Quantum Neuro - Synchronocity
Quantum Neuro - Synchronocity
Quantum Neuro - Synchronocity
Quantum Neuro-Synchronicity explores the brain activities of an individual when they are completely immersed into a
previously inexperienced and unfamiliar activity. Although there have been researches on the synchronicity between
dyads, there is a clear gap in research on the benefits of the sync on the right and left sides of the brain onan individual. Its
scope extends to not only engaging and developing our neurology but also as means to escape all the weights that
constantly pull people back. It is a momentary relief, a transitory phase, and a feeling of bliss that one can experience by
simply learning something new. Carl Jung created the term “synchronicity” to explain a relationship between two events
that could not be explained by cause and effect.
Quantum Neuro – Synchronicity
There have been several research studies about neuro-
synchronicity that mainly focus on the benefits of
mindfulness, research suggests that there is a positive
correlation between mindfulness and psychological
health.These effects ranged from “increased subjective-
wellbeing, reduced psychological symptoms, and
emotional reactivity, to improved regulated of
behavior.” (Keng et al., 2011) There is a research body
highlighting the psychological processes that may
serve as effective mindfulness interventions. However,
there is a research gap in the implications of quantum
neuro-synchronicity. Future research should explore
other potential applications of quantum neuro
The model of ‘Test Operate Test Exit’ (TOTE) helps synchronicity. Its application to better learning
us to break down our decision-making process, and methods is immense and can be applied to various
further, our behavior. We decide to operate on settings.
something or not to operate. By using the TOTE model,
we can know when we should exit. In the case of a
woman who feels like she is stuck in a relationship,
she would try operating on her situation, perhaps, by
communicating effectively with her partner. If that
does not work, she could try operating again, this time,
with a couple’s therapist. If by this point, she is
completely drained and nothing seems to be working,
she must realize the toxicity of the relationship and
break up. The sense of awareness and ability to exit
requires strength. We may read, hear, or see cases of
people staying in unhappy relationships and wonder
why they are putting themselves through it. This
indicates that awareness is missing in these people
who do not know how to exit. Knowing how to exit
any process, when the time comes, can save oneself
from a lot of stress and internal conflict. When we
identify our strategy and feel the need to employ a new
strategy or make an exception in some cases, we use a
counterstrategy. For instance, if your decision every
time you are offered a cigarette is to say no but at one
point, if the CEO of your company invites you out for
a small smoke break, you will likely change your
strategy. This is not to say that you will agree to smoke
and make an exception, but you might give this
decision a little longer time than you would have
This diagram helps us break down the stages of us
learning any new task. At point A, we know what we
have been taught. We are challenging our neurology,
and our brain has been activated. At point B, we have
gotten better at this task and therefore we are in a
transitory phase or the stage of liminality. There comes a
point C when an individual reaches a level of elegance
in performing a certain task. If point A is associated
with complete focus, then point C can be described as a
state of eternal bliss.
This is the highest state of involvement in the activity
or art you are performing or creating. The state we
experience at point C is the state of ultimate spirituality.
Quantum Neuro – Synchronicity
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