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Series 2

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MPT Mock Exam-II CSS-2023 Name

Time Allowed:
200 Minutes
1. Candidates are advised to:
(i) Read MCQs from Questions Booklet and Fill in the appropriate box in the Answer
(ii) Understand that, all MCQs have equal marks and there is no Negative Marking.
(iii) Avoid writing Roll Number, Name, answers to the questions or any other remark(s)
on or inside Questions Booklet.
(iv) Take/retain Answer Sheet on conclusion of examination.
(v) Visit World Times Instagram & Facebook page for ANSWER KEY which will be
made available on the eve of examination.
(vi) Avoid cutting/correction in the Answer Sheet. If candidate marks more than one
option it will be considered as a wrong answer.
(vii) Do not use lead pencil in the Answer Sheet. Use of ballpoint pen is advised. Avoid
Note: Use of Calculator and electronic equipment’s such as Laptop, Mobile Phone / Cell
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1. What is meant by Al-Muntaqim?

(a) The Avenger (b) The first (c) The hidden (d) None of these
2. Meaning of Al-Ghafur is:
(a) The judge (b) The Loving (c) The All-forgiving (d) The reckoner
3. Name the cave where Muhammad (PBUH) observed speculations before the prophet hood?
(a) Safa (b) Soar (c) Marwa (d) Hira
4. In first hijrat to habsha there were:
(a) 1 women (b) 2 women (c) 3 women (d) 4 women
5. Cave of Soar is located __________ miles away from Makkah.
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
6. Hazrat Isa and Hazrat Yahya met with Holy Prophet (SAW) on:
(a) The second heaven (b) The first heaven
(c) The third heaven (d) The fourth heaven
7. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) gave the key of Bait Ullah permanently to Hazrat:
(a) Umara Bin Utba (R.A) (b) Hanzia bin Abi Aamir (R.A)
(c) Usman bin Talha (R.A) (d) Abdullah Bin Aami (R.A)
8. Which king was died in 9 A.H.?
(a) Heraculus (b) Khusro (c) Nijashi (d) None
9. Holy Prophet (PBUH) addressed after conquest of Makkah at:
(a) Mount Ohad (b) Koh-e-Safa
(c) Koh-e-Noor (d) Adam’s Peak Mountain
10. What was the colour of flag of Muslim army in Battle of Badr?
(a) Green (b) Black (c) White (d) Blue
11. In Muta, which salar was martyred?
(a) Hazrat Zaid bin Harisa (R.A) (b) Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (R.A)
(c) Hazrat Abdullah bin Rawaha (R.A) (d) Both a & c
12. Arafat gathering is held on:
(a) 8 Zil Hajj (b) 9 Zil Hajj (c) 10 Zil Hajj (d) 12 Zil Hajj
13. Which one of the following is included amongst the Ushera-e-Mubashera?
(a) Saad bin Ubaid (R.A) (b) Saad bin Abada (R.A)
(c) Saad bin Abi Waqas (R.A) (d) Saad bin Azarah (R.A)
14. Batha Valley is situated in:
(a) Makkah (b) Medina (c) Egypt (d) Jordan
15. The longest Surah of the Qur’an is:
(a) Surah al-Baqarah (b) Surah Aali Imran (c) Surah Al-Taubah (d) Surah Yunus
16. Al-Maeen is a Surah in which there are:
(a) 100 or more Ayahs (b) 10 or more Ayahs
(c) Less than 10 Ayahs (d) Less than 100 Ayahs
17. “Arbaeen” is that book of Hadith in which there are:
(a) 40 Ahadith (b) 50 Ahadith (c) 30 Ahadith (d) 20 Ahadith
18. Fatwa Qazi Khan is an authentic Fatwa of:
(a) Fiqh Hanbali (b) Fiqh Maliki (c) Fiqh Shafi (d) Fiqh Hanafi
19. FIDK Garden was bestowed to the Holy Prophet (SAW) as:
(a) Faye (b) Booty (c) Gift (d) Loan
20. QUBA Mosque has been mentioned in:
(a) Surah Al-Taubah (b) Surah Anfal
(c) Surah Dhuha (d) Surah Al-Muzammil

‫الینآامسنںیموموصفایکےہ؟‬ .21
‫( یتوںطلغ‬d) ‫( وموصف‬c) ‫( آامسن‬b) ‫الین‬ (a)

‫اہھتانلمےکایکینعمںیہ؟‬ .22
‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ن‬
‫( اوسفسرکنا‬d) ‫( زمخ ی‬c)
‫رکیدنا‬ ‫( افصیئرکنا‬b) ‫( اہھت ا‬a)

‫انکہیسکزناناکظفلےہ۔‬ .23

‫( تریک‬d) ‫( رعیب‬c) ‫( افریس‬b) ‫اجنپیب‬ (a)

‫شاناشوکنےسرحفےہ؟‬ .24

‫( رحفنیسحت‬d) ‫( رحفرفننی‬c) ‫( رحفنافس‬b) ‫رحفبجعت‬ (a)

‫قیکعمجےہ۔‬َ ‫ل‬‫خ‬َ .25
‫( یتوںدرس‬d) ‫( تقلخ‬c) ‫( الخقئ‬b) ‫االخق‬ (a)

‫فلساکاضتمدےہ۔‬ .26

‫( جنشت‬d) ‫( قلعم‬c) ‫( فلخ‬b) ‫علق‬ (a)

‫رسامہیداراجریگداراورقلعتدارںیمداروکایکںیہکےگ؟‬ ‫‪.27‬‬

‫)‪ (d‬العہق‬ ‫)‪ (c‬الہقح‬ ‫)‪ (b‬اسہقب‬ ‫اقدعہ‬ ‫)‪(a‬‬

‫ڑیبااُاھٹنااکبلطمےہ۔‬ ‫‪.28‬‬
‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ن‬
‫)‪ (d‬اہنےنےکےیلترنتااھٹنا‬ ‫)‪ (c‬وشرترنارکنا‬ ‫)‪ (b‬وزنااھٹنا‬ ‫)‪ (a‬جنلیچوبقل ا‬
‫ڑیٹیھ ی‬
‫کرےکینعمںیہ۔‬ ‫‪.29‬‬

‫)‪ (d‬لکشماکم‬ ‫)‪ (c‬مخزدہ ی‬

‫کر‬ ‫)‪ (b‬یکیھپ ی‬
‫کر‬ ‫یلج ی‬
‫کر‬ ‫)‪(a‬‬

‫ولتاراکرتمادفےہ۔‬ ‫‪.30‬‬

‫)‪ (d‬دنبوق‬ ‫)‪ (c‬فیس‬ ‫)‪ (b‬رھچا‬ ‫تریھچ‬ ‫)‪(a‬‬

‫رگ ُدوںاکایکبلطمےہ؟‬ ‫‪.31‬‬

‫)‪ (d‬دنمسر‬ ‫)‪ (c‬حطسرمعفت‬ ‫)‪ (b‬آامسن‬ ‫زنیم‬ ‫)‪(a‬‬

‫ڑھٹگیاکامسمکبررایکوہاگ۔‬ ‫‪.32‬‬

‫)‪ (d‬ڑھٹگنیا‬ ‫)‪ (c‬اگرھٹ‬ ‫)‪ (b‬ڑھٹگا‬ ‫ڑھٹگ‬ ‫)‪(a‬‬

‫‪Cliche‬ےکایکینعمںیہ‬ ‫‪.33‬‬

‫)‪ (d‬وقلشارع‬ ‫)‪ (c‬وقلاحمل‬ ‫)‪ (b‬ایلعٰالکم‬ ‫دایقونیسنات‬ ‫)‪(a‬‬

‫‪ Migraine‬وکاردوںیماہکاجناےہ۔‬ ‫‪.34‬‬

‫)‪ (d‬دردہقیقش‬ ‫)‪ (c‬دردرس‬ ‫)‪ (b‬رمکدرد‬ ‫دردرگدہ‬ ‫)‪(a‬‬

‫‪Take after‬اکبلطمےہ؟‬ ‫‪.35‬‬

‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ن‬
‫)‪ (d‬قہقہاگلنا‬ ‫)‪ (c‬اشمہبوہنا‬ ‫)‪ (b‬ےکےھچیپانلچ‬ ‫)‪ (a‬زہرالی ا‬
‫‪Haiku‬سکیکادیبفنصےہ؟‬ ‫‪.36‬‬
‫)‪ (d‬وتراین‬ ‫)‪ (c‬یاتراین‬ ‫)‪ (b‬اجناین‬ ‫)‪ (a‬ویناین‬
‫‪ Face the music‬اکایکبلطمےہ؟‬ ‫‪.37‬‬
‫ن‬ ‫ن‬
‫)‪ (d‬نارسنیاجبنا‬ ‫)‪ (c‬ایمخزہانتگھب‬ ‫)‪ (b‬ومیقیسدنسپرکنا‬ ‫آےگترانھ‬ ‫)‪(a‬‬

‫‪Cock and bull story‬اکایکینعمےہ؟‬ ‫‪.38‬‬

‫)‪ (b‬دپسچلاہکین‬ ‫)‪ (a‬وھجیٹاہکین‬

‫)‪ (d‬رپاےنزامےنیکاہکین‬ ‫)‪ (c‬رمےغاورلیبیکاہکین‬
‫درسےلمجیکناندیہرکںی۔‬ ‫‪.39‬‬

‫)‪ (b‬ںیمآپاکتہبوکشمروہں‬ ‫ںیمآپاکےبدحوکشمروہں‬ ‫)‪(a‬‬

‫)‪ (d‬انںیمےسوکیئںیہن‬ ‫)‪ (c‬ںیمآپاکتہبرکشزگاروہں‬

‫درسےلمجیکناندیہرکںی۔‬ ‫‪.40‬‬

‫)‪ (b‬ںیموکےوکویکںامرا‬ ‫ںیمےنوکےوکامرد ینا‬ ‫)‪(a‬‬

‫)‪ (d‬ایکںیمےنوکےوکامرا‬ ‫ںیمےنوکاامرد ینا‬ ‫)‪(c‬‬
Choose an option for the blank that best fit meaning of the sentence as whole
41. There are _______ views on the issue of giving bonus to the employees.
(a) Independent (b) Divergent (c) Modest (d) Adverse
42. Since she had not exercised in five years, Margarita attempt to jog five miles on her first
day of cardio-training was a little ______.
(a) Pessimistic (b) Irrelevant (c) Quixotic (d) Relieved
43. More insurers are limiting the sale of property insurance in coastal areas and other regions
_______ natural disasters.
(a) Safe from (b) According to (c) Despite (d) Prone to
44. Roman Regions _______the Mountain _______ of Masada for three years before they were
able to seize it.
(a) Dissembled, bastion (b) Assailed, symbol
(c) Besieged, citadel (d) Honed, stronghold
45. Unlike his calmer, more easygoing colleagues, the senator was ________, ready to quarrel
at the slightest provocation.
(a) Whimsical (b) Irascible (c) Gregarious (d) Ineffectual
Read the paragraph and answer the questions that follow.
The explosion of a star is an awesome event. The most violent of these cataclysms, which produce
supernovae, probably destroys a star completely. Within our galaxy of roughly 100 billion stars the last supernova
was observed in 1604. Much smaller explosions, however, occur quite frequently, giving rise to what astronomers
call novae and dwarf novae. On the order of 25 novae occur in our galaxy every year, but only two or three are
near enough to be observed. About 100 dwarf novae are known altogether. If the exploding star is in a nearby part
of the galaxy, it may create a “new star” that was not previously visible to the naked eye. The last new star of this
sort that could be observed clearly from the Northern Hemisphere appeared in 1946. In these smaller explosions
the star loses only a minute fraction of its mass and survives to explode again. Astrophysicists are fairly well
satisfied that they can account for the explosions of supernovae. The novae and dwarf novae have presented more
of a puzzle. From recent investigations that have provided important new information about these two classes of
exploding star, the picture that emerges is quite astonishing. It appears that every dwarf nova – and perhaps every
nova – is a member of a pair of stars. The two stars are so close together that they revolve around a point that lies
barely outside the surface of the larger star. As a result the period of rotation is usually only a few hours, and their
velocities range upward to within a two-hundredth of the speed of light.
46. According to the passage, our observations of nova are hampered by their extreme
(a) Loss of mass (b) Speed of rotation
(c) Distance from Earth (d) Tremendous violence
47. The production of supernova
(a) Occurs frequently (b) Occurs 25 times in 1 year
(c) Occured in 1946 (d) Occured in 1604
48. By the term "new star" the author mean one that has recently gained in mass.
(a) Moved from a distant galaxy (b) Become bright enough to strike the eye
(c) Not previously risen above the horizon (d) Become visible by rotating in its orbit
49. Which from the following statement(s) true about novae and dwarf novae
I. 25 novae and super novae occur in our galaxy every year
II. Occur in result of smaller explosions
III. Only 100 of smaller explosions are known
(a) I only (b) II only (c) III only (d) I and II
50. When novae and dwarf novae occur,
(a) The star survives to explode again (b) The star destroys completely
(c) The star devides in two parts (d) None of these
Choose an option that is correct according to the standard use of English.
(a) None of they is of much use in practical life.
(b) None of them is of much use in practical life.
(c) None of them is of very use in practical life.
(d) None of them are of much use in practical life.
(a) You should not smoke. (b) You cannot buy all that you like.
(c) They cooked the dinner themself. (d) You are very nice, like your mother.
(a) The prime Minister has not and probably would not introduce the bill.
(b) The prime Minister has not introduced and probably will not introduce the bill.
(c) The prime Minister has not and probably will not introduce the bill.
(d) The prime Minister has not and probably is not introducing the bill.
(a) How long have you been joined this company?
(b) When have you joined this company?
(c) How long are you joined this company?
(d) When you do join this company?
(a) Sunila cracks jokes with me. (b) I am confident of securing victory.
(c) He has no house to live. (d) He was appointed to the post.
(a) We saw a wonderful show next day. (b) We show a wonderful saw yesterday.
(c) We show a wonderful saw today. (d) We saw a wonderful show yesterday.
57. We have received no complain about the inferior quality of the goods.
(a) Have received (b) No complain (c) The inferior quality (d) Of the goods
(a) Every student likes the teacher. (b) She’s married with a dentist.
(c) I’ve been here for three months. (d) You should not smoke.
(a) After the picnic, we had lots of bread left. (b) After the picnic we had lot of breads left.
(c) After the picnic we had lot of bread left. (d) After the picnic we had lots of breads left.
(a) The office was moved to a new apartment on 12th street.
(b) The office moved to a new apartment in 12th street.
(c) Both A and B
(d) None of the above
(a) The works going pretty good. (b) The works going pretty well
(c) Both A and B (d) None of the above
(a) I did my work quick. (b) I did my work very quick.
(c) I did my work quickly. (d) None of the above
63. Which part in the following sentence is incorrect?
‘Our company have received no complaint about the inferior quality of goods’
(a) have received (b) the inferior quality
(c) no complaint (d) of the goods
(a) The shadow follows the child everywhere.
(b) The shadow follos the child everywhere.
(c) The shadow folloing the child everywhere.
(d) The shadow folows the child everywhere.
(a) By next December we shall have been living here for six years.
(b) I have been writing for letters since morning.
(c) At this time tomorrow we will be watching a film.
(d) I have been standing here for hours.
66. How many prepositional phrases are in the following sentence?
During the month of May we went on a trip with our friends to Canada.
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
67. Which four questions are answered by adverbs?
(a) Who? when? where? why?
(b) When? where? how? why?
(c) When? where? to what extent/degree? what?
(d) To what extent/degree? when? where? how?
68. The noun "mob" is an example of common noun, a concrete noun, and.......what is the last
(a) Collective (b) Proper
(c) Both a and b (d) None of the above
69. The following sentence is written actively or passively? Many of the math problems were
written down incorrectly by our teacher.
(a) Passive (b) Active (c) Not clear (d) None
70. Conjunctions used in pairs are called what kind of conjunctions?
(both...and/either...or/neither...nor...) EX: I want both pizza and hot dogs.
(a) Correlative (b) Complex (c) Compound (d) None
Fill in the blanks with correct options:
71. My cousin has invested a lot of money ____ farming.
(a) into (b) in (c) on (d) for
72. It is dangerous to enter ___ the enemy’s camp.
(a) through (b) on (c) in (d) into
73. A good judge never gropes ____ the conclusion.
(a) for (b) to (c) at (d) on
74. Religious leaders should not delve ______ politics.
(a) at (b) in (c) into (d) with
75. India is committed ____ a policy of peaceful existence.
(a) of (b) to (c) with (d) for
In each of the following questions, a pair of words or phrases separated by colon (;) follows
four related pairs of words or phrases. Select the lettered pair that best expresses the
relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.
(a) Depth : Trench (b) Shade : Tree
(c) Weight : Age (d) Speed : Highway
(a) Therapy : Thermometer (b) Oblivion : Obvious
(c) Liturgy : Literature (d) Image : Imagine
(a) Liquid : Liter (b) Bushel : Corn
(c) Weight : Scale (d) Fame : Television
79. Sound : Muffled
(a) Moisture : Humid (b) Color : Faded
(c) Despair : Anger (d) Odour : Pungent
80. Humanitarian : Altruistic
(a) Host : Hospitable (b) Artist : Imitative (c) Idealist : Cynical (d) Guest : Rude
Choose the option that is closest in meaning to the word provided.
(a) Obstinate (b) Handsome (c) Clever (d) Stout
(a) Soldier (b) Sailor (c) Pirate (d) Spy
(a) Far (b) Removed (c) Reserved (d) Separate
(a) Incredulous (b) Merry (c) Revolting (d) Dizzy
(a) Neutral (b) Unkind (c) Precious (d) Mean
Choose the option that is most nearly the opposite of the word provided.
(a) Influx (b) Home-coming (c) Return (d) Restoration
(a) Twist (b) Intimidate (c) Encourage (d) Straighten
(a) Amused (b) Unequivocal (c) Contorted (d) Dissimilar
(a) Convert (b) Condense (c) Congest (d) Conclude
(a) Acrid (b) Pungent (c) Fragrant (d) Delicious
a 2 − b2
91. What is the value of when a = 117 and b = 118?
a −b
(a) 235 (b) 240 (c) 245 (d) 250
92. The square root of the cube of this number is the cube of its square root. It is not 1 and it is
less than 6. What is it?
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
93. In the sequence 462, 420, 380, x, 306.Then ‘x’ stands for?
(a) 352 (b) 342 (c) 332 (d) 322
94. Ten percent of twenty plus twenty percent of ten equals:
(a) 10 per cent of 20 (b) 15 per cent of 20
(c) 1 per cent of 200 (d) 2 per cent of 200
95. A, B and C can do a work in 2 days. B can do it in 6 days and C can do it in 5 days. How
long would it take A to do the work?
11 13 15 4
(a) days (b) days (c) days (d) days
4 3 2 3
96. If 70 men can build 4 houses in 12 months, how many men would be required to build 6
houses in 4 months?
(a) 345 men (b) 315 men (c) 301 men (d) 360 men
97. If 15 men can do a piece of work in 8 days, how many men will finish it in 10 days?
(a) 14 men (b) 12 men (c) 16 men (d) 8 men
98. If 3 men or 4 boys can do a piece of work in 8 days, then 6 men and 8 boys can do the work
in how many days?
(a) 2 days (b) 4 days (c) 6 days (d) 8 days
99. Pipe "A" can fill a tank in 5 minutes whereas "B" can fill it in 6 minutes. How long it
would take both pipes, working together, to fill it?
19 11 30 29
(a) minutes (b) minutes (c) minutes (d) minutes
3 30 11 4
100. 28, 33, 31, 36,?, 39
(a) 28 (b) 34 (c) 40 (d) 44
101. Ali spends Rs.500 to get a good shirt and sells it at Rs.800. Find the % age of profit?
(a) 59% (b) 60% (c) 63% (d) 40%
102. Kiran spends Rs.33, 000 to get a new computer. After few days, the price of computer rises
and she sells it for Rs.35, 000. How much profit, did she get in %age?
(a) 82% (b) 90% (c) 46% (d) 6.06%
103. Find the average of 8, 16, 32, 49, 51.
(a) 48.9 (b) 31.2 (c) 62.4 (d) 71.06
104. Find the average of 110, 216, 419, 810.
(a) 419.76 (b) 310.61 (c) 388.75 (d) 840.68
105. If x – 4 = 11, then what is the value of x – 8?
(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 9 (d) 7
106. If 20 men can do a piece of work in 8 days, how many men will finish it in 10 days?
(a) 4 men (b) 16 men (c) 8 men (d) 18 men
107. A pump can fill a tank with water in 2 hours. Because of a leak, it took 2 hours to fill the
tank. The leak can drain all the water of the tank in:
(a) 4-1/3 hours (b) 7 hours (c) 8 hours (d) 14 hours
108. Pipes A and B can fill a tank in 8 and 24 hours respectively. Pipe C can empty it in 12
hours. If all the three pipes are opened together, then the tank will be filled in:
(a) 6 hours (b) 12 hours (c) 4 hours (d) None
109. A is B's sister. C is B's mother. D is C's father. E is D's mother. Then, how is A related to D?
(a) Grandfather (b) Grandmother (c) Daughter (d) Granddaughter
110. If selling price is doubled, the profit triples. Find the profit percent?
(a) 100% (b) 200% (c) 300% (d) 400%
111. In the sequence of numbers 5, 8, 13, x, 34, 55, 89 the value of 'x' is:
(a) 20 (b) 21 (c) 23 (d) 29
112. On another planet, the local terminology for earth, water, light, air and sky, are 'sky',
'light', 'air', 'water' and 'earth' respectively. If someone is thirsty there, what would he
(a) Sky (b) Water (c) Air (d) Light
113. A man purchases two clocks A and B at a total cost of Rs. 650. He sells A with 20% profit
and B at a loss of 25% and gets the same selling price for both clocks. What are the
purchasing prices of A and B respectively?
(a) Rs. 225; Rs. 425 (b) Rs. 250; Rs, 400 (c) Rs. 275; Rs. 375 (d) Rs. 300; Rs. 350
114. If 15 pumps of equal capacity can fill a tank in 7 days, then how many extra pumps will be
required to fill the tank in 5 days?
(a) 14 (b) 7 (c) 6 (d) 21
115. Which one of the following satisfies the relationship Dda : aDD : : Rrb : ?
(a) Brr (b) bRR (c) BRr (d) brr
116. If in a certain code SAND is VDOG and BIRD is ELUG, then what is the code for LOVE?
(a) POYO (b) ORTG (c) NPUH (d) ORYH
117. An accurate clock shows the time as 3.00. After hour hand has moved 135°, the time would be:
(a) 7.30 (b) 6.30 (c) 8.00 (d) 9.30
118. If the cost of a loaf is Rs. 5.50, what is the cost of 2 loaves of bread?
(a) 471.68 Rs (b) 529.76 Rs (c) 13.75 Rs (d) 15.0 Rs
119. The whole journey in a walking competition is 15km. Ali has completed 9km. What
percentage of the whole journey has he completed?
(a) 60% (b) 70% (c) 75% (d) 64%
120. If ten oranges cost Rs. 75 how much will one dozen oranges cost?
(a) 85 (b) 80 (c) 90 (d) 95
121. 12 + 31 + 19 + 22 + 87 =
(a) 159 (b) 149 (c) 171 (d) 181
122. 121 ÷ 1.5
(a) 90.2 (b) 80.6 (c) 78.4 (d) 92.8
123. The teacher bought 10 rulers for Rs. 25:
(i) What was the price of each ruler?
(ii) What will he have to pay for 32 rulers?
(a) a = 2.50 Rs. b = 80 Rs (b) a = 2.50 Rs. b = 70 Rs
(c) a = 1.50 Rs. b = 60 Rs (d) No one is correct
124. It takes 14 taps to fill a swimming pool in 10 hours. How long will it take 5 taps to fill the pool?
(a) 21 (b) 22 (c) 28 (d) 34
125. A bridge can be constructed by 130 men in 40 days. How long will it take 110 men to do the
(a) 47.27 (b) 41.22 (c) 52.34 (d) 62.21
126. A can do a piece of work in 10 days and B can do it in 15 days. The number of days
required by them to finish it, working together is:
(a) 8 (b) 7 (c) 6 (d) 4
127. If 30 % of a number is 12.6, then the number is:
(a) 41 (b) 51 (c) 52 (d) 42
128. Which number comes next in the series 18, 81, 27, 72, 36, and 63?
(a) 54 (b) 72 (c) 84 (d) None of these
129. An accurate clock shows 8 O'clock in the morning. Through how many degrees will the
hour hand rotate when the clock shows 2 O'clock in the afternoon?
(a) 150° (b) 180° (c) 168° (d) 144°
130. The monthly incomes of Kamal and Arshad are in the ratio of 4:3. Their monthly expenses
are in the ratio of 3:2. However, both save Rs. 600 per month. What is their total monthly
(a) Rs. 4,200 (b) Rs. 5,600 (c) Rs. 8,400 (d) Rs. 2,800
131. What percentage of 84cm is 15cm?
(a) 21 % (b) 32% (c) 44% (d) 17.86%
132. 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, __
(a) 18 (b) 19 (c) 19.5 (d) 20
133. 11, 33, 55, 77, 99, _
(a) 101 (b) 111 (c) 121 (d) 131
134. Ali ranks seventh from the top and twenty-sixth from the bottom in a class. How many
students are there in the class?
(a) 31 (b) 32 (c) 33 (d) None of these
135. In a row of 40 girls, when Kiran was shifted to her left by 4 places her number from the left
end of the row became 10. What was the number of Sana from the left end of the row if
Sana was three places to the right of Kiran’s original position?
(a) 18 (b) 20 (c) 19 (d) None of these
136. In a row of girls, Kausar is fifth from the left and Pinky is sixth from the right. When they
exchange their positions, then Kausar becomes thirteenth from the left. What will be
Pinky’s position from the right?
(a) 7th (b) 11th (c) 14th (d) 18th
137. If Ahmad finds that he is twelfth from the right in a line of boys and fourth from the left,
how many boys should be added to the line such that there are 28 boys in the line?
(a) 12 (b) 13 (c) 14 (d) 20
138. In a class of 60, where girls are twice that of boys, Kamal ranked seventeenth from the top.
If there are 9 girls ahead of Kamal, how many boys are after him in rank?
(a) 3 (b) 7 (c) 12 (d) 23
139. Raheel is 7 ranks ahead of Sumair in a class of 39. If Sumair’s rank is seventeenth from the
last, what is Raheel’s rank from the start?
(a) 14th (b) 15th (c) 16th (d) 17th
140. In a row of boys, A is thirteenth from the left and D is seventeenth from the right. If in this
row A is eleventh form the right then what is the position of D from the left?
(a) 6th (b) 7th (c) 10th (d) 12th
141. R is seventeenth from the left end of a row of 29 boys and K is seventeenth from the right
end in the same row. How many boys are there between them in the row?
(a) 3 (b) 5
(c) 6 (d) Data inadequate
142. Forty boys are standing in a row facing the North. A is eleventh from the left and D is
thirty-first from the right end of the row. How far will S, who is third to the right of A in
the row, be from D?
(a) 2nd (b) 3rd (c) 4th (d) 5th
143. In a queue, A is eighteenth from the front while B is sixteenth from the back. If C is twenty-
fifth from the front and is exactly in the middle of A and B, then how many persons are
there in the queue?
(a) 45 (b) 46 (c) 47 (d) 48
144. In a row of girls, there are 16 girls between P and N. P is thirty-second from the left end of
the row. If P is nearer than N to the right end of the row, then how far away is N from the
left end of the row?
(a) Data inadequate (b) 14th (c) 15th (d) 16th
145. In a queue, S is ninth from the back. A’s place is eighth from the front. N is standing
between the two. What could be the minimum number of boys standing in the queue?
(a) 8 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 14
146. In a row of girls facing North, R is 10th to the left of P, who is 21st from the right end. If M,
who is 17th form the left end, is fourth to the right of R, how many girls are there in the row?
(a) 37 (b) 43
(c) 44 (d) Data inadequate
147. George is fifth from the left and Peter is twelfth from the right end in a row of children. If
Peter shifts by three places towards George, he becomes tenth from the left end. How many
children are there in the row?
(a) 21 (b) 22 (c) 23 (d) 24
148. In a row of girls, R and M occupy the ninth place from the right end and tenth place from
the left end, respectively. If they interchange their places, then R and M occupy
seventeenth place from the right end and eighteenth place from the left end respectively.
How many girls are there in the row?
(a) 25 (b) 26
(c) 27 (d) Data inadequate
149. 25, 35, 45, 37, 56, _
(a) 73 (b) 84 (c) 87 (d) 95
150. 3, 15 ,35, 63, 99 ,143,_
(a) 168 (b) 170 (c) 196 (d) 195
151. The study of insects is called ______.
(a) Ornithology (b) Anthropology (c) Geology (d) Entomology
152. What is the major monosaccharide found in the body?
(a) Galactose (b) Sucrose (c) Fructose (d) Glucose
153. Where DNA is located in a eukaryotic cell?
(a) Nucleus (b) Chromosomes
(c) Mitochondria (d) All of the above
154. The science of vegetable culture is known as:
(a) Horticulture (b) Apiculture (c) Agriculture (d) Olericulture
155. Balloons are filled with:
(a) Oxygen (b) Nitrogen (c) Argon (d) Helium
156. Estrogens are secreted by:
(a) Stroma (b) Ovary
(c) Follicle cells (d) None of these
157. Bile juice is secreted by:
(a) Liver (b) Gall Bladder (c) Pancreas (d) None of these
158. The pigment that gives human skin, hair and eyes their color is called:
(a) Alizarin (b) Melanin (c) Phthalocyanine (d) Quinacridone
159. Extensive planting of trees to increase forest cover is called:
(a) Agroforestry (b) Social forestry (c) Afforestation (d) Deforestation
160. Clotting of blood vessels is called:
(a) Fibrosis (b) Agglutination
(c) Thrombosis (d) None of the above
161. What is the full form of PROM?
(a) Programmable read-only memory (b) Program read-output memory
(c) Program read-only memory (d) Primary read-only memory
162. The power of a lens is measured in:
(a) Diopters (b) Aeon (c) Lumen (d) Candela
163. The circular depression containing a volcanic vent is called?
(a) Crater (b) Smog (c) Crust (d) Delta
164. Of the following, which element is common to all acids?
(a) Hydrogen (b) Carbon (c) Sulphur (d) oxygen
165. Tides are primarily a result of the ____?
(a) Attraction of the Moon (b) Ferrell’s law
(c) Ocean Currents (d) Earth's pressure system
166. Batholith is a type of:
(a) Ocean current (b) Secondary pollutant
(c) Igneous rock (d) Valley
167. The mass of the earth is...........
(a) 6×1023kg (b) 6×1024kg (c) 6×1025kg (d) 6×1022kg
168. Lucifer is another name for the planet ________.
(a) Jupiter (b) Saturn (c) Venus (d) Mars
169. The gas predominantly responsible for global warming is
(a) Carbon monoxide (b) Nitrous oxide
(c) Nitrogen peroxide (d) Carbon dioxide
170. The most important ore of aluminum is:
(a) Calcite (b) Bauxite (c) Calamine (d) Galena
171. The birth place of Iskander Mirza?
(a) Lahore (b) Amritsar (c) Murshidabad (d) Karnal
172. Lake which is located at India-Pakistan border is?
(a) Haddero lake (b) Manchar lake (c) Karar lake (d) Shakoor lake
173. Name of Engineer who designed Sukkur Barrage?
(a) Arnold Musto (b) Murat Khan (c) Bell Jackson (d) None of these
174. In the interim government of 1946, the Minister of Health was:
(a) Abdul Rab Nishtar (b) Asif Ali (c) Ghazanfer Ali Khan (d) Jag Jivan Ram
175. ‘Sultan of Delhi’ revered in history to have built the biggest network of canals in India is :
(a) Iltutmish (b) Firoz Shah Tughlaq
(c) Akbar (d) Sher Shah Suri
176. Which one of the following kingdoms was annexed to the Mughal empire during the reign
of Shahjahan?
(a) Ahmednagar (b) Golkonda (c) Khandesh (d) Bijapur
177. ‘Moomal Ji Maari’ is located in __________?
(a) Umerkot (b) Ghotki (c) Badin (d) Thatta
178. Qadirabad Headworks is in Punjab on River?
(a) Jhelum (b) Neelum (c) Chenab (d) Indus
179. ‘Kapas ka Phool’ is written by?
(a) Amir Khusro (b) Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi
(c) Ahmed Faraz (d) Faiz Ahmed Faiz
180. In formation of the 1st Constitution ______ played very important role?
(a) Sikandar Mirza (b) Muhammad Ali Bogra
(c) Ch. Muhammad Ali (d) None of these
181. Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy had served as Pakistan’s fifth prime minister, he belonged to
which party?
(a) PML (b) Union Party
(c) Awami League (d) Bangal National Front
182. The “Masjid-i Jahān-Numā” was built by?
(a) Jahangir (b) Shah Jahan (c) Aurangzeb (d) Humayun
183. Who among the following Viceroys became a victim of one of the convicts during his visit to
the Andamans?
(a) Ripon (b) Curzon (c) Lytton (d) Mayo
184. The Chomas Festival is held in ________ near Chitral?
(a) Kalash Valley (b) Kalam Valley (c) Naran Valley (d) Kaghan Valley
185. Who wrote Tarikh-i-Feroz Shahi?
(a) Alberuni (b) Amir Khusrau (c) Ziauddin Barni (d) Minhaj us Siraj
186. The joint naval exercise Sea Guardian 2022 was held in:
(a) Karachi (b) Gwadar (c) Shanghai (d) Fujian
187. The NATO leaders wrapped up their recent summit in:
(a) Madrid (b) Paris (c) Stockholm (d) Munich
188. On -----------, Shinzo Abe, Japan’s longest-serving Prime Minister, died after being shot.
(a) July 07 (b) July 08 (c) July 09 (d) July 10
189. The incumbent Prime Minister of AJK:
(a) Tanveer Ilyas (b) Qayoom Niazi (c) Masood Ahmad (d) None of these
190. Recently China has launched its biggest air craft carrier namely:
(a) Nanhui (b) Yuan (c) Fujian (d) None of these
191. The First World War led to the dissolution of which of the following empires?
(a) Britain (b) Russia (c) Portugal (d) France
192. How many Pakistanis have won the prestigious ‘Diana Award’ 2022:
(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 10
193. Shaheen Shah Afridi was made Good Will Ambassador of ---------- Police:
(a) KP (b) Punjab (c) Sindh (d) GB
194. Which Pakistani has won the Asian Under-19 Squash title?
(a) Shajar Abbas (b) Qamar Zaman (c) Noor Zaman (d) All of these
195. The federal cabinet approved the country’s first ever National Hazardous Waste
Management Policy on--------:
(a) June 26 (b) June 27 (c) June 28 (d) June 29
196. The first three states to achieve nuclear capability were (in order):
(a) The US, the USSR, China. (b) The USSR, the US, France.
(c) The US, the USSR, Britain. (d) The USSR, the US, Britain.
197. According to the latest Economist Intelligence Unit Report, the world’s most livable city is-
(a) Vienna (b) Ankara (c) Canberra (d) Doha
198. From “Third World to First” is a book that captures the story of--------------.
(a) Singapore (b) Malaysia (c) India (d) Bandung
199. Ukraine’s Maryna Viazovska became the second woman to be awarded the Fields Medal,
known as the Nobel Prize for:
(a) Biology (b) IT (c) Mathematics (d) Astrophysics
200. Ons Jabeur became the ------ African woman in the Open era to reach a Grand Slam
Singles Final.
(a) First (b) Second (c) Third (d) Fourth


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