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Android Mobile Application On Poultry Marketing

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Volume 7, Issue 11, November – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Android Mobile Application on Poultry Marketing

Ogirala Murali Krishna, 2Tallapaneni Rahul, 3Thopuri Ravindra Babu,4K.S. Vijaya Lakshmi
VR Siddhartha Engineering College, Andhra Pradesh, India

Abstract:- Nowadays, poultry farmers are facing a lot of from the farmer. It helps the farmer gain a reasonable profit
problems with selling their poultry products to and customers get fresh products at a lower price.
customers. Between the customers and farmers, there
are some kinds of mediators, who buy chicken from In recent times, we faced a lot of challenges and
farmers and distribute it to chicken shops. These difficulties due to the covid-19 pandemic, which made our
mediators are buying chicken less than the actual lives bound to our homes. In these times physical shopping is
market price from farmers, which results in a loss for not very preferable and online shopping makes it way much
the farmers. This mobile application allows customers to easier to buy the products without setting a foot out of our
directly contact the farmers and purchase the chicken at homes. Under the current circumstances, online marketing has
the actual price, so that both the farmers and customers become essential and demands several requirements to sell and
can benefit from this application. Direct marketing buy the products. So we came up with the solution of
allows the farmers to get a reasonable profit, and the developing a mobile application considering all the
customers to get fresh chicken at a liable price. We are circumstances mentioned above. Here, customers can buy the
in the process of including possible different products poultry products from a nearby poultry farm by using our
from farmers in this app. application online and get the products in a specific allotted
Keywords:- Poultry Farmer, Consumer, Mobile
Application, Direct Marketing. A. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS
The Software Requirements are
I. INTRODUCTION  Android Studio Software
 Firebase database
With the emergence of the 21st century, usage of
mobiles has been increased. Previously, to buy a poultry B. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS
product customer would visit a butcher shop. This method The hardware requirements are
consumes more time and physical effort.  Windows 10 or higher Working Operating System
 64-bit CPU with processor intel i3 or more
Mobile phones are playing a major role in our day-to-  4 GB RAM or more
day life. According to the survey, the usage of mobile
phones has raised from 12% of the world population in 2000 C. MOTIVATION
to 96% in recent times [1]. Mobile phones made our lives Many farmers are giving up on poultry because they are
lead in a simple and easier way. We can meet our daily not getting enough revenue. One of the reasons is the
requirements by ordering on mobile apps and getting them mediator's involvement. If we are able to reduce mediator
delivered to our doorstep. No need of stepping outside to involvement by connecting farmers and customers through a
shop physically. Everything is made online and made it mobile application, then farmers will get decent revenue and
possible to lead a smart life. Technology is improving more customers will get the product at an affordable price. This will
and more we have to get habituated to it and make complete further strengthen the poultry industry.
use of technology.
But using a mobile application customers can order To design a mobile application for poultry farmers to
their required product online and the product will be connect with customers directly and sell their products without
delivered on time. In general farmers sell their products at a any intermediary.
lower cost than the original market price. This is due to the
mediators present in between them. If the farmers are able to E. SCOPE
sell their products directly to the customer, then they can The scope of the project is that it provides delivery on
sell their products at a reasonable price and customers can selected poultry products and is barely made for Android
buy the products at a lower price. In this era, the devices.
development of mobile applications became very accessible.
This problem can be solved using the development of a F. OBJECTIVES
mobile application. The main Objectives of this project are:
 To supply a bridge of communication between farmers
Direct Marketing is a process in which a direct and customers across the country.
connection is established between a merchant and a  Connecting Farmer to the Customer via a mobile
customer. Our mobile application is influenced by direct application.
marketing and the problems of the farmers. This application
acts as a bridge between the farmer and the customer
through which they can communicate directly with each
other and helps the customer to buy the products directly

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Volume 7, Issue 11, November – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
G. ADVANTAGES and quality is rising among people nowadays. Hence, the
The advantages of this project are: direct marketing of food products from farmers to consumers
 This helps the farmer to sell his products at a higher is increasing day by day.
cost than his original market price.
 It also helps the consumer to buy the fresh products Tiahong Zhao, Wei Tu, Zhixinag Fang, Zhengdong
and at a cheap cost. Huang, Shengwu Xiong proposed a system on Optimizing
 User friendly App Living Material Delivery During the COVID-19 Outbreak[3].
H. APPLICATIONS The overview is the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
epidemic has spread worldwide, posing a great threat to
 Used by Farmers to sell their poultry products
human beings. The stay-home quarantine is an effective way
 Used by the common people to buy the poultry
to reduce physical contacts and the associated COVID-19
products at cheap cost
transmission risk, which requires the support of efficient living
I. ORGANIZATION materials (such as meats, vegetables, grain, and oil)
This paper is arranged as follows: Section 2 describes delivery.Notably, the presence of potential infected individuals
literature surveys. Section 3 describes the proposed increases the COVID-19 trans1mission risk during the
framework. And the Section 4 describes about the Results delivery. The deliveryman may be the medium through which
and analysis. the virus spreads among urban residents. However, traditional
delivery route optimization methods don’t take the virus
II. LITERATURE SURVEY transmission risk into account.A complex network-based virus
transmission model is developed to simulate the possible
Nicolas Serrano, Josune Herantes, and Gorka Gallardo COVID-19 infection between urban residents and the
proposed a case study on Mobile Web Apps[1]. The deliverymen.
overview is There are various kinds of mobile web apps.
Each one has its advantages and limitations. This article N. Tahraoui, L. Triqui Sari, M. Bennekrouf proposed a
describes decision-making for selecting a mobile web app .It system on planning and synchronization of broiler production
tells about which kind of application a developer should in a delivery network[1]. The overview is The poultry industry
develop based on the features and type of service he wants faces a lot of challenges to survive. Some of the high costs of
to provide and what a customer should prefer based on his vaccines or medicines for birds, disease outbreaks, and hot
requirements. There are various kinds of applications such climates. These are the things that mostly affect poultry
as standard web apps, Responsive web apps, Mobile web production. As the rising need for poultry products is
apps, Hybrid apps, Native apps. With the increased usage of increasing, therefore, it is also necessary to increase
mobile phones and limited features of web apps, most users production.[4] analyses the production of chicken in a poultry
are now preferring to use mobile apps. These can be supply chain. It provides strategies and decision-making to
downloaded from respective app stores such as the google manage the fluctuating poultry market needs. The study
play store for android apps and the apple store for ios apps. focussed on a slaughterhouseinTlemcen.The objective of the
These mobile apps are mainly divided into two types, such study was to propose a breeding schedule while minimizing
as hybrid or native apps.A hybrid app can run on different the cost of production.
operating systems with a single code base like an app
developed on flutter, while a native app can't run with the Mamata Sharma and Dr, Navneet Sharma proposed a
same codebase on different operating systems. It will have a system for E-Commerce Application Service on to the public
unique codebase for each operating system. Our mobile cloud Environment[5]. The overview is Recently, the demand
application is also a native app. It only works on Android for cloud computing increases rapidly due to its multiple
devices. benefits to the customers like scalability, efficiency, user
friendly, 24x7 availability, and so on. Cloud becomes very
Fethi BOUDARHI and Zaki SARI proposed case popular due to its salient features which can incorporate
study on renovation of a delivery network of various poultry various domains such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Big
products from slaughterhouses to retailers in the city of Data, Machine Learning for creating easy and flexible
Tlemcen(Algeria)[2]. The overview is It tells about the computation mechanisms. In E-commerce, whole types of
process of delivering the products to customers with less transactions of services and goods are directed online. E-
expense. By delivering meat products to customers from the commerce is also known as Electronic commerce. When
nearest slaughterhouses, heavy transportation costs can be anyone demands any house product from amazon or when
reduced. At the same time, the customer can get the product anyone buying the whole of our fashion accessories from
quickly. Here the customer's location is not useful simply Flipkart or even when anyone paying for our Netflix and
for delivering a product but to deliver it in less time Spotify payment each month is included in electronic
possible.Agri-food supply chain is the term used for the commerce.
distribution of food products from farmer to consumer. It
includes perishable and non-perishable agri-foods. Fresh A. Ahmad et. al proposed an Empirical Study of
agri-foods including meat, milk, fruits, vegetables, etc. are Investigating Mobile Application Development
perishable. Non - perishable foods are grains, potatoes, nuts, Challenges[6].The overview of this study is it describes the
etc. Fresh agri-foods can be damaged within a few weeks. challenges in developing different kinds of Mobile
Therefore, it is more important and difficult to supply these Applications. It followed two research approaches Systematic
products freshly to customers. The concern for food safety Literature Review (SLR) and interviews. There are several

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Volume 7, Issue 11, November – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
common challenges found in various applications such B. ARCHITECTURE DIAGRAM
asfragmentation, testing, change management, reuse of
code, lack of tool support, lack of expertise, user experience,
compatibility, and security. One of the reasons for the
failure of mobile apps is the increasing number of platforms.
Most of the time, people endorse mobile applications with a
lack of understanding of the limitations they possess in the
platform on which they run.This leads to overhype or
unwanted expectations from users. So when users finally
use the apps, they feel disappointed, leading to the failure of
the application.

Qianying Ding and Zhuoqui Zhou proposed a case

study on the Application of Interactive Marketing in E-
commerce[8]. The overview of the study is that it shows the
importance of interactive marketing. Many companies give
unilateral coverage on their products without hearing about
user advice or suggestions or complaints about their
product. This causes the product not to be developed further. Fig. 2: Architecture Diagram
This issue has become a barrier to the development of
enterprises. There are many advantages to E-Commerce
interactive marketing. It is global, Bidirectional, Interactive, A. Administrator Module:
Mutually aiding, and increases Reciprocity. Businesses want The Admin module is a unique module that won't be
their products to reach customers as much as possible. It visible to customers. There is no sign-up for the admin
only happens when they fully understand the customers. In module. An admin is the one who adds the products and
Interactive marketing, one side is the enterprise and the manages the products and payment services of the application.
other side is the customer. Interactive marketing helps both The admin module works at the backend of an application.
sides making it a win-win marketing strategy. The Admin will provide the shipping status and the other
details to the customers.
 Algorithm
This section describes the architecture of the proposed
 Import all the required packages.
system and methodology.
 Collect the data from the user and store it indatabase.
A. PROPOSED FLOW DIAGRAM  Validate the login credentials of the user.
 Collect the order details from the user and store them in
the database.
 Collect all the required data from the user for the delivery
of the product.
 Validate the payment made by the user.
B. Customer Module:
The Customer module consists of customer login and if not
login, the customer has to be registered before using this
application. The Customer can search for the products that he
wants and view the product details as shown in fig(3).For
buying the products he has to add the products to the cart as
shown in fig(4).Then the customer has to choose the payment
process as cash-on-delivery or online payment and givthe e
address location to receive their products.

This module has to perform the following steps.

 Algorithm
 Import all the required packages
 Add products available for marketing and store them in
the database.
 Collect the order details from the database.
 Validate the received of the payment if online.
 Prepare the order delivery and update the database.
Fig. 1: Proposed Flow Diagram  Send the order confirmation to the customer.

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Volume 7, Issue 11, November – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 3: UserRegistration Page Fig. 5: User Home Page

Fig 4: User Login Page Fig. 6: User Order Page

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Volume 7, Issue 11, November – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 7: User Cart Page Fig 9: Admin Login Page

Fig. 8: User Shipping details page Fig 10: Product Page

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Volume 7, Issue 11, November – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

In this project, we collected the order details from the

customer and send them to the farmer through our mobile
application. In this application, the payment system works on
cash on delivery. In the admin panel, the farmer can view the
products ordered by the customer and can prepare the order
according to the requirements. Then the order will be shipped
by the farmer and updated in the database. The customer will
be notified about the shipment of the order.

Our future work is to apply for online payments in the

payment system and add a location module in the application
and we also try to improve the delivery options available to the


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