WEEK 8 Personal or Professional
WEEK 8 Personal or Professional
WEEK 8 Personal or Professional
2. Nurse Midwife
- Advanced practice registered nurses who
specialize in pregnancy, prenatal care, childbirth,
and postpartum recovery can earn certification as
nurse midwives.
- Nurse midwives care for patients from labor
10. Online Education Programs Will Increase in through delivery and provide postpartum
Popularity assistance.
- While primarily focused on pregnancy care,
• Experts are predicting that online nursing
these nurses may also offer general services for
programs and RN-to-BSN nursing bridge
women, including gynecological reproductive
programs will increase in popularity.
and preventive healthcare.
• During the pandemic, nursing colleges used
online classes to help reduce the spread of
3. Clinical Nurse
COVID-19. However, expect the trend in online
- This type of APRN needs a master's or Doctor of
classes to continue past the pandemic.
Nursing degree in a specialized area of nursing
• COVID-19 has changed how education is
delivered; research suggests that online learning
- Clinical nurses can choose focus areas such as
may increase the retention of information.
pediatrics, geriatrics, critical or emergency care,
o Data show it can take less time to learn
specific disease care (such as diabetes or
and may lower overhead for colleges and
cardiovascular illness), rehabilitation, mental
health, or pain management and wound care.
o Even before COVID-19, the U.S. had
invested billions in educational
4. Infection Control/Prevention Nurse
technology, including:
- Infection control and prevention nurses identify,
▪ virtual tutoring
surveil, and manage infections, diseases, and
▪ videoconferencing
▪ online learning software.
- These professionals have filled a critical role
during the COVID-19 pandemic, as healthcare
systems need specialized workers to focus on
patient case reporting and widespread infection
- They work at hospitals, clinics, and community
health centers.
5. School Nurse 9. Informatics Nurse
- School nurses work in elementary, middle, and - Many organizations, including hospitals, nursing
high schools in a crucial but underserved role. homes, insurance agencies, and public health
- Among many other duties, they treat and give agencies, use the services of informatics nurses
first aid for ill or injured students. to manage healthcare data and communications.
- School nurses also provide acute care, collect - These nursing specialists, trained in computer
health data, administer health screenings, and science, information technology, and nursing,
help students with chronic diseases. manage data integration among all healthcare
providers to help these organizations increase
6. Dialysis Nurse efficiency and improve patient care.
- Dialysis refers to the medical process of cleaning
the blood of patients who suffer from kidney- 10. Nurse Anesthetist
related diseases. - These APRNs administer anesthesia and pain
- These disorders inhibit their kidneys from medication, observe vital signs, adjust, and
filtering out unwanted waste and fluids from their monitor patients during surgical procedures and
blood. in recovery.
- Dialysis nurses operate the equipment that cleans - Nurse anesthetists work with patients of all ages
a patient's blood, assess the vital signs of patients in scheduled surgical operations or emergency
before and after the dialysis procedure, and procedures.
provide education about medications and - Prior to surgery, they record patient histories and
aftercare. provide information about the types of anesthesia
used in the procedure.