Soal Uas 15
Soal Uas 15
Soal Uas 15
Jl. Cirarab No. 05 Sukadiri Kecamatan Sukadiri Kabupaten Tangerang, 15530
1. Periksalah terlebih dahulu naskah soal yang akan dikerjakan.
2. Tulislah Nomor Peserta Ujian anda pada kolom yang telah disediakan lembar jawaban.
3. Baca setiap petunjuk soal lalu jawaban soal-soal yang anda anggap paling mudah terlebih dahulu.
4. Periksalah kembali lembar jawaban anda sebelum diserakan kepada pengawas.
1. Even though construction costs are high, a new a. You burn me up!
dormitory . . . next year. b. You’re getting me angry.
a. is building c. Are you trying to make me angry?
b. was building d. I’ve never been so angry in my life.
e. I feel so glad now.
c. builds
7. These are the expressions of annoyance, except ...
d. is going to be built
a. That is very annoying!
e. is being build
b. You’re driving me crazy.
2. Mr. Budiarto’s house burned down. Aaccording to the
c. You’re annoying me.
inspector, the fire . . . by lghtning. d. That’s very kind of you.
a. causes e. You’re bothering me.
b. causing 8. I was so ... when I realized that she wasn’t the girl that I
c. cause mean.
d. was caused a. embarrased
e. were causing b. guilty
3. Jannie has picked some rosses. c. satisfied
The passive of the sentences is . . . d. angry
a. Some roses has picked by Jennie e. glad
b. Jennie has been picked some roses 9. Sukron : Could you please stop the music?
c. Jennie was picked by some flowers It is very ...
d. Some roses have been picked by Jennie Daniel : It’s OK.
e. Some flowers picked by Jennie a. annoying
4. Anna : What’s going on? b. annoyance
Bella : I was ... because my English score was c. nice
the lowest. d. beautiful
a. happy e. brilliant
b. very asshamed 10. Reno was sleeping ... the phone rang.
c. very glad a. when
d. so panic b. then
e. so worried c. and
5. Sukron : Could you please stop the music? d. so
It is very ... e. where
Daniel : It’s OK. 11. ... when Paul called me.
a. annoying a. It has been raining
b. annoyance b. It was raining
c. nice c. It is raining
d. beautiful d. It is rained
e. brilliant e. It has been rained
12. When I first ... my husband, I was studying in London.
a. meeting
6. These are the expressions of anger, except ...
b. see c. leaves in
c. seeing d. takes out
d. meet e. takes off
e. met 15. Julie went to the library to (try to find) ... a book.
13. Please come in and ( have a seat ) ... “said the doctor. a. look out
a. seat up b. look after
b. seat down c. look for
c. sit up d. look up
d. sit down e. look in
e. sit back
14. When Dad arrives home, he (removes) ... his coat.
a. puts off
b. took off