Jamaica v1.2
Jamaica v1.2
Jamaica v1.2
High quality materials for the dedicated devotee of immersive, thematic tabletop games.
Game rules summaries, foamcore box plans, articles, interviews, reviews, videos, tutorials, forums – and lots more.
Publisher: GameWorks (2007)
Print on card (ensure you are printing at 100% scale) laminate and trim to size.
These sheets are intended only for the personal use of existing owners of the game for additional reference.
Universal Head makes no claim whatsoever to the rights of the publisher and copyright holder, and does not
benefit financially from these player aids. Artwork from the original game is copyrighted by the publisher and
used without permission. This PDF may not be re-posted online, sold or used in any way except for personal use.
Setup Powers
Each player takes a ship’s hold board, a ship and a Four of the treasure cards are special powers.
matching set of action cards, which are shuffled and They are placed faceup by your holds. You may use
placed facedown above the holds. Ships are placed on the power as long as you have the card.
the Port Royale space on the board.
Morgan’s Map You can have 4 action cards in your
Randomly select 9 of the 12 treasure cards, shuffle hand.
them and place them facedown on the space to the
right of the navigation box. Return the remaining 3 Saran’s Sabre Allows you to re-roll your own combat
cards to the game box unseen. die or make your opponent re-roll theirs (even the star).
Combat The second result must be accepted.
Place the combat die on the fortress and the 9
treasure tokens on the 9 pirate lair spaces on the The player landing in an occupied space is the Lady Beth +2 to the combat die.
board. Sort the resources (food, gunpowder and attacker. If there is more than one opposing ship, the 6th Hold Acts as a sixth hold (usual loading rules
doubloons) by type to form the bank. attacker chooses who to fight, and there is only one apply). If you steal the 6th hold, you also steal its
Each player places 3 food tokens and 3 doubloons in battle. No combat can take place in Port Royale. contents.
two of their holds, and draws the first 3 cards from The attacker spends a number of gunpowder tokens
their action deck, keeping them secret. of their choice, then adds that number to the result of End of the Game
Each player draws 3 action cards from their deck. a combat die roll to determine their combat strength.
Randomly select a first player to get the compass and The defender then does the same. As soon as a player reaches Port Royale, they stop.
the 2 action dice and be Captain for the first turn. Any remaining evening action they have is ignored.
The player with the higher strength wins. If there is a
tie, nothing happens. The current game round is finished normally, the game
Game Round ends and players add up their points.
If a player rolls the star, they immediately win the battle
1. Throw action dice The Captain throws the action (their gunpowder is still used). If they are the attacker, Final Score = the white number on the space where
dice and chooses which order to place them on the the defender does not defend at all (and therefore does your ship is plus any doubloons in your holds plus any
navigation box. not spend gunpowder or roll). If they are the defender, treasures minus any cursed treasures.
they win regardless of the attacker’s combat strength Ending on the -5 space or before it costs 5 points.
2. Choose card Each player chooses an action card
(or star).
(discards are shuffled to form a new deck if required) The winner is the player with the highest number of
and puts it facedown across their discard pile. The winner may choose one of the following options: points. On a tie, the player furthest along in the race
3. Actions The Captain turns over their action card and 1. Steal the contents of one of the loser’s holds wins. Otherwise tied players share the victory.
carries out their morning action (top left), then their (usual loading rules apply).
evening action (top right). In turn, the other players Two Player Game
2. Steal a treasure from the loser (you cannot first
reveal their cards and carry out their actions.
look at a player’s facedown treasures). The black ship starts at Port Royale as the Ghost Ship.
The morning action must be completely resolved It starts with a ship’s hold board with 5 doubloons in
before the evening action. 3. Give a cursed treasure to the loser.
one hold and 3 in another and the Lady Beth card.
4. End of round Each player takes the top card of their Cost of Spaces This card can never be stolen.
action deck and the compass moves to the next
A port space costs the number of doubloons shown on After the two players move, the Ghost Ship moves
player clockwise, who is now Captain.
the golden needle (paid to the bank). twice as determined by the action dice. It never pays
any costs.
Action Symbols A sea space costs the number of food tokens shown by
the white squares (paid to the bank). If it is leading the race it must move backwards; if
last, it must move forwards; if otherwise, the Captain
If a loading symbol is shown (food, gunpowder or A pirate lair space costs nothing; if the treasure token chooses (and may even make it attack their own ship).
doubloons) you must load the number of tokens shown is still there, remove it from the game and take a The Captain also chooses the direction the Ghost Ship
by the action die into an empty hold. treasure card, putting it next to your holds. moves if there is a fork.
If you do not have an empty hold then one must be If you cannot pay a space’s cost there is a shortage. The Ghost Ship takes treasure from pirate lair spaces
emptied (return tokens to the bank) to make room. A Pay to the bank as much as you can afford, then move if it is there. The treasure is left facedown (the players
hold containing the same type of token as the one you your ship back to the first space where you are able to may not see it) and placed next to its holds.
are loading cannot be emptied. If all holds are filled pay the full cost (even a pirate lair, where there is
with that type, the action is ignored. nothing to pay and you may take the treasure, if there). Battles are fought normally, with the opposing player
Movement You may choose the route if there is a fork. rolling the combat die for the Ghost Ship and taking
If a movement symbol is shown you must move your any decisions required if it wins.
You must then pay the cost of the new space. If the
ship forwards (green) or backwards (red) the number of space is already occupied there is a battle first. If it wins, it can steal whatever it wants; however
spaces shown by the action die. anything other than doubloons is thrown into the sea
You may move backwards on your first movement, but Treasures (returned to the bank). Doubloons are placed in its
an entire circuit of the island must be completed to holds according to the normal loading rules. It can also
Treasures modify your score at the end of the game
win the game. steal treasure cards, but never gives any away.
(cursed treasures negatively). They are placed
If the final space of the move is occupied, combat facedown by your holds and only revealed at the end A player who wins fighting a Ghost Ship may steal the
must immediately take place. After any combat, of the game. You can have more than 1 treasure card, contents of a hold, steal a treasure card (except the
the cost of the space must be paid. and any treasure can be stolen or given during combat. Lady Beth) or give it a treasure card.
If you do not have an empty hold, one 1. Steal the contents of one of the Powers
must be emptied to make room. A hold loser’s holds.
containing the same type of token as the Special power treasure cards are placed
2. Steal a treasure from the loser. faceup by your holds.
one you are loading cannot be emptied.
3. Give a cursed treasure to the loser. Morgan’s Map You can have 4 action
cards in your hand.
You must move your ship forwards Cost of Spaces
Game Round (green) or backwards (red) the number Saran’s Sabre You can re-roll your own
of spaces shown by the action die. A port space costs the number of combat die or make your opponent re-
1. Captain throws action dice and doubloons shown on the golden needle.
chooses the order to place them on roll theirs (even the star).
You may move backwards on your first
the navigation box. movement, but an entire island circuit A sea space costs the number of food Lady Beth +2 to the combat die.
must be completed to win the game. tokens shown by the white squares.
2. Each player chooses an action card 6th Hold Acts as a sixth hold. If you
and puts it facedown across their A pirate lair space costs nothing; if the steal the 6th hold, you also steal its
If the final space is occupied, combat
discard pile. treasure token is still there, remove it contents.
must take place. After any combat, you
from the game and take a treasure card.
3. Captain turns over their action card must pay the cost of the space.
and performs their morning action, If you cannot pay a space’s cost there is a End of the Game
then their evening action. In turn, Combat shortage. Pay as much as you can afford,
then move your ship back to the first As soon as a player reaches Port Royale,
the other players reveal their cards they stop; ignore any evening action.
No combat can take place in Port Royale. space where you can pay the full cost,
and carry out their actions. The current round is finished, the game
The attacker spends gunpowder tokens then pay the cost of that new space. If
4. End of round Each player takes the space is already occupied there is a ends and players add up their points.
of their choice and adds that number
the top card of their action deck. to the result of a die roll. Then the battle first. Final Score = white number on the
Pass the compass to the next player defender then does the same. space where your ship is plus doubloons
clockwise, who is now Captain. Treasures in your holds plus treasures minus
The player with the higher strength wins. cursed treasures. Ending on the -5
Action Symbols On a tie, nothing happens. Treasures are placed facedown by your
space or before it costs 5 points.
holds and are only revealed at the end of
Loading (food, gunpowder, doubloons) If you roll the star, you immediately win
the game. A player can have more than Winner is the player with the highest
(gunpowder is still used).
Load the number of tokens shown by the 1 treasure card, and any treasure can be number of points. On a tie, the player
action die into an empty hold. The winner may choose one option: stolen or given during combat. furthest along in the race wins.
If you do not have an empty hold, one 1. Steal the contents of one of the Powers
must be emptied to make room. A hold loser’s holds.
containing the same type of token as the Special power treasure cards are placed
2. Steal a treasure from the loser. faceup by your holds.
one you are loading cannot be emptied.
3. Give a cursed treasure to the loser. Morgan’s Map You can have 4 action
cards in your hand.
You must move your ship forwards Cost of Spaces
Game Round (green) or backwards (red) the number Saran’s Sabre You can re-roll your own
of spaces shown by the action die. A port space costs the number of combat die or make your opponent re-
1. Captain throws action dice and doubloons shown on the golden needle.
chooses the order to place them on roll theirs (even the star).
You may move backwards on your first
the navigation box. movement, but an entire island circuit A sea space costs the number of food Lady Beth +2 to the combat die.
must be completed to win the game. tokens shown by the white squares.
2. Each player chooses an action card 6th Hold Acts as a sixth hold. If you
and puts it facedown across their A pirate lair space costs nothing; if the steal the 6th hold, you also steal its
If the final space is occupied, combat
discard pile. treasure token is still there, remove it contents.
must take place. After any combat, you
from the game and take a treasure card.
3. Captain turns over their action card must pay the cost of the space.
and performs their morning action, If you cannot pay a space’s cost there is a End of the Game
then their evening action. In turn, Combat shortage. Pay as much as you can afford,
then move your ship back to the first As soon as a player reaches Port Royale,
the other players reveal their cards they stop; ignore any evening action.
No combat can take place in Port Royale. space where you can pay the full cost,
and carry out their actions. The current round is finished, the game
The attacker spends gunpowder tokens then pay the cost of that new space. If
4. End of round Each player takes the space is already occupied there is a ends and players add up their points.
of their choice and adds that number
the top card of their action deck. to the result of a die roll. Then the battle first. Final Score = white number on the
Pass the compass to the next player defender then does the same. space where your ship is plus doubloons
clockwise, who is now Captain. Treasures in your holds plus treasures minus
The player with the higher strength wins. cursed treasures. Ending on the -5
Action Symbols On a tie, nothing happens. Treasures are placed facedown by your
space or before it costs 5 points.
holds and are only revealed at the end of
Loading (food, gunpowder, doubloons) If you roll the star, you immediately win
the game. A player can have more than Winner is the player with the highest
(gunpowder is still used).
Load the number of tokens shown by the 1 treasure card, and any treasure can be number of points. On a tie, the player
action die into an empty hold. The winner may choose one option: stolen or given during combat. furthest along in the race wins.