Contract Analysis
Contract Analysis
Contract Analysis
Sr# GCC No. Condition Number Clause of PCC Important Info. Reference from Remarsk
used GCC, PCC
1 1 Defination 1 GCC6-9
5 5 Law and Language 5 Pakistani Laws for Normal & for Arbitration Independent Country UK, UAE etc. GCC10-11 Fair, same protocol everywhere
English Language PCC3
Comencement time is the time from where Project duration to be Counted &
after contract signature & approval of reports. Comencement time will be
thirty days from effective date & completion time is 30 months.
[Effective Date conditions start conditions :
Time for a. contract agreement signed GCC 12
8 8 Commencement and 8 b. performance & advance guarantee submitted. contract forms P9, LC charges are mostly employer's responsibility,
Completion c. advance payment made] P15
Effective date condition not met in 2 months not because of contractor's issue
then EOT & price adjustment claimable
LC opening period is 4 months after Effective date. LC opening charges by
Pre-contract: Inspection of site, visual & testing inspection like boring data etc.
Post contract: Design, manufecture, procure, install, subcontract, completion, GCC13-14
warranty, supply of spare parts, acquiring licences, prepare C-ESMP & review
Contractors's frequantly maximum 6 months once, to provide security to employer 's staff& P8,9 Attendum 3
9 9 9 Basing of which price is finalized
Responsibilities it's representative P10
Provision of emloyer's residence 2 house 12 unit bed Barak (40 persons) for
security guards.
10 10 Employer's 10 Accessibilty , land acquire, approvals, inspection, witnessing testing, assist GCC 14-15 Basing of which price is finalized
Responsibilities contract in acquiring licenses PCC6
The contract price only adjustable, if issue arouse not because of contractor's GCC 16
11 11 Contract Price 11 reason. Detailed formula of price adjustment is given in attendum 01 PCC6 Adjustable it's good for us
Maximum three currancies can be used Attendum 04 P18
Project: Lot 3: 765/220 Mansehra Substation
Sr# GCC No. Condition Number Clause of PCC Important Info. Reference from Remarsk
used GCC, PCC
22 22 Installation 22 All contractor's responsibility , employer itself or via it's representative or both GCC29-39
to verify & supervise all the installation.
FAT to be witnessed by employers representative, 3 & to inform sixty days GCC39-41
23 23 Test & Inspection prior & employers engineer to be replying in 15 days, all the expenses to be PCC9-11
borne by contractor. Section 07-P79
Commissioning & in 7 days operations & maintenance team to be deployed after written GCC42-44
Operational request of contractor, raw materials, utilities, lubricants, chemicals, catalysts, PCC15
25 25 25
Acceptance facilities, services and other matters required for Commissioning. Sect. 07 P1008
Form of OAC
540 days from completion or 365 days from operational test whichever occurs
earlier. GCC: P46-48
27 27 Defect Liability 27 Minor infringements 48 hours & major infringements 72 hours. PCC: P12
Major infringement plenty as LD & minor price adjustment
Project: Lot 3: 765/220 Mansehra Substation
Sr# GCC No. Condition Number Clause of PCC Important Info. Reference from Remarsk
used GCC, PCC
Performance test to be passed on 1st, 2nd, 3rd test till passing, if performance
test is not achieved prior to completion of construction period then plenty /LD
be imposed in same fashion.
28 28 Functional Guarantees Passing of funtional test lead to the issuance of operational acceptance GCC:P48-49
certificate issued by PM of employer.
Contractor indemify & hold harmless to employer, staff & office, should notify
29 29 Patent Indemnity to employer in 28 days GCC 49-50
Employer indemnify & hold harmless to contractors & it's staff.
GCC p50
30 30 Limitation of Liability PCC 30 contract multiplier 1.5 times of contract price
Loss of or Damage to if any notice received by employer owing to contractor's act, employer will
33 33 Property; Acci-dent or notify the contractor immediately and contractor to followup the proceeding
Injury to Workers; In- in 28 days, failure of that lead the employer to do the same and money to be
demnification adjusted from contractor's amount
if any forseen condition observed that was not forecasted prior to contract
35 35 Unforeseen conditions 35 signature, any unjustfied information like bore data shared by client, will be GCC 55-56
notified to PM immediately, EOT, price adjustment to be claimed.
Project: Lot 3: 765/220 Mansehra Substation
Sr# GCC No. Condition Number Clause of PCC Important Info. Reference from Remarsk
used GCC, PCC
36 36 Change in Laws & any law change impacting cost or execution schedule, after date of 28 days GCC 56
Regulations prior to bid submission date, EOT, Escalation, de escalation to be claimed.
Change order possible, the contractor to made, if worth more than 15%
inform the employer before preparation, if change order made by contractor GCC60-63
by itself no compensation to make the change order expenses, if empoyer PCC14
39 39 Change in the Facilities 39
asked to do then the cost of making the change order to be compensated. Sec.07 P1009
change order issue not resolved in 60 days to be forward to DB
Change order procedure & format
upon aggregate suspension of 90 days, contractor notify the PM, who has to
reply in 28 days, invoices, payment documents to be passed in 14 days, failure
41 41 Suspension to do so as of employer's reason lead to interest (0.05% per month) on GCC 64-65
Contractor's resources to be at site during suspension
Employer can terminate the contract at any stage, the part work executed to
be paid, the demobilization to be paid, contractor to terminate the sub-
contract after receiving the termination letter from employer.
If contract terminated owing to contractor's reason (Banking, ownership
42 42 Termination issues, breach of contract), the employer to notify the contractor, which has GCC 65-70
to respond in 28 days failure to do so lead to termination.
contractor can also terminate the contract in special conditions like
sabstantial contract breach by employer, failure to pay timely etc., after
written notice to PM
43 43 Assignment No party can assign anything without prior written consent of other party GCC 70
Contractor has to fulfill all the responsibilities like permits, license etc,
44 44 Export Restrictions however if import to employer's country failed as of employer, employer's GCC71
country reason then it will be employer's responsibility.
Project: Lot 3: 765/220 Mansehra Substation
Sr# GCC No. Condition Number Clause of PCC Important Info. Reference from Remarsk
used GCC, PCC
52 4 General Obligations of
the Member
General Obligations of
53 5 the Employer and
54 6 Payment
55 7 Termination
57 9 Dispute
58 Appendix A: Dispute
Boad Guidelines
Appendix C: Metrics
60 for Progress Reports-
Environmental & Social
Project: Lot 3: 765/220 Mansehra Substation
Sr# GCC No. Condition Number Clause of PCC Important Info. Reference from Remarsk
used GCC, PCC
65 Sub-contractor/ ISO 9001, 9002 or 9003 to be selected in accordance with the guidelines given
supplier identification in ISO 9000-1 and in ISO 9000-3
66 Reports Monthly progress report in 4 copies at every month from 2nd month of Sect. 07P100
effective date, within 7 days of cut off day.
Section 10,
Payments contract forms
Offshore-Schedule I
i 20% Carriage & insurance paied
1. Invoice
2. Packing list
3. Bill of Lading
4. Insurance certificate to the named place of destination
ii 70% material arrival & 45 days of documents submission 5. Customs declaration issued by the customs authorities of the
Em-ployer's country
6. Certificate of origin
7. Test report
1912.8 1898.45
Document list
Sr# Description Issue Date No. of pages Remarks
1 Request for Bid 3 after prequalification
6 Eligible country 2
7 Fruad & corruption 3
Detail discription of technical & technical
8 Employer's requirents 1028
Geral contract condition, dispute board, work
Condition of contract &
9 contract form, 88 domain & payment of DB, metrics of progress
Particular condition of
10 15 Additional information to GCC