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YSI Saving 2022

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12% Retail  

16% Office
33% Mortgage Loans
8% Industrial
28% Hong Kong
3% Residential
20% Singarpore
2% Mixed industrial/office
29% Japan
12% Student dormitory
23% Australia
6% Diversified
8% Cash & equivalents

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Terms / Types Gold Platinum
Issuer YSI Corporation
1 Year 6.50% 7.50%
Launch Date 30/01/2009
2 Years 7.10% 8.10%
Trade Execution Daily
3 Years 7.80% 8.60%

※Early termination fee : 10% of initial amount Minimum USD 30,000.

’ Tenure Year 1-3 Year

. … Regulatory ASIC

. †‡‡%…  DBS


.  ˆ
. (‚ 
) Base Currency USD

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Risk Disclosure Statement

Investment involves risks. The prices of investment products fluctuate, sometimes dramatically. The price of the investment products may move up or down and may become valueless, and investors may not get back the amount
they have invested. Past performance is no guide to its future performance. Before deciding to invest, you should ensure that you understand all the risks of this product and which are suitable for you. This product may be
invested in different banks or platforms; therefore, does not guarantee counterparty default or other potential risks. Investors should understand and accept the possible liquidity risk of this product. This product may be invested
through derivatives (such as leverage) and therefore involves general foreign currency risk and other additional risks. This product may be affected by foreign exchange control regulations and exchange rate fluctuations, and is
not guaranteed to be profitable. This product has the right to retain all investment strategies and investment information in private. This product may be subject to different circumstances and has the power to make an early
termination, no need to analyze. Investors should ensure they fully understand the risks associated with investment products and should also consider their own investment objective and risk tolerance level.

Non-Disclosure Agreement
This information belongs to YSI Capital and is only displayed to certain qualified investors; without the written consent of YSI Capital, the recipient may not copy, reproduced, fax or distribution all or part of the contents of this
plan; all information disclosed is deemed to be Recipient's own confidential information.


投資策略 關於YSI
YSI多重經理人投資團隊,目標鎖定穩定連續性的收益產業,這 YSI是宣導主題投資的先驅者之一,主題投資即識
包括房地產信託、泛房地產抵押貸款、REIT。投資區域以香港 別全球經濟、關注長期價值,以宏觀的視野和發展
、新加坡、日本和澳洲為主。本基金持有資產包括來自於房地 的眼光在全球捕捉投資機會。我們致力於掌握第一
產產業之公司所發行之證券(包含權益證券、特別股、Senior證 手研究從而提供投資回報,量身打造多元的投資解
券、債券等),常態性股息收益也擁有相對較佳的保護作用,擺 決方案,協助客戶強化保障及建立更豐盛的未來。

投資類別 投資分佈

12% 零售
16% 辦公室
33% 抵押貸款
28% Hong Kong
8% 工業
20% Singarpore
3% 住宅
29% Japan
2% 工業辦公室
23% Australia
12% 學生宿舍
6% 多元化
8% 現金及等價物

配息率 基本資料

年期/帳戶類型 Gold Platinum 發 行 YSI Corporation

一年 6.50% 7.50%
發行日期 30/01/2009
二年 7.10% 8.10%
交易日 每日
三年 7.80% 8.60%
最低投資額 USD 30,000.

存續年期 1-3 年

方案特色 監 管 ASIC

. 保證配息 Interest Guarantee 保管銀行 DBS


. 本金保護 100% Guaranteed Investment

計價幣別 美元
. 免管理費 No Management Fee
. 長期回報(每週配息) Total Return (Weekly Interest Return)
. 網站清楚報表 Clear Report

本投資產品涉及風險,投資者有機會損失部分或全部投資,過往業績僅供參考並不代表將來表現。決定投資前,您應確保了解本產品的所有風險並且是適合您。本產品可能投資在不同銀行或平台,因而不能保證 交易對手違約或其它潛在風險。投資者應了解

本產品信息所屬權屬於YSI Capital,只向特定合格投資者展示;沒有YSI Capital書面同意,接收者不得複印、複製、傳真、散佈本方案的全部或部分內容;本方案的所有內容應視同為接收者自己的機密資料。


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