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Installation and Commissioning

3 Controller software

3.1 Introduction
The robot controller includes a working memory (RAM) and a mass storage memory.
The mass storage memory is a semiconductor memory (flash disk), but works like a
hard disk. When the robot controller is up and running, the operating system and all
programs are executed in the working memory. However, all code for the operating
system and all relevant data, are always stored in the storage memory. This means
that, e.g. when the power is broken, all system data is stored in the storage memory,
and when repowering the system, all the code and data is restored from the storage
memory to the working memory and the system is restarted. In this case the system
status and all data are restored to exactly the same values as before the power break.
This is normally referred to as a warm start.
When a robot controller is started for the first time, a so called cold start must be
implemented. This requires that the code for the operating system is already installed
in the storage memory (see below), and if so it is loaded into the working memory and
started. In this case the system will enter a defined start-up status.

Note! Both warm and cold starts can also be done as a manual restart. For more infor-
mation on Controller Start-up and Set-up, see chapter 4.

If the robot controller is ordered with the software installed on delivery, the controller
software and settings are already stored in the storage memory and the system is ready
to use.
If the robot controller is ordered and delivered without software or if you want to
reconfigure your system, the RobInstall tool must be used to install the controller
software. The RobInstall tool is included on the RobotWare CD-ROM (see
section 3.1.1). The RobInstall tool can be used both for creation of the controller
software and for downloading it to the controller system.
When downloading, the controller software can be transferred to the controller storage
memory in three ways (see Figure 41):
- using floppy disks,
- using Ethernet connected direct to the IO computer (IOC) service outlet on the
front of the controller cubicle,
- using Ethernet connected via a local area network (LAN) to the main computer

Product Manual S4Cplus 57

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RobotWare CD-ROM
To install RobInstall and
System Pack on PC

Floppy disks

IOC-Ethernet (Service)
with delivered boot cable UTP-X

Connected to IOC
MC-Ethernet (LAN)
Network in workshop

Figure 41 RobotWare CD-ROM installation on PC and Controller Software installation to the robot controller.

The transfer and installation of the controller software to the controller storage
memory via Ethernet or floppy disks is executed by a basic program named Boot
This basic program must always be in the storage memory. At start-up of the
controller, without any controller software installed, Boot Image will start and ask the
operator how the controller software should be installed.
If the controller software is already installed and a warm start is done, Boot Image is
not used.
The installed controller software can be deleted by cold start and then the Boot Image
will be active again.

3.1.1 The RobotWare CD-ROM

Note! The CD contains all the System software and should therefore be treated and
stored carefully.

Contents of the RobotWare CD-ROM:

RobInstall: A PC tool used to create and install the controller operating system in the
robot control system.
Documentation: On-line documentation for the RobInstall application and the
Controller Operating System Package.
Controller OS Package (RobotWare: Controller Operating System Package for
S4Cplus. This package includes all the software needed to create the controller
operating system with any ordered options. Please note that it is possible to install
different releases with different versions of the same system package (see section 6.1).
Test Signal Viewer: A tool (created in LabView) for viewing MotionTest Signals
(oscilloscope function) and also for logging these signals.

58 Product Manual S4Cplus

Controller software Installation and Commissioning

3.1.2 Installation of the RobotWare on the PC

Insert the CD in your reader. The Install Shield will automatically start and guide you
through the install process (if it does not start, double-click the CD icon on your PC).
When the setup type window is presented, it is recommended to select the Custom
button. Then Next button will open the Select Components window, where normally
all the four options, RobInstall, Documentation, Controller OS Package and Test
Signal Viewer should be marked as selected.

3.1.3 Additional content on the RobotWare CD-ROM

FTP Client: On the CD is also included a so called FTP client named Voyager. Please
note that this is not an ABB product but a shareware program, which means that it can
be installed and used for a limited time, but that it has to be registered for permanent
use. Registering means that a certain fee must be paid to the vendor.

Note! ABB takes no responsibility for the installation or use of Voyager FTP client.
Please refer the vendor of this product for all questions regarding the Voyager

The FTP client is used to transport files manually between the PC and the robot
controller storage memory. These actions are carried out in the same way as in a file
manager or in Windows Explorer.

To install the FTP Client:

In the Explorer, select and open the directory “ftp” on the CD. Double-click the file
ftpvsetup.exe. The Install Shield for the FTP client will start and guide you through
the installation.
Please read the “Readme” file for information about license regulations.

3.1.4 The manipulator parameter disk:

The manipulator parameter disk contains the calibration offsets, which are needed to
guarantee the accuracy of the robot. They are included in a so called system parameter
file, calib.cfg, which can be included when a new robot controller operating system is
created with the RobInstall tool (see section 3.2). See also section 5.2 for information
on how to install the manipulator parameters in the controller.

Note! The disk is attached to the manipulator on delivery.

If no manipulator parameter disk is available, the calibration offsets and instructions

on how to load the parameters manually, can be read from a label attached to the

Product Manual S4Cplus 59

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3.2 Installing new Robot Controller Software with RobInstall

Since most systems have the operating system installed already on delivery, the
RobotWare CD-ROM is normally not needed. However it should be used when:
- creating a new controller operating system,
- changing the current operating system configuration, e.g. concerning included
In the following text the following notations are used:
System pack. This is the RobotWare Controller Operating System Package for
S4Cplus, including all options, even if they are not ordered and activated.
Key. This is a text string, or a special file with the text string, which is used to define
and open both the BaseWare and all ordered RobotWare options.
System. This is a complete controller software, i.e. controller operating system, based
on the system pack and the key. It can also include any user files to be added to the
home directory on the controller storage memory.

3.2.1 How to use RobInstall

Robinstall is used to create and install the controller software in the S4Cplus robot
controller. With RobInstall, you can:
- create a new system,
- update an existing system,
- download a system to the controller using the Ethernet connection,
- create Boot Disks to transfer the system to the Controller.
If you have not already installed RobInstall, please install it according to the
instructions in section 3.1.2.
1. Click the start button on your PC and select
programs/ABB Robotics/RobInstall/
2. The RobInstall start window will open.

Figure 42 Start Window

60 Product Manual S4Cplus


Start RobInstall as described in section 3.2.1.

1. Choose 1HZ to create a new Robot
Controller system

2. Enter a name for the new controller system.
The recommended max length for the
System name is 16 characters. That secures 1
full support in the File manager. The File
Manager can only display files and
directories which has a name length of
maximum 16 carachters. 2

Select a saving location or use the default

directory, normally “Program Files\ABB
Robotics\system” (see Figure 49, pos. 1).
3. Enter the RobotWare key or add from file.
If added from a file, files with the )LJXUH  &UHDWH1HZ6\VWHPGLDORJER[
extension N[W should be used (see
Figure 49, position 2).
4. Press 2.. The configured system will be
displayed in the next window (see
Figure 50)
5. If no external options or parameters are to
be added or changed, press )LQLVK to
create the new controller system.
Otherwise press 1H[W to continue to
“Additional Keys” (see section 3.3.2).


Product Manual S4Cplus 61

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3.3.2 Add or remove external options

1. To add or remove external options, press
Next in the screen shown in Figure 45 or
click on “Additional Keys” in the menu to
the left.
2. Enter the key string for the selected option
and press Add Key to list, or press
Add key from file to select a key
string file.
3. To remove additional keys, select the key
in the Included Additional Keys list and Figure 46 Add external option keys
press Remove Key.
4. Press Finish to create the controller system or press Next to continue to
“Parameter Data” (see section 3.3.3).

3.3.3 Add or remove additional system parameters

1. To add or remove additional parameters,
press Next in the screen shown in 1
Figure 46 or click on “Parameter Data” in
the menu to the left. 2
2. Press Add to load manipulator
calibration data (see Figure 47, position 1).
This is the calib.cfg file which is delivered
on the Manipulator Parameter disk (see
section 3.1.4).
3. To remove manipulator calibration data, Figure 47 Load Parameter Data
press Remove.
4. Press Add to load additional system parameters, see pos. 2. All system
parameter files added here will be automatically loaded together with the system,
when the controller is restarted with the new system.
5. To remove additional parameters, select the parameter in the “Loaded Additional
Parameters” list and press Remove.
6. Press Finish to create the controller system or press Next to continue to
“Options” (see section 3.3.4).

3.3.4 Change options or system pack revision

1. To change the option configuration, press
Next in the screen shown in Figure 47 1
or click on “Options” in the menu to the
2. To change the Teach Pendant Unit
language, robot type, or software options,
press Options (see Figure 48, position 2
3. Normally the latest release or revision of
all system packages and option packages Figure 48 Change Option Configuration

62 Product Manual S4Cplus

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stored in the media pool (see section 6.1) will be used. If an earlier revision should
be used, uncheck the check mark and press Rev. Select (see Figure 48,
position 2). In the new window select the system package to use and press OK.
4. If you want the system to start up in query mode, put a mark in the query mode
selection square. For further details of the query mode, see section 4.8.
5. Press Finish to create the controller system or press Next to view the
current configuration.

3.4 Update the Robot Controller image

1. To update an existing controller system,
press Update, see Figure 49.

Figure 49 Update image

2. Select a system in the system list and press
OK, see figure Figure 50. Please note
that a pop up menu can be shown by
clicking right mouse button. With this
menu Copy, Rename or Delete can be
selected for the marked system.
3. The window displaying the current
configuration of the system will be shown.
Follow the instructions in section 3.3.2,
3.3.3 and 3.3.4 to modify the system.

Figure 50 Select system

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3.5 Transfer Robot Controller System using Ethernet connection

3.5.1 Set up before downloading a Robot Controller System

Before a system can be downloaded to a robot controller using the RobInstall tool
some preparations and set up must be done.

If using a direct connection between PC and IOC service outlet on controller:

1. Connect a patch-cable between the Ethernet connection on the front of the
controller and the corresponding connection on the PC/Laptop.
2. Make sure that the Network protocol is set for TCP/IP properties.
3. Change the TCP/IP Properties in
accordance with the following table
(Table 38) and figure (Figure 51):

IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
Table 38 The TCP/IP properties for direct con-
nection between PC and IOC service

If using a Network Intranet connection with

fixed IP addresses:
1. Make sure that the Network protocol is set
for TCP/IP properties.
2. Change the TCP/IP Properties in
accordance with the values to be used for
IP address, Subnet mask and Gateway.
Figure 51 The TCP/IP properties dialog box
3. Perform a X-START (see section 4.7.3) or in Microsoft Windows
C-START (see section 4.7.5) on the
S4Cplus controller.
4. Configure the IP address to be used for the robot controller from the TPU.

If using Network Intranet connection with DHCP

(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
1. Read Ethernet MAC-id on the Teach Pendant Unit (see section 4.5.1).

64 Product Manual S4Cplus

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3.5.2 Download Robot Controller System

Before starting to download, make sure there is at least 25 Mb free disk space on
the controller mass storage memory. For information on how to perform a manual
storage capacity check, see section 6.3.1.

Note! Before downloading, make sure that the robot controller displays the
Start Window on the Teach Pendant Unit (see section 4.2).

1. To download a controller system, press

Download (see Figure 52).

Figure 52 Download Robot Controller images

2. Select a target system (see Figure 53,

position 1).
If a direct connection is used with the patch
cable between the PC and the controller front,
then just select the default IP address 2
( and “Direct” option.
In other cases, write the correct IP address for
the robot controller and select “Hostname or
IP-address”. RobInstall will store already used
IP addresses, which can later be selected with Figure 53 Select Target System
the down arrow.
3. Fill in your username and password if it is required by the robot controller (see
Figure 53, position 2).
4. Test the connection by pressing Test Connection and press OK if a
connection is established.
5. Select a system in the list on the left and
press OK (see Figure 54). Please note
that it is possible to select another system
pool than the shown one (in such case be
sure to select the system pool directory, not
the system itself on the lower level).
6. RobInstall will now create a system file
and download it to the controller.
7. After downloading it is possible to restart
the controller with the new downloaded
controller system. Otherwise, the controller
can be restarted from the Teach Pendant
Unit (see section 4.3).
Figure 54 Select System

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3.6 Transfer Robot Controller System using floppy disks

3.6.1 Set up before Robot Controller System transfer

Make sure that the optional floppy disk drive is installed in the robot controller.

Before starting to transfer the system from the disks to the controller, make sure
there is at least 25 Mb free disk space on the controller mass storage memory. For
information on how to perform a manual storage capacity check, see section 6.3.1.

3.6.2 Create Boot Diskettes from RobInstall

1. Press Create Boot Disk (see
Figure 55).

Figure 55 Create Boot Diskettes

2. Select a system in the list on the left and
press OK (see Figure 56).
3. RobInstall will now create an image file
and estimate the number of disks needed.
4. Insert a formatted 1.44 Mb diskette into the
disk drive.
5. Press Continue to start copy the
Robot Controller System image to the
6. Use the finished floppy disks to boot your
system as described in section 4.4.

Figure 56 Select System

66 Product Manual S4Cplus

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3.7 RobInstall preferences

1. To customise RobInstall for new programs
and optional products, press
Preferences (see Figure 57). See
also chapter 6.

Figure 57 Customising RobInstall

2. To select another media pool (see
section 6.1), press Select Media
Pool (see Figure 58, position 1).
3. To add a new system package or option
package to the media pool, press
Import Program (see Figure 58,
position 2). See also chapter 6.

Figure 58 Select Media Pool/ Import Program

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68 Product Manual S4Cplus

Installation and Commisioning

4 Robot Controller

4.1 BootImage
The BootImage is a basic program which is used to start up the system from “scratch”.
This program is already installed in the controller at delivery and is used to:
- restart the system
- load the system from boot disks or network connections
- set or check network settings
- choose a system from the mass storage memory.

4.2 Start window

The start window displays the start menu and
will appear in the following cases:
1. When no controller operating system is
installed at power on.
2. After X.-START (see section 4.7.3).
3. After C-START (see section 4.7.5).
From this window you can choose to do one
of the following: Figure 59 Start window
Restart the system, Reboot. The
BootImage will be re-executed, used to apply changes in the system settings (see
section 4.3).
Load a system from diskettes, Boot Disks. (See section 4.4)
Set the network settings, Network Settings. Set network settings for Main
Computer or check how to configure your PC (see section 4.5).
Choose a system from the mass storage memory, Select System. If there
are one or more systems in the mass storage memory, you can choose to activate one
of them (see section 4.6).

4.3 Reboot
The Reboot window will be displayed if any
of the system settings are changed or when
Reboot is pressed in the Start window
(Figure 59).
YES Restarts the system.
NO Returns to the start window.

Figure 60 Reboot window

Product Manual S4Cplus 69

Installation and Commisioning Robot Controller

4.4 Boot Disks

The Boot Disk window will be displayed
when Boot Disks is pressed in the Start
window (Figure 59).
Information on how to create boot disks from
RobInstall can be found in section 3.6.2.
1. Insert the correct diskette in the floppy disk
drive and press OK. If the diskette is
alright, the system will be loaded.
CANCEL removes all previously loaded Figure 61 Boot Disks window
data and returns to the Start window
(Figure 59).

4.5 Network Settings

The Network Settings window will be
displayed when Network Settings is
pressed in the Start window (Figure 59).
To configure the Main Computer for
communication with a PC on a Local Area
Network (LAN), press LAN Settings.
To view the required settings for the PC to
communicate with the I/O Computer, press
Service Settings. Figure 62 Network Settings window
CANCEL returns to the Start window
(Figure 59).

4.5.1 LAN Settings

The LAN Settings window will be displayed
when LAN Settings is pressed in the
Network Settings window (Figure 62).

LAN Settings
Node Identification
MAC ID The Main Computer’s ethernet
Current IP The Main Computer’s current IP Figure 63 LAN Settings window
address. This row is blank if the
LAN Settings has not been defined.
Network Settings
IP Space for typing a new IP address,
for the Main Computer or the DHCP
server. See Configure for fixed IP
network and for DHCP distributed
IP network, below.
Table 39 Explanation of the terms in the LAN Settings window

70 Product Manual S4Cplus

Robot Controller Installation and Commisioning

LAN Settings
(Subnet mask) Shows the subnet mask of the net-
work. Only visible when configured
for fixed IP.
(Gateway) Shows the gateway IP for the net-
Only visible when configured for
fixed IP.
Table 39 Explanation of the terms in the LAN Settings window

Configure for fixed IP network

1. Press FIX IP.
2. Fill in the assigned IP address for the Main Computer, and the Subnet Mask and
Gatway for the Network and press OK.
3. You will be asked to reboot the system. To make the new setting take effect press

Configure for DHCP distributed IP network

1. Press DHCP. The value for IP will change to DHCP.
2. Press OK.
3. You will be asked to reboot the system. To make the new setting take effect press
NONE will, after the system is rebooted, remove the IP settings.
CANCEL returns to the Start window (Figure 59) without changing any settings.

4.5.2 Service Settings

The Service Settings window will be
displayed when Service Settings is
pressed in the Network Settings window
(Figure 62).
The Service Settings window contains
information about the I/O Computer’s
network settings.

Service Settings
Figure 64 Service Settings window
IP The IP Address for the I/O Computer
Required RobInstall PC settings
IP These values are required to config-
ure your PC’s network settings for
Subnet mask communication between RobInstall
Gateway and the I/O Computer.

OK returns to the Start window (Figure 59)

Product Manual S4Cplus 71

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4.6 Select System

The Select System window will be displayed
when Select System is pressed in the
Start window (Figure 59).
The window shows all systems installed on
the controller mass storage memory. Select by
moving the X to a desired system and press

Figure 65 Select System window

The system will reboot with the new system
and then present the Welcome window
(Figure 66)
CANCEL returns to the Start window
(Figure 59).

Figure 66 Welcome window

72 Product Manual S4Cplus

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4.7 Perform a Restart

4.7.1 Reboot (Warm start), apply changed settings

When executing a Warm start, the system reboots with the current system, e.g. to
make new or changed settings take effect.

1. Press and select Service window or System Parameter window

2. Select Restart from the File menu and press OK
3. The system reboots and returns to the Welcome window (Figure 66).

4.7.2 P-START, reinstallation of RAPID

A P-Start will warm start the current system, with a reinstallation of the RAPID
language and all auto loaded modules. This means that all RAPID program and
system modules currently loaded in the working memory will be closed, and thus have
to be reloaded again after the P-Start, with exception for such modules which are
automatically loaded, due to settings in the System Parameters/Controller/
Task Modules.

1. Press and select Service window

2. Select Restart from the File menu
3. Enter the numbers: 2 5 8 (the fifth function key changes to P-START)
4. Press P-START
5. The system will reboot, reinstall RAPID and its auto loaded modules, and return to
the Welcome window (Figure 66)

4.7.3 X-START, change active controller system

An X-start will exit the running system, store system data on the mass storage
memory, and then execute the BootImage to present the Start window. Any system
stored in the mass storage memory, may then be selected as described in 4.6.
When performing an X-Start all stored system data will be restored (similar to
performing a warm start).

1. Press and select Service window

2. Select Restart from the File menu
3. Enter the numbers: 1 5 9 (the fifth function key changes to X-START)
4. Press X-START
5. The system will reboot and return to the Start window (Figure 59).

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4.7.4 I-START, start in Query mode

If “Use Query Mode at System Boot” was selected when creating the running system
in RobInstall (see section 3.3.4), an I-Start can be done. An I-Start will restart the
current system and give the opportunity to set some values at start-up, e.g. language,
IRB type (within the same model) or options (see section 4.8).

1. Press and select Service window

2. Select Restart from the File menu
3. Enter the numbers: 1 4 7 (the fifth function key changes to I-START)
4. Press I-START
5. The system will start to reboot, then pause to ask for Silent, Easy, or Query mode.
For more information on the different modes, continue to section 4.8.

4.7.5 C-START (Cold start), delete the active system

When executing a C-Start, the system exits the running system and deletes it from the
mass storage memory. The BootImage is then executed and the Start window
(Figure 59) is presented.

Note! Use C-start with caution. Since it deletes the current system, it should not be used
to just switch between installed systems. For this purpose, use X-Start (see
section 4.7.3).

1. Press and select Service window

2. Select Restart from the File menu
3. Enter the numbers: 1 3 4 6 7 9 (the fifth function key changes to C-START)
4. Press C-START
Do not touch any key, joystick, enable device, or emergency stop during the cold
start until the Start window (Figure 59) is shown.

It will take quite some time to implement a Cold start. Just wait until the robot shows
the Start window. When the Start window is shown, a new system can be selected if
available in the mass storage memory (see section 4.6) or a new system can be down
loaded and started (see section 3.5 and 3.6).

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4.8 Start in Query Mode

If “Use Query Mode at System Boot” was selected when creating the system in
RobInstall (see section 3.3.4) it will be possible to set some values, e.g. language, IRB
type (within the same model) or options, at the first start-up of the system, using a C-
Start (see section 4.7.5), or later on when performing an I-Start (see section 4.7.4).
The first question from the system is what Query Mode to start. Depending on your
needs, you should select one of the following three:
Silent Mode, Silent. If Silent Mode is selected, the operating system will be
installed with the system configured as defined in RobInstall.
Easy Query Mode, Easy Query. In Easy Query Mode you can change
language, remove selected options and select service or standard mode (see
section 4.8.1)
Query Mode, Query. In Query Mode you can, on top of the things in Easy Query,
select DC-link, change Robot type (within the same family) and for IRB 6400R, select
balancing unit (see section 4.8.2).

4.8.1 Easy Query Mode

If Easy Query was chosen as start-up query mode, the following steps will be required
to start the system:
1. Select Service/Standard motion param. Choose between standard or service
motion parameters ( Stand/ Service).
2. Choose TP Language. If there was another language than English selected in
RobInstall (see section 3.3.4), it will be possible to choose language ( English/
3. Install xxx? For every option that was selected in RobInstall (see section 3.3.4) it
is now possible to select Yes to keep the option, or No to remove it from the

4.8.2 Query Mode

If Query Mode was chosen as start-up query mode, the following steps will be
required to start the system:
1. Select Service/Standard motion param. See section 4.8.1, step 1.
2. Choose TP Language. See section 4.8.1, step 2.
3. Select external axes config.
No ext No external axes are used
DCXX Select external axes
Extaxdc Select external axes in drive cabinet
You can find the article number of the DC-link used on the unit inside the controller,
then use Table 40 to find out the configuration ID for that DC-link.

Product Manual S4Cplus 75

Installation and Commisioning Robot Controller

Type Art. no. Config ID Description

DSQC 345A 3HAB 8101-1 DC0 DC-link
DSQC 345B 3HAB 8101-2 DC1 DC-link
DSQC 345C 3HAB 8101-3 DC2 DC-link
DSQC 345D 3HAB 8101-4 DC3 DC-link, step down
DSQC 346G 3HAB 8101-8 GT Drive unit, 2-axes
DSQC 358C 3HAB 8101-10 DC2T DC-link + single drive unit
DSQC 346E 3HAB 8101-11 ECB Drive unit, 3-axes
DSQC 358E 3HAB 8101-12 DC2C DC-link + single drive unit
DSQC 345E 3HAB 8101-14 DC4 DC-link + single drive unit
DSQC 358F 3HAB 8101-15 DC4C DC-link + single drive unit
DSQC 358G 3HAB 8101-16 DC4U DC-link + single drive unit
Table 40 Drive System Modules

4. Select xxxx model. Choose Robot model type within in the same family, e.g. 1400,
6400 etc. If there are more than three options, press SCAN to view them.
5. Only valid for 6400R!
Select bal.B or standard. If the Robot family is 6400R and you choose 2.5-
120, 2.5-150, 2.5-200, or 2.8-150, you will be asked what type of
balancing units that are used. You can find the identification on a label, attached to
the top of the balancing units. Select either bal.B or standard.
6. Install xxx? See section 4.8.1, step 3.

76 Product Manual S4Cplus

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5 Calibration

5.1 Updating the revolution counter

Calibrate the manipulator as described in the calibration section in Chapter 15,

5.2 How to use the disk, Manipulator Parameters

The S4Cplus controller does not contain any calibration information on delivery
(Robot Not Calibrated shown on the Teach Pendant Unit).
Once the contents of the Manipulator Parameters disk have been loaded into the
controller (as in one of the two cases described below), a new parameter backup
should be saved on the disk, Controller Parameters. After saving the new
parameters on the disk, Controller Parameters, the Manipulator Parameters disk is no
longer needed.

5.2.1 Robot delivered with controller software installed

In this case the basic parameters are already installed except for the manipulator
parameters. The calibration offset values can be loaded from the disk, Manipulator
Parameters. If a floppy disk drive is available, the calib.cfg file can be loaded directly
from the disk. Otherwise it can be transferred to the mass storage memory using the
FTP-client included on the RobotWare CD (see section 3.1.1).

Note! The disk is attached to the manipulator on delivery.

1. Open the System Parameter window

2. Select Add or Replace Parameter from the File-menu

Do not select Add New or Load Saved Parameters.

3. Locate the calib.cfg file and select it.

4. Press OK.
5. Save the new parameters as described in User’s Guide - Chapter 12, System

5.2.2 New controller software installed with RobInstall

When the controller operating system is created with RobInstall, the calibration
parameters can be added to the system to be downloaded (see section 3.3.3). In such
case the calibration parameters will be automatically loaded and used when the new
system is started up.

Product Manual S4Cplus 77

Installation and Commissioning Calibration

78 Product Manual S4Cplus

Installation and Commissioning

6 System directory structure

6.1 Media Pool in the PC

Every RobotWare System Package and Option Packages are stored in a media pool
directory. Each package is stored in a directory, the name of which is an article number
ending with the sub-number and with the revision number (see Table 41).
All the system packs and option packs in one media pool must have the correct
revision numbers in their directory names. Thus a later revision can be loaded into the
program pool, to be added to the old one, without changing the article number. Two
revisions of the same system package will then exist in the pool.
By default, after having installed the RobInstall, a directory “MediaPool” will be
found in Program Files\ABB Robotics\, and will also be the current one. However any
directory in the structure can be set up as the current media pool in the Preference
window (see section 3.7).

6.1.1 Media Pool directory

Directory View Art. no./Folder name Description

3HAXaaaa-1.00 RobotWare System Pack 3HAXaaaa-1, rev 00
3HAXbbbb-1.02 RobotWare System Pack 3HAXbbbb-1, rev 02
3HAXcccc-1.01 ABB Robotics external option program
3HAXcccc-1, rev 01
3HYZdddd-1.00 OEM customer external option program
3XYZdddd-1, rev 00
Table 41 Media Pool Directory

6.2 System Pool in the PC

All systems created with the RobInstall will be stored in a system pool. The default
name of such a system pool is “system” as shown below. Each system stored in the
system pool is a directory with the name of the system (see Table 42).
The system directory must hold two files to make installation of software possible.
- key.id (encrypted key file for the actual controller)
- program.id (file with paths to selected programs in the media pool)
To install configuration files there must also be a “syspar” directory into which
prepared *.cfg files can be preloaded and then included in the software installation
procedure. All system parameter files, included when creating a system with
RobInstall, are placed in this syspar directory (see Table 42).
Each system directory also includes a directory named “home”. In this home directory
the user can include any file or files, which should be downloaded to the controller
together with the operating system. Such files will then be placed in the home
directory of the system in the controller.

Product Manual S4Cplus 79

Installation and Commissioning System directory structure

By default, after installing the RobInstall, a directory “system” will be found in

Program Files\ABB Robotics\ and will also be the current one. However any directory
in the structure can be set up as the current system directory in the Create New System
window or Select System window.

6.2.1 System Pool directory

Directory View The “system_1” folder

Table 42 System Pool Directory

6.2.2 Preparation of S4Cplus software to be installed

Media pool System pool

System Pack in Ext option in Created files

My system
\3haxbbbb-1.nn \3haxcccc-1.nn key.id \system_n
*.* *.* program.id key.id
signature no relkey.txt
External option from *.cfg
disk or CD-ROM

System Pack from

RobotWare CD-ROM Inserted key strings are
saved in keystr.txt
RobotWare key strings define the
options to include from the System Pack
they belong to and Ext Opt. key strings define
added external option packages.
All keys must have the same serial number.

Figure 67 Preparation of software.

Key.id is a file, which is created by RobInstall from the key strings, that specifies the
options to be installed from the System Pack and the external option programs to be
The latest revision of the System Pack and external option programs will be selected
as default, if not deselected in RobInstall (see section 3.3.4).
When creating a new system to download to the controller via Ethernet or to transfer
to a set of diskettes, the selected System Pack and External Option Programs are
copied from the media pool and concatenated into one file that also holds the key.id
and the syspar directory. This target file is temporarily stored in the system directory
before download or creating diskettes.

80 Product Manual S4Cplus

System directory structure Installation and Commissioning

6.3 File structure in the robot controller mass storage memory

The root directory of the mass storage memory is called hd0a. In the root directory,
hd0a there are several different components:
- The control system package, which is named as an article number, similar to
- bin, which is the BootImage code
- BootRom.sys, which is the system configuration and description file for the mass
storage memory
- MC.cfg, which is the network configuration for the main computer
- ctrl.bin, which hold e.g. revolution counter values
- system.dir, which holds information on the current system
- system directories, which are the different systems stored in the mass storage
Each system directory holds a number of subdirectories, defining for instance
language, options, robots, etc. One important subdirectory is bin, which is the storage
area for all system data, e.g. at power break. This means that at warm start, in addition
to restoring the operating system from the control system package, all system data is
restored from this directory and reloaded into the working memory.
The system directory is also the “home” directory for the system. This means that,
when using the address “home:” in the RAPID program, this directory will be

Note! Never delete or change the \bin or BootRom.sys directories in the root directory.
If this is the case, the controller cannot be restarted and the mass storage memory
will be impossible to use.

6.3.1 Check Storage Capacity

In some cases it is very important that there is enough free space in the mass storage
memory, before attempting to download new system software. A manual check on the
free space can be done in one of the following ways:

From the Teach Pendant Unit:

1. Press to select Service window

2. Select Storage Capacity from the System Info menu. The Mass Storage
Memory is called hd0a.

Through connection to the MC/CONSOLE port:

1. Connect a console to the MC/CONSOLE outlet on the controller and execute the
command dosFsShow.

There should always be at least 25 Mb free disk space on the controller mass stor-
age memory before attempting to download a new system. For information on
how to increase storage capacity, see section 6.3.1.

Product Manual S4Cplus 81

Installation and Commissioning System directory structure

6.3.2 Increase Storage Capacity

If the capacity of the mass storage memory is less than 25 Mb when a new controller
system is to be downloaded, storage memory must be released by removing old
systems from the mass storage memory. This can be done in one of the following
1. Boot up on the system you would like to remove and then make a C-START (see
section 4.7.5).
2. Use the FileManager in the Teach Pendant Unit, see User’s Guide - File Manager,
for more information on how to use the FileManager.
3. Use a third-party “ftp” client (like FTPVoyager supplied on the RobotWare CD).

Note! Removing systems using the FileManager or FTP-client can be hazardous because
the \bin and BootRom.sys directories the must be kept intact.

82 Product Manual S4Cplus

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