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Studying The Electrical Conductivity of Different Carbon Fillers Reinforced Polyvinyl Chloride Composite Materials

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Nahrain University, College of Engineering Journal (NUCEJ) Vol.16 No.2, 2014 pp.


Studying the Electrical Conductivity of Different Carbon Fillers

Reinforced Polyvinyl Chloride Composite Materials

Nirvana A. Abed Al ameer Walla W. Jameel Nagham S.Hassan

Chemical Engineering Physical science Chemical Engineering

Technical College Baghdad Technical College Baghdad Technical College Baghdad

Abstract: such as carbon fibers, carbon black, and

The aim of this study is development synthetic graphite. Polymer carbon
the electrical conductivity of composite composites, or electrically conductive
materials which used three fillers of polymer composites (CPC), are obtained
carbon reinforced PVC at different by blending an insulating polymer
weight fractions. The experimental matrix with conductive fillers like
results showed that carbon black was carbon black, carbon fiber or metal
more effective than carbon fiber and particles. Whatever the nature of
synthetic graphite at low weight particles, current circulation is obtained
fractions, it reached (0.229 S/cm) through ‘percolation’ of the filler
whereas it was (0.109 S/cm) and (0.104 through the polymer resin, forming
S/cm) of each carbon fiber and synthetic conductive pathways throughout the
graphite respectively. At (40%) weight material. Compared to metals
fraction the electrical conductivity was 6
(conductivity 10 S\cm), polymers and
increased to (0.216 S/cm) and (0.226 carbon based polymer composites have
S/cm) of each carbon fiber and synthetic much lower conductivity. when
graphite while it was inattentive with conductive carbon fillers (conductivity
carbon black. Hybrid composites were 2 5
10 ~ 10 S/cm) are mixed with
investigated also; the result appears that
polymers, the corresponding composite
maximum value of the electrical
might have higher conductivity than that
conductivity at combination of (20%)
of pure, electrically insulating polymer
weight fraction of fillers, it was (0.592
matrix, but the conductivity of
composites will depend on the shape,
Keywords: electrical conductivity, particle size, and properties of
polyvinyl chloride, carbon fillers. conductive fillers applied. The
dispersion of the particles and the
Introduction formation of a continuous network of the
conductive fill are also critical to
Most polymer resins are intrinsically
conductivity. Carbon black filled
insulating, and their conductivity values
-14 -17 thermoplastic composites are widely
are approximately 10 ~ 10 S/cm. The used as antistatic, electrostatic
electrical conductivity of polymeric dissipative, and semi conductive
materials can be increased by the materials. Carbon black with high
addition of conductive carbon fillers, surface area can lead to electrical current

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Nahrain University, College of Engineering Journal (NUCEJ) Vol.16 No.2, 2014 pp.260-268

percolation at lower concentrations and of heat during processing and heat and
to form a conductive carbon network; light during end use in finished products,
however, the porous structure of carbon producing discoloration and
black can decrease mechanical embrittlement. Therefore, special
properties of composites, hence, carbon stabilizer systems are often used with
black filler loading within a polymer PVC to retard degradation [3]. There are
matrix is limited, Graphite based several methods for producing polymer
composite bipolar plates are made from shape, including moulding extrusion [4].
a combination of graphite and a polymer
resin with conventional polymer The techniques used to form the
processing methods like compression polymers depends to a large extent on
moulding or injection moulding. As one the nature of the polymer in particular,
of the commonly used conductive carbon whether it is thermoplastic or
fillers, graphite not only has good thermosetting such as extrusion,
conductivity but is also helpful for compression moulding and hardness.
improving process ability due to its Extrusion may be considered as one of
lubricating effect in the melt. Usually, the most widely used technique for
carbon fibres are used for mixing with processing thermoplastics. Extrusion can
polymer for reinforcement to improve serve two purposes; first, it provides a
mechanical properties. Recently, way to form certain simple shapes
extensive studies have focused on the continuously. Second, extrusion provides
effect of carbon fibres for developing an excellent mixture for additives (e.g.
conductive thermoplastic composites [1]. fillers and others) when processing
polymers that ultimately may be
There are two types of plastics. One is processed using some other process. A
called thermosetting resin which does screw mechanical consisting of one or a
not soften again and hardened, and the pair of screw (twin screw forces heated)
other is called thermoplastic resin which [5].
becomes soft or hard when its
temperature rises or falls. Although “Product component applications for
thermosetting resin has an older conductive PVC are predicted to grow
history[2].Polyvinyl chloride is 6.6 percent yearly to 22 million pounds
commonly referred to as PVC or vinyl in 2010 based on cost advantages over
and is second only to polyethylene in other materials. Uses include
volume use. Normally, PVC has a low electromagnetic and radio frequency
degree of crystalline and good protected housings for business
transparency. The high chlorine content machines, computers and other
of the polymer produces advantages in electronic products. Good growth is also
flame resistance, fair heat deflection expected for smaller applications such as
temperature, good electrical properties, work surface and flooring protection
and good chemical resistance. However, products such as floor and table mats.
the chlorine also makes PVC difficult to PVC will expand at a faster pace based
process. The chlorine atoms have a on its lower cost, performance
tendency to split out under the influence

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enhancements, and design and  Polyvinyl chloride, PVC:

processing ease [6].  carbon black (C.B)
 carbon fiber (C.F)
Zou studied the influences of conductive  synthetic graphite (S.G)
graphite, resin, pressure and temperature 2-Equipments
on the properties of graphite/polymer  Extruder
composite bipolar plate for PEM fuel LCR- meter
cell, the results showed those
Experimental setup
components of conductive fillers and the
type and content of resin have a large 1. Weight amount of fillers were
effect on the composite properties. The mixed with PVC resin, various
composite bipolar plate obtained has a composition were prepared (10,
conductivity of 300 S/cm [7]. 20, 30, 40 &50) % weight
fraction. All weight fraction
Matthew studied the synergistic effects were based on (250 g) of total
of multiple-fillers conductive resin, the mixture.
2. This mixture feed into the
three fillers were (10%) weight fraction
thermocarb, (5%) weight fraction carbon 3. Composite sheet was cooled in
black and (10%) weight fraction PAN- water.
Based carbon fibre reinforced Nylon 6,6 4. The samples were cutting with
and polycarbonate. The results indicator (2 & 0.5) cm dimensions.
that carbon black reinforced nylon 6,6 5. The sample was dried for two
has maximum electrical conductivity at hrs to remove humidity and then
low weight fraction [8]. tested.
6. The simplest capacitor structure
Zhang studied the effect of particle size planer form, consisting of a
and shape on the bipolar plate layer of dielectric material
performance. With increasing of graphite sandwiched between two metal
particle size, bulk electrical conductivity layers.
and thermometric conductivity 7. The device precision LCR
decreased, but flexural strength of meter was accurately adjusted
then used to measure the
bipolar plate was enhancing [9]. resistivity (R) values on the
electronic screen. From these
Barton studied multiple carbon fillers in
value can be fined an electrical
liquid crystal polymer composites conductivity by equation 1.
(synthetic graphite and carbon fibre), the These measurements test for
results showed that the carbon fibre has (50Hz-106 Hz.) at room
an electrical conductivity of 4.8 S/cm at temperature.
(50wt %), the synthetic graphite
composite exhibits an electrical σ= ------- (1)
conductivity of 12.4 S/cm at (80 wt %)

Experimental work Where: σ: electrical conductivity

1- Material

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d: diameter of specimen(cm), R: increasing of frequency and then

electrical resistivity,(Ω/cm), A: decreased. The permittivity depends on
cross- section area, (cm2). the dipoles and charges movement in the
dielectric material, due to change in the
Result and discussion field direction, because of an electric
field alternation. The intensity of
Electrical conductivity is the measure of alternating electrical field was
the ease with which electrons move represented by the frequency of applying
among atoms. It is the ease of movement voltage, that effected by a dipoles of
dielectric material into frequency range,
of electrical charge from one position to
this means the electrical polarization
another in a material. The charge is changed with an electric field changed.
carried either by ions or electrons. The
mobility of ions or electrons varies from
Effect of weight fraction
material to material. Where mobility is The effect of weight fraction of different
high, the material is called conductor types of carbon reinforced polyvinyl
such as metal and carbon and where chloride was investigated in this work,
mobility is low the material is called there were (10, 20, 30, 40&50) % weight
insulator such as polymer and ceramic. fraction. The results showed that weight
An electron offers resistance to motion, fraction of fillers were affected on
electrical conductivity of composite
if it is tied up by ions or covalent bond.
materials due to conductivity of carbon,
In such cases there will be no conduction it was ranged from (102 to 105 S\ cm).
of electricity. Such materials which are The electrical conductivity for the
ionically or covalently bonded are carbon black, carbon fibre and synthetic
extremely poor conductors, because graphite reinforced polyvinyl chloride
electrons are not free to conduct resin show in table 5 which was exhibit
electricity. that electrical conductivity of composite
materials for fillers reinforced PVC
Effect of frequency higher than matrix material.
If a material is placed in an electric field
the charged particles interact with field. Effect of carbon types
The Experimental results observed that
If the material is a conductor, the free
the electrical conductivity values were
electrons simply move to the nearest
different according to type of fillers and
positive electrode. No field is, thus, left
its percentage (weight fraction). Carbon
within the material. The displacement of
black was effective more than other
charged particles occurs almost
fillers at low weight fraction due to its
instantaneously bringing about the
particles have high surface area is (0.229
equilibrium. If the material is non-
S/cm) at (20%) weight fraction whereas
conducting or an insulator or a dielectric
the electrical conductivity of each carbon
the electrons are only locally displaced,
fibre and synthetic graphite was (0.109
because they are bond to individual
S/cm) and (0.104S/cm) respectively.
Addition carbon fibre and synthetic
Dielectric properties as function to
graphite fillers on matrix material were
frequency, figures (3-6) show the
apparent good electrical conductivity at
variation of the electrical conductivity
high weight fraction comparing to their
with different frequency at room
low percentage account of the fillers
temperature; the results exhibit that
created conductive path in the matrix
electrical conductivity increased with
material, it reached to (0.216S/cm) and

NUCEJ Vol.16 No.2 Al ameer , Jameel & Hassan 263

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(0.226S/cm) for carbon fiber and Polymer Electrolyte Membrane

synthetic graphite; respectively at (%40) Fuel Cells (PEMFC)”, 2006.
weight fraction as shows in figure 1. 2. Plastic Forming Industry,
In addition to that, a hybrid composite Handy Manual, Organized by the
material which consists of 20% carbon Energy Conservation Center
black, 20% carbon fiber and 20% (ECC), Japan, 1995.
synthetic graphite is also investigated.
The results indicate that combinations of 3. John Wiley & Sons, “Handbook of
fillers increased the electrical Materials Selection” NewYork.
conductivity of the composite materials. 2002.
Figure 3 shows how the electrical
conductivity changes with increases in 4. Stephen, L.R.; “Fundamental
the various fillers which were Principle of
(0.592S/cm). Polymeric Materials”, New York,
In order to analysis above, the (1980).
conductive fillers, such as carbon fiber 5. Seymour, R.B., “Polymeric
as act channels for the electrons to flow Composite”,
through. The electrons are free to flow Alden Press, London, (1990).
through the carbon fibers. However, 6. Conductive Polymers, Industry
once they reach the end of the fiber, they Study with Forecasts to 2010 &
encounter the polymer matrix, which 2015, June 2006.
acts as dam, blocking the flow of the 7. Zou, “A study of A composite
electrons. Bipolar Plate of PEMFC”,
CANADA, 2004.
Conclusion 8. Matthew L. Clingerman,
1. Electrical conductivity “Development and Modelling of
increases with increasing in Electrically Conductive
weight fraction of fillers. Composite Materials”, Michigan
2. The Experimental results technological university,2001.
9. Zhang, “Influence of Graphite
exhibited that the electrical
Particle Size and Its Shape on the
conductivity values were Performance of Carbon
different according to type of Composite Bipolar Plate”, 2005.
fillers. 10. Barton, R.L. “Electrical
3. Carbon black was effective Conductivity Modelling of
more than other fillers at low Multiple Carbon Fillers in Liquid
Crystal Composite for Fuel Cell
weight fraction due to its
Bipolar Plate Applications”,
particles have high surface USA, 2008.
area.The results indicate that
combinations of fillers
increased the electrical
conductivity of the composite


1. Yuhua Wang, “Conductive

Thermoplastic Composite Blends
for Flow Field Plates for Use in

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electrical conductivity, S\cm

0.4 C.B+ PVC
0.3 C.F+ PVC
0.2 S.G+ PVC
0.1 (C.B+ C.F+ S.G)+ PVC
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
weight fraction

Figure 1: Electrical conductivity of different fillers reinforced PVC

0.5 0.592
E. C., S\cm

0.229 0.216 0.226
20%C.B+ PVC 40%C.F+PVC 40%S.G +PVC 20%(C.B, C.F,

Figure2: Typical electrical conductivity of different fillers reinforced PVC


E.C., S\cm

0.15 10%C.B.+PVC

0.1 20%C.B. +PVC

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
log F

Figure 3: electrical conductivity of carbon black at different frequency

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Figure 4: electrical conductivity of carbon fiber at different frequency


E.C., S\cm

0.15 10%S.G.+PVC

0.1 20%S.G. +PVC

0 2 4 6 8
log F

Figure 5: electrical conductivity of synthetic graphite at different frequency

E.C., S\cm

0.4 10%C.+PVC
0.3 20%C. +PVC
0.2 30%C.+PVC
0.1 40%C.+PVC
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
log F

Figure 6: electrical conductivity of composite at different frequency

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Table 1: electrical conductivity of carbon black at different frequency

Samples E.C., S\cm

F(Hz) 50 500 1000 105 106

10%C.B.+PVC 0.18 0.21 0.221 0.2 0.19

20%C.B. +PVC 0.171 0.182 0.188 0.183 0.18

30%C.B.+PVC 0.14 0.145 0.15 0.147 0.14

40%C.B.+PVC 0.087 0.1 0.11 0.09 0.086

Table 2: electrical conductivity of carbon fiber at different frequency

Samples E.C., S\cm

F(Hz) 50 500 1000 105 106

10%C.F.+PVC 0.09 0.094 0.097 0.093 0.09

20%C.F. +PVC 0.1 0.103 0.109 0.104 0.1

30%C.F.+PVC 0.14 0.163 0.181 0.178 0.166

40%C.F.+PVC 0.192 0.21 0.216 0.21 0.18

Table 3: electrical conductivity of synthetic graphite at different frequency

Samples E.C., S\cm

F(Hz) 50 500 1000 105 106

10%S.G.+PVC 0.083 0.09 0.092 0.09 0.88

20%S.G. +PVC 0.92 0.1 0.104 0.101 0.91

30%S.G.+PVC 0.151 0.158 0.163 0.16 0.152

40%S.G.+PVC 0.21 0.221 0.226 0.222 0.21

Table 4: electrical conductivity of composite at different frequency

Samples E.C., S\cm

F(Hz) 50 500 1000 105 106

10%C.+PVC 0.388 0.42 0.423 0.41 0.387

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‫‪20%C. +PVC‬‬ ‫‪0.572‬‬ ‫‪0.586‬‬ ‫‪0.592‬‬ ‫‪0.59‬‬ ‫‪0.55‬‬

‫‪30%C.+PVC‬‬ ‫‪0.568‬‬ ‫‪0.582‬‬ ‫‪0.588‬‬ ‫‪0.58‬‬ ‫‪0.52‬‬

‫‪40%C.+PVC‬‬ ‫‪0.51‬‬ ‫‪0.56‬‬ ‫‪0.563‬‬ ‫‪0.56‬‬ ‫‪0.5‬‬

‫‪Table 5: electrical conductivity for different fillers at 1 KHz‬‬

‫‪PVC‬‬ ‫‪E.C, S/cm‬‬

‫‪10%‬‬ ‫‪20%‬‬ ‫‪30%‬‬ ‫‪40%‬‬ ‫‪50%‬‬
‫‪C.B+ PVC‬‬ ‫‪0.221‬‬ ‫‪0.229‬‬ ‫‪0.188‬‬ ‫‪0.15‬‬ ‫‪0.11‬‬
‫‪C.F+ PVC‬‬ ‫‪0.097‬‬ ‫‪0.109‬‬ ‫‪0.181‬‬ ‫‪0.216‬‬ ‫‪0.2‬‬
‫‪S.G+ PVC‬‬ ‫‪0.092‬‬ ‫‪0.104‬‬ ‫‪0.163‬‬ ‫‪0.226‬‬ ‫‪0.22‬‬
‫‪(C.B+ C.F+ S.G)+ PVC‬‬ ‫‪0.423‬‬ ‫‪0.592‬‬ ‫‪0.588‬‬ ‫‪0.563‬‬ ‫‪0.441‬‬

‫دراسة التوصيلية الكهربائية للمواد المتراكبة البولي فينايل كلورايد المدعم‬

‫بانواع مختلفة من حشوات الكاربون الموصلة‬
‫نيرفانا عباس عبد االمير‬ ‫نغم سلمان حسن‬ ‫والء وديع جميل‬

‫هندسة كيمياوية‬ ‫هندسة كيمياوية‬ ‫علوم فيزياء‬

‫الكلية التقنية بغداد‬ ‫الكلية التقنية بغداد‬ ‫الكلية التقنية بغداد‬


‫الهدف من الدراسة هو تطوير التوصيلية الكهربائية للمواد المتراكبة البولي فينايل كلورايد المدعم‬
‫بحشوات مختلفة من الكاربون‪ .‬النتائج المختبرية اظهرت ان الكاربون االسود كان اكثر فعالية من‬
‫االنواع االخرى عند النسب الوزنيةالواطئة حيث وصلت الى )‪ (0.229S/cm‬في حين كانت‬
‫)‪ (0.109 S/cm‬و)‪ (0.104S/cm‬لكل من الياف الكاربون والكرافيت على التوالي‪ .‬اما عند الكسور‬
‫الوزنية العالية )‪ (40%‬فان التوصيلية الكهربائية ازدادت الى )‪ (0.216S/cm‬و )‪(0.226S/cm‬‬
‫لكل من الياف الكاربون والكرافيت بينما كانت ضئيلة للكاربون االسود‪ .‬كذلك تم دراسة المواد‬
‫ال متراكبة الهجينة حيث اظهرت النتائج اعلى قيم لها عند دمج الحشوات بنفس الكسور الوزنية‬
‫(‪ )%20‬لكل حشوة ‪ ,‬كانت )‪.(0.592S/cm‬‬

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