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Thermally Curable Polystyrene Via Click Chemistry

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4724 Macromolecules 2007, 40, 4724-4727

Thermally Curable Polystyrene via Click Chemistry Scheme 1. Thermal Ring-Opening Polymerization of
Mihrace Ergin, Baris Kiskan, Burcin Gacal, and
Yusuf Yagci*
Department of Chemistry, Istanbul Technical UniVersity,
Maslak 34469, Istanbul, Turkey
ReceiVed March 6, 2007
ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed April 24, 2007
low molar mass benzoxazines yielded cross-linked polyben-
Synthesis of high-performance polymers and their high-tech zoxazines. In these cases, the polymers are linked to the network
applications have attracted significant attention in recent years. structure as dangling chains. However, the incorporation of
Conventional polymers do not offer the properties associated benzoxazines as a thermally reactive group into the backbone
with thermoset polymers, and hence their applications as high- of conventional polymers has scarcely been investigated.31
performance polymers are limited. Thermoset polymers are
Recently, 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions from the reactions
normally synthesized using step-growth methods where chain
between azides and alkynes or nitriles, known as “click
growth and cross-linking processes arise from the same type of
reaction”,32-34 have been recognized as a useful synthetic
chemical reaction.1 However, thermoset polymers are not easily
methodology and have been applied to macromolecular chem-
processable, their manufacturing is not cost-effective, and thus
istry offering materials ranging from the block copolymers to
they remain prohibitively expensive for these applications.
the complexed macromolecular structures.35-37 These cycload-
Cross-linking of linear polymers is one approach to improve
dition reactions enabled the C-C bond formation in a quantita-
the properties and consequently to access the demanding regimes
tive yield without side reactions and requirement for additional
of high-tech applications. Cross-linking of conventional poly-
purification steps. The click reactions are particularly important
mers is readily achieved by the incorporation of a multifunc-
in preparative methods, in which high conversion of functional
tional monomer during the polymerization process.2-6 High-
groups is desirable. Numerous applications of click chemistry
energy radiation or photochemical irradiation has been used,
in polymer science as well as molecular biology and nanoelec-
but in addition to the cross-linking, both methods may also
tronics have recently been reviewed.38,39
involve chain scission that can result in polymer degradation
or the introduction of unwanted impurities.7 Therefore, particu- We describe herein the functionalization of polystyrene with
larly in photochemical cross-linking, the incorporation of benzoxazine groups using click reaction of propargyl benzox-
chromophoric groups into polymers absorbing selectively at azine with azido-containing polystyrene. As will also be shown,
irradiation wavelengths, where the polymer is transparent, is a these polymers undergo thermal cross-linking by ring-opening
crucial prerequisite.8 Alternative thermal methods for the polymerization of benzoxazine groups without any catalysts.
formulation of thermosetting materials usually involve Diels- In our study, we selected propargyl groups as thermally
Alder reactions which may suffer from the reversibility.9,10 reactive click component since ethynyl-containing benzoxazines
Thermally induced irreversible dimerization reaction of benzo- require multistep preparation procedures in low yield and high
cyclobutene was proposed as a versatile route to form cross- price.40,41 Propargylbenzoxazine was synthesized according to
linked high-performance polymers.11 the modified procedure described by Agag and Takeichi42
Polybenzoxazines are class of phenolic polymers formed by (Scheme 2).
thermal ring-opening of the corresponding benzoxazines without For the synthesis of parent azide functionalized polymer, we
any catalyst12-14 (Scheme 1). first prepared poly(styrene-co-chloromethylstyrene), P(S-co-
They can also be polymerized at room temperature by certain CMS), via nitroxide-mediated radical polymerization (NMP) of
conventional15,16 and photocationic initiators.17 In these cases, styrene (S) and chloromethylstyrene (CMS) at 125 °C. The
the mechanism of the polymerization is rather complex, and composition of copolymer was determined using 1H NMR
the resulting polymers have different structures than those spectroscopy. The mole fractions of CMS and S were calculated
obtained by thermal means. Thus, thermally produced polymers from the ratio of the peak areas around 4.5 ppm, corresponding
have attracted more attention due to their typical characteristics to two methylene protons of in the side chain of CMS to the
which traditional phenolic resins also exhibit, such as heat total area between 6.3 and 7.4 ppm, which was attributed to
resistance, low flammability, and stable dielectric constants. In the total aromatic protons. P(S-co-CMS) with Mn(GPC) ) 11.290
addition, polybenzoxazines provide unique characteristics like and 39.8 mol % chloromethyl groups was then quantitatively
low water absorption and high dimensional stability owing to converted into polystyrene-azide (PS-N3) in the presence of
near-zero shrinkage upon curing which overcome the shortcom- NaN3/DMF at room temperature. From the 1H NMR spectrum
ings of the traditional phenolic resins.18-22 Moreover, benzox- of PS-N3 shown in Figure 1a, it was observed that while the
azine monomers can easily be prepared from any phenolic signal at 4.5 ppm corresponding to CH2-Cl protons of the
compound and a primary amine with formaldehyde, and they precursor P(S-co-CMS) completely disappeared, and a new
therefore exhibit molecular design flexibility.14,23-26 We have signal appeared at 4.25 ppm due to CH2 linked to azide groups.
previously reported on several synthetic strategies to combine The structure of PS-N3 was further supported by the observa-
benzoxazine structures with conventional polymers, namely tion from IR spectrum of the azide stretching band at 2094 cm-1
polystyrene,27 poly(-caprolactone),28 poly(methyl methacry- (Figure 2a).
late),29 and poly(propylene oxide).30 The polymers contained The PS-N3 was dissolved in THF and reacted with propar-
one or two benzoxazine functionalities per chain, and thermal gylbenzoxazine in the presence of CuBr/bipyridine ligand at
ring-opening copolymerization of these macromonomers with room temperature (Scheme 3).
10.1021/ma070549j CCC: $37.00 © 2007 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 05/24/2007
Macromolecules, Vol. 40, No. 13, 2007 Notes 4725

Scheme 2. Synthesis of Propargyl Ether Functional Benzoxazine

After removing the catalyst, the polymer was precipitated and The thermal curing behavior of resulting polymer was
dried under vacuum. As far as the ultimate use of the resulting examined by DSC. Figure 3 shows the DSC profile for
polymer (P(S-co-BS)) in thermal curing is concerned, two points benzoxazine containing polystyrene.
were important: the extent of conversion of the side azido The thermogram shown in Figure 3 revealed two exotherms
moieties and the effect of click reaction on the stability of with onsets around 150 and 250 °C and a Tg of the polystyrene
benzoxazine ring. The former issue was monitored by 1H NMR segment at ca. 111 °C at the first run. In general, depending on
spectroscopy by observing the disappearance of the methylene the substituents and functional groups present in the structure,
protons adjacent to the azido group (N3-CH2Ph) at 4.2 ppm the benzoxazine ring opens at the temperature range between
and the appearance of the new methylene protons adjacent to 210 and 250 °C. Thus, the exotherm at 250 °C corresponds to
the triazole ring at 5.3 ppm (triazole-CH2Ph) (Figure 1). the ring-opening polymerization of benzoxazine moiety and
Moreover, the band corresponding to the -N3 group at 2094 consequently cross-linking of the polymer. The unexpected
cm-1 completely disappeared (Figure 2a). Thus, the side group second exotherm at 150 °C may be due to the transformation
click reaction was efficient, as evidenced by near-quantitative of 1,2,3-triazole ring. There is no information, to the best of
functionalization. Moreover, general agreement between the the authors’ knowledge, in the literature on the thermal stability
molecular weight of the clicked polymer (Mn ) 13 500) and of the triazole ring, formed via click chemistry, at elevated
that of the precursor azido-polymer (Mn ) 7480) obtained by temperatures. Interestingly, DSC thermograms of several model
GPC also confirms efficient coupling. The observed increase compounds possessing triazole ring have also exhibited a similar
in the molecular weight is due to the additional benzoxazine exotherm. The possibility of the decomposition of the triazole
moiety incorporated. It was also of interest that whether ring by the evolution of nitrogen was disregarded as it would
benzoxazine ring would be preserved during the click reaction. have exhibited an endotherm. Moreover, no weight loss due to
The presence of signals in 1H NMR spectra corresponding to the nitrogen evolution was observed in thermal gravimetric
N-CH2-O and N-CH2-Ar clearly indicates the retention of analysis (TGA) of the polymer. Additionally, the second DSC
the benzoxazine ring during the click reaction (see Figure 1). run did not show any Tg or exotherm, indicating highly densed

Figure 1. 1H NMR spectra of (a) azide (PS-N3) and (b) benzoxazine containing polystyrenes (P(S-co-BS)).
4726 Notes Macromolecules, Vol. 40, No. 13, 2007

Figure 2. FT-IR spectra of (a) benzoxazine (P(S-co-BS)) and (b) azide (PS-N3) containing polystyrenes.

Scheme 3. Synthesis of Polystyrene Containing Benzoxazine Side Groups (P(S-co-BS) by Click Chemistry

network formation and that the transformation of triazole ring P(S-co-CMS) and chemically cross-linked polystyrene-co-
did not influence the cross-linked structure. It should also be divinylbenzene) (P(S-co-DVB). The TGA profiles presented in
noted that the polymer was not soluble in all common solvents Figure 4 indicate that the temperatures for 5 and 10% weight
after the thermal treatment. loss temperatures (T5 and T10) for P(S-co-CMS) and P(S-co-
Thermal stability of the thermally cured polystyrene was DVB) are 278 and 312 °C and 206 and 322 °C, respectively,
investigated by TGA and compared with those of the precursor whereas for thermally cured polystyrene, T5 and T10 are

Figure 3. DSC thermogram of benzoxazine containing polystyrene (P(S-co-BS)).

Macromolecules, Vol. 40, No. 13, 2007 Notes 4727

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