Nox Eye - Modules
Nox Eye - Modules
Nox Eye - Modules
Modules Description
• The videos provided to the algorithm presented have the minimum resolution of 320 x
240, which are recorded in the indoor and outdoor environment i.e. house. Videos
captured are analyzed under the four categories: (i) single: when single person is in
the video and performing normal activities. (ii) Single abnormal: when single person
is in the video and performs abnormal activity. (iii) Multiple: when multiple people
are in the camera view and act normally. (iv) Multiple abnormal: when multiple
person are in the view and abnormal activities are performed.
• Cameras should be deployed in critical areas to capture relevant video. Computer and
camera are interfaced and here webcam is used.
• In that we will enhance the different features of images we get for example its
intensity, contrast, saturation for different image processing. Low pass-filters a
grayscale image that has been degraded by constant power additive noise. It uses a
pixel wise adaptive Wiener method based on statistics estimated from a local
neighbourhood of each pixel.
Action Detection
• The Background subtraction approach is mostly used when the background is static.
The principle of this method is to use a model of the background and compare the
current image with a reference. The foreground objects present in the scene are
detected. It attempts to detect moving regions in an image by differencing between
current image and a reference background image in a pixel-by-pixel fashion. We will
use the static background for the image subtraction which will give us the human we
have to track. This step detects objects of interest as they move about the scene.
Feature Engineering
• Deep neural network (DNN) is a popular deep learning (DL) structure that consists of
multiple-layered models of inputs. The DCNN architecture that we used to train and
build the classifier model. The model can predict crime objects. Hence, the DCNN
model running at a fog node detects and labels the images with the name of the crime
objects having the highest probability, and saves those images.
IoT Integration
• IEEE 802.11(WLAN) as the physical layer protocol, IPv4 as the network layer
protocol, and,finally,MQTT as the application layer protocol for the proposed system.
The MQTT client publishes multimedia data (text, image, and video) through a
specific topic to the broker/server, and, then, the broker forwards the data to the
clients who have subscribed to that topic.
• The crime unit receives the crime image, alert message, and crime location
information. The alert message consists of the crime data and location, and the
labeled-image verifies and confirms the crime weapon. Finally, the location
information tells the police where the crime might occur so they can take necessary
steps to prevent it.