Assignment 4
Assignment 4
Assignment 4
In this assignment, your objective is to play the role of an SoC hacker with the goal of
exploiting the bugs in the SoC. You are provided with the details of various security
vulnerabilities and clues about the possible exploit. You will be building the exploits and testing
them through simulation. This exercise allows you to understand the severity and impact of
various vulnerabilities and how they compromise the security of the design.
i. You will be given a buggy SoC design for which you have to design exploits and execute
them through simulation on the buggy design.
ii. The design has numerous bugs, but this manual provides details for the three bugs B1,
B2, and B3 which need to be exploited. You will build five exploits in total:
a. Exploits E1, E2, and E3 for the three bugs B1, B2, and B3.
b. Exploit E4 is more generic using B1, B2, and B3.
c. Exploit E5 is for bonus points.
iii. Appendix B lists the details of the three bugs B1, B2, and B3 and the clues to build the
exploits E1 to E5.
iv. For each of the exploits you build, you will be leaking/recovering a flag. The flag could
be a password, protected data, etc.
a. The exploit will be written in the form of a C program.
b. The SoC setup provided to you comes with templates for the C program files to run
each of the five exploits E1 to E5.
c. You need to complete the exploit code in these template program files and submit the
modified program files for each exploit. You can search for the keyword ‘EDIT’ in
the C program files which indicates the locations where you need to modify the code.
d. Your program files will be tested on the SoC design provided to you.
e. You cannot directly hardcode the information about the flag in the program file.
Also, you cannot change the kernel code since the attacker is an unprivileged user.
f. You need to add comments to the program files. Exploits without comments will
not be graded. Check an example exploit in Appendix C which has a program
file with comments inserted.
g. For each exploit, you need to include the following in your report along with the
corresponding program file:
i. Specify if you were able to successfully run the exploit. If the exploit did not
run successfully, try to explain the issue (You will get partial points for the
explanation in case your exploit did not work).
ii. A screenshot of the terminal at the beginning of the simulation of the program
file showing the command you are using to start the simulation.
iii. A screenshot of the terminal at the end of the simulation.
iv. A screenshot of the fake_uart.log file.
h. Also, please include your feedback about this assignment in your report. Any
feedback that can improve the lab for upcoming semesters is greatly appreciated.
TA office hours
● 15th Nov 2022, 11 AM to 12 PM and 6 PM to 7 PM (Zoom link)
● 28th Nov 2022, 11 AM to 12 PM and 6 PM to 7 PM (Zoom link)
Maximum points: 100 ( +20 bonus point)
1. Report: 20 points.
2. Program files that can successfully run exploits E1, E2, and E3: 10 points each.
3. Program files that can successfully run exploit E4: 40 points.
4. Feedback on the assignment: 10 points.
5. Program files that can successfully run exploit E5: 20 bonus points.
Appendix: A
4. Install the tools and compile the design (You only need to do this once for the
a. cd soc-security-analysis-lab
b. unzip; rm -rf
c. cd openpiton; source piton/
d. ./piton/
5. Simulating the SoC (You need to do this every time you want to run an exploit):
a. Go to the git repository you cloned during the setup phase.
i. cd <path to soc-security-analysis-lab folder>
b. Setup the environment (do this once every time you open a new terminal window
or connect to the Apollo server):
i. cd openpiton; source piton/
c. Simulate:
i. cd build
ii. ./ <name of file to
execute without the .c extension>
Ex: ./ helloworld
d. The setup comes with an example helloworld program and the template files
in which you will create the exploits in openpiton/software folder.
e. Note that the simulations take time to run. Depending on your program, the
simulation can take upwards of 10 min. The printf statements in the program
file are output to fake_uart.log file in the openpiton/build folder.
f. You can do tail -f fake_uart.log in a different terminal in the
openpiton/build folder to keep track of the progress of the program. Press
Ctrl + C to exit from this.
g. You might have to force-stop the simulation once you get all the print commands
you are expecting by pressing Ctrl + C in the terminal where the simulation is
Appendix: B
This section describes the bugs B1 to B3 and gives a high-level overview of how the exploit
should be built. In addition, a lot of low-level details about these exploits are provided in the
form of comments to the template exploit programs provided along with the buggy design in the
openpiton/build folder. We strongly recommend you check these comments along with the
information provided in this section for greater understanding.
Note: Addresses shown in this figure are dummy addresses. You don’t have to figure out the
actual addresses since they are all defined in the header files provided to you.
Openpiton SoC microarchitectural specification document can be found here. This document is
not required to complete this lab and is provided only for your reference.
Bug B1 for Exploit E1: The plain text data used by the AES2 crypto peripheral is not erased
after the encryption is done.
Code details:
It can be seen in the that the data is written to the plain text registers (p_c
register) in the first case statement (lines 100 to 108) but is never cleared and hence available to
read in the second case statement (lines 159 to 166).
Exploit construction:
Because of the bug, an attacker can recover the plain text used for encryption by a previous user
even when the data is completely removed from the software stack by directly accessing it from
the AES2 registers. We will build an exploit for this bug where first, a user will use AES2 to
encrypt his password. Then, we will run the attacker code that uses DMA to copy the data from
the AES2 p_c registers to leak the user’s password. More details are provided in the
openpiton/software/exploit1.c program file in the form of comments. You have to
edit this file to complete this exploit.
Bug B2 for Exploit E2: The AES2 crypto peripheral is leaking the Key0 value since the
default case statement is not covering all the cases.
Exploit construction:
Because of the bug, an attacker can set the read address such that it does not match with any of
the case statement values. The control will then go to the default case. The start signal is only
set to ‘1’ when an encryption or decryption operation is in progress. If not, the start will be
set to ‘0’. In this case, the attacker can pick values for the read address to get all the key0 data.
More details are provided in the openpiton/software/exploit2.c program file in the
form of comments. You have to edit this file to complete this exploit.
Bug B3 for Exploit E3: The kernel function for AES2 crypto peripheral does not check if the
pointer to plain text is coming from the user space or kernel space.
Code details:
It can be seen from line 775 of the sys_aes2_start_encry function that the pointer for
the initial vector (st) is being checked if it is pointing to user range but not the plain text pointer
Exploit construction:
Because of the bug, an attacker can set the plain text pointer to a kernel memory space and run
AES2 encryption on it. This will result in AES2 encrypting the data in the kernel memory space
and output the cipher text.
Since we can run decryption also using AES2, we can decrypt this cipher text data to leak the
kernel data.
The flag for this exploit is a data in a kernel variable (line 194 of openpiton/pk/pk/pk.c).
Here, the kernel function kernel_func1 is doing some operation on the data in line 194. Our
goal is to leak this data.
We will be building this exploit by first figuring out the kernel memory address of the data we
want to leak. This can be done by manually checking the openpiton/build/diag.dump
file which disassembles the executables you simulate. In this dump file, search for the
kernel_func1 function. This function will load the data from a atol location which is the
address of the kernel memory data.
For example, if this is what you have in your diag.dump file:
then, the address to the kernel data is 0x80009cf0 (line 213). So, in the exploit3.c file, you
will have to change line 51 to uint32_t *pt = 0x80009cf0;. Note that this address will
keep changing based on the changes you make to the C code, so, make sure you check this
address from your diag.dump file. You can crosscheck that this pointer is correct by
searching for the address location 80009cf0 in the diag.dump file and you will see the kernel
data (from line 194 of openpiton/pk/pk/pk.c)is same as the data in this location as
shown below:
We will set the plain text pointer to this address in our exploit code, run the AES2 encryption and
decrypt the encrypted data to obtain the kernel data. More details are provided in the
openpiton/software/exploit3.c program file in the form of comments. You have to
edit this file to complete this exploit.
Exploit E4:
The objective of this exploit is to leak the JTAG password used by the kernel function
kernel_func2 (lines 206 to 238 of openpiton/pk/pk/pk.c). This password is
fetched from the hardware (lines 211 to 217) instead of being loaded from kernel memory space
like kernel_func1 did in exploit E3. Hence we cannot use the method from exploit E3.
● Thus, the JTAG password has to be leaked indirectly.
● The kernel_func2 function encrypts this JTAG password using AES0 crypto
peripheral. This peripheral can only be accessed by the kernel code.
● Although the JTAG password is sent to AES0 as plain text for encryption, we cannot read
this plain text directly as we did in exploit E1 because AES0 does not allow the plain text
from hardware to be read directly once the encryption is done.
● But, AES0 has a bug that allows us to read the encrypted (ciphered) text.
● Thus, using an exploit similar to E1, we can get the encrypted text for the JTAG
password. This will give us the encrypted version of flag encrypted with key0 of AES0.
● Still, we cannot recover the plain text since user programs cannot run decryption on
● But, we know that AES0 is a 192-bit CTR mode AES which takes 128-bit plain text and
an initial vector to generate 128-bit cipher text.
● So, if we can somehow get the initial vector and AES key used for encrypting the JTAG
password, we can use them along with the cipher text to run an offline AES engine and
recover the JTAG password!
Exploit construction:
Based on the scenario explained above, we will be using the following exploit flow:
1. We will use an exploit similar to E3 to get the initial vector used by kernel_func2.
This is possible since kernel_func2 loads the initial vector from the kernel memory.
You will need the address of the kernel data like the one you used for exploit 3. This time
you will look for the kernel_func2 function in
openpiton/build/diag.dump file. You can use the method described in exploit3
to crosscheck if you got the correct address.
You should be able to get the initial vector at line 220 of openpiton/pk/pk/pk.c
with this step.
2. We will use an exploit similar to E2 to leak the Key0 of AES0 (AES0 also has the same
bug as AES2 which leaks the key!).
You should be able to get the copy of key0 stored in AES0 peripheral originating from
lines 117 to 122 of
openpiton/piton/design/chip/tile/ariane/src/fuse_mem/fuse_m with this step.
3. We will use an exploit similar to E1 to get the encrypted (cipher) text from AES0. This is
the encrypted JTAG password.
(Here is the cipher text you should be getting: 775bfc8a 11fd7bab df06e8a2 8c323ad2)
4. We now have the cipher text, the initial vector, and the key. We know the mode of AES
crypto engine from the specification document of the SoC. Thus, we can use an offline
AES engine (like this) to recover the JTAG password (Check the screenshot below. Make
sure you sent the Mode as CTR, input and output formats as HEX. The values used in
the image are dummy, replace them with the key, initial vector and cipher text you got.
The cipher text goes into the Input field).
Partial credit will be given for exploit E4 if only a few of the above steps are completed.
The flag we are recovering with this exploit is the JTAG password present in line 21 of
You will be targeting the HMAC crypto engine for this exploit. HMAC has bugs similar to the
B1 and B2 bugs present in AES2.
1. But the information about the bugs or exploits is not provided to you.
2. You have to check the HMAC file ( to identify the bugs and run
the exploit.
3. You get 10 points each for running exploits similar to E1 and E2.
The flags you will be leaking are plain text data (stored in data register in and key0 of HMAC. In case of the data register, it is fine even
if you leak one 32-bit word (i.e., data[0]) and dont have to leak all the 16 32-bit words.
The example program below shows a C program with lots of comments. You do not need to
write this many comments in your submission, but you should have enough comments to explain
your code.
Appendix: D
Here is a list of common mistakes that students make in this lab. Make sure you do not repeat
these mistakes:
● Not attempting the assignment: You will get partial credit even if the answer is incorrect.
So, attempt all the problems to maximize your score.
● Not including the screenshots or including only partial screenshots or not specifying if
you were able to successfully run the exploit in the report: You will lose credit if any
information is missing in the report. Check “For this assignment, you are expected to”
section for more details.
● Not changing the “student_name” variable: Make sure you set this variable to your name.
● Not submitting feedback for the assignment: Feedback carries 10 points.
● Printing incorrect variable (for example, printing “rdata” variable when you are supposed
to print the variable “rdata2”).
● Using incorrect kernel data location or offset when doing DMA read/write operations in
exploit 4.
● Not including AES engine screenshot for exploit 4.
● Not writing comments in the C file.
● Not including the exploit C files you modified.
● Running the simulation for more time than needed: This does not affect your grade but
will waste your time when doing the assignment. Once you get the output you want in the
fake_uart.log file, you dont need to keep waiting for the simulation to end by itself.
You can just press Ctrl + C in the terminal to stop the simulation. But make sure that you
want till the required output is printed in the fake_uart.log file.