DAE 24 Process Blades
DAE 24 Process Blades
DAE 24 Process Blades
24 Process Blades
Disciplined Agile Enterprise (DAE)
The Disciplined Agile® (DA™) Tool Kit
24 Process Blades (HEX)
The Disciplined Agile (DA) tool kit provides straightforward guidance to help
organizations streamline their processes in a context-sensitive manner,
providing a solid foundation for business agility. The following diagram
overviews the DA tool kit. Click on the diagram to learn more.
Process Blades
A process blade encompasses a cohesive part of your overall organizational
way of working (WoW). Each process blade addresses a specific
organizational capability, such as Data Management, Continuous
Improvement, or Vendor Management. Process blades are sometimes called
process areas, key process areas (KPAs), or business functions.
This page is organized into the following topics:
Process Blade #1
Disciplined Agile Enterprise (DAE) Layer
Enterprise Architecture
The Enterprise Architecture (EA) process
blade overviews how a disciplined agile EA team will
work. An effective enterprise architecture is flexible,
easily extended, and easily evolved collection of
structures and processes upon which your
organization is built. The act of disciplined agile
enterprise architecture is the collaborative and
evolutionary exploration and potential modelling of an
organization’s architectural ecosystem in a context-
sensitive manner. The implications are that enterprise architects must be
willing to work in a collaborative and flexible manner AND other teams must
be willing to work closely with enterprise architects.
Enterprise architecture, when performed in a disciplined agile manner, is an
important enabler of enterprise. This is true for several reasons:
Context Counts
Each EA team structure described above has advantages and disadvantages.
No one approach fits all situations, and as the context of the situation that you
face evolves over time so will the structure of your enterprise architecture
Enterprise Architecture Workflow - External
Figure 1 depicts the major workflows that your disciplined agile enterprise
architecture activities are associated. Note that feedback is implied in the
diagram. For example, where you see the Roadmaps & Models flow from
Enterprise Architecture to Asset Management there is an implied feedback
loop from the asset engineers to the enterprise architects. Also note that the
workflows do not necessarily imply that artifacts exist. For example, some of
the models provided by enterprise architects may be communicated via
discussions rather than diagrams or documents.
The activities associated with these process blades are often very highly
related. For example, in some organizations the activities associated with
enterprise architecture and asset management are fulfilled by a single group.
In other organizations some product management activities are performed by
the portfolio management team and some by the enterprise architecture team.
Some organizations may choose to have a separate group for each process
blade. Note that the organizational structure will evolve over time as your
various teams learn how to work with one another. Every organization is
Enterprise Architecture Workflow - Internal
The workflow within a Disciplined Agile® enterprise architecture team is
depicted in Figure 1.
Process Blade #2
Disciplined Agile Enterprise (DAE) Layer
People Management
People management goes by many names, including
human resource (HR) management, talent management,
staff management, people operations, and work force
management to name a few. The fundamental goal of the
People Management process blade is to attract and retain
great people who work on awesome teams.
There are several reasons why people management is important for your
1. People and the way they work together are your primary
determinant of success. Organizations are a collection of teams
working together to support the rest of your enterprise. The
implication is that you need to attract and retain the right people
and build awesome teams comprised of these people.
2. You want to support people’s career aspirations. To retain top
talent your organization needs to help these people remain so by
providing opportunities for fulfilling work, training and coaching in
new skills and new ways of thinking, and in mentoring.
3. Greater employment flexibility attracts a wider range of people.
To what extent will your organization support flexible working
hours, flexible working locations (e.g. allowing people to work from
home), flexible device options (e.g. BYOD), job sharing strategies,
and many more strategies? Greater flexibility increases the
attractiveness of your organization at the cost of requiring more
robust collaboration, management and governance strategies. One
employment strategy does not fit all.
4. Many people-oriented activities fall outside the scope of what
occurs on your work team(s). The hiring of people, people
leaving the company, moving between teams, getting trained in
skills not directly related to their current team efforts, and many
more activities partially or fully land outside the scope of a team.
Yes, a team should be actively involved in the decisions
surrounding who is on the team but that doesn’t imply that they do
all of the work surrounding the hiring process.
5. Legal requirements. Every organization must conform to the laws
of the territories in which they operate, and there are always laws
around how organizations can treat the people that work for them.
These laws vary by country, and sometimes even by territories
within countries, and evolve constantly. The laws pertaining to how
you hire, reward, and fire someone in San Francisco are different
than the laws for someone in Toronto which are different again than
the laws for someone in Moscow.
6. Organizational sustainment. Your organization has long-term
staffing needs, including succession and capacity planning.
Succession planning focuses on identifying and supporting the
people who are being groomed to fill key positions in the
future. Capacity planning focuses on ensuring you will have enough
people with the right skills in the right places at the right times to
get the work done in the future.
7. You need to manage your staffing mix. There are several
employment options available to people: They may be full-time
employees (FTEs) of your organization, they may be independent
contractors working for a defined period of time with your
organization, employees of external service providers who are
assigned to work on your teams, or they may be consultants
working with your organization on more of as-needed, ad-hoc
basis. Each of these employment options have advantages and
disadvantages and your organization needs to actively manage
their overall staffing portfolio to ensure that they are meeting their
long-term needs. This is an aspect of capacity planning.
A Disciplined Agile® Mindset for People
To capture the mindset for effective people management, we extend the
principles, promises, and guidelines of the Disciplined Agile (DA™) mindset
with philosophies.
Internal workflow
o Day to day
o Projects
Internal Workflow
A people management team may be a single person within a small
organization, a small group or department within a medium-sized
organization, and a large group or collection of teams within a large
organization. In many organizations the people management team is still
being called the human resources (HR) team or the HR department, although
some organizations use terms such as Talent Management team or even
People Operations team.
Figure 1 depicts the high-level workflow for a people management team. A
customer of the team, perhaps an employee somewhere in your organization
asking for career guidance or a manager asking for help with their staff,
submits a request to the team. This request is triaged. Straightforward
requests that you address on a regular basis are handled via your day-to-day
workflow. Requests that are unusual, perhaps because they require a large
effort to address or because they are the result of a unique event for your
organization, are either handled via a project lifecycle or are organized into
smaller pieces of work and handled by your day-to-day workflow.
Figure 1. The high-level workflow for a business team (click to enlarge).
Process Blade #3
Disciplined Agile Enterprise (DAE) Layer
Information Technology
Process Blade #4
Disciplined Agile Enterprise (DAE) Layer
Asset Management
The Asset Management process blade addresses the
purposeful creation (or rescue), management, support,
and governance of potentially usable and reusable
assets across your organization. This is sometimes
referred to as enterprise asset management (EAM) or
the more narrowly focused IT Asset Management
(ITAM). Without ongoing support many people, agile or
otherwise, will take an ad-hoc approach to asset
use/reuse within an organization. Assets are used
when they are applied in serial, such as a photocopier
that is used by people one at a time. Assets are reused when they are
applied in parallel, potentially as the result of copying in the case of intangible
assets such as documents. Assets are also reused when they are
repurposed, such as when a laptop of a former employee is reassigned to a
new employee.
There are several reasons why your organization should consider investing in
explicit asset management:
1. Quicker time to market. The more assets that a team has at its
disposal, either for use or reuse, then the less the team will have to
buy or build, thereby enabling them to focus on producing value for
their customers.
2. Improved quality. When assets are (re)used by multiple people or
teams you are motivated to invest in their quality – high quality
assets are easier to reuse and are thus more likely to be reused
and kept in working order.
3. Improved return on investment (ROI). Asset management
supports your teams to avoid building or buying something that
your organization already has. This leads to greater ROI which in
turn leads to greater value being delivered to your stakeholders.
4. Improved consistency. When teams use the same templates,
services, tools, and other assets this increases the consistency
across teams. This makes them more predictable and easier to
5. Easier updates to common assets. When assets are
implemented in one place and then reused where needed it is very
easy to update that functionality and then deploy the updated
version. This is particularly true for intangible assets such as
software, documentation, documentation templates, and common
guidance. It can also be for tangible assets too, such as shared
tools and machinery on a work site, common classes of vehicles
(such as delivery trucks), and common computer equipment for
An important philosophy for succeeding at asset management is to
understand that you have more than one option at your disposal. There are
many types of assets that you can reuse, as you see in Figure 1. First, assets
fall into one of two categories: Tangible assets and intangible assets. Tangible
assets are physical in nature and are made from atoms. Intangible assets are
virtual in nature and are made from bits. Second, we distinguish between five
levels of asset: Personal, templates & examples, components, large-scale
components, and ways of working (WoW).
The left-hand arrow indicates the relative effectiveness of each category –
component reuse is generally more valuable than template/example or
personal reuse in practice. Similarly, the right-hand arrow indicates the
relative difficulty of succeeding at each type of reuse. Personal and
template/example reuse are relatively easy to achieve because you simply
need to find the asset and work with it. Other forms of reuse become hard to
achieve; with large-scale component reuse you need to procure or build the
assets, both of which take time and money.
1. Obtain assets. There are several ways that you can obtain
potential assets. The least effective is to try to build them to be
reusable from the very beginning but this strategy often proves
problematic in practice because it’s hard to predict what other
teams will actually want and as a result you tend to overbuild the
asset. A better approach is to obtain an asset from external
sources, either free (as in the case of open source assets) or
through purchase. In this case the assets are often both under and
over built – some features you want are missing and many that you
do not want are there. The most effective strategy, in general, is to
harvest an existing asset that is already in use within your
organization and to generalize it so that others will want to reuse it.
2. Publish assets. An asset won’t be (re)used if people don’t know
that it exists. When a new intangible assets are made available
they must put into your organizational reuse repository, described
appropriately, and announced to any interested parties. When
tangible assets are made available for use a similar process is
followed where assets are made available to the appropriate
people and people are informed about how to obtain them.
3. Support asset usage. When it comes to tangible assets, this is
mostly a matter of supporting usage – how do we convince people
to take advantage of the organization’s existing assets, when we
have them and when appropriate, rather than procuring new ones?
When it comes to intangible assets, it’s a matter of reuse. There
are many ways for an asset management team, and better yet the
reuse engineers if they exist, to support Disciplined Agile (DA)
teams. Training, educating, coaching, and mentoring team
members in reuse are fairly straightforward to understand. Some of
the more interesting strategies include working with a delivery team
to configure and even integrate an asset into their work. Reuse
engineers, often working with a team’s architecture owner , will
identify potentially reusable assets that can be harvested and
generalized for reuse.
4. Evolve assets. Your assets will need to be evolved or replaced
over time. For tangible assets this could include regular
maintenance of the asset, repairs to the asset, or upgrades to it.
For intangible assets this includes any work required to generalize
the asset to make it reusable, configuration management of the
asset’s constituent parts, to update an existing asset to support its
evolving purpose, to tailor an asset so that it can be reused in a
new situation, and to eventually retire the asset when it is no longer
5. Fund usage. There are several ways fund asset usage efforts, as
you can see in Figure 1. The least effective, and often debilitating,
strategy is to put a chargeback strategy in place. The basic idea is
that if someone reuses an asset then they should pay for it (some
organizations will even charge a team for downloading intangible
assets from their reuse repository, regardless of whether they use it
or not). The problem with this approach is that it in effect punishes
teams for reusing things, thereby motivating them to buy or build
things from scratch in the future. In some organizations it proves
better to not fund the usage effort at all, which typically results in
ad-hoc reuse at best, than it is to put a chargeback scheme in
place. The most effective approach that we’ve seen is to directly
fund the usage support/reuse team, thereby taking cost
considerations out of the equation when people choose to (re)use
an asset.
6. Govern assets. The asset management effort, as with all other
efforts, should be governed in a streamlined, collaborative manner.
This is part of your overall organizational governance/oversight
Asset Management Workflow – External
The following diagram overviews the major workflows that a Disciplined
Agile® (DA™) asset management team is associated with. Note that feedback
is implied in the diagram. For example, where you see the Roadmaps &
Models flow from enterprise architecture to asset management there is an
implied feedback loop back to the enterprise architects. Also note that the
workflows do not necessarily imply that artifacts exist. For example, the
Guidance workflow from governance could be a conversation with a
governance person, it could be a concise description of organizational
standards, or it could be a combination of the two.
Business There are many assets that business operations may potentially take advantage
operations of to support your organization’s customers.
Continuous As with all other activities within your organization, as people perform them
Improvement they may identify potential improvement suggestions that they or others may
be able to take advantage of. Similarly, others may identify potential
improvements that can be applied to your asset management efforts.
Data Your asset management activities should generate data that can be shared
management with data management, who then store the data, combine it with other data,
and provide valuable intelligence to all areas of the organization. This
intelligence/information is in turn used to provide insight and improve
decision making.
Enterprise The enterprise architects will produce roadmaps and models that teams should
architecture follow. These roadmaps will be used to help drive asset prioritization and
investment decisions.
Finance The Finance team provides funding for your asset management activities.
Governance The Governance team will provide guidance for all aspects of your
organization, including asset management. This guidance typically focuses on
financial and quality goals as well as any regulatory constraints where
IT operations There are many assets that IT operations may potentially take advantage of to
support your organization.
Product The Product Management team will provide product roadmaps and
management stakeholder priorities. These roadmaps will be used to help drive asset
prioritization and investment decisions.
Teams Teams throughout your organization may create potentially reusable assets
and may leverage existing assets.
Vendor Purchase agreements Some assets will need to be purchased or leased from
management external vendors. Vendor management will help negotiating agreements with
these vendors.
Asset Management Workflow – Internal
Figure 1 overviews the internal workflow performed by an asset management
team. Much, but not all, of their work is focused on working with and
supporting teams.
Process Blade #5
Disciplined Agile Enterprise (DAE) Layer
The aim of the transformation process blade is to
guide and govern your efforts towards becoming a
learning organization. Your transformation journey
Isn’t just about adopting Disciplined Agile® (DA™),
and it certainly isn’t about adopting a specific agile
framework. The Disciplined Agile (DA) transformation
strategy is to improve in place. As you see in Figure 1,
you start where you are and identify the transformation
path(s) that are right for you given your current
situation. An organization that has never attempted an agile transformation, or
who has had several failed attempts, should follow a different improvement
path than an organization that has successfully adopted an agile framework
such as Scrum or SAFe. The transformation of a business area such as
Marketing, Finance, or People Management (Human Resources) requires a
different approach than the transformation of a software development team. In
all cases you will apply the DA tool kit to help evolve into a learning
Process Blade #6
Disciplined Agile Enterprise (DAE) Layer
Your Disciplined Agile® Finance efforts will focus on a
collection of potentially competing goals, such as
ensuring cash flow within your organization, ensuring
your money is being spent well, taxes are minimized,
spending is properly tracked and recorded, and legal
financial reporting is being performed properly. All of
this will be performed in a manner that is compliant with
applicable financial regulations, such as Financial
Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and International
Accounting Standards Board (IASB) guidelines.
Finance Mindset
A Disciplined Agile® approach to finance is based on the following
1. Spend the money wisely. Your true goal should be to help your
organization invest your revenue well, not just to set and monitor
budgets. In other words, finance people must help others to make
important decisions, not just “count the beans.”
2. Constrain teams with budgets, but don’t hobble them. A budget
is the total sum of funds set aside for a given purpose, it is a ceiling
on how much you’re willing to spend on an idea. Financial
constraints can motivate teams to be more creative and to focus on
just the key aspects of a value stream. However, when teams have
insufficient funding their ability to react to new opportunities will be
greatly diminished.
3. Distinguish between financial reporting and financial
budgeting. Financial reporting is often quarterly and annual, as per
common legal requirements of publicly traded companies. Financial
budgeting, on the other hand, can be on a schedule of your own
choosing and does not need to be tied to the calendar.
4. Prefer rolling wave budgeting over annual budgeting.
A Disciplined Agile Enterprise (DAE) must be able to respond
rapidly to new opportunities and unpredictable events, but the
annual budgeting approach was never designed to enable that. In
the book Beyond Budgeting Jeremy Hope and Robin Fraser
describe how to take a continuous approach to budgeting that
enables you to invest revenue, control costs, and ensure you are
moving in the right direction more effectively than traditional annual
budgeting strategies ever did. The basic idea is to think through
current expenditures in detail and future expenditures in less detail,
monitoring both opportunities and challenges so that you can
flexibly and sensibly direct funds where they are most needed
5. Provide financial guidance to others. Your financial staff will
regularly help teams and people within your organization to
understand the financial implications of their decisions. They will
also help to educate people in the fundamentals of finance to
enable them to make more informed decisions.
6. Monitor the cash flow of value streams. Finance people will
collaborate with value stream leaders to provide guidance into their
go-forward strategies. Sometimes a value stream needs to pivot,
sell off the business, or simply end it before it goes too far into loss
territory. You want to ensure that your incoming revenues are
sufficient to fund the enterprise and to identify which of your value
streams are healthy “going concerns.”
7. Prefer activity-based accounting over resource-based
accounting. With an activity-based approach you allocate the total
costs to the value stream that drives those costs (and generates
the revenue) so that you have a true picture of the financial benefits
provided by the value stream. With resource-based accounting you
allocate costs to functional areas such as IT or marketing, often
treating them as an overhead instead of as a key part to your value
8. Prefer team-based accounting over individual time
tracking. Tracking individuals’ time with time tracking software can
be very time consuming, and the data collected is usually not
accurate. It can be incredibly difficult for team members to track
how they spend their day in today’s modern collaborative team
environments. If the goal is to separate CapEx from OpEx there are
much simpler ways to track this at the team level, such as setting
reasonable ratios for how time is being spent, rather than individual
9. Automate, automate, automate. As long as someone is typing
financial data into a spreadsheet there is room for greater
automation. In recent years great strides have been made in real-
time financial reporting via business intelligence (BI) technologies
feeding automated dashboards. Particularly important is cash-flow
trend analysis to enable timely, fact-based discussions.
10. Fund three growth horizons. An important focus of your Finance
efforts should be to enable the growth of value streams. Figure 1
depicts the Three Horizon Growth Model, each of which requires its
own approach to finance. Horizon 1 requires an operational
mindset because the value streams in this horizon are mature and
self-funding, requiring financial monitoring and perhaps guidance
when important changes are made. Horizon 2 requires an
entrepreneurial mindset and the value streams here may require
investment funding to enable them to grow into Horizon 1. Value
streams in the Horizon 2 state will require robust financial
governance to keep them on track and in some cases to cull value
streams that do not appear to be working out. Horizon 3 requires a
venture capital mindset, requiring seed funding to initiate new value
Figure 1. The Three-Horizon Growth Model.
An important observation of the Three-Horizon Growth Model of Figure 1 is
that the time frames for all three horizons are shrinking. The implication is that
you need to prove your value streams of Horizon 3 quicker, ideally via the
Lean Startup-based Exploratory lifecycle. When in Horizon 2 your value
streams need to become self-funding quicker, hence the need for the
continuous delivery lifecycles.
Process Blade #7
Disciplined Agile Enterprise (DAE) Layer
Vendor Management
The aim of the Vendor Management process blade,
sometimes called procurement, is to:
Process Blade #8
Disciplined Agile Enterprise (DAE) Layer
The aim of your Legal processes is to ensure that
your organization works within the parameters of the
law of any legal territory in which you operate. Your
legal team will work closely with your procurement
people, in many organizations Procurement is part of
your overall legal efforts, on (Agile) contracts. They
will also assist your people management team to
ensure that their strategies reflect the local statutes
and with your marketing team to guide what they’re
legally able to promise.
There is a very wide range of activities that your legal team will be involved
Process Blade #9
Value Stream Layer works with DAE Layer
Research & Development
The aim of the research & development (R&D)
process blade is to support innovation and the
exploration of potential new or improved products
and services (offerings) within an organization. R&D
is sometimes called research and technological
development (RTD) or simply research. R&D typically
focuses on monitoring the market for, identifying, and
experimenting with potential innovations. These
innovations may include new offerings to bring to
your customers, new technologies to work with, new ways of working (WoW),
and new ways of thinking.
There are several reasons why organizations need a Disciplined Agile®
approach to R&D:
1. Sell the sizzle, not the steak. This is an old marketing adage that
is particularly pertinent for DAEs. You want to move away from
marketing products and features, both of which may have very
short lifecycles in today’s marketplace, and towards campaigns
built on brand and the benefits provided by your offerings. For
example, many car advertisements on television focus on how you
can get out into the wilderness and enjoy life, or go to the beach to
surf, or go out with your friends. They may tell you a few key facts
such as gas mileage or horsepower, but they never go into details
about the gearing of the transmission, the size of the gas tank, or
the cleaning capability of the windshield wipers.
2. Prefer marketplace experiments over focus groups. Taking a
validated learning approach with test campaigns and then
quantifying the impact has been common practice within marketing
for years. Your goal is to use sophisticated experiments to measure
the overall impact of your marketing strategies and then apply
these insights to improving both your offerings and the marketing of
those offerings.
3. Market marketing. Many marketing teams find that they need to
market themselves to the rest of the organization, particularly to the
delivery teams to whom marketers are a key stakeholder. Your
marketing efforts must be fully integrated into the value stream
teams that they support.
4. Customer discovery over static prediction. This is one of the
values of the Agile Marketing Manifesto, promoting the observation
that you must observe and interact with your (potential) customers
to determine what they want. Traditional marketing strategies
involve far too much detailed guessing or prediction of what people
want, increasing both the cost of delay and the risk of missing the
mark entirely.
5. Gain insights through targeted analytics. In addition to the
insights provided by validated learning you also want to leverage
the wealth of information provided by analytics. You want to
integrate data generated in-house with acquired data from external
sources (often the result of “big data” analytics). The aim of these
insights should be to identify anomalies, pain points, issues, or
customer opportunities. Better yet, use predictive analytics to
identify the potentially most profitable customers through analysis
of the lifecycle of customer purchases and behavior. It’s important
to note that your existing marketing campaigns, such as your
loyalty program, can be important sources of data. Similarly,
marketing via social media platforms such as Facebook and
LinkedIn will also produce a wealth of information about customer
6. Provide stakeholders to solution delivery teams. Your
marketing team can be a critical source of stakeholders for solution
delivery teams, including themselves, actual customers, and
perhaps even potential customers. Active stakeholder
participation is vital to the success of your value streams.
1. Value first, cost second. Shifting your mindset from “what is this
going to cost?” to “what value will this generate?” is critical to your
success because it helps you to focus making better investments.
You want to invest in endeavors that enhance your organization’s
ability to produce value for your customers. This in turn provides
the profits required for further investment.
2. Minimize the cost of delay. One of the strategies for maximizing
stakeholder value is to invest in developing functionality that will
provide value to the organization soonest. For example, if you
delay developing functionality that will generate annual revenue of
$10 million for six months you have an effective cost of delay of $5
million because you missed out on half a year of revenue.
Disciplined agile portfolio managers consider the cost of developing
a solution, the cost of delay that results from putting off said
development, and the revenue generated (or cost savings) when
calculating the overall value of a solution.
3. Invest in streamlining value creation. Not only do we want to
produce value for our customers, we also want to be good at doing
so. The implication is that we sometimes need to invest in
ourselves through process or environment improvements.
4. Prefer stable teams over project teams. Although portfolio
management is often believed to be the oversight of project teams,
it really is more about the coordination and oversight of initiatives in
general. In Disciplined Agile we recognize that an initiative is
seldom finished at the end of a “project.” There are usually
subsequent changes required over time requiring future releases of
the solution. The agile community has discovered that long-lived
stable teams , whose membership evolves over time, have
significant advantages over short-lived project teams in many
5. Align teams to value streams. These stable teams should be
aligned long-term to value streams or lines of business (LOBs).
High performing agile teams reliably deliver value frequently to their
business stakeholders. As a result, the business learns to trust the
teams aligned to their areas. This positive feedback cycle
maximizes the effectiveness of your agile teams. Additionally, over
time they learn more about the business adding to their
6. Govern by risk, not by artifacts. Traditional governance often
focuses on the review of common artifacts such as requirement
documents, architecture models, and test results. Because it is
relatively easy for teams to create the documentation that you want
to see, in practice there is very little governance value in reviewing
these artifacts. Disciplined Agile governance instead focuses on
addressing common risks such as ensuring there is an agree to
vision for what the team should accomplish, that the architectural
strategy has been proven to be viable early in the lifecycle, and that
the team has produced sufficient business value for their
7. Rolling wave over annual planning. Annual planning often begins
in earnest mid-year which means that prioritized initiatives may not
be actually delivered for up to 18 months in the following year. This
is not enterprise agility. Make your planning a continuous “rolling
wave” activity year round with more detail devoted to planning
initiatives no longer than 6 months out. Initiatives planned beyond 6
months should be described at a very high level.
8. Prefer small initiatives over large initiatives. The larger the
initiative the greater the chance of failure. Smaller initiatives are
easier to plan and are lower risk to execute. Keep your initiatives
small to allow for more frequent delivery of value with less
investment in work in process (WIP).
9. Invest in quality. Ensuring that teams produce new business value
for your organization is clearly important. But so is ensuring that
you will still be able to continue doing so a few years from now. To
ensure the long-term sustainability of your teams you must allow
them to make investments in quality. These investments include
building high quality assets in the first place but also fixing low
quality assets, what agilists refer to as paying down technical debt.
Our experience is that the philosophies described above – in addition to the
principles, promises, and guidelines of the DA™ mindset – enable portfolio
managers to be more effective in practice.
Portfolio Management Workflow – External
Portfolio management is an important part of any organization, playing a key
guiding role for many aspects of your overall organizational process. Figure 1
depicts the high-level workflow that portfolio management is involved with,
showing the major information flows between the process blades – as always,
feedback loops are assumed and not shown.
1. To build the right product(s). You will always have many more
ideas for products than you can possibly fund. Your product
management team will need to prioritize the ideas for potential
products so that they can focus on the ones that will provide the
most value to your organization.
2. To stop building the wrong product(s). Product managers will
monitor the work of development teams, ongoing experiments, and
even existing solutions running in production to determine their
effectiveness. Products that aren’t effective must either be evolved
or cancelled to enable you to focus on high-value products.
3. The right product features at the right time. When there are
many delivery teams working in parallel there will be functional
dependencies between the solutions/products being worked on.
These functional dependencies need to be taken into account when
the work is being prioritized so that the right functionality is
available when it is needed.
4. To ensure that people use the product. Part of product
management is marketing to potential end users/customers. If
people don’t know that functionality is available to them then they
are unlikely to use/buy it.
Product Management Mindset
Building on the ideas captured by the Disciplined Agile® Principles and
the Disciplined Agile Manifesto, there are several agile/lean philosophies that
are critical to success in Product Management. These philosophies are:
The activities associated with these process blades are often very highly
related. For example, in some organizations the activities associated with
product management and portfolio management are fulfilled by a single group.
In other organizations some product management activities are performed by
the portfolio management team and some by the enterprise architecture team.
Some organizations may be large enough that it makes sense to choose to
have a separate group for product management. And of course the
organizational structure will evolve over time as your various teams learn how
to work with one another.
Product Management Practices
The following process goal diagram overviews the potential activities
associated with disciplined agile product management.
Figure 1. The process goal diagram for product management (Click to enlarge).
The process factors that you need to consider for product management are:
Figure 1. The relationship between MVP, MBI, MMR, and MMF (click to enlarge)
Let’s define what these terms mean:
Figure 2. The team structure for the Product Owner team on a large program
(click to expand).
Program Management Workflow – External
Figure 1 overviews the major workflows that a Disciplined Agile® (DA™)
program is associated with. Note that feedback is implied in the diagram to
keep it simple. For example, where you see the Roadmaps & Models flow
from Enterprise Architecture to Program Management there is an implied
feedback loop from the program to the enterprise architects. Also note that the
workflows do not necessarily imply that artifacts exist. For example, the
improvement suggestions workflow with Continuous Improvement could be a
conversation between two or more people, it could be an email, or it could be
a detailed document – or combinations thereof.
Data The program will generate data that can be used in your
Management organization’s overall business intelligence strategy, and
your program will use such intelligence as input into
their decisions.
Figure 1. DAD’s Program life cycle for a team of teams (click to expand).
There are several critical aspects to this life cycle:
DAD picks up where Scrum leaves off. DAD describes how all
agile techniques fit together, going far beyond Scrum, to define a full
agile solution delivery life cycle. Like Scrum the DAD addresses
leadership, roles & responsibilities, and requirements change
management. Unlike Scrum DAD doesn’t stop there, it also
addresses other important aspects of software development such as
architecture, design, testing, programming, documentation,
deployment and many more. In short, DAD provides a much broader
understanding of how agile development works in practice, doing a
lot of the “heavy process lifting” that Scrum leaves up to you.
DAD is pragmatic. The DA toolkit provides choices, not
prescriptions, enabling you to easily tailor a strategy that reflects the
situation that your team finds itself in. To do this effectively you need
to understand the process-oriented choices you have and what the
trade-offs are. DAD makes these choices explicit through its
process-goal driven approach.
DAD supports both lean and agile ways of working (WoW). DAD
supports several delivery life cycles, including a Scrum-based agile
life cycle, a Kanban-based lean life cycle, two continuous delivery life
cycles, a Lean Startup-based exploratory life cycle, and a Program
“team of teams” life cycle. Teams find themselves in unique
situations, and as a result one process size does not fit all. Even in
small companies we’ve seen situations where some teams are
taking an agile approach, some a lean approach, and some
combinations thereof.
DAD is based on empiricism. For several years Scott Ambler,
Mark Lines, and many other contributors to DAD worked in or visited
hundreds of enterprises around the world in a wide range of
industries and environments. DAD, and the DA tool kit in general,
captures the proven strategies adopted by these organizations,
describing the strengths and weaknesses of each strategy and
providing guidance for when and when not to apply them.
DAD provides a solid foundation from which to scale agile. DAD
supports successful scaling of agile and lean techniques in several
ways. First, its full delivery life cycles and breadth of software
development advice answers how to successfully apply agile in
practice. Second, its goal driven approach provides the required
flexibility for tailoring your agile process to meet the challenges faced
by agile teams working at scale. Third, DAD builds in many
foundational concepts required at scale, including DevOps, explicit
agile governance, and enterprise awareness.
DAD enables and goes beyond SAFe. SAFe leaves the details of
construction to you and as a result can prove to be fragile in many
organizations. DAD provides the solid process foundation missing
from SAFe and is in fact complementary to SAFe. DAD describes
several strategies for organizing large or geographically distributed
teams. It describes a range of options for scaling your approach to
agile and lean software development, giving you context-sensitive
options that SAFe doesn’t.
DAD teams deliver solutions, not just software. DAD recognizes
that the software we develop runs on hardware, which may need
upgrades, and it is supported by documentation. Our stakeholders
may also need to evolve their business processes, and sometimes
even their organization structures, to address the new needs of the
situation that they face. In short, DAD teams deliver consumable
solutions that comprise software, hardware changes, supporting
documentation, improved business processes, and even
organizational changes.
DAD is evolving. We’re constantly learning as practitioners,
learning about and experimenting with new agile and lean strategies
all of the time. These learnings are constantly being applied to
evolve DAD.
The Disciplined Agile® Delivery (DAD) tool kit suggests a robust set of roles
for agile solution delivery. These roles are overviewed in the following figure.
As you can see there are two categories of roles:
1. The Agile life cycle. This project life cycle is based on Scrum but
extended so as to provide a streamlined strategy from beginning to
end. It is depicted in Figure 2 and described in the article DAD Life
Cycle – Agile (Scrum Based).
2. The Lean life cycle. This project life cycle is based on Kanban. It
is depicted in Figure 3 and described in the article DAD Life Cycle –
3. The Continuous Delivery: Agile life cycle. This modern agile,
stable-team life cycle is based on Scrum. It is depicted in Figure 4
and described in the article DAD Life Cycle Continuous Delivery:
4. The Continuous Delivery: Lean life cycle. This modern agile,
stable-team life cycle is based on Kanban. It is depicted in Figure 5
and described in the article DAD Life Cycle Continuous Delivery:
5. The Exploratory/Lean Startup life cycle. This life cycle is based
on Lean Startup strategies. It is depicted in Figure 6 and described
in the article DAD Life Cycle Exploratory (Lean Startup).
6. Program life cycle. This life cycle is for a team of teams. It is
depicted in Figure 7 and described in the article DAD Life Cycle –
Program (Team of Teams).
Figure 1. The goal diagram for the Explore Scope process goal (click to enlarge).
There are several fundamental advantages to taking a goal driven approach
to agile solution delivery, in that it:
Timing Goals
You can reduce overall delivery time and cost by leveraging existing
assets. In other words, DAD teams can spent less time reinventing
the wheel and more time producing real value for their stakeholders.
By working closely with enterprise professionals DAD teams can get
going in the right direction easily.
It increases the chance that your delivery team will help to optimize
the organizational whole, and not just the ”solution part” that it is
tasked to work on. As the lean software development movement
aptly shows this increases team effectiveness by reducing time to
DAD Provides a Foundation to Scale Agile
Disciplined Agile® Delivery (DAD) provides a pragmatic approach from which
to tailor a solution-delivery process for the context faced by a team. It also
provides a foundation which to scale agile strategies tactically. DAD explicitly
addresses the issues faced by enterprise agile teams that many agile
methodologies prefer to gloss over. This includes how to successfully initiate
agile teams in a streamlined manner, how architecture fits into the agile life
cycle, how to address documentation effectively, how to address quality
issues in an enterprise environment, how agile analysis techniques are
applied to address the myriad of stakeholder concerns, and many more.
Figure 1 overviews the basic strategy for how DAD tactically scales
agile software development. The fundamental observation was that many
organizations were struggling with how to scale agile methods, in particular
Scrum. We feel that the first step was to identify how to successfully develop a
solution from end-to-end. Although mainstream agile methods clearly provide
a lot of great strategies, there really isn’t any sort of glue beyond
consultantware (e.g. hire me and I’ll show you how to do it) to put it all
together. This is where the DA™ tool kit comes in, but that’s only a start as
you also need to tailor your approach to reflect the context in which you find
Figure 1. Scaling agile tactically.
DAD provides a better foundation for tactically scaling agile in several ways:
Figure 1. The process goal diagram for release management (click to enlarge).
The process factors that you need to consider for release management are:
Figure 1. The potential activities associated with Disciplined Agile Support (click
to enlarge)
The process decision points that you need to consider for Support are:
Figure 1. The Operations process blade (click on diagram for larger version).
The decision points that you need to consider for IT Operations are:
1. A traditional strategy
2. A DevOps strategy for small organizations
3. A DevOps strategy for large organizations
First, let’s explore the traditional approach to organizing an operations team.
This is depicted in Figure 1. With this strategy the development teams and the
operations team(s) are kept separate, often because the skillsets are
perceived to be distinct and sometimes because of a strict interpretation of
separation of duties requirements in regulations such as PCI-DSS. A release
manager, and in larger organizations a release management team, is
responsible for shepherding releases of new functionality into production. The
operations team is responsible for running the solutions in production, for
maintaining and evolving the IT infrastructure, for monitoring running systems,
and for addressing problems as best they can. There is often an IT
support team, not shown in Figure 1, helping end users.