Dec 21
Dec 21
Dec 21
Quick, convenient and secure ways to pay your credit card bill:
RBC0190000_2254828_026-126396 01371 · RBC Online Banking at
· RBC Mobile app - text "RBC" to 722722 to download
Other payment options include:
MITCHELL THOMPSON · Telephone Banking 1-800-769-2511
182 LAVINA CRES · Visit an RBC Royal Bank branch
O1STMBBE E B stmts (10/2018)
The following is a summary of certain terms and conditions of your credit card account and details about Determination of interest. You can avoid interest on purchases as long as you continue to pay your New
some of the information shown on the front of your statement. It is provided to help you read and Balance in full by your Payment Due Date every month. If you do not pay your New Balance in full by your
understand your statement. Please refer to your RBC Royal Bank business credit card agreement for Payment Due Date, you lose this interest-free status for purchases. You must then pay interest on all
complete terms and conditions for your Account. purchases shown on that month’s statement and on all new purchases, from the transaction date until
we receive your payment for the total amount you owe.
Statement Period. Your statement covers activity on your account from the day after your previous
statement was prepared to the last day of this statement period (Your Statement Date). If the date we Fees are treated in the same manner as purchases for the purpose of charging interest.
would ordinarily prepare your statement falls on a date for which we do not process statements (for
Interest is always charged on cash advances from the day the cash advance is made until the date we
example, weekends and certain holidays) we will prepare it on our next statement processing date. Your
process payment in full for those cash advances. Balance transfers, cash-like transactions and bill payments
Payment Due Date will be adjusted accordingly.
made using your credit card at our branch, at an ATM or using our online banking service are treated as
Review your statement. Review your credit card statement carefully. If you think there is an error,
We do not charge interest on interest.
omission or irregularity, you must contact us no later than 30 days following your Statement Date at
1-800-769-2512. After the 30 days, our records will be considered correct except for credits improperly To calculate the interest shown in the “Calculating Your Balance” section of your statement, we add the
applied to your account. amount you owe each day, and divide the total by the number of days in the statement period. This is
your average daily balance. We multiply the average daily balance by the applicable daily interest rate
Report lost or stolen cards. If your card is lost or stolen, or if you have your card but suspect that it or your
(obtained by taking the annual interest rate or rates and dividing by the number of days in the year). We
account number is being used by someone else, call 1-800-769-2512 immediately.
then multiply this value by the total number of days in the Statement Period to determine the Interest
Make your payment. You may pay the New Balance in full or in part at any time. However, you must pay we charge you. When there is more than one applicable interest rate shown in the Activity Description
at least the Minimum Payment by the Payment Due Date as shown on the statement each month. Section, we calculate your interest based on the average daily balances for each rate.
How to make a payment. The payment options available for your account are listed on your statement. Applying your payments. We apply payments to your Minimum Payment first. We then apply payments
Remember to allow sufficient time for payments to reach us by the Payment Due Date. Payments sent to to the remainder of your New Balance. If the different amounts that make up your New Balance are
us by mail or made through another financial institution may take several days to reach us and are not subject to different interest rates, we will allocate any payment paid in excess of your Minimum Payment
credited to your account until we have processed them. To ensure that a payment is credited to your in the same proportion as each amount bears to your New Balance. If you have paid more than your New
account on the same business day you make it, you must make the payment prior to 6:00 p.m. local time Balance, we will apply any payment in excess of the New Balance to amounts that have not yet appeared
at one of our branches or ATMs in Canada or through our telephone or online banking service. Branch on your monthly statement in the same manner as set out above.
payments must be made by the branch closing time if it is earlier than 6:00 p.m.
Foreign currency conversion. The exchange rate shown on your Statement, to six decimal places, is
You can also pay through Autopay, our pre-authorized payment service. Call us at 1-800-769-2512 for calculated by dividing the converted Canadian dollar (CAD) amount, rounded to the nearest cent, by the
further information. transaction currency amount. It may differ from the original benchmark rate because of this rounding.
The CAD amount charged to your account is 2.5% over the benchmark rate. Some foreign currency
Payments do not automatically adjust your available credit. This generally occurs within one to three
transactions are converted directly to CAD, while others may be converted first to U.S. dollars, then to
business days following receipt of your payment, depending on how your payment is made.
CAD. In either case, the benchmark rate will be the actual exchange rate applied at the time of the
READING YOUR STATEMENT conversion, and is generally set daily. The original benchmark rate at the time a transaction was converted
Activity Description. Each transaction and amount credited or charged to your account during the may be obtained at, if set
Statement Period is described in this section, including any interest charges and the associated interest by Visa, or, if set by Mastercard. You can also call
rate. The transaction and posting dates are displayed for each transaction. If the transaction date is not us toll-free at 1-800 ROYAL® 1-2 (1-800-769-2512).
available for any transaction, its posting date is used as the transaction date. Interest is always calculated
® / ™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank
from the transaction date.
of Canada. ‡ All other trademarks are the property of their respective owner(s).
Payments & Interest Rates. This section displays the Minimum Payment and its Payment Due Date, your
current Credit Limit, and Available Credit as of the Statement Date. Your available credit does not reflect
transactions or payments made but not received by us by the Statement Date. Your current interest rates
for Purchases and for Cash Advances are also shown. If either of those rates is a temporary promotional
rate, we will show its expiry date here as well. Any promotional rates that are applicable to interest
charges on the statement are displayed in the Interest Rate Chart.
Interest Rate Chart. This chart sets out the interest rate or rates, including applicable promotional rates,
that apply to the New Balance, any remaining balances associated with those rates, and expiry dates for
promotional rates. Rates and expiry dates for any promotions that we may have offered to you but which
you are not using are not shown in the chart as they will not have any balances associated with them. If
an expiry date falls on a date for which we do not process statements (for example, weekends and certain
holidays) we will continue to provide you with the benefit of that promotional rate until our next
statement processing date.