Basic 1st 01
Basic 1st 01
Basic 1st 01
Radiation, radioactivity and radioactive materials are outlined below.
A light bulb, an object familiar to everyone, has the ability to emit light. Light bulb
brightness is expressed in the unit of "Lumens" or "Watts." People receive the light and feel
the brightness. The unit in this case is "Lux."
The units related to radiation, such as becquerel and sievert, which we often hear
about lately, also have a similar relation to the above. For example, when a rock emits
radiation, this rock is called a "radioactive material" (p.3 of Vol. 1, "Units of Radiation and
Radioactive materials emit radiation, and this ability is called "radioactivity." In this case,
it is expressed as "This rock has radioactivity" or "This rock emits radiation." This ability of
emitting radiation is expressed in the unit of "Becquerel (Bq)."
"Sievert (Sv)" is used as the unit of the radiation exposure dose necessary to know the
effect of radiation to which a person is exposed. There is a special conversion factor to
calculate "Sv" from "Bq."
Higher radioactivity (value expressed in becquerels) means that the relevant radioactive
material emits more radiation, but radiation exposure dose (value expressed in sieverts)
varies depending on the distance between the radioactive material and the person exposed
thereto. The intensity of radiation rises when the person is closer to the thing emitting
radiation, and the intensity weakens as the distance becomes larger. This is the same as a
bright light bulb appearing dim at a distance.
Radiation and Radioactivity
Radioactive materials are materials that emit radiation. For example, the term is used as
follows: "This water contains radioactive materials." Although the term "radioactivity" is
sometimes used in the meaning of radioactive materials, in the field of natural sciences, the
term only refers to the ability to emit radiation.
If a sealed container contains water with radioactive materials, radiation may leak
from the container, but radioactive materials do not come out. If a container without a lid
contains water with radioactive materials, there is a possibility that radioactive materials
may spread due to spilling, etc.
Radioactive materials incorporated into the body may remain in the body for a
certain period of time and move between organs but some of them are excreted or lose
radioactivity as a result of emitting radiation. Effects of radiation may partially remain in
cells but radiation itself does not remain in the body. Health effects of radiation are detailed
in Chapter 3.
Radiation and Radioactivity
Humans cannot sense radiation with their five senses because radiation is invisible and
odorless. However, it has a feature that makes measuring easy.
"Becquerel" and "Sievert," which we have often heard about and seen recently, are units
related to radiation. For example, radiation in soil or food can be measured using a special
measuring device to find how much radioactive materials are contained in them. The
becquerel is a unit to express the intensity of such radiation. The sievert is a unit to express
the effect on the human body (for details, refer to Vol. 1, "2.3 Units of Radiation").
Places where a large amount of radioactive materials exist can be identified with
a handheld survey meter. Additionally, the intensity and types of radiation emitted
from radioactive materials, as well as personal exposure doses, can be checked with
various types of survey meters (for details, refer to Vol. 1, "2.4 Dose Measurement and
Furthermore, based on the results of various investigative studies, radiation doses due
to the effect of the accident and natural radiation doses, as well as the total thereof, can be
obtained separately.
Means for radiation management and radiation protection are devised taking advantage
of this feature of radiation, i.e., the easiness of measurement.
Radiation and Radioactivity
Radioactive Materials
An atom is composed of a nucleus and electrons that go around the former. The nucleus is
composed of protons with a positive charge and neutrons without charge, and the number
of protons (atomic number) determines the chemical properties of the atom (element type).
For example, carbon has six protons, but there are also types of carbon with five, six,
seven or eight neutrons. All of them have the same chemical properties.
When calling them distinctively, they are called Carbon 11, Carbon 12, Carbon 13 and
Carbon 14, adding the nuclear number (total of protons and neutrons) after the element
name, which is a nominal designation that covers the same types of atoms. Carbon 12 is
the one that most commonly exists in nature.
Carbon 14 is a radionuclide which exists in nature and is made through a process where
a proton of Nitrogen 14 is hit and removed by a neutron created as a result of collisions of
cosmic rays and the atmosphere. Carbon 14 has six protons and eight neutrons, and the
state is energetically unstable because of the unbalance of both numbers.
If one neutron of Carbon 14 changes to a proton, the element becomes stable because
the numbers of protons and neutrons are both seven. At this time, an electron is emitted as
extra energy. This is the identity of ʹ (beta)-particles. In other words, Carbon 14 returns to
nitrogen having seven protons by emitting ʹ-particles, and becomes energetically stable.
Radioactive Materials
Nuclei having the same atomic number (the number of protons) but differing in the number
of neutrons are called "isotopes" to each other. There are "radioisotopes" that emit
radiation upon radioactive disintegration and "stable isotopes" that do not emit radiation
and so do not change in atomic weight.
Radionuclides emit radiation such as ʸ (alpha)-particles, ʹ (beta)-particles, and ʺ
(gamma)-rays to mitigate or terminate their unstable states. Radionuclides turn into
different atoms after emission of ʸ-particles or ʹ-particles but such change does not occur
after emission of ʺ-rays. The radiation type to be emitted is dictated for each radionuclide
(p.8 of Vol. 1, "Naturally Occurring or Artificial," and p.13 of Vol. 1, "Where does Radiation
Come from?").
Carbon is an element having six protons but there are also variants having five to eight
neutrons. Cesium is an element having fifty-five protons, and its variants having fifty-seven
to ninety-six neutrons have been found so far. Among them, only Cesium-133 having
seventy-eight neutrons (55 protons plus 78 neutrons = 133) is stable, and all the rest are
radioisotopes that emit radiation. In the event of a nuclear plant accident, Cesium-137 and
Cesium 134 that is made through a process where fission products are hit by a neutron
may be released into the environment. They emit ʹ-particles and ʺ-rays.
(Related to p.30 of Vol. 1, "Products in Nuclear Reactors")
Radioactive Materials
While most hydrogen atoms are H-1 whose nucleus has only one proton, there are also H-2
(deuterium) that has one proton and one neutron and H-3 (tritium) that has one proton and
two neutrons. Only H-3 (tritium) emits radiation among these isotopes.
Like hydrogen, there are elements (collectively referring to the same type of atoms)
having only one type of radioactive nucleus, but there are also many elements having
multiple types of radioactive nuclei. Some elements with a large atomic number such as
uranium and plutonium do not have stable nuclei that do not emit radiation.
While most naturally occurring radionuclides have existed since the birth of the earth,
there are some that are still being created by the interaction between cosmic rays and the
atmosphere, such as Carbon-14.
Radioactive Materials
Radionuclides with long half-lives, such as Thorium-232 in the thorium series, Uranium-238
in the uranium series, and Potassium-40, were created in the universe in the distant past
and taken into the earth when the earth was born.
Thorium-232 and Uranium-238 transform into various radionuclides by emitting ʸ
(alpha)-particles, ʹ (beta)-particles, and ʺ (gamma)-rays before transforming into Lead-208
and Lead-206, respectively.
Carbon-14, which is also a naturally occurring radionuclide, is created when nitrogen
that accounts for 78% of the atmosphere is hit by a neutron created as a result of collisions
of cosmic rays and the atmosphere. Carbon-14 returns to nitrogen by emitting ʹ-particles.
Cesium-134, Cesium-137, Strontium-90, Iodine-131, and Plutonium-239 can be
released into the environment in the event of a nuclear plant accident. Some artificial
radionuclides, such as Plutonium-239, have very long half-lives.
Radioactive Materials
A nucleus of a radionuclide is energetically unstable. In order to become stable, it releases
extra energy in the form of radiation.
Becquerel is a unit used to quantify radiation intensity. One becquerel is defined as
an amount that "one nucleus changes (disintegrates) per second." Since nuclei often
emit radiation during disintegration, the becquerel is used as a unit to express the ability
to emit radiation. In a rock with 1 Bq of radioactivity, for example, each nucleus of the
radionuclide contained in the rock will disintegrate per second. 10 Bq means that 10 nuclei
will disintegrate per second.
Once nuclei of a radionuclide disintegrate and the radionuclide becomes stable by
emitting radiation, it will no longer emit radiation. Some types of radionuclides repeat
disintegration multiple times until becoming stable.
(Related to p.10 of Vol. 1, "Parent and Daughter Nuclides")
Radioactive Materials
Types of atoms and nuclei classified depending on the number of protons and neutrons are
called nuclides. For example, Carbon-12 and Carbon-14 are both carbons but are different
nuclides. Carbon-14 is a radionuclide as it is energetically unstable.
The phenomenon wherein a radionuclide emits radiation and transforms into a different
nuclide is called disintegration. A nuclide before disintegration is called a parent nuclide
and that after disintegration is called a daughter nuclide.
Some radionuclides remain energetically unstable even after disintegration, which
means that the original radionuclides have transformed into other types of radionuclides.
These types of radionuclides repeat disintegration until becoming energetically stable.
A nuclide resulting from the disintegration of a daughter nuclide (seen from a parent
nuclide) is sometimes called a granddaughter nuclide, and such daughter nuclide and
granddaughter nuclide are collectively called progeny nuclides.
Radioactive Materials
An atom that has become stable in terms of energy by emitting radiation will no longer emit
radiation. The amount of a radionuclide decreases over time and radioactivity weakens.
The time required for radioactivity to weaken and reduce to half is called a (physical) half-
Upon the elapse of a period of time equal to the half-life, the radioactivity will be halved,
and when a period of time twice as long as the half-life lapses, the radiation will reduce to
a quarter of the original state. A graph with the horizontal axis representing the elapsed
time and the vertical axis representing the radiation intensity demonstrates exponential
radioactivity decreases in a curve as shown in the slide.
(Physical) half-lives vary depending on the types of radionuclides. For instance, the
half-life is approximately 8 days for Iodine-131, approximately 2 years for Cesium-134, and
approximately 30 years for Cesium-137.
Radioactive materials taken into the body will be excreted after being taken into various
organs and tissues. The time required for the amount of radioactive materials in the body to
reduce to half through excretion is called biological half-life and varies depending on their
chemical forms and/or particle sizes (p.27 of Vol. 1, "Internal Exposure and Radioactive
Radioactive Materials
Some nuclei that emit radiation have very long half-lives. Uranium-238 has a half-life of 4.5
billion years. Since the earth is about 4.6 billion years old, the amount of Uranium-238 that
had existed at the time of the earth's birth has now reduced to half.
Some radionuclides become stable after a single emission of radiation, while some
transform into various radionuclides as they disintegrate many times, until becoming stable.
For example, Uranium-238 emits ʸ (alpha)-particles and transforms into Thorium-234,
which is also a radionuclide. Thorium-234 further emits ʹ (beta)-particles and transforms
into Protactinium-234, which is also a radionuclide. They constitute a series in which the
original element transforms into different atoms more than 10 times before becoming stable
Potassium-40 also has a long half-life of 1.3 billion years. This is another naturally
occurring radionuclide that was taken into the earth upon its birth. Potassium-40 transforms
into stable Calcium-40 or Argon-40 through a single disintegration without constituting a
(Related to p.10 of Vol. 1, "Parent and Daughter Nuclides," and p.11 of Vol. 1, "Half-lives
and Radioactive Decay")
Radiation generally means ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation, which has the ability to
ionize atoms that make up a substance (separate the atoms into positively charged ions
and negatively charged electrons), is categorized into particle beams and electromagnetic
Particle beams include ʸ (alpha)-particles, ʹ (beta)-particles, neutron beams, etc. (p.13
of Vol. 1, "Where does Radiation Come from?"). Particle beams include charged (ionized)
particle beams and uncharged particle beams. ʺ (gamma)-rays and X-rays are types of
electromagnetic waves.
Some forms of electromagnetic waves, such as electric waves, infrared rays, and visible
rays, do not cause ionization, and they are called nonionizing radiation. Ultraviolet rays
are generally categorized as nonionizing radiation although some ultraviolet rays do cause
ionization (p.15 of Vol. 1, "Types of Ionizing Radiation").
(Related to p.19 of Vol. 1, "Types of Radiation and Biological Effects," and p.20 of Vol. 1,
"Penetrating Power of Radiation")
Particle beams include ʸ (alpha)-particles, ʹ (beta)-particles, neutron beams, etc.
ʸ-particles are helium nuclei consisting of two protons and two neutrons that have
been ejected at high speed, while ʹ-particles are electrons ejected from a nucleus. Particle
beams also include neutron beams and proton beams.
ʺ-rays and X-rays are types of electromagnetic waves. While ʸ-particles, ʹ-particles,
and ʺ-rays are emitted from a nucleus, X-rays used in X-ray examination for medical
checkups and the like are electromagnetic waves generated outside a nucleus. X-rays
generated in X-ray tubes are used in X-ray examination. X-rays include braking X-rays and
characteristic X-rays (p.16 of Vol. 1, "X-rays for Medical Use and Generators").
(Related to p.13 of Vol. 1, "Where does Radiation Come from?," and p.14 of Vol. 1, "Types
of Radiation")
X-ray examination uses X-rays generated in X-ray tubes. A high voltage is applied between
a cathode and an anode (tungsten, molybdenum, copper, etc.) inside an X-ray tube so
that thermal electrons migrate from the cathode to the anode in a vacuum at high speed.
X-rays generated when the direction of propagation of the thermal electrons changes as
they are attracted to the nucleus of the anode are called braking X-rays. When an electron
is ejected from the inner electron orbit of the anode nucleus, another electron migrates
(transitions) to this vacancy from the outer electron orbit. X-rays generated thereby are
called characteristic X-rays. Most of the X-rays generated in X-ray tubes are braking X-rays.
Generation of X-rays stops when the X-ray tube is switched off.
X-ray generators used in the field of medicine are either for diagnosis or for treatment.
The energy and amount of X-rays are adjusted to match the purpose of imaging and the
part to be imaged. In chest roentgenography (diagnosis), the amount of radiation a patient
receives in one imaging session is approx. 0.06 mSv.
Electromagnetic waves are waves that propagate through space while an electric field
and a magnetic field interact with each other. The shorter the wavelength is (the higher the
frequency is), the higher the energy of an electromagnetic wave. The energy of radiation is
expressed in electron volts (eV). 1 eV equals 1.6 x 10-19 Joule (J).
While X-rays and ʺ-rays differ in the mechanisms of how they are generated, they are
both electromagnetic waves with high energy.
Thus, an electromagnetic wave sometimes behaves like a wave and may be expressed
as a waveform perpendicular to its direction of propagation, as shown in the figure above.
When radiation passes through a substance, its energy causes ejection of orbital electrons
of the atoms that make up the substance, separating the atoms into positively charged
atoms (or positive ion molecules) and free electrons. This is called ionization.
Ionizing radiation that causes ionization ionizes substances either directly or indirectly.
Charged particle beams, such as ʸ-particles and ʹ-particles, ionize substances directly.
In particular, ʸ-particles have high ionization density, causing ionization at a density
hundreds of times as high as that of ʹ-particles, etc.
ʺ-rays and X-rays ionize substances indirectly using secondary electrons generated
through their interaction with the substances.
(Related to p.14 of Vol. 1, "Types of Radiation")
External exposure to ʸ-particles does not cause problems because ʸ-particles have weak
penetrating power against biological tissues and cannot penetrate the horny layer of the
skin (layer of dead cells on the skin surface). However, internal exposure to any radioactive
material that emits ʸ-particles causes large amounts of local ionization, i.e., high-density
ionization, within tissues, providing concentrated energy. This significantly damages DNA
and has strong biological effects.
ʹ-particles cause direct ionization of the substance it passes through, as do ʸ-particles,
but because of their low ionization density, their biological effects are not as strong as
those of ʸ-particles. Penetrating power of ʹ-particles is also weak but stronger than that of
ʸ-particles, and external exposure to ʹ-particles could affect the skin and subcutaneous
ʺ-rays and X-rays reach deep organs and tissues because of their strong penetrating
power but do not have high ionization density. Their biological effects are similar to those of
Since a neutron has a mass almost equal to that of a proton, a neutron beam stops
efficiently when colliding with a proton. Since the human body contains a large amount of
water, neutrons lose their energy as they collide with hydrogen nuclei (protons) that make
up water molecules.
(Related to p.15 of Vol. 1, "Types of Ionizing Radiation," and p.18 of Vol. 1, "Ionization of
Radiation - Property of Ionizing Radiation")
Charged particles or electromagnetic waves interact with a substance, lose their energy
(speed), and eventually stop.
Since ʸ-particles cause a large amount of ionization, a sheet of paper is enough to stop
them. ʹ-particles travel several meters in the air, and a 1 cm thick plastic sheet or a 2-4 mm
thick aluminum plate is enough to stop them, depending on how much energy they have.
ʺ-rays and X-rays have higher penetrating power than ʸ-particles or ʹ-particles, travel
several tens to hundreds of meters in the air (depending on their energy) and gradually
lose their energy as they collide with atoms in the air. As ʺ-rays and X-rays can be shielded
using thick plates of high-density lead or iron, those from radiation generators can be
blocked using iron and the like.
Uncharged neutrons lose their energy through collision and are absorbed through
interaction with substances. That is, neutrons lose their energy (speed) by directly colliding
with nuclei that make up substances. They lose their energy most effectively by colliding
with protons (hydrogen nuclei) that are almost equal in mass to them.
(Related to p.21 of Vol. 1, "Penetrating Power of Radiation within the Body")
The easiness to penetrate through the air or the human body varies depending on the
types of radiation. Therefore, the types of radiation (ʸ-particles, ʹ-particles, or ʺ-rays)
and radioactive materials (nuclides) that cause problems differ for external exposure and
internal exposure.
ʸ-particles can travel only several centimeters in the air and a sheet of paper is enough
to stop them. In the case of external exposure, ʸ-particles do not reach deeper than the
layer of dead cells (horny layer) on the skin surface and do not cause effects. However, if
an alpha-emitting radionuclide enters the body, it will provide energy intensively to nearby
cells where it is deposited.
Since ʹ-particles travel only several meters in the air, they hardly contribute to exposure
when a radiation source is located away from the body. When the surface of the body is
exposed to ʹ-particles, their energy is imparted to the skin and subcutaneous tissues;
when ʹ-particles enter the body, their energy is imparted to a radius of several millimeters
around the relevant spot.
ʺ-rays and X-rays have high penetrating power and travel several tens to hundreds of
meters in the air. When they collide with the human body, they can reach deep into the
body or sometimes pass through it. Their energy is imparted to the part they pass through.
In X-ray examination, the parts of the body X-rays can easily pass through (lungs, etc.)
appear in black while the parts they cannot easily pass through (bones, etc.) appear in
(Related to p.22 of Vol. 1, "Penetrating Power and Range of Effects on the Human Body")
In the case of external exposure, ʸ-particles do not have any effect as they stop at the
horny layer on the surface of the body (the penetrating distance of ʸ-particles is about
several tens of micrometers). ʹ-particles pass through the skin (their penetrating distance
is about several millimeters) and can cause burn-like symptoms when doses are very high,
but do not reach deep into the body. ʺ-rays reach important organs deep inside the body.
Thus, the major concern in the case of external exposure is with ʺ-rays.
On the other hand, in the case of internal exposure, all radioactive materials that emit
ʸ-particles, ʹ-particles, or ʺ-rays could affect cells within the body. Given the distance
ʸ-particles travel, their effects are confined to tissues where radioactive materials exist, but
due to their significant biological effects, particular caution is required in relation to internal
exposure. ʺ-rays can affect the entire body because they travel long distances.
Some radioactive materials such as uranium, once entering the human body, may also
cause metallic toxicity, etc., in addition to causing internal exposure.
(Related to p.21 of Vol. 1, "Penetrating Power of Radiation within the Body")