2 December 2021
Since the world economy is getting globalized, the pass practices of accounting could
not be able to satisfy the information requirement of global stakeholders. Therefore
the concept of harmonizing the accounting practices has been put forward and
realized by the implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS) issued by International Accounting Standard Board (IASB).The main purpose
of this research is to examine the impact of adopting IFRS on financial ratios in Sri
Lankan listed manufacturing sector companies. The data were collected for the period
of eight years from 2008/2009 to 2015/2016 by using annual report published on listed
manufacturing sector in Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE). The total sample period is
divided to two part as pre IFRS & post IFRS adoption periods for comparison. The
ratios which are selected to the analysis are current ratio, earning per share, debt to
equity ratio & return on equity ratio. The findings of the study suggest that there is no
significant difference between the ratios calculated as per previous local accounting
standards and as per IFRS except earnings per share ratio and current ratio. The
impact was not found to be significant for debt equity ratio and return on equity ratio.
The IFRS adoption is more likely to exhibit a favorable impact on financial statements.
This study adds new knowledge to the existing literature of IFRS adoption since the
data used are more recent than most IFRS studies around the world and the study
focuses on a content of developing country while most of other studies have carried
out in the context of developed countries.
the company shrank to negative due to design, ratio analysis for a seven-year
the world financial crisis. However, this period (i.e. the fraud year 2 /+ 3 (years)
company has bounced back after a year was conducted on 21 ratios. Overall, 16
and is now the world’s third largest ratios were found to be significant. Of
chemical company based on revenue. these, only three ratios were significant
The financial ratios were measured from for three time periods. Out of the 16
2004 to 2011, quarterly. The results show statistically significant ratios, only five
that CR, QR, DR and NPM have a were significant during the period prior
positive relationship while DTER and to the fraud year. Using discriminate
OPM have a negative relationship with analysis, misclassifications for fraud
the company’s financial performance. firms ranged from 58 percent to 98
Among the six ratios, CR, DR and NPM percent. These results provide empirical
show the highest significant impact on evidence of the limited ability of
the company’s performance. financial ratios to detect and/or predict
fraudulent financial reporting.
2.2 Importance of Financial Ratio
Kaminski et al. (2004), tried to identify 2.3 The Impact of Socio Environment
whether the fraudulent financial Factors on IFRS Adoption in
reporting is a matter of grave social and Different Countries.
economic concern. The Tread way Zeller et al. (2016), found the extent to
Commission recommended that the which the previously identified
Auditing Standards Board requires the relationships have changed, and if
use of analytical procedures to improve appropriate, to establish an entirely new
the detection of fraudulent financial taxonomy of manufacturing industry
reporting. This is an exploratory study to financial ratios. The authors used
determine if financial ratios of fraudulent principal component analysis (PCA) to
companies differ from those of non- identify factor patterns for 58 financial
fraudulent companies. Fraudulent firms ratios over the ten-year period 2004-
were identified by examining the SEC’s 2013. The validity of employing PCA
Accounting and Auditing Enforcement was confirmed using the Kaiser-Meyer-
Releases issued between 1982 and 1999. Olkin measure of sampling adequacy and
The fraudulent firms (n¼79) were then Bartlett’s test of sphericity. This study
matched with no fraudulent firms on the identified four additional financial
basis of firm size, time period, and analysis factors beyond the seven
industry. Using this matched-pairs established by prior research. Notably, a
separate cash flow factor did not surface Khlif and Achek (2016) identified four
as it was the case in earlier work, but an main topics related to the effect of IFRS
entirely new factor (current position) was adoption on audit fees, audit market and
identified. audit report lag and the influence of
auditor choice on IFRS compliance. For
2.4 Consequences of IFRS Adoption each reviewed stream of research, the
Lin and Yen (2016) examined whether authors presented its theoretical
and how auditors’ and audit clients’ underpinning and summarize its main
IFRS-related experience alter auditors’ results. Based on 26 empirical studies,
pricing decisions in the initial years of the review reveals four main findings.
IFRS adoption in China. The authors First, IFRS adoption is associated with
conducted the analysis by examining increased audit fees. Second, IFRS
audit fees from 4,129 sample obser adoption has had an effect on audit
vations that issued A-shares in the market through auditor choice, audit
Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges switching and audit market concentration.
from 2005 to 2008. The authors Third, IFRS adoption has increased audit
empirically test the association between report lag. Finally, the authors document
audit premiums and auditors’ and that audit quality, as proxied by auditor
auditees’ IFRS experience. The authors type, may play an important role in
found that auditors with IFRS experience enforcing the compliance with IFRS.
charged significantly higher audit
premiums in the initial years of IFRS Okafor et al. (2016) investigated that
adoption. The authors also found that whether financial information prepared
audit clients’ with IFRS experience paid and disclosed under International
significantly lower incremental fees. The Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
authors further found that the increased has incremental value relevance vs
fees charged by audit firms with IFRS information prepared under generally
experience are independent of the degree accepted accounting principles (GAAP)
of changes in the financial reporting in Canada. The authors employed a
complexity of their clients. In contrast, difference methodologies and estimate
audit clients with IFRS experience paid value relevance using: first, the adjusted
lower incremental fees only when they R2 of regressions of stock price on book
underwent a high degree of changes in
value and earnings; second, the adjusted
financial reporting complexity.
R2 of regressions of stock returns on
earnings and changes in earnings; and
IJABF - 51 - December 2021
International Journal of Accounting & Business Finance Vol.7.No.2 December 2021
show that 87 per cent of firms are niqué Series XI, No.: 25 and the financial
affected by NZ IFRS. The median and statements prepared as per the legislation
inter-quartile ranges indicate that for before this communiqué within Istanbul
most firms the impact of NZ IFRS is Stock Exchange (ISE).
small. However, the maximum and
minimum values indicate the impact can Blanchette (2011) provided preliminary
be large for some entities. The impact has evidence of the impact on financial ratios
considerable effects on common caused by the transition to IFRS in
financial ratios. Canada. The effects of IFRS on financial
ratios in the areas of liquidity, leverage,
As the world economy is getting Coverage and profitability are discussed
globalized, the parties using accounting and verified using a sample cohort of
information have faced new problems. early adopters in Canada. The preli
Those problems stem from different minary evidence reveals significantly
accounting practices of countries. Al higher volatility to most of the ratios
though many international organizations under IFRS when compared to those
have carried out studies on the derived under pre-changeover Canadian
harmonization of different accounting GAAP. While the means and medians of
practices, IASB (previously named as IFRS ratios differ from the means and
International Accounting Standards medians of the same ratios under pre-
Committee (IASC)) has been universally changeover Canadian GAAP, the differ
accepted and officially recognized ences are not statistically significant
organization. Therefore the idea of overall. However, important individual
harmonizing the international accou discrepancies are in some cases
nting has been realized by the implemen observed. Naturally, analysts using ratios
tation of standards (International Accoun for analytical purposes during the
ting Standards (IAS) and International transition period need to be vigilant as
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)) ratios computed under IFRS are not
issued by IASC/ IASB. Agca and Aktas directly comparable with those derived
(2007) investigated the extent of under pre-changeover Canadian GAAP.
differences between the results of It is recommended that heightened
financial ratios gathered from financial attention be directed to the new feature –
statements prepared as per IAS/IFRS in comprehensive income – which
accor dance with the provisions of incorporates unrealized gains and losses
Turkish Capital Markets Board’s commu that bypass the income statement. The
its assets relative to the value of the study, first of all financial ratios, are
shareholders’ equity. The formula for calculated for each firm under SLAS &
calculating D/E ratios is: IFRS. More specially, current study
Debt/Equity Ratio = Total Liabilities / calculates the differences by subtracting
Shareholders' Equity a mean value of every financial ratios
calculated under local accounting
3.3.3 Earnings per Share standards in 2011/12 financial year from
Earnings per Share (EPS) is the portion the mean value of financial ratios
of a company's profit allocated to each calculated under restated financial
outstanding share of common stock. figures in 2011/12. Further, statistical
Earnings per share serve as an indicator significance of the differences between
of a company's profitability. EPS is pre- and post-adoption effect was tested.
calculated as:
EPS = (Net Income - Dividends on The data obtained from the various
Preferred Stock) / Average Outstanding sources were further analyzed using
Shares Statistical Package for the Social
Sciences (SPSS) & Microsoft Excel. The
3.3.4 Return on Equity average difference between paired
Return on Equity (ROE) is the amount of (matched) samples, tested using Paired t-
net income returned as a percentage of test (if data is normally distributed) or
shareholders equity. Return on equity Mann-Whitney test/ Wilcox on rank sum
(also known as "return on net worth" (if ordinal/ skewed data) test.
[RONW]) measures a corporation's
profitability by revealing how much Eviews software wasused to identify any
profit a company generates with the likelihood relationship between IFRS
money shareholders have invested. adoption and independent ratios.
Descriptive statistics, logistic regression
Return on Equity = Net Income/Share technique & Wald test were used as
holder's Equity analytical tools.
financial data for the financial year The descriptive statistics of financial
2011/12 considered together with the ratios summarized in Table 4.1 are a
financial data for the same year restated collection of descriptive statistics, which
under IFRS in 2011/2012 year and summarized the data set calculated under
presented as comparatives of the pre IFRS adoption period. Descriptive
financial statement of 2012/13. statistics can be divided into measures of
central tendency and measures of
4.1 Testing for H1: The Immediate variability, or spread. Measures of
Impact of IFRS Adoption on central tendency comprise the mean,
Financial Ratios median and mode, whereas measures of
4.1.1Descriptive Statistics of Financial variability comprise the standard
Ratio deviation or variance, the minimum and
This section exhibits the summary of maximum variables.
descriptive statistics for the financial
ratios used to test H1 of current study. The average (mean) of the current ratio of
This section contains the mean, standard listed manufacturing companies in Sri
deviation, minimum and maximum of Lanka is 1.7796 under the local
financial ratios (CA, DE, EPS, ROE) for accounting standards applying period
2011/12 prepared under local standard (2011/2012). It shows effective liquidity
and the same information for the level within the sector. The Simple mean
2011/2012 restated financial statement of squared distance from the mean is
followingIFRS. 1.84. No more spreading area from the
mean value. The maximum current ratio
of data set is 10.60 and minimum one is
The average (mean) of the earning per According to table 4.2 the average
share ratio of listed manufacturing (mean) of the current ratio of listed
companies in Sri Lanka is 5.53 the local manufacturing companies in Sri Lanka is
accounting standards applying period 1.914 under the 2011/2012 restated
(2011/2012). It shows earning power of financial figures. It shows effective
share is Rs.6 pre each. The Simple mean liquidity level within the sector. The
of squared distance from the mean is Simple mean of squared distance from
6.70. The maximum current ratio of data the mean is 1.830. No more spreading
set is 25.17and minimum one is -2.04. area from the mean value. The maximum
current ratio of data set is 10.49 and
The average (mean) of the return on minimum one is 0134.
equity ratio of listed manufacturing
companies in Sri Lanka is 0.166 the local The average (mean) of the debt to equity
accounting standards applying period ratio of listed manufacturing companies
(2011/2012). It interpret when invest one in Sri Lanka is 0.110 under the 2011/2012
rupee in equity capital return may be restated financial figures. It shows 11%
Rs.0.166. The Simple mean of squared of the invested capital from debt
distance from the mean is 0.291. The financing. The Simple mean of squared
maximum current ratio of data set is distance from the mean is 0268. The
0.935and minimum one is -0.4790. maximum current ratio of data set is
1.426 and minimum one is 0.000.
equity capital return may be Rs.0.39. The distributed. In this study, Kolmogorov -
Simple mean of squared distance from Smimov test and Shapiro- Wilk
the mean is 1.377. The maximum current normality test have been used to test the
ratio of data set is 7.615 and minimum normality of variable.According to the
one is -0.438. results of these two tests, it is suggested
that none of the variable use in the current
study is normally distributed.
on financial ratio”. According to the 4.2 Testing for H2: The IFRS adoption is
result; Z statistic for CR is significance. more likely to exhibit a favorable effect
Its leads to conclude that there is on financial ratios
significant impact of IFRS adoption on
current ratio. 4.2.1Logistic regression Model
Logistic regression is the appropriate
Table 4.4indicates Z statistic for DE and regression analysis to conduct when the
ROE are not significant. Its leads to dependent veriable is dichotomous
conclude that there is no significant (binary). Like all regression analyses, the
impact of IFRS adoption on both ratios. logistic regression is a predictive
As per the results of the table 4.4ROE’s analysis. Logistic regressions used to
significant amount showed as 0.191. describe data and to explain the
This is not significant at 95% confidence relationship between one dependent
level. Therefore, null hypothesis cannot binary variable and one or more nominal,
be rejected. Accordingly, it is concluded ordinal, interval or ratio-level indepen
that there is result is there is no any dent variable.
significant effect of IFRS adoption on
ROE ratio.
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