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DBS 9 PM 18th April 2016 - JNR

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Culture Brief / Team Huddle - FD Participants - Prema, Alfina, Lucy, Monisha and sreevidya Conducted by - Thapu

(CAR; ENPRO; Do, Learn, Be; Feel Beautiful; Performance)

Points discussed - Sales & Service protocol


DBS Rounds Conducted by: Prema Conducted by: Prema

PROTOCOL 1:00 PM 5:00 PM

Wait time > 15 mins: Nil
Negative Feedback (Please Include Client name, No & Email): Smitha 9742510026 she took appointment an
4 day back and she was not happy with it. then we spoke to sahail sir and made it in to a rectification. Dr Va
service.. sahail sir spoke to her and closed it for now.

Salon confirmation FD / FM: Lucy/Monisha/Syed SC & Spa confirmation FD / FM: Prema/Asm

FB entered in MMS (Yes/No/Pending): Yes
Service Protocol Management information closure: Nil
Client email id & contact information Collected (Yes/No): Nil

SAR Responsibility: Agent introduction: Happening

Salon - Monisha Service Area escorting: Happening
SC & Spa - Vidhya Team service refusal / delay : Nil
General team exceptions / concerns :

Appt Mgmt 9:30 to 1:30 1:30 to 5:30

Salon - Appt-14//14 Blocked 3//3 walk in Blocked Salon - Appt-14//14 Blocked No walk
Resource SC & Spa- Appt-10//10 Blocked 2//2 walk in Blocked SC & Spa- Appt-12//12 Blocked 8//8
Allocation Pre-Appt call: Pre-Appt call:
Register Salon - 14//14 Called Salon - 14//14 Called
SC & Spa - 10//10 Called SC & Spa - 12//12 Called
Bridals: Nil Bridals: Nil

Basics Coding
Person Hierarchy in Blocking 2-4 hr 1.Service time 1. Bill hold
Responsible RAR slots 2. Client Code 2. Floor code
(skill & 3.Specific SA 3. Appt to RAR
Salon:Monisha Happening Happening Happening Happening

SC & Spa: Prema Happening Happening Happening Happening

PG: Happening Happening Happening Happening

Salon details SC & Spa Daily Responsibility
Basic CI Resp - Basic CI Resp - Bills on hold:
First bacth closure:
SC / MR Resp - SC / MR Resp - Discrepancies :
Pending bills:
10:00-Thapu 10:00-Vidhya Reception expenses:
10:30-Thapu 10:30-Vidhya Rectification bills:
11:00-Thapu 11:00-Vidhya Prev Day closure:
11:30-Thapu 11:30-Vidhya
12:00-Thapu 12:00-Vidhya
12:30-Thapu 12:30-Vidhya
01:00-Thapu 01:00-Vidhya
01:30-Thapu 01:30-Vidhya
02:00-Thapu 02:00-Vidhya
02:30-Thapu 02:30-Vidhya
03:30-Thapu 03:30-Vidhya
Half Hour 04:00-Thapu 04:00-Vidhya
Rounds 04:30-Thapu 04:30-Vidhya Staff signatures:
05:00-Thapu 05:00-Vidhya Security collection:
(mention SC or 05:30-Thapu 05:30-Asma
MR in brackets 06:00-Thapu 06:00-Asma DR check & Roster
next to time 06:30-Thapu 06:30-Asma Confirmation:
slot & name) 07:00-Thapu 07:00-Asma
07:30-Thapu 07:30-Asma
1. Basic CI 08:00-Thapu 08:00-Asma
2. Offers / MMS 08:30-Thapu 08:30-Asma 1 HK round with Checklist:
/ History Closing Round - Closing Round - Regular HK Supervision:
3. HK
4. Additional Justdial Calls:
Services Opening SMS: Lucy
5. Appt check Closing SMS:Kajal
3. HK
4. Additional
5. Appt check


9:30 - 1:00 1:00 - 5:00
Total: FD / FM: MMS Icons: History: Total:
17 - Monisha - 13 - 13 14
- - -
Salon & - - -

Total: FD / FM: MMS Icons: History: Total:

12 - Prema - 10 - 10 20
- - -
- - -
SC & Spa

Total: FD / FM: MMS Icons: History: Total:

- - -


Consultation & Salon Interactions: Clients - SND / Conversions

Services / CF
Conversions Booklets

En: Colour & Smoothening -

FM resp -Monisha 2 Colour, 1
4//3 Nil Smoothing
Alchemy -
FM resp -
3//3 Nil 5//5
Advanced Homecare Services / CF
Skincare Interactions:
Conversions Retail with Benefits
(To be Updated
with Discussion Salon - Monisha
with Spa/Salon FM resp -
Nil 8 SP, 1 SB Nil

SC&Spa - Prema & Alfina

FM resp -

Conversions Nil 9//9
dya Conducted by - Thapu

ducted by: Prema Conducted by:

5:00 PM 9:00 PM

510026 she took appointment and came for the hair cut with tashi. during interaction she told she did a hair cut with tsosang
made it in to a rectification. Dr Vasanth spoke to the client and closed it. Saroja 9341275417 coffee didn't come till my

confirmation FD / FM: Prema/Asma/Alfina/Vidhya

nt introduction: Happening
ice Area escorting: Happening
m service refusal / delay : Nil
eral team exceptions / concerns : nil

1:30 to 5:30 5:30 to 9:30

n - Appt-14//14 Blocked No walk in Salon - Appt-6//6 Blocked No walk in
Spa- Appt-12//12 Blocked 8//8 walk in SC & Spa- Appt-10//10 Blocked 5//5 walk in
Appt call: Pre-Appt call:
n - 14//14 Called Salon - 5//5 Called
Spa - 12//12 Called SC & Spa - 10//10 Called
als: Nil Bridals: Nil

Coding Agent Readiness

Multiple Blocking Appt priority Calls 30 mins prior to Appt Appt clients
service before service before Walk in after checking SA readiness in waited
blocking & start allocation the Half Hour rounds
Happening Happening Happening Happening Happening Nil

Happening Happening Happening Happening Happening Nil

Happening Happening Happening Happening Happening Nil

Daily Responsibility Status and remarks Person Responsible

on hold: All the bills are on hold Not Salon -Lucy
bacth closure: done SC & Spa - Prema
repancies : Nil
ding bills: Nill
eption expenses: Nill
tification bills: Nill
Day closure: Done

signatures: Happening
rity collection:

heck & Roster GF- Stylist- Dawa FD- Dr Vasant FF- Prema FD - Dr Vasanth
firmation: Salon - Dawa
SC & Spa - Prema
HK & Security -

round with Checklist: The HK round taken along with the Monisha and Vidhya Salon - Monisha
ular HK Supervision: SC & Spa -Vidhya

dial Calls:
ning SMS: Lucy Send
ng SMS:Kajal EOD
hetics Music - Fine Salon - Monisha
Linen - Fine SC & Spa - Prema
Sterilization - Working Supervisor -
Flowers / Collateral - Fine
Staff without uniform - Nil
MC, PC Kit - Checked
Nail Polish - Checked
O3 Wax Cleaned for the Night - Yes
Wax Heater Cleaned for the Night - Yes
Electrical Diffuser- Yes

1:00 - 5:00 5:00 - 9:00

FD / FM: MMS Icons: History: Total: FD / FM: MMS Icons:
- Monisha - 12 - 12 6 - Syed -4
- - - - -
- - - - -

FD / FM: MMS Icons: History: Total: FD / FM: MMS Icons:

- Prema - 10 -10 10 - Alfina - 10
- Alfina - 10 - 10 - -
- - - - -

FD / FM: MMS Icons: History: Total: FD / FM: MMS Icons:

- - - - -

3 plus 1 offer Skin Clinic Interaction: Tri-fold given Conversions Comp LHR

Salon - Ruati
FM resp -
Explained 8 Nil 8
SC&Spa - Prema & Alfina
FM resp -
Explained 12 Nil 6
Facial Therapy Couples Comp
Spa Interaction:
Packages Conversions Conversions Vouchers

Salon - Monisha
FM resp -
Nil Nil Nil Nil

SC&Spa - Prema & Alfina

FM resp -

Nil Nil Nil 3

did a hair cut with tsosang
didn't come till my

walk in

1. Appts next
2. SA


Person Responsible
n -Lucy
& Spa - Prema

Dr Vasanth
n - Dawa
& Spa - Prema
& Security -

n - Monisha
& Spa -Vidhya
n - Monisha
& Spa - Prema
ervisor -


- 10


Comp Peel


Services / CF


Huddle & Briefings details - discused culture, sales, protocol, clinic sinergy and membership
1. Operations - Done- Asma, Alfina, Srividya, Lucy disscussed regarding the service protocal.
Membership sales.
2. Salon - done
3. SC & Spa - done

(Details - Culture, participants, protocols, sales & targets)

Service Protocol
No. of People Issues - 1
Wooqer / Briefing MIS entry - 1
Internal closure comments - done
Issue emailed to POC/ TAM - Nill

No. of Process Issues - 1

Wooqer / Briefing MIS entry - 1
Internal closure comments - 1
Issue emailed to Ops team - Nill

No. of Place Issues - Nil

Wooqer / Equip, Maint, HK CL entry - Nil
Issue emailed to Procurement - Nil

Total negative FB for the day - 2

All issues transfered to MMS - Nil
Issue creation done for issue not on MMS - Nill

FD log entry on Wooqer - all were done

Entry into Briefing MIS - Nil
5 Obs on SA escorting & intro - . Monisha was escorting clients from reception to FF.
Sreevidya was indreducing therapist to customer. Alfins was doing CI and doing up selling/
crose selling.. Monisha was proving refreshmenys during service.. Syed was intreducing tashi
to the clint.

% deviation 10 Points: Done

Deviation details: All protocols were followed on the flore.

Multiple Services Audit: All multiple services were provided with out making the clients wait
and it was marked on to AM & RAR book accordingly.
(sequence, timeslots, SA, Floor code)

RA on MMS immeditely after Appt:

Salon: Nill
SC & Spa: Nill

Confirmation call coding: Yes all the confirmation calls were having the coding
RAR transfer
Service Agentcoding: Yes in the AM book all the RAR transfer coding present.
Reception filling of SAR sheet:
Details noted for Appts / Walk-ins : all was marked in both the books
Fresh Appts: All information was entered accordingly
Pending services : Entered in to the record book
Add on services : Entered accordingly

On Floor Audit :
SAR FD informed SA of next service: Checked with manju the confermation he said yes
Monisha infored him
(appts, pending & add on services -give examples)
Free SA names in last column of sheet: Yes The availeble SA was mentioned

Back to Reception:
Fresh Appts: All information was entered accordingly
Pending services : Entered in to the record book
Add on services : Entered accordingly

On Floor Audit :
SAR FD informed SA of next service: Checked with manju the confermation he said yes
Monisha infored him
(appts, pending & add on services -give examples)
Free SA names in last column of sheet: Yes The availeble SA was mentioned

Back to Reception:
Pre Appt call coordination between SAR & RAR FD: :Yes the SAR was Initiating the RAR to call
for appoinments

SAR coding :
For SA not visible / doubtful: Coding was done
For SA confirmed: Coding was done
For Service started: Coding was done
SA present on floor for Appts: Coding was done

Mentor Round Details (2 each floor): Done with Monisha lucy Alfina and prama regarsing NSA
and huddles

Half Hour Rounds Status

Video checks / On floor observations:

3 obs of HHR FD on floor (mention time slot): 1 pm Monisha was doing HHR for GF
HHR FD meets every client (mention no of clients):3 pm monisha was doing the HHR
intraction and covered all 7 clients in the ground floor.
Consultant informed by HHR FD on CI not done: The CI was been done from FF by Alfina
Bills on hold confirmation (last column of sheet): Yes it was comprehensive.

SA checks
a. CI Audit : Asked Aton for CI done by Monisha she said yes.
b. Appt Information :Confrmed with Aton regarding her appointment it was been told by

Mentor Round Details(2 each floor): not Done


OM & AE Checklist:
Deleted bills / services reasons: 1//1
Invoice No on Appt / Walk in books: happening
Feedback entry / Audit : checked 5 bills non had feedback 3 had
Staff signatures escalations: 85%
Security collection: 95%
Memberships email ID: Taken
Checklist Status -

FD DR - Done

Therapist DR - Done

Stylist DR - Done

HK Checklist - Done

Nail polishes / HK audit / Diffusers / Wax heaters

Checklist Status -

FD DR - Done

Therapist DR - Done

Stylist DR - Done

HK Checklist - Done

Nail polishes / HK audit / Diffusers / Wax heaters

Client Experience & Interaction Audit

No. of CEA done: Yes - 20

Has CEA been updated on Wooqer: 20

No. of Appts Vs CI done: 37//37
No of Walk-ins Vs CI done: 5//5
No of Hair cuts: 27
Cross sell to Skincare, Spa, Clinic: 0
Complimentry hair analysis: 0
No of colour booklets given: 3
No of clients not bought retail: nill

Skin & Spa:

No. of Appts Vs CI done: 42//29
No of Walk-ins Vs CI done: 23//23
No of Facials converted: 3
No of BM converted: 0
Spa therapy vouchers given: 0
Clinic vouchers given: 12
PC & MC converted: 5

Relax & Unwind treats converted: Nil

Clinic activation: Disscussed with Prema Lucy Monisha. CI from Ruvathe is not been done after
3 pm in the saloon

SL sales tracker discussion:Done with team

Skincare & Clinic synergy discussion: Done with team

Consultation role-plays: (Mention name of the person & no. of times done) Done with Lucy

Sales role-plays: (Mention name of the person & no. of times done) Done with Lucy
Membership role-plays: (Mention name of the person & no. of times done) Not done

Audit Checklist: Not done

Consultation Audit Checklist details: Sent
Sales Audit Checklist details: Sent
Membership Audit Checklist details: Not done
Consultation role-plays: (Mention name of the person & no. of times done) Done with Lucy

Sales role-plays: (Mention name of the person & no. of times done) Done with Lucy
Membership role-plays: (Mention name of the person & no. of times done) Not done

Audit Checklist: Not done

Consultation Audit Checklist details: Sent
Sales Audit Checklist details: Sent
Membership Audit Checklist details: Not done

Front Desk Roleplay Not done

Name : Nill
Service type : Nill Need
analysis : Nill Benifits
explained : Nill Brand stats and
legacy : Nill Bodycraft DNA: Nill
Client Interaction Details
Name: History & Sales Initiative:

History Clients:

MMS Clients:

Name: History & Sales Initiative:

History Clients:

MMS Clients:

Name: History & Sales Initiative:

History Clients:

MMS Clients:

Name: History & Sales Initiative:

History Clients:

MMS Clients:
Name: History & Sales Initiative:

History Clients:

MMS Clients:

Name: History & Sales Initiative:

History Clients:

MMS Clients:

Name: History & Sales Initiative:

History Clients:

MMS Clients:

Name: History & Sales Initiative:

History Clients:

MMS Clients:

Name: History & Sales Initiative:

Name: History & Sales Initiative:

History Clients:

MMS Clients:
MMS Icons:

MMS Icons:

MMS Icons:

MMS Icons:
MMS Icons:

MMS Icons:

MMS Icons:

MMS Icons:

MMS Icons:
MMS Icons:
Time Slot
Training (Daily) Topic Roleplays Assessme Briefing (Daily)
& Trainer
Salon - Salon -
SC & Spa - SC & Spa -
Front Desk - Front Desk -
Trainees - Attendees -
New Joinee names - New Joinee names -
% team
Time Slot Topics
Briefing (Daily) left for MIS
& Trainer discussed
Salon -
SC & Spa -
Front Desk -
Attendees -
New Joinee names -

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