Android Mobile Application On Poultry Marketing
Android Mobile Application On Poultry Marketing
Android Mobile Application On Poultry Marketing
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Nowadays, poultry farmers are facing a lot of from the farmer. It helps the farmer gain a reasonable profit
problems with selling their poultry products to and customers get fresh products at a lower price.
customers. Between the customers and farmers, there
are some kinds of mediators, who buy chicken from In recent times, we faced a lot of challenges and
farmers and distribute it to chicken shops. These difficulties due to the covid-19 pandemic, which made our
mediators are buying chicken less than the actual lives bound to our homes. In these times physical shopping is
market price from farmers, which results in a loss for not very preferable and online shopping makes it way much
the farmers. This mobile application allows customers to easier to buy the products without setting a foot out of our
directly contact the farmers and purchase the chicken at homes. Under the current circumstances, online marketing has
the actual price, so that both the farmers and customers become essential and demands several requirements to sell and
can benefit from this application. Direct marketing buy the products. So we came up with the solution of
allows the farmers to get a reasonable profit, and the developing a mobile application considering all the
customers to get fresh chicken at a liable price. We are circumstances mentioned above. Here, customers can buy the
in the process of including possible different products poultry products from a nearby poultry farm by using our
from farmers in this app. application online and get the products in a specific allotted
Keywords:- Poultry Farmer, Consumer, Mobile
Application, Direct Marketing. A. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS
The Software Requirements are
I. INTRODUCTION Android Studio Software
Firebase database
With the emergence of the 21st century, usage of
mobiles has been increased. Previously, to buy a poultry B. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS
product customer would visit a butcher shop. This method The hardware requirements are
consumes more time and physical effort. Windows 10 or higher Working Operating System
64-bit CPU with processor intel i3 or more
Mobile phones are playing a major role in our day-to- 4 GB RAM or more
day life. According to the survey, the usage of mobile
phones has raised from 12% of the world population in 2000 C. MOTIVATION
to 96% in recent times [1]. Mobile phones made our lives Many farmers are giving up on poultry because they are
lead in a simple and easier way. We can meet our daily not getting enough revenue. One of the reasons is the
requirements by ordering on mobile apps and getting them mediator's involvement. If we are able to reduce mediator
delivered to our doorstep. No need of stepping outside to involvement by connecting farmers and customers through a
shop physically. Everything is made online and made it mobile application, then farmers will get decent revenue and
possible to lead a smart life. Technology is improving more customers will get the product at an affordable price. This will
and more we have to get habituated to it and make complete further strengthen the poultry industry.
use of technology.
But using a mobile application customers can order To design a mobile application for poultry farmers to
their required product online and the product will be connect with customers directly and sell their products without
delivered on time. In general farmers sell their products at a any intermediary.
lower cost than the original market price. This is due to the
mediators present in between them. If the farmers are able to E. SCOPE
sell their products directly to the customer, then they can The scope of the project is that it provides delivery on
sell their products at a reasonable price and customers can selected poultry products and is barely made for Android
buy the products at a lower price. In this era, the devices.
development of mobile applications became very accessible.
This problem can be solved using the development of a F. OBJECTIVES
mobile application. The main Objectives of this project are:
To supply a bridge of communication between farmers
Direct Marketing is a process in which a direct and customers across the country.
connection is established between a merchant and a Connecting Farmer to the Customer via a mobile
customer. Our mobile application is influenced by direct application.
marketing and the problems of the farmers. This application
acts as a bridge between the farmer and the customer
through which they can communicate directly with each
other and helps the customer to buy the products directly
Import all the required packages
Add products available for marketing and store them in
the database.
Collect the order details from the database.
Validate the received of the payment if online.
Prepare the order delivery and update the database.
Fig. 1: Proposed Flow Diagram Send the order confirmation to the customer.