, CV screening's effectiveness and ability to predict employee performance is limited, Characteristics of heterogeneous teams: members are diverse in demography, experiences, responses were reliable.
opportunities), fits to an unpredictable environment with many surprises. and it takes about 4 unstructured interviews to equal the reliability and predictive validity of 1 work & lifestyles, and cultures, among other variables.
interview. Pros: diversity can raise creativity in problem solving activities, and stronger focus on tasks rather
than relations.
Cons: diversity among members may create difficulties early in stage of development, due to
potential conflicts
Potential weakness of bad loose TMS Statistical forecast in the manpower planning - MP Cognitive ability test or general mental ability test The risks analysis & staff wellbeing survey The 360° feedback PA: one advantage of it Three levels of training needs analysis
Instability, lack of clarity, inconsistencies and commission errors, conflictual and According to MJV, manpower planning is the process of analysing and ensuring that an These test logic and intelligence like the GMAT, and they are better predictors of job The risks analysis helps to see what kind of risks your employees are facing and is used also to The 360° feedback PA combines various sources of performance appraisal information to create a 360- 1. Organizational needs analysis assessment of short- and long-term training and
not equitable, size and cost challenges. According to Mayo, to be an effective organization has the right number of people with the right capabilities at the right time and in performance than any screening of information collected through other methods except for protect the company in the case an employee tries to sue for not being aware of a risk. Risk degree appraisal and feedback system. It is intended to provide employees with as accurate a view of development needs given the strategy, company culture, and expected changes in the external
manager with people that are motivated by personal & social recognition, you the right place. The forecast uses information from the past and present to predict future work samples. They can predict the ability to learn new procedures quickly and solve new Analysis views both Sources of Stress and if the employee is happy with company signature their performance as possible by getting input from all angles such as: supervisors, peers, subordinates, environment of the company
must personally recognise people's work (Hawthorne effect), do not discourage conditions through forecasting the demand and supply of human resources. Statistical problems. They are useful for positions that are complex and that requires a lot of knowledge experience. It measures the long-term organisational commitment of staff to their relationships, customers. Advantages: it can lessen bias/prejudice since feedback comes from more people and not 2. Person needs analysis identifies gaps between a person`s current competencies and those
teamwork and support among workers (Informal group effect). This leads to forecast is tight TMS oriented. or experience (F&P). Cognitive - measuring ability of interpreting written information, reading career, work ethics, the perceived organisational support (POS), the organisation itself, by using just one individual more objective, responses are gathered from multiple perspectives. Also, quality identified as being necessary or desirable
operational and organisational flexibility and an adaptable company. diagrams, using data & statistics and understanding and using abstract/ logical symbols. scientific questionnaires or surveys of information is better. 3. Demographic need analysis determine the training needs of specific populations of
workers. Also used to assess if all employees are given equal access to growth experiences and
developmental challenges.
Participative organisation (Argyris) External & internal supply Structured interview Staff engagement survey The 360° feedback PA: one drawback Five levels of evaluation of a training program
Trusting relationships and emotional interactions, interpersonal cooperation External supply is the potential employees available to the organisation that are not within This type of interview is when the interviewers ask questions based on a proper job analysis Employee engagement is the extent to which employees feel valued and involved in their The 360° feedback PA combines various sources of performance appraisal information to create a 360- The five levels are
within heterogeneous teams, creativity and initiative - equality not equity! the organisation. For example, individuals graduating from schools and colleges or and each candidate gets interviewed in the same manner such as attitude, location, situation. everyday work. Basically, it's whether employees feel invested in their company’s mission and its degree appraisal and feedback system. 360 degrees feedback is intended to provide employees with as 1. Evaluating reactions by analysing questionnaires - have they appreciated the training?,
Participative and egalitarian organisations mean to accept the irrationalities government estimates of labour force population Expected answers are set and weighted in advance in order to be as objective as possible with success. Running an employee engagement survey doesn’t just measure how happy employees accurate a view of their performance as possible by getting input from all angles such as: supervisors, 2. Evaluating learning process by carrying out tests to measure learner's knowledge acquisition -
and diversity of persons and organisations and should encourage the mix and each answer. The interview should also last more than 30 minutes in order to get enough are—it measures how dedicated they are to the mission and outcome of your company. peers, subordinates, customers. Drawbacks of the 360° Appraisal are: that appraisers may not be have they learned?
balance of professional and personal lives. This leads to trusting relationships, Internal supply data from replacement charts and succession planning efforts are used to information about the candidate (SP44). Measuring employee engagement, then, is even more crucial: It’s an important indicator of the accountable if their evaluation is anonymous, the system is complex in combining all the responses, the 3. Evaluating the behaviour by combining evaluation of performance and potential - are the
creativity, initiative. Profiles of persons required should be open to others' project potential personnel changes, identify possible backup candidates, and keep track of health of your business and a good way to spot areas for improvement. system requires training to work effectively trainees capable of using the abilities learned in the workplace?
ideas, accepting towards various responsibilities, looking for multi-tasking attrition for each department in an organisation (MJV). 4. Evaluating the results by measuring organisational performance individual performance - does
projects, ready for experimentation, team-work oriented, have generic it result in higher performance?
competences and look for interpersonal relationships. 5. Evaluating the ROI by calculating profit and loss - was it worth it to invest in the training?
Hawthorne effect (Mayo) Sources of inflows Work samples/trials/try-outs Ergonomics Service-profit value chain: components & key factor success Hidden goals of training
Personally recognising people's work. People tend to work harder when they These are ways a business can source talent internally or externally including external hires, When candidates demonstrate their competencies in practice, and this is the best method for Ergonomics are part of Internal Communication Process. I.e. change job context to match To ensure the success of the service-profit value chain, you need to use the BSC to measure and When you send an employee to a training activity, you are actually using the training activity to
are being watched/observed than when not internal transfers, promotions, and recalls (MJV). predicted work performance particularly for positions that require prior experience (F&P) capabilities & limitations of employees ex: have a safe building for the employees (handrails in improve everything and to have all 4 systems (finance, yield marketing, operations, and management make the employees feel more like friends than enemies. Find a common enemy → work better
the stairs, warning lights, smoke detectors) & furniture (automatic shutoffs like elevators during a systems) aligned so that overall performance is improved. It establishes relationships between together to go against the enemy. Social development and economic development
fire hazard) profitability, customer loyalty, employee satisfaction, loyalty, and productivity.
Group effect (Mayo) Sources of outflows Structured screening of CV and application forms "Agile" manager managing "situations" The balanced scorecard and its four inter-related systems Internal or external training: pros and cons/Training with qualification and with no
Enhance positive group effects and reduce negative or problematic effects to These are ways a business loses talent internally or externally including promotions, turnover, These are two methods of the selection process. A structure screening of CV checks for specific An agile manager adapts to situations and especially adapts to his employees. A manager's One of the tools for mapping a firm's strategy to ensure strategic alignment is the Balanced Scorecard Internal or external training: pros and cons:
work towards consensus. Encouraging teamwork and support among workers. terminations, demotions, retirements, deaths, and layoffs (MJV). criteria that the company is looking for, the predictive validity for this method is limited (F&P). performance depends on his ability to adapt to each situation. The manager must adjust which can be used to appraise individual employees, teams, business units. A BSC appraisal enables Internal: Pros: together and less costly Cons: not an official recognized qualification, informal (OJT
Application forms also known as biodata form ask specific questions about the educational and tasks/projects at hand (urgent or not); Different contexts to be handled (constraints on the managers to translate broad corporate goals into divisional, departmental, and team goals in a cascade - on the job training)
professional background of candidates. If it has a built-in specific structured format and used in budget, time available) and finally he must adapt to Managees (their personality and their way. It helps managers translate their firm's strategic goals into operational objectives. The 4 inter- External: Pros: Formal (instructor-led, classroom), Qualification leads to a(n) (inter)national
proper conditions, it can be a good predictor of job performance and can help minimise the Maturity) related systems are: Finance System, Yield Marketing System, Operations System, Management System recognition via a certificate, degree, diploma) Cons: costly, not for everyone.
risk of employee turnover (which is the foundation). Training with qualification and with no qualification: With qualification leads to a(n)
(inter)national recognition via a certificate, degree, diploma W/O Qualification: not an official
recognized qualification - no degree, etc.
Team members equality Solutions when facing a talent surplus Socialisation techniques Level of maturity of teammates / group members to adapt to With the balanced scorecard: benefit & impact on service-profit chain Contingent T&D / Learning Styles
All team members are treated equally regardless of how they perform According to MJV, organisations need to plan for both the quantity and quality of the Socialisation techniques include: observation, imitation, experimentation, assimilation, There are 4 different situations managers should adapt to or we can call them "level of With the balanced scorecard we also will have an effective Service-profit chain as everything is Why? “why should I listen?” Like/love to explore, learn by doing, challenged, new, interact and
individually. No individual is held accountable, but the whole team is held workforce have sufficient workers with the right qualifications to achieve the strategic plan. If accommodation, reinforcement, coercion. Socialisation is the process by which newcomers maturity/needs". connected and linked together. There is also the additive effect which is when certain solutions when do own investigations. Pros: good in projects/leading. Cons: act for acting, start without full
accountable. there is a talent surplus companies could reduce employee work hours or compensation, make the transition from being organisational outsiders to being insiders (C&V-H). Socialisation The first situation is when an employee has low competency & low motivation Level of implemented together can have an even more powerful effect than that of each in isolation. Overall, information explain to them why to care, use exploration activity (be specific) allow to process
attrition, hiring freezes, voluntary separation programs, downsizing, unpaid vacations, can affect job involvement and commitment to the work group and the attitudes of employees maturity = Birth These employees need guidance and need the managers to tell them what to the performance is improved at no additional cost. Again the foundation of the BSC is the alone
resource reallocation. toward various aspects of the organisation and the work setting can be shaped through do, how and why. These are telling managers Management System which then influences the whole business starting with competent & What? “what I need to pass?” Like/love to learn by heart, assimilate knowledge, curious. Pros:
socialisation. Managers interested in boosting performance and reducing turnover should rely The 2nd situation is when an employee has low competency & high motivation Level of motivated personnel which leads to service excellence, innovation, stimulation, CRM, which then leads looks at different angles, imagination. Cons: hesitation, delay decisions train and provide
on more techniques of organisational socialisation to develop higher commitment levels in the maturity = Childhood The employee is in need of support and needs the manager to motivate to customers being satisfied which leads to customers coming back to the hotel (loyalty) and eventually demonstration with correct answers
early stages of employment. Work trial can lead to better socialisation to the corporate culture him (Yes you can do this!). These are selling managers. productivity and profitability. How? “How does it work” Like to conceptualize, abstract, analyse, concise, synthesize. Pros:
The 3rd situation is when an employee has High competency & Low motivation felt Level of planning, defining, developing concepts. Cons: ignore practical side of theories 1 on 1
maturity = Adolescence. They need explanations and needs to be participating (make employee It STANDS out because it is interaction with concepts, relationships between concepts
understand why to do things - "We can do this"). These are participating managers 1) A top down reflection of the company’s mission and strategy What if? “Yes but..” Like to what if? decide and act, solving problems, fast decisions. Pros:
Finally, the 4th situation is when an employee has high competency & high motivation Level 2) It is forward looking reasoning by deduction. Cons: might fake problems, hasty decisions self-discovery, lots of
of maturity = Adulthood. Here the employee needs confirmation that he is doing a good job and3) It integrates external and internal measures (trade-offs with performance) documents
needs delegation. These are delegating managers. 4) it helps you focus (reach agreement on which measures are the most critical) (K&N)
Omission error Solutions when facing a talent shortage Four socialisation domains MBTI personality test Without the balanced scorecard: problems & impacts on service-profit Learning styles --> Can also be teaching style
A missed opportunity, this happens when one is not encouraged to take risks Increase employee work hours through overtime, outsource to a third party, implement Socialisation is the process by which individuals integrate the mould of values, attitudes, MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) is a test of Psychometric measurement of psychological Without the balanced scorecard a firm will not have a good strategic alignment (functions are not The different ways people naturally think and learn theoretically, the more the trainee is involved
and can be caused by having a bad tight TMS. alternative work arrangements, use contingent workers (temporaries, independent beliefs and behaviours necessary for interacting with each other, & participating within their preferences. The MBTI is one of the most used personality tests in the world and even used toaligned), will not be able to translate broad goals into divisional, departmental and team goals. the more he/she learns. There is a correlation between involvement and learning.
contractors), reduce employee turnover (MJV). own society (SP48) select candidates during interviews however it is not a very reliable test as people who retook the
Activities/functions can have mutual negative impacts and the company’s performance may be
test often got different results negatively affected. Basically, the firm will not have properly set objectives which will make it difficult Depending on the learner style, an individual might place the most importance on either
1. Build: invest in learning and development to grow your talent pipeline. Four socialisation domains: for the company to be successful and provide good results without any additional costs. Steps to attending a class or sharing and reflecting.
2. Buy: go to external market to find the best talent that cannot be built in-house in the 1. Know the values of the organization implement the BSC: 1. Attending a class
timeframe required. 2. Know team and departmental values 1. Identify the financial, customer, operational, and employee objectives such as increase EBITDA, 2. Having a mentoring
3. Borrow: cultivate communities of talent outside the organisation. 3. Understand his/her role within the company improve cost structure, attract new clients, increase service efficiency, provide friendly service, provide 3. Going to coaching.
4. Bridge: help people move on and move up to new roles inside. 4. Acquire the KSA for the job accurate orders, increase employee productivity. 4. Doing yourself (presenting)
2. The managers identify each of the HR practices used to elicit or reinforce those objectives. 5. Sharing and reflecting (teaching)
3. Managers would evaluate each HR practice to see which HR practices are working together to
achieve the objectives and which are not.
Profile of a generalist staff Scenario design in the manpower planning - MP "Humbling experience" Counter-productive work behaviour The "learning & growth" cell / block within a balanced scorecard Negative impact of turnover/departure for the employee leaving
An employee that has a wide range of knowledge in various domains and has Scenario planning/design is a qualitative method of forecasting, aiming at obtaining the most It is initiation/ hazing to experience with the new employee to see what the reaction of the Counterproductive work behaviour (CWB) is employee behaviour that goes against the legitimate The "learning & growth" refers to the People and Employees system in the balanced scorecard. It helps For the employee
shallow knowledge of each domain rather than deep and specialised reliable consensus of opinion of a group of experts, when otherwise data is missing or newcomers it, also can be an additional assessment to see if the newcomer fits the company or interests of an organization. These behaviours can harm organizations or people in organizations organisations improve their internal processes and provide excellent customer service. Internal ○ Loss of social benefits resulting from seniority
knowledge. incomplete. Qualitative aspects include qualifications, experience, seniority, working relations, not. including employees and clients, customers, or patients. processes such as product development, service and the like are critical for creating customer ○ Stress of transitioning to a new job
nationality etc. This method is more loose TMS oriented. (SP34) satisfaction and loyalty, and they are also important for ensuring productivity to contain costs for ○ Moving costs
better financial performance. Customer value creation in turn drives up revenues, which enhances ○ Loss of local social network
profitability. According to (B&S) ○ An indicator of instability and lack of loyalty
Nepotism Critical incident technique Psychological contract Organisational citizenship behaviour KPIs and targets in a balanced scorecard Negative impact of turnover/departure for the company
Favouring friends & families even though they are not working well A method of gathering facts (incidents) from domain experts or less experienced users of the This term refers to the relationship between an employer and its employees, and specifically organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) is a person's voluntary commitment within an Financial: - Market value, revenue, general and administrative costs as % of sales For the employer, Separation costs, Replacement costs, Training costs, Loss of productivity,
existing system to gain knowledge of how to improve the performance of the individuals concerns mutual expectations of inputs and outcomes. The traditional contract is workers organization or company that is not part of his or her contractual tasks Customer/yield marketing: - # customers, new stores, repeat customers, same-store sales Administrative overload, Survivor’s frustrations
involved. It focuses on conditions under which there are successes and failures observed in job promised loyalty to the firm in exchange for job security. Nowadays, employers provide Operations: - customer feedback, first time right, order fulfilment
performing (SP28). workers with marketable skills through training and development in exchange for effort and People: - Average tenure, voluntary turnover, engagement survey
flexibility (BT).
Unity of command (Fayol) Task variety "Rude awakening" Vicious cycle / circle of dissatisfaction High-potential employee - HIPO or high-flyer T&D Process Organization
Unity of command is a management technique where individuals report to and Degree to which a job requires a diversity of different activities and involve the use of According to (BT), "Rude Awakening" could happen to newcomers if the employer brand In SP55, vicious cycle includes the following elements: job stress & dissatisfaction, intention to It's used in the Performance Appraisal for development, typically for loose TMS. Performance is A. Prepare Analyse your needs. Set your training objectives.
get orders from one, and only one, designated supervisor. It's a type of chain of different talents by the individual (SP30). High task variety = loose TMS, low task variety = tight message is strictly positive (omitting any real negative information) and if the company cannot leave job, evaluation of cost of leaving & opportunities, evaluation & comparison of job measured by future potential. HIPO are employees with less potential weaknesses and high future B. Do Select your methodology (tools, schedule, workshop, activity) Carry out & monitor
command that's commonly used in hierarchical organizations, and it also TMS live up to this positive message, then the employees will be dissatisfied and may leave. alternatives, decision to leave, staff turnover of individual / collective. competencies. training
describes the span of control that a supervisor has over her direct reports C. Check Evaluate, measure against the Success criteria and follow-up then provide
Feedback/Communication for step A.
Specialisation Task identity External attraction process toward talent pool Safety and health programs at work High performance work systems HPWS Competency-based pay structure
A particular area which someone concentrates on or becomes an expert of it Degree to which the job requires the completion of a "whole" and identifiable piece of work; To find external candidates, the company can assign the task to the HR department or to According to D&G, the safety and health programs may include the health insurance but not HPWS is the concept used in the PA as Control. It is a system to measure employees' past performance. Experts (Dessler) it ties the worker’s pay to his or her competencies, the pay is person-oriented,
one that involves doing a job from beginning to end with a visible outcome (SP30). Low task outsource to agencies and head-hunters. Candidates can be found in job offices, public limited to the followings: health education, screening and intervention, aerobic exercise and HPWS means a relatively good performance from the past data. employees are paid based on what they know or can do even if at the moment they don’t have to
identity = loose TMS, low task identity = tight TMS employment agencies, competitors or educational institutions. Furthermore, the company can fitness, stress management. do it, job with similar competency requirements are grouped together into a grade or class and
attract candidates through posting on LinkedIn, going to job fairs or open days. This method is jobs with higher grades of competency get paid more
more costly than internal attraction.
Horizontal division of task (Taylor) Job sculpting Symbolic benefit of the employer brand Person/Individual-Organisation fit Management by objective (MBO) Reverse mentoring
When each employee is given a very specific task to do and all of these specific Job sculpting is part of when there is a shortage of workers when forecasting manpower. It is Employer branding leads to competitive advantage, helps employees internalize company According to HML, it measures the extent of how much the individual values match with the Attributes applicable to an employee are ticked, this is used for appraisal as control. The strengths are Experts (M&W) shifts the responsibility for organizing mentoring to line employees → learns
tasks contribute to completing the main task when the job profile is designed in accordance with the employees’ interest. values and assists in employee retention. According to BT, the symbolic benefit of the organization's values. that it reduces biases because the calibrator and the assessor are not the same person. However, it is from senior executives by having the employee mentor the senior executives, a millennial is
employer brand refers to the perceived prestige of the firm, as well as the social approval expensive to set up for several job categories matched with an executive who teaches him or her how to do certain skills, an effective way to
applicants imagine they will enjoy if they work for the firm give lower employees a window into the higher levels of the organization so when a senior
executive retires, the younger generation has a better understanding of the business, the older
mentee can also give feedback or advice to the mentor so the coaching is mutual, the younger
workers can have an accelerated work track
Centralisation of authority (Fayol) Delphi technique --> same thing as Scenario design PFW Promotion from Within Person/Individual-Team/Group fit Key results area (KRA) Anonymous mentoring - online platform
Centralisation of authority means systematic reservation of authority at central The Delphi technique is a qualitative method of forecasting, aiming at obtaining the most Promoting an employee that is already in the company According to HML, it measures the extent of how much the individual values match with the KRA means the factors that employees are mostly responsible for and control of in order to fulfil the Experts (M&W) uses psychological testing and a background review to pair mentees with trained
points in an organisation. Hence the majority of the decisions regarding the reliable consensus of opinion of a group of experts, when otherwise data is missing or colleagues' values. business goals. mentors outside of the organization, exchanges are conducted online, and both the mentee and
work are taken only at higher levels and not by those who actually performs the incomplete (SP34). mentor remain anonymous
Emotional interactions (Argyris) Position analysis questionnaire - PAQ Employee referral bonus / co-optation Person/Individual-Supervisor fit KPIs in job descriptions - JD On-the-job training (OJT) and support
When decisions and relationships are treated emotionally over being rationally, According to Mondy, PAQ uses a checklist approach to identify job elements and focuses on Employee referral bonus (aka co-optation) happens when an employee brings someone into The Person-Supervisor fit (PS fit) is the similarity between supervisor and subordinate personality, Sales per employee, retention rate, employee satisfaction etc. Learn by actually doing the job
and they are tied to personal involvement, emotions and sentiments general work behaviour instead of tasks. It identifies significant job behaviours and classifies the company (through reference) and gets rewarded for it. This encourages employees to bring values and goals. It is measured in a staff well-being survey as it correlates with job satisfaction.
jobs. Using this method, JD can be based on relative importance and emphasis placed on in talented people and is a way of finding suited candidates.
various job elements.
Mix of professional and personal lives (Argyris) Replacement chart Graphology - Graphoanalysis Dysfunctional turnover KSAs in job specifications - JS Internal rotation
Encouraging the mix and balance of professional and personal lives within Replacement charts help organizations rapidly allocate talent across strategic priorities. It is Graphology aka Graphoanalysis is when you analyse the candidates' handwriting. According to Dysfunctional turnover is when high and average performers are voluntarily separated due to the A JS identifies the KSA that an employee must possess in order to adequately perform the essential Rotating between positions - example: going from reception to guest relations and then to
employees. This is a concept within participative organisations - refer to that the effective deployment of talent based on the skills needed. It is part of Manpower (F&P), the analysis of handwriting is the least used selection method due to the fact that there talented and highly skilled employees are leaving an organisation at higher rates than the semi- tasks, duties and responsibilities of the job in question. KSA stands for Knowledge, Skills and Abilities. housekeeping
cell for more info Forecasting when considering internal supply (MJV) is no evidence of usefulness or validity of this method for predicting effectiveness at work. skilled or unskilled employees. They are used as a metric to assess the capabilities of a prospective candidate in terms of likely abilities Pros: exposure to different jobs - allows real learning
to perform in terms of duties of the job. Cons: allows no real sense of full responsibilities as there is only short stay on the job
Work is natural (McGregor) Y theory Succession planning Assessment centre Perceived organisational support (POS) A players vs B players Skill gap
Y theory - this theory depicts if the manager’s belief is positive and believe that Succession planning is part of forecasting the supply (availability) of Human Resources. Consists of a standardized evaluation of behaviour based on multiple evaluations Perceived organisational support (POS) is an individual’s perception on how the organisation A players and B players are two typologies of performers. A players (also known as starts) are those The difference between the current skills of an employee and the skills that he or she needs to
the employees like their work will lead to liberty of action and autonomy Succession planning efforts are used to project potential personnel changes, identify possible values his/her contribution and cares about his/her well-being. The higher an employee's POS, who: master the job and deliver consistently excellent results, are peer leaders, innovators and develop
leading to professional conscience by the employees and acceptance of backup candidates, and keep track of attrition (resignations, retirements...) for each the more he/she cares about the organisation. According to CJG, enhanced POS decreases contribute beyond assigned unit, set the pace of the organisation. B players (also known as pillars are in
responsibilities and will therefore take initiatives – which ultimately confirms department of the organization (MJV) employee's intention to leave whilst increasing twice as much their intention to stay. between A and C players. The majority of employees are B players and are these who perform strongly
the manager’s belief (positive cycle). and add value, are team players, accomplish all goals and go the extra mile and support the
organisation's initiatives
Job prescription (Taylor) Person/individual-job fit Socialisation objects Perceived supervisor support (PSS) Microfeedback (140 characters) Strength-based development
When you are in a situation where you tell people what to do and how to do it, Person job fit is the process of identifying individual competencies needed for a job with the Sets of intended & deliberate practices that direct, reinforce and accelerate the organizational Perceived supervisor support (PSS) is an individual’s perception on how supervisors value his/her Microfeedback is a way of immediate feedback. It is delivered in an informal way and the 140-character Employees who felt they had a supervisor who focused on their strengths or positive
it is how you prescribe people to do something. help of certain external processes like interviews, physiological test, references and the likes socialization of new employees such as values, beliefs, roles, norms, habits. contribution and care about his/her well-being. Thigh higher an employee's PSS, the higher feedback is automatically logged and added to the employees' record (SP69). Managers should not wait characteristics were engaged, building employees’ strengths is a far more effective approach
to measure knowledge skills and abilities of an individual against the competencies required his/her motivation, care and involvement in the organisation. According to CJG, enhanced PSS for PA period to give feedback; they should provide it as much as possible. than trying to improve their weakness, strengths focus offers managers a better chance to
for the job. increases employees' intention to leave but does not reveal much about their intention to stay. develop individuals in the context of who they are, when employees know and use their
strengths, they are more engaged → higher performance → less likely to leave their company
Performance-related pay Resource allocation Socialisation agents Company's signature experience Additive effects and systemic / holistic performance management Expectancy (Vroom, Lawler, Porter)
Merit-based pay, giving bonuses or commissions based on how well an Forecast human resource requirements (demand) and human resource availability (supply), Someone who shapes employee's mindset into a mindset that perfectly fits the company, so A company's signature experience is what a company does especially well and what makes them A systematic/holistic performance management takes place when looking at the Balance Score Card Perceived probability that effort will result in good performance (the higher your effort the bigger
employee carries out their tasks compare requirement and availability. if demand = supply no specific action. If there is a that they can devote to the company and work for it longer, better. They shape beliefs, values stand out. It is relevant when doing a staff well-being survey. (BSC) horizontally (culture, structure and strategy all integrate and adapt to the external environment) the reward you will get) what you expect: Effort High performance
surplus of workers refer to the relevant cell, if there is a shortage of workers refer to the & understanding without realizing. and vertically (TMS, OS, YMS, FS). The additive effect together with the BSC lead to an overall
relevant cell. performance improvement of the company at no additional cost. When ensuring horizontal and
vertical alignment, solutions are automatically implemented together and have a more powerful effect
than when they are implemented individually, known as the additive effect (SP72)
Bureaucracy (Weber) Staff retention factors Integration, onboarding, induction, introduction, orientation Work-life tension or balance Crowd-sourced performance review Instrumentality (Vroom, Lawler, Porter)
A system for controlling or managing an organisation that is operated by a large The attraction and retention of high-quality staff is very important in today's world especially These are sets of intended and deliberate practices that direct, reinforce and accelerate the The work-life context is relevant when doing and analysis of risk. During this process several Crowd-sourced performance review is a type of immediate feedback. It is where you collect every Perceived probability that good performance lead to outcome and then valued reward
number of officials employed to follow rules carefully in the hospitality industry. Staff retention factors can vary from staff training, to staff food, organisational socialisation of new employees. Socialisation is the process by which constraints are taken into consideration and related aspects are checked. The work-life context is positive email/note sent to you as a proof of performance that you can share with your manager perception of correlation: high performance outcome
common areas, salary raises, stress. newcomers make the transition from being organisational outsiders to being insiders (C&V-H). checked when looking at the event-related constraints. (SP69). Employees at all levels participate in giving feedback making a way of providing 360° feedback.
Examples of integration include: visit of the company, introduction to employees, events,
lunches, or mentoring. It is important to show the history, vision, strategy, values, structure,
procedures, info channels, and corporate etiquette (SP49). If it is a loose TMS, team bonding
could be a recommendation. If it is a tight TMS, mentoring could be a recommendation.

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