Classification of Elements Notes 3
Classification of Elements Notes 3
Classification of Elements Notes 3
Q2. 1st ionization enthalpy of boron is less than Beryllium. Give reason.
Ans. B=1s22s22p1 Be=1s22s2 Boron has greater nuclear charge than Be.
(a) In the same principal quantum level, an s-electron is attracted to
the nucleus more than a p-electron. In Be the electron removed during
ionization is an s-electron. Whereas the electron removed during the
ionization of boron is a p-electron.
(b) The penetration of a 2s electron to the nucleus is more than that of
a 2p electron. Hence 2p electron of boron is more shielded from the
nucleus by the inner core of electron than the 2s electron of
Beryllium. Therefore it is easier to remove the 2p electron from boron
than from 2s electron from beryllium. (c) Be has stable completely
filled configuration.