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Losing weight

Getting started - Week 5

You’ve made it to Week 5! You’re on
a roll!
Your actions
So far we’ve focused on food, but most of
what we drink also contains calories so it’s
for Week 5
a good idea to make sure you’re keeping • Track your drinking with our apps and
a close eye on those liquid calories. tools at nhs.uk/alcohol

If you’ve ever wondered why you’ve not • If you’re a cappuccino or latte drinker,
been losing weight even after sticking to try switching to a black or white coffee
a strict eating regime, now’s the time to
• Try skimmed milk instead of semi-
see if that regular latte, flavoured water
skimmed milk for a week
or evening tipple is sabotaging your best
efforts to lose weight. • Stick to your calorie limit – 1,400kcal
for women and 1,900kcal for men

• You should be doing 150 minutes

of activity by now. If not, get some
Laura’s diary inspiration at nhs.uk/fitness

Week 5
Did you know?
This week, it’s all about reassessing what you are
The key to weight loss success is not
drinking. I ditched the lattes when I realised how to expect too much, too soon. Make
calorific they are. changes to your diet and activity levels
you can live with.
White coffee may seem boring at first but your
taste buds soon adapt and I’ve never gone back. If your changes are too drastic, it will
Alcohol is not your friend either. feel like a struggle. If you fall off the
wagon, you may return to old habits
Did you know a small glass of wine has the same and regain weight.

calories as a piece of chocolate? When I realised

Week 5
this, I started to reconsider and think of it a
treat rather than ‘just a drink’.
Week 5

Calories in alcohol
Did you know a standard glass of wine contains as
How calorific
many calories as a small chocolate and a pint of lager
has as many calories as a packet of crisps?
is your tipple?
The problem is, most of us just don’t Women should not regularly drink more
• A pint of 5% strength beer = a
think of alcohol as being calorific. than 2-3 units a day. As a guide, a pint
So, while we might go easy on the of lager and a 250ml glass of wine both packet of McCoys salted crisps
single cream when eating desserts, we contain 3 units of alcohol. (170kcal)
wouldn’t think twice about knocking • A standard glass (175ml) of 12%
• Alternate an alcoholic drink with a
back a couple of pints. In fact, the wine = one Cadbury Heroes
diet soft drink or water – this will help
calorie content of two pints is similar to
to prevent you becoming dehydrated. miniature bar (126kcal)
that of a full glass of single cream.
• A double measure (50ml) of
• Choose drinks with a lower ABV
With this in mind, it’s easy to 17.5% fortified wine = one Asda
(alcohol by volume) instead of your
understand how excess alcohol intake
usual tipple. There’s an increasing range bourbon biscuit (65kcal)
can easily contribute to gaining weight.
of lower alcohol choices available and • A glass (50ml) of (17%) cream
Two large glasses of white wine, most also have fewer calories. liqueur = a Milky Way bar (118kcal)
totalling 360kcal, will provide a woman
• Don’t drink on an empty stomach, • A standard bottle (330ml) of
with nearly a fifth of her daily calorie
as this can lead to snacking. If you do 5% alcopop = three Lees teacakes
snack while drinking, avoid high-calorie (237kcal)
A beer-drinker knocking back just five snacks such as crisps, pork scratchings
pints a week would add a whopping chips. Try lighter options such as
44,200kcal over a year, equivalent to pretzels, plain popcorn or oven-baked
221 doughnuts. crisps.

Alcohol contains lots of calories – • Drinking in rounds can mean you end Drink swaps
seven calories a gram in fact, almost as up drinking more than you intended.
many as a gram of fat. And, of course, Opt out and drink at your own pace. • SWAP a pina colada FOR a mojito
additional calories can be present in and save 326kcal
• Try cutting down with a friend,
added mixer drinks. • SWAP a pint of lager FOR lager
as you’ll be more likely to stick to it
Many drinkers add to their liquid with moral support. shandy and save 100kcal
calorie count by having snacks, such • SWAP double rum & coke FOR
• Eat a healthier dinner before you start
as crisps, nuts or pork scratchings, with single vodka, lime & soda and save
drinking. Order or cook before you start
their tipple, not to mention a hangover-
drinking so you’re not tempted to go 107kcal
induced fry-up the morning after, which
for the less healthy options. • SWAP a large glass of white wine
can add an extra 450kcal.
FOR a white wine spritzer with
• Avoid ‘binge drinking’. Drinking a
Tips to avoid weight gain
large amount of alcohol over a short soda and save 35kcal
• Stick to your daily recommended period of time may be significantly
units. Men shouldn’t regularly drink worse for your health than frequently
more than 3-4 units of alcohol a day. drinking small quantities.

Losing weight - getting started

Week 5

Think before Liquid calories

you drink
Per 250ml serving:

It’s not just alcohol, non- Cola drink: 105kcal

alcoholic drinks from lattes Mocha: 193kcal

to colas can also lead your Cappuccino: 110kcal

calorie count to creep up. Chocolate milkshake: 195kcal

Smoothie: 136kcal
What you drink should not be Pure orange juice: 122.5kcal
overlooked when trying to lose weight.
Pomegranate juice: 170kcal
Drinking too many sugar-sweetened
Pure apple juice: 117kcal
drinks can contribute to weight gain.
Caffeinated energy drink: 112.5kcal
So what are the common offenders and
your 5 A DAY, you may find eating
where could you be going wrong?
pieces of fruit more filling. Note that 150ml of pure
Coffee: unsweetened fruit juice can
Fizzy drinks:
Getting a caffeine fix could give you provide one of your 5 A Day.
Lemonade or cola is not only bad for
193kcal or more in one hit if you opt for
our teeth but it can provide 140kcal in
cappuccino or mocha. Switch to black
just one can. Switch to diet versions
or white coffee instead.
and think of it as a one-off treat. Minty lemonade
Fruit juice and smoothies:
Experimenting with some interesting recipe
You might feel virtuous guzzling flavour combinations can help make it
these but watch out. A small glass of feel less like you’re depriving yourself Make a refreshing, lower-calorie
cranberry or apple juice racks up nearly so you’ll stick with it – research shows alternative to sugary canned drinks:
100kcal and a small 250ml yoghurt- that our tastebuds can be retrained • large handful fresh mint leaves
based smoothie can be about 136kcal. over time to enjoy far less sugar in
• juice of 6 lemons and zest of 3
Go for fruit-only smoothies instead. drinks (or no sugar at all).
• 3 tbsp sugar
Although fruit juice counts towards
• sparkling mineral water
1. Tear the mint leaves to release
Home cardio workout the flavour
Burn calories, lose weight and feel 2. Add the mint to a jug with the
great with our 10-minute home
juice, zest and sugar
cardio workout routines. An ideal
workout if you’re short on time 3. Top up with sparkling water
and need to fit in a bit of exercise 4. Chill in the fridge
without too much fuss. Serves 4 at 46kcals per serving


Losing weight - getting started

Week 5 food and activity chart
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Food Food Food Food Food Food Food
Total calories: Total calories: Total calories: Total calories: Total calories: Total calories: Total calories:
Oops! Oops! Oops! Oops! Oops! Oops! Oops!
Unplanned snacks or drinks Unplanned snacks or drinks Unplanned snacks or drinks Unplanned snacks or drinks Unplanned snacks or drinks Unplanned snacks or drinks Unplanned snacks or drinks
Your 5 a day Your 5 a day Your 5 a day Your 5 a day Your 5 a day Your 5 a day Your 5 a day
Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity
Total minutes: Total minutes: Total minutes: Total minutes: Total minutes: Total minutes: Total minutes:
Aerobic exercise mins Aerobic exercise mins Aerobic exercise mins Aerobic exercise mins Aerobic exercise mins Aerobic exercise mins Aerobic exercise mins
Strength exercise mins Strength exercise mins Strength exercise mins Strength exercise mins Strength exercise mins Strength exercise mins Strength exercise mins
Weekly summary
Start of the week 10 mins 30 mins 60 mins 90 mins 120 mins 150 mins +
End of the week
Weight Waist Aerobic exercise: Weight Waist
Your weight loss tracker - Record your weight and waist size at the start and end of each week to help you stay on track
1 session on 2 or more days a week
kg/lbs cms/in mon tues wed thurs fri sat sun kg/lbs cms/in
Strength exercise:

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