Sura Yasin Wazifa
Sura Yasin Wazifa
Sura Yasin Wazifa
We have brought you 3 experienced ways of using surah Yaseen here. Note that
each of these 3 wazifas are very authentic and accepted by people who have
experienced it. You need to perform all al of them one by one after each other
while focusing on the recitation of Surah Yaseen and performing its wazifa without
thinking about other things.These three wazifas are as follows:
The second wazifa of surah Yaseen has been narrated by a great man who has
said: “I recited Surah Yasin a lot and I continued to recite this Surah in this way
whenever I had a hajat”. This method is as follows:
In Surah Yasin, the word “Mubin” is mentioned 7 times. You should recite this
prayer every time you come across this word (Mobin):
« ُُبحان ال ُم َخلِّص
َ س،ُبحان ال ُمفَرِّ ُج َعن ُكلِّ َمحزون َ س،َّحمن الرَّحیم ِ سم هللاِ الر ِ ِب
ِّلOO ُم َعن ُكOالعاص
ِ َ O ُس،ديونOOلِّ َمOOبحان ال ُمنَفِّسُ َعن ُك
بحان َ O ُس،َعن ُكلِّ َمشحون
َ O ُس،ونOOّاف َو النO
اَرا َدOبحان َمن اِذا ِ Oين الكَ َهُ بOُل َخزاِئنO
َ Oبحان َمن َج َع
َ O ُس،َمكنون
َ O ُس،ونOOهُ ُكن فَيَكO َو ُل لOOيئا ً َأن يَقO َش
ُ O ِد ِه َملَكO َبحان الَّذى بِي
ٍئ َو اِلَي ِهO لِّ َشOOوت ُكO
رجعون َ ُت.»
Wazifa number 3 for hajat
The last time to recite Surah Yasin is according to a narration from one of the
companions of the Prophet. We understand from his words that this wazifa of
surah Yaseen is as follows:
you should recite surah Yaseen after morning prayer, and after reading surah
Yaseen, recite the given dua in below 10 times, and then ask god for your hajat.
And you should do this 10 days in a row.
«ر یاOO یا قَدی ُم یا داِئم یا َح ُّی َو یا قَیوم یا فَرد َو یا ِوت،َّحمن الرَّحیم ِ سم هللاِ الر ِ ِب
ُلَّی هللاO ص
َ ص َمد یا َمن لَم یَلِد َو لَم یولَد َو لَم یَ ُکن لَه ُکفُواً اَ َحد َو
َ واحد یا اَ َحد یا
ّاحمین َ َک یا ا
ِ رح َم الر َ ِ َعلی ُم َح َّم ٍد َو الِه اَج َمعین بِ َرح َمت.»
Last word
As you can see, we have explained to you 3 authentic ways of using Surah
Yaseen to reach your desired need. You should note that while reciting this surah
and performing its wazifa, you should make enough efforts to achieve what you
intend and ask God for help by reciting Surah Yasin and performing surah Yaseen
wazifa for hajat in one day.