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published: 20 May 2021

doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.630859

Optimal Implantation Site of

Orthodontic Micro-Screws in the
Mandibular Anterior Region Based
Yannan Wang 1,2 , Quan Shi 3 and Feng Wang 1*
The Sixth Medical Center of PLA General Hospital, Beijing, China, 2 Military Hospital, Qingdao, China, 3 The General
Hospital of People’s Liberation Army (301 Hospital), Beijing, China

Background: To determine the optimal implantation site of orthodontic micro-screws

based on cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) analysis in the mandibular anterior
tooth region, provide a theoretical basis for orthodontic implant placement and improve
post-implantation stability.
Methods: Forty patients who underwent CBCT scanning were selected for this study.
CBCT scanning was applied to measure the interradicular distance, buccolingual
Edited by:
dimension, labial cortical bone thickness and lingual cortical bone thickness between
Zhi Chen,
Wuhan University, China mandibular anterior teeth at planes 2, 4, 6, and 8 mm below the alveolar ridge crest.
Reviewed by: The data were measured and collected to obtain a comprehensive evaluation of the
Ralf Johannes Radlanski, specific site conditions of the alveolar bone.
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin,
Germany Results: The interradicular distance, buccolingual dimension and labial cortical bone
Michel Goldberg,
Institut National de la Santé et de la
thickness between the mandibular anterior teeth were positively correlated with the
Recherche Médicale (INSERM), distance below the alveolar ridge crest (below 8 mm). The interradicular distance,
France buccolingual dimension, labial cortical bone thickness, and lingual cortical bone
*Correspondence: thickness were all greater than those in other areas between the lateral incisor root
Feng Wang
wolfwang2003@aliyun.com and canine incisor root 4, 6, and 8 mm below the alveolar ridge crest.
Conclusion: The area between the lateral incisor root and the canine incisor root in
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to planes 4, 6, and 8 mm from the alveolar ridge crest can be used as safe sites for
Craniofacial Biology and Dental implantation, while 8 mm below the alveolar ridge crest can be the optimal implantation
a section of the journal site. An optimal implantation site can be 8 mm below the alveolar ridge crest between
Frontiers in Physiology the lateral incisor root and the canine incisor root.
Received: 18 November 2020
Keywords: CBCT, mandibular anterior region, micro-screws, implantation site, post- implantation stability
Accepted: 15 April 2021
Published: 20 May 2021
Wang Y, Shi Q and Wang F (2021)
Optimal Implantation Site
Most patients consider orthodontic treatment to not only correct the relative relationship of their
of Orthodontic Micro-Screws
in the Mandibular Anterior Region
teeth but also to improve their facial appearance with coordinating the functional relationship
Based on CBCT. of their teeth, as anterior teeth play a large role in facial esthetics (Brend et al., 2020). For deep
Front. Physiol. 12:630859. overbites of the maxillary anterior teeth that can lead to deep bites or excessively exposed gums, it
doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.630859 is necessary to lower the upper anterior teeth. A steeper mandibular dentition Spee curve will cause

Frontiers in Physiology | www.frontiersin.org 1 May 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 630859

Wang et al. Orthodontic Micro-Screws Optimal Implantation Site

a patient’s lower anterior segment to protrude, and a deeper MATERIALS AND METHODS
mandibular Spee curve will cause a deeper overbite. Therefore,
the mandibular anterior teeth need to be lowered to improve Subjects
excessive covering, but for severely deep overbites, microscrews Forty patients who underwent CBCT scanning in our department
would be implanted into the alveolar bone of the anterior teeth of from January 2017 to June 2018 were selected for this study, with
the upper and lower jaws to intrude the upper and lower anterior a male to female ratio of 1:1 and an age range of 20 to 40 years. All
teeth, respectively, to obtain a more stable bite relationship. For subjects voluntarily signed the informed consent, and the study
patients with mild bites and no serious plane tilt, the corner of the protocol was reviewed and approved by the Ethics Committee of
mouth will be slightly tilted to one side to affects the appearance, the PLA General Hospital.
and the bite needs to be lowered or raised to correct the patient’s The inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) no orthodontic
vertical distance (Sugawara et al., 2008). treatment history; (2) bilateral symmetry of the jaw bones; (3)
Orthodontic treatment should establish good occlusal contact good dental hygiene and no untreated or controlled periodontal
and a stable occlusal relationship. Patients can receive many disease or diseases of the oral mucosa; (4) overall health with no
treatments, such as class II/III elastic traction, and of which systemic disease that may influence bone metabolism; (5) X-ray
anterior or posterior tooth pads can improve and stabilize film showing mandibular anterior teeth without obvious root
the occlusal relationship (Saito et al., 2005). However, most resorption and with normal root morphology; and (6) presence
orthodontic patients need effective means to lower the front of mandibular tooth 3–3.
teeth of the mandible to improve the occlusal relationship as The exclusion criteria were as follows: (1) anterior tooth
soon as possible to avoid occlusal trauma. Proper treatments crowding greater than 1.0 mm or severe rotation and declination;
can solve multiple problems in the oral system, correct severe (2) root resorption or deformity; (3) periodontal disease in the
jaw deformities and address the unwillingness to undergo mandibular anterior region or alveolar bone defect resulting from
orthognathic surgery (Wang et al., 2017). A multidisciplinary other factors; and (4) bone metabolism disease.
approach can be applied to implement treatment to the extent For the skeletal malocclusion in the research, there are 29
possible to meet the major complaints of patients. The use of subjects of class I, and 11 subjects of class II, and no subjects
microimplant nail anchors can meaningfully correct of this type of class III. Considering subjects for each class are few, so
of deformity. Despite their small diameter and short length, they classification comparison research is not performed. However,
can still provide stable support for various tooth movements. for the future clinical research, the comparative research will be
The effectiveness of orthodontics is dependent on the designed and analyzed.
sustained and effective stability of the anchors. And factors
that influence implant anchoring can be mainly classified
into categories such as patient characteristics (age, gender, CBCT
smoking habits, and dental hygiene condition), surgical operation Scans of all patients were performed while the patients were held
(mechanical injury to bones from implant surgery, thermal in a standing position. The head was adjusted to make the facial
injury), and micro-screw characteristics (diameter, length, midline consistent with the median sagittal plane indication line
implant angle, implant site bone density, and loading force and the orbitomeatal plane consistent with the horizontal plane
duration; Kuroda and Tanaka, 2014; Sahoo et al., 2018; indication lines. The lips were closed naturally, and the patient
Sfondrini et al., 2018). was asked to perform eupnea with no deglutition. All CBCT scans
Operations to implant anchors are simple, but there is still a was performed with the same parameters, and three-dimensional
certain risk of surgical complications. In particular, due to the reconstruction was performed using NNT Viewer v5.3 software
narrow interfurca distance, when the implant site is near the with the scanning data, allowing observation of the coronal plane,
dental root or has a particular direction of deviation, the dental sagittal plane, and horizontal plane in the mandibular anterior
capsule and dental root may be injured, causing inflammation region. The steps were as follows: first, angles were adjusted
and even micro-screw loosening; therefore, it is very important to align the horizontal axis and the crest of the ridge between
to select the implant site accurately (Mohammed et al., 2018). two dental roots; then, the sagittal plane was adjusted to align
To effectively use implant anchors, many researchers have made with the long axis of the teeth to measure the buccolingual
preoperative assessments of micro-screw implant sites by using alveolar bone thickness and cortical bone thickness; finally, the
cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Their results have coronal plane was adjusted to align with the crest of the ridge to
shown that based on CBCT, cortical bone thickness and sclerotin measure the interradicular distances between dental roots. The
conditions could be effectively assessed, and the percentage scanned data were saved under the DICOM 3.0 standard and
of successfully implanted micro-screws could be effectively were analyzed and three-dimensionally reconstructed by a CBCT
increased (Prasanpong et al., 2014; Qiu et al., 2016). image analyzer, as shown in Figure 1.
This research analyzes the safety margin and relative stable
area of micro-screw implant sites for mandibular anterior Measurement Method
teeth, based on the anatomic form measured by CBCT, to Cone beam computed tomography scanning was applied to
improve the initial stability of implant anchors and effectiveness measure the interradicular distances between neighboring roots,
of orthodontic treatments and to provide a reference for buccolingual dimensions, labial cortical bone thickness, and
clinical operations. lingual cortical bone thickness between maxillary anterior teeth

Frontiers in Physiology | www.frontiersin.org 2 May 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 630859

Wang et al. Orthodontic Micro-Screws Optimal Implantation Site

FIGURE 1 | CBCT scanning and 3D reconstruction: (A) horizontal view; (B) coronal view; (C) sagittal view; and (D) three-dimensional reconstruction.

at planes 2, 4, 6, and 8 mm below the alveolar ridge crest of statistically significant differences for interradicular distance,
all patients, as shown in Figures 2, 3. The measurement was buccolingual dimension, labial cortical bone thickness, and
repeated after 2 weeks, and the average was taken between the lingual cortical bone thickness. So the measurement data of male
two measurements. and female are combined for the below analysis.

Statistical Analysis
SPSS 19.0 software was used for the statistical analysis. The
Interradicular Distances Between Dental
measurement data (represented as the mean ± SD) were analyzed Roots
with repeated-measures ANOVA using position and distance The scanning data of alveolar bone interradicular distances in
as independent variables, and two-sample t-test was used for the mandibular anterior tooth region are listed in Table 2.
gender; pairwise comparison LSD t-tests were used for post hoc The overall comparisons (repeated-measures ANOVA) show that
analysis for position, and pairwise difference t-test was used for the effects of position, distance, and their interaction are all
post hoc analysis for distance. P < 0.05 indicates statistically significant (P < 0.05). Detailed pairwise comparison results
significant differences. coupled with the data show that the interradicular distance
between the mandibular anterior teeth is positively correlated
with the distance below the alveolar ridge crest. Between the
RESULTS lateral incisor and canine, at 8 mm below the alveolar ridge crest,
interradicular distances reached a maximum value of 2.77 mm.
Gender Difference Between the central incisor and lateral incisor, at 2 mm below the
The scanning data between male and female was analyzed with alveolar ridge crest, interradicular distances reached a minimum
two-sample t-test, and the result listed in Table 1 shows no value of 1.38 mm.

Frontiers in Physiology | www.frontiersin.org 3 May 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 630859

Wang et al. Orthodontic Micro-Screws Optimal Implantation Site

FIGURE 2 | CBCT measurement: interradicular distance in coronal view.

Buccolingual Dimension Between Dental The lingual cortical bone thickness between the mandibular
Roots anterior teeth is positively correlated with the distance below
the alveolar ridge crest. The lingual cortical bone thickness
The results listed in Table 3 for the analysis of the buccolingual
between the lateral incisor and canine is larger than the bone
dimension show that the effects of position, distance, and their
thicknesses between all other teeth at the same plane of distance
interaction are all significant (P < 0.05). A detailed pairwise
below the alveolar ridge crest. At 8 mm below the alveolar
comparison coupled with the data shows that the buccolingual
ridge crest, the thickness reached a maximum value of 2.30 mm.
dimension between the mandibular anterior teeth is positively
Between the central incisor and lateral incisor, at 2 mm below the
correlated with the distance below the alveolar ridge crest.
alveolar ridge crest, the lingual cortical bone thickness reached a
Between the lateral incisor and canine tooth, at 4 mm below
minimum value of 1.27 mm.
the alveolar ridge crest, the buccolingual dimension reached a
maximum value of 7.04 mm. Between the two central incisor
teeth, at 2 mm below the alveolar ridge crest, the buccolingual
dimension reached a minimum value of 4.99 mm. DISCUSSION
Labial Cortical Bone Thickness Between Some articles point out that implanting micro-screw into the
mandibular premolar area is a safe and effective method
Dental Roots
with good treatment effect. While the mandible anterior area
The results listed in Table 4 for the analysis of labial cortical bone
has fewer important anatomical structures and is not easily
thickness show that the effects of both position and distance are
damaged. There are few researches on the safety of micro-
significant (P < 0.05), while their interaction is not significant.
screw into the anterior mandibular region (Ishihara et al., 2013).
The labial cortical bone thickness between the mandibular
Common oral deformities, such as deep overbites and bimaxillary
anterior teeth is positively correlated with the distance below
protrusion, directly influence patients’ facial morphologies. Deep
the alveolar ridge crest. Between the lateral incisor and canine,
overbites resulting from mandibular anterior alveolar bone
at 8 mm below the alveolar ridge crest, the labial cortical bone
overdevelopment are normally corrected by lowering the anterior
thickness reached a maximum value of 1.52 mm. Between the
teeth. For patients with bimaxillary protrusion, adduction and
two central incisor teeth, at 2 mm below the alveolar ridge
reduction of the anterior teeth can effectively improve the
crest, the labial cortical bone thickness reached a minimum
facial shape. Strong anchoring is fundamental to ensure anterior
value of 0.97 mm.
teeth adduction. The use of effective anchors has become an
important method for correcting bimaxillary protrusions after
Lingual Cortical Bone Thickness the extraction gap is closed (Mimura, 2008; Teng et al., 2016).
Between Dental Roots Orthodontic micro-screws have become popular research
Only the effect of position was significant (P < 0.05) in the tools for scholars at home and abroad because of their small size,
analysis of lingual cortical bone thickness, as shown in Table 5. high comfort, simple implantation method, shortened treatment

Frontiers in Physiology | www.frontiersin.org 4 May 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 630859

Wang et al. Orthodontic Micro-Screws Optimal Implantation Site

FIGURE 3 | CBCT measurement: buccolingual dimension, labial cortical bone thickness and lingual cortical bone thickness in sagittal view.

time, and ability to meet the requirements of absolute anchoring. TABLE 3 | CBCT results of the buccolingual dimension in the mandibular anterior
tooth region (mm, x̄ ± s).
It is difficult to rely on imaging methods to evaluate the safety
of sites for micro-screw implanting. Conventional X-ray film Position 1–1 1–2 2–3
measurement can result in severe distortions and overlapping
dental images, often resulting in failure to obtain cross-sections 2 mm 4.99 ± 0.75 5.88 ± 0.81a 6.64 ± 0.80ab
between roots, and cannot be used to measure bone thickness. In 4 mm 5.29 ± 0.94c 6.17 ± 0.94ac 7.04 ± 0.92abc

contrast, CBCT yields high-resolution images with a clear field 6 mm 5.40 ± 0.80c 5.91 ± 0.82a 6.76 ± 0.98ab

of view and has high scanning efficiency while requiring a low 8 mm 5.76 ± 0.90c 5.95 ± 0.87 6.82 ± 1.12ab

radiation dose, and results in few scanning artifacts. CBCT can a P < 0.05, vs 1–1; b P < 0.05, vs 1–2; and c P < 0.05, vs 2 mm.

TABLE 1 | Comparison result of male and female scanning data. be used for effective evaluation of the alveolar bone condition
at the site of the implanted micro-screw and the positional
Alveolar bone P t relationship with adjacent anatomical structures, making it
Interradicular distance 0.4346 −0.8200 possible to avoid damage to important anatomical structures and
Buccolingual dimension 0.1241 −1.6778 provide a reference for clinical applications (Poon et al., 2015).
Labial cortical bone thickness 0.5520 0.1214 In addition, CBCT scans can yield spatial information about the
Lingual cortical bone thickness 0.6730 −0.2500 maxillofacial region, allowing 3-d images to be reconstructed by
a computer to perform measurements in the maxillofacial region
(Min et al., 2012; Diniz-Freitas et al., 2015). Studies have shown
TABLE 2 | CBCT results of the mesiodistal dimension in the mandibular anterior
tooth region (mm, x̄ ± s). that the stability of the micro-screw can be influenced by the
choice of the implantation site, the bone condition at the implant
Position 1–1 1–2 2–3 site and the distance from the adjacent teeth. The application of
2 mm 1.47 ± 0.51 1.38 ± 0.30 1.95 ± 0.51ab
CBCT will increase the accuracy of implantations and reduce the
4 mm 1.55 ± 0.63 1.49 ± 0.71 2.17 ± 0.65abc
failure rate (Yaqi et al., 2016; Tepedino et al., 2018).
6 mm 1.68 ± 0.70c 1.47 ± 0.49c 2.45 ± 0.70abc
Micro-screw implants are generally suitable for adult patients.
8 mm 1.98 ± 0.90c 1.60 ± 0.57ac 2.77 ± 0.86abc
Because the bone tissue of juvenile patients is in the active
phase, the reconstruction of the bone tissue after loading is
a P < 0.05, vs 1–1; b P < 0.05, vs 1–2; and c P < 0.05, vs 2 mm.
unstable, and bone resorption is enhanced. The bone tissue of
HF, Huynh-Feldt.
Central incisors: 1–1, central incisor and lateral incisor: 1–2, and lateral incisor and adults is relatively stable, and bone reconstruction is gentle after
canine teeth: 2–3. implantation of micro-screws, thus improving the stability of

Frontiers in Physiology | www.frontiersin.org 5 May 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 630859

Wang et al. Orthodontic Micro-Screws Optimal Implantation Site

TABLE 4 | CBCT results of labial cortical bone thickness in the mandibular maintain oral hygiene, causing the planting anchor to fall off due
anterior tooth region (mm, x̄ ± s).
to inflammation (Aras and Tuncer, 2016; Michele et al., 2017). At
Position 1–1 1–2 2–3 2 mm below the alveolar ridge crest, the interradicular distance
and buccolingual dimension between the two central incisors are
2 mm 0.97 ± 0.25 0.99 ± 0.26 1.23 ± 0.27ab 2.700 and 4.99 mm, respectively, and those between the central
4 mm 0.97 ± 0.26 0.97 ± 0.22 1.25 ± 0.30ab incisors and lateral incisors are 1.38 and 5.88 mm, respectively.
6 mm 0.98 ± 0.29 1.05 ± 0.23 1.33 ± 0.27abc Avoiding this area during clinical operation is recommended.
8 mm 1.18 ± 0.35c 1.21 ± 0.30c 1.52 ± 0.30abc The mechanism of implant anchorage correction for a deep
a P < 0.05, vs 1–1; b P < 0.05, vs 1–2; and c P < 0.05, vs 2 mm. overbite is mainly achieved by the depression of the lower
anterior teeth. Studies have confirmed that desired results can
TABLE 5 | CBCT results of lingual cortical bone thickness in the mandibular be achieved in patients with deep overbite implants with anchors
anterior tooth region (mm, x̄ ± s). implanted between the two roots of the mandible, using a 100 g
force for 3 to 6 months. Therefore, when implants are inserted
Position 1–1 1–2 2–3 into the mandible, the results are influenced by important
2 mm 1.40 ± 0.29 1.27 ± 0.23 1.74 ± 0.41ab factors such as the values of depression, depression time, and
4 mm 1.51 ± 0.32c 1.36 ± 0.27 1.98 ± 0.45abc traction direction.
6 mm 1.64 ± 0.28c 1.50 ± 0.24c 2.14 ± 0.43abc The implantation angle of micro-screws can significantly
8 mm 1.78 ± 0.34c 1.78 ± 0.31c 2.30 ± 0.43abc affect the stress of the cortical bone. As the implantation
angle increases, the thickness of the cortical bone gradually
a P < 0.05, vs 1–1; b P < 0.05, vs 1–2; and c P < 0.05, vs 2 mm.
decreases, the torque of the micro-screws increases gradually,
and the shedding rate increases (Rodriguez et al., 2014). Some
the planting anchors. Conventional implantation sites for micro- studies have shown that the distance between adjacent roots is
screws are generally selected between two roots (Chang and large, requiring an implantation angle of 90◦ ; when the spacing
Tseng, 2014). For the anterior region, micro-screws are generally between adjacent roots is small, the initial stability of the micro-
used to solve problems such as mandibular protrusion and screws can be significantly improved when the implantation
deep lamination. Therefore, the conventional implantation site angle is 60◦ –70◦ (Yong-Qing and Yi-Ming, 2011). In addition,
is between the two central incisors, between the central incisors the thickness of the cortical bone is positively correlated with
and the lateral incisors, or between the lateral incisors and the the mechanical fitting force at the implanted screw-bone joint
canines (Ludwig et al., 2011). According to the data analysis surface. In principle, the success rate of surgeries is significantly
of this experiment, the interradicular distance, buccolingual improved when the thickness of the cortical bone at the implant
dimension, and buccal lingual bone thickness between maxillary site is greater than 1 mm (Zheng et al., 2016). Therefore, the
anterior teeth were positively correlated with distances below the patient’s cortical bone should be measured before surgery. If the
alveolar ridge crest below 8 mm. Generally, between 2 and 3, the patient’s cortical bone is thin, the appropriate implantation angle
interradicular distance is the widest (approximately 2.77 mm) and implantation direction should be selected to improve the
at 8 mm below the alveolar ridge crest. However, the choice stability of the micro-screw. The experimental data from this
of micro-implant diameter is often limited in the clinic. If the study showed that between 2 and 3, the labial and lingual bone
diameter is too large, cracks will occur in the cortical bone, thicknesses were thickest 8 mm from the alveolar crest, and
which will affect stability. Therefore, when micro-screws are the stability was the highest; between 1 and 1, the buccolingual
implanted in the mandible, it is recommended for implants di mension was short, but the interradicular distance was still
generally selected in the clinic to have a diameter between 1.0 acceptable; and between 1 and 2, the interradicular distance was
and 2 mm. Between 2 and 3, at both 4 and 8 mm below the acceptable, but the buccolingual dimension was short. Caution
alveolar ridge crest, the buccolingual dimensions are wide, with should be taken if implants are required in this area, and it
dimensions of approximately 7.04 and 6.82 mm, respectively. is recommended to design a suitable implantation method to
Therefore, the length of micro-screws should not exceed 6 mm in improve the stability of the anchor.
clinical practice (Sarul et al., 2014); otherwise, due to its thickness Due to anatomical structural limitations, the anterior region
and interradicular distance, the alveolar bone may be damaged by of the mandible is rich in blood vessels for the lingual nerve
the micro-screw. Furthermore, if the micro-screws are too close tissue, and the bone in that region is weak. It is difficult to
to the root, they will cause loosening and shedding, resulting implant an anchor in this location, and an implant can easily
in failure of the implantation surgery and damage to other fall off. Additionally, the buccal cortex of the mandible is thick,
important anatomical structures due to incorrect positioning. and the depression is more difficult to manage than is the
Therefore, the micro-screw should be positioned in the central depression of the maxillary anterior teeth. After depression,
area between the two roots to ensure the continuity and stability the mandibular anterior teeth are more likely to undergo root
of the anchor (Cornelis et al., 2007; Shigeeda, 2014; Xiang et al., resorption. Changes in alveolar bone 8 mm from the alveolar
2018). In clinical practice, it is necessary to consider the proper crest were noted in this study, and the effects of the labial mucosa
safety range of both the alveolar bone and the soft tissue. The and ligaments on the experimental data were not considered.
closer the implant anchor is to the edge of the lip mucosa, Because the implant supports the lower anterior teeth, the angle
the more friction is encountered, and the more difficult it is to of traction may have affected the results of the study, causing the

Frontiers in Physiology | www.frontiersin.org 6 May 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 630859

Wang et al. Orthodontic Micro-Screws Optimal Implantation Site

anterior labia to tilt. In addition, the low-pressure value and the DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
depression time are also important factors affecting the results.
In future studies, the effects of the condition of the patient’s The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be
labial soft tissue and the direction of the traction force on anchor made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
placement will be analyzed.


In summary, CBCT-based measurements of the mandibular The studies involving human participants were reviewed and
anterior region showed that within the allowable range of the approved by the Ethics Committee of the PLA General Hospital.
soft tissue, the interradicular distance, buccolingual dimension, The patients/participants provided their written informed
and labial and lingual bone thicknesses were all wide at a consent to participate in this study. All subjects voluntarily signed
plane 8 mm below the alveolar ridge crest. In this area, micro- the informed consent.
screws with diameters of 1–2 mm and lengths of no more than
6 mm can be selected in the clinical setting. The thickness of
the labial bone is the least between 1 and 1, and a suitable AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
implant method should be employed when implanting micro-
screws to improve their stability. Between 1 and 2, at a plane YW and QS designed the study in consultation with FW.
2 mm below the alveolar ridge crest, the interradicular distance All authors assisted with sample collection. YW and QS
is the shortest, approximately 1.38 mm. If a micro-screw is to be conducted data acquisition and analysis. YW drafted the article
implanted here, care should be taken to select the material with and revised with other authors. All authors have read and
the appropriate specifications. approved the manuscript.

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