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GAD Mandates

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reference to Memol.andum Circular No.

2020-05 of the Philippine Commission on Women

CW) on the Preparation and Cinline Submission of Fiscal Year qY) 2021 Gender and
Ivelopment (GAD) Plans and Budgets, and in accordance with Section 36 of the Magma

projects @APs) to be included in the GPB should be within the context Of the agency's
mandates. h identifying gender issues and conesponding GAD PAPs, agencies shall
include those that directly respond to mandates provided in intemational and national
laws, comrfutments and plans on women and gender equality.
2. The identification of gender issues and GAD PAPs shall also be informed by results Of
genders analysis and gender audit, pal.ticularly the application Of the Gender
Maiustreaming Ev aluation Framework (GMEF).
3. The agency shall prioritize addressing gender issues brought about by the COVID-19
pandemic. The Department Of Budget and Management (DBM) has provided
instructions under National Budget Memorandum No. 136, dated 21 May 2020 for the
review and reprioritization PAPs toward containing the spread and mitigating the
effects of COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, the agency is encouraged to use the
Harmcndzed Gendei. and Development Guidelines quGDG) tool to errsure the gender-
responsiveness Of PAPs to be implemented.
4. The GAD PAPs should contribute to the DepEd GAD goal which aims to ultimately
reduce disparities in enrollment, completion, participation, cohort survival, and
I learning achievement between boys and girls.

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5. GAD Plans and Budget template should include the following information. Kindly
fonow the entry format given below especially in providing youff region, the school
division office, and the specific responsible unit or office.
Gender I Cause o£ GAD RendE Relevant GAD Output GAD Source Responsible
Issue andy' I the Statemenv AgencyREO„AP Activity(5) Performance Budget(7) of Uniyoffice(9)
GAD'Mandate GenderIssue GADObjective and Target(6) Budget(8)

(1) ,i (2) (3) (4)

I+,,,",'1`` ,.``NOproper)

Women To spread NIO 2: Region Two (2) 2 half-day General Region

facilities to employees awareness Basic X/SDO XL GAD ngooqoo pax Fund/ X/SDO
address are not on proper Education Orierri:ation awareness = 30,000Honorarium 2021 X_Office
reproducti e aware o£ lactation Services thru oriend.ation GAA
needs of Proper practices webinars for DepEd
women an lactation and on R.A CO = 10,000Php40JJ00
men practices importance 10028 - to employees;
employees)i and of increase 100 number
and dients`i importanc breastfeedin awareness Of
of DapEdsuchaslactation iroous/cl.gt:I:,getc, eofbreastfeeding 8 andpromotionofbreastfeeding partidpants


List of Common Gender Issues & GAD Mandates

Numb dr Gender Issues COVID-19-Related

Lack Of sex-disaggregated data to be used in plarming, implementation, and monitoring of DepEd
PPAs in view Of the COVID~19 situation
Example Of Activity/ies:
I1 i
•Preparation of survey/quesfrormaire peltaihing to sex-diBaggregated data related to
COVID-19 situation
• Administration of survey/questionrmire
• Listing of covID-19-related data
Limited capacities Of GFPS Members & Coordinators to execute GAD PPAs in different
commurrication platforms (i.e. ordine, face to face, etc.)
2i1 ExaxpleofActivityftes:

Conduct of webinars, seminars, training, etc. to improve the mental and psychosocial
wellness of employees
Lack Of gender health advocacies, protective equipment and measures in DepEd Offices & Schools
for COVID-19 prevention and ndtigation
3 i Example Of Activityv±es:
•Provision of personal protective equipment @PE) that are appropriate to the size of
women and men
Higher risk of sexual and gender-based violence during COVID-19 pandemic
Example Of Activity/ies:
• Creation of reporting mechanism of leaners on online exploitation
• Creation of a referral system in reporting c.ages related to women and vulnerable children
abuse during community quarantine

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Offlc e off the undersecretary

I Gender Issues Non-COVID-19-Related

5 •1
Low level of appreciation of DepEd on Gender and Development (GAD)
6 11
Lack Of awareness and appreciation on gender equality and gender issues within DepEd
Limited capabilities Of DepEd GFPS on gender analysis, application of gender analysis tools, GAD
I Planning and Budgetiii.g, and moritoring of GAD accc>mplishments
8 I Lack Of recognition Of GAD efforts Of DepEd implementing units and schools
No proper facilities to address the reproductive needs of women and men employees and clients Of
i DepEd such as lactation rooms/childminding centers, etc.
10 •1
Pervasive use of sexist language in the workplace
Lack Of sex-disaggregated data for use in planing, implementation, and moritoring Of DepEd
I GAD Mandates
1 I DepEd Order No. 32, s. 2017: DapEd Gender-Responsive Basic Education Policy
2 i DepEd Order No. 40, s. 2012: DepEd Child Hotection Poficy
3 I RA 9710: The Magria Carta Of Women & Public School Teacher
4 I RA 9262: Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act of 2004

8. What can be charged to GAD Budget?

1. PAPs included in the PCW/ endorsed GAD plan, including relevant experises such as
supplies, travel, food, board and lodging, professional fees among others;
2. Capacity development on GAD;
3. Activities related to the establishment and strengthening of enabling mechanisms that
4. Salaries of agency persorme] assigned to plan, implement and monitor GAD PAPs on
a full-tine basis, following government rules in hiring and creating positions;
5. Salaries of agency personnel assigned to plan, implement and monitor GAD PAPs on
a full-time basis, following government rules in hiring and creating positions;
6. Salaries of policewomen and men assigned to women's desks;
7. Agency programs to address women's practical and strategic needs (e.g. daycare
center, breastfeeding rooms, crisis or counseling rooms for abused women);
8. Consultations conducted by agendes to gather inputs for and/or to disseminate the
GAD plan and budget;
9. Payment Of professional fees, honoraria and other services for gender experts or
gender specialists engaged by agencies for GAD-related training and activities; and
10. IEC activities (development, printing, and dissemination) that support the GAD PAPs
and objectives of the agency.

What carmot be charged to GAD Budget?

1. PAPs that are not in the agency's PCW endorsed GAD plan;
2. Personal services of women employees UNLESS they are working full time or part-
time on GAD PAPs,.
3. Honoraria for agency GAD Focal Porfu System members or other employees working
on their agency GAD-programs;
4. Salaries Of casual or emergency employees UNLESS they are hired to assist in GAD
related PAPs;ROD-EWD|Valdez]

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Tanggap ng Pa:nga:id;wee:ng Katthi:rn

of the undersecretary

5. Expenses that CANNOI' be charged to the GAD budget Provision for contingency
funds or "other services" Of PAPs;
6. Car-pooling, gas masks for traffic/ envirorment enforcers, among others; Purchase Of
supplies, materials, equipment, and vehicles for the general use of the agency.

D. Process Of Submission Of GPBs for FY 2021

1. The DepEd Central once and Regional Cffices, thru its Regional GAD Focal Point
System (GFPS), shall prepare its GAD Plans and Budgets.
2. The DepEd Regional Offices, thru its Regional GFPS, shall also collect, review and
consolidate the GPBs of its respective Schools Division Offices and Schools, and shall
integrate it with its regional GPB.
3. A copy Of the approved consolidated regional GPB in excel formiat shall be emalled to
the DepEd CO-GFTS together with a scanned copy Of the approved document and
email it to depedco,gfps@gmail.com with emall sutryect ``GAD Pzerjts cz7cd Bz4dgef rty7` FY
202IJNffle a/Rcgr.o7?J ". Dgadline is by 16 October 2020.
4. The DepEd CO GFPS shall conschdate, review and encode the complete DepEd GPB
in the Ghne.
5. Upon securing PCW's endorsement, the DepEd CO-GFPS Secretariat shall release a
copy of the PCW endorsement to all Regional GFPS.
6. All DepEd Offices shall conduct only the PCW-endorsed PPAs.

11 Regional GFPS shall provide an updated directory containing its members, their email
dresses, mobile number and other contact information by fining up and submitting the
complished templaLte accessible in bit.ly}fioGFPSDirectory.

rthermore, all DepEd Regional Office are also hereby requested to submit electronic copy
their DepEd Regional GAD Accomplishment Report for FY 2020 and 2021 with email
bject " GAD Acconaplishment Report for FY 2020JName Of Region]" or " GALD Accomplislment
eport for FY 2021_[Nane Of Regivn]" aLccordingly to the DepHd CO GFPS at
ail.com by December 4, 2020. For templates, you may refer to the attached
xcel ffle.

or your guidance and strict compliance.

hank you.


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