Safety Plan
Safety Plan
Safety Plan
1 Introduction 2
2 Safety Policy 3
3 Management Participation 4
5 Supervisors Responsibilities 5
9 Sub-Contractor 7
10 New Employee 8
11 PPE 8
12 Training 9
13 Road Safety 9
14 Fire Protection 10
15 Heat Stress 10
17 Housekeeping 12
19 Permit to Work 13
27 Emergency Procedures 20
This document defines the Safety Rules and Regulations to be implemented by GLOBE GAS
This will serve as the guide to everyone in construction. It helps to regulate, prevent, and minimize
the risks that caused possible losses of life of personnel, damage of property, equipment, time,
money, and loss of reputation.
The company will provide safety precautions in every identified hazard and proper dissemination to
everyone who will involve the exposure of critical activities. Each employee will be provided with the
initial introduction and continuous training to enable him to perform his work safely.
Furthermore, these regulations comply with the safety requirements set out by the main
contractor/client and the General Safety Policy of GLOBE GAS EQUIPMENTS INDUSTRY PVT. LTD.
“Safety of person overrides all the production targets” is the Health Safety and Environment policy
GLOBE GAS EQUIPMENTS INDUSTRY PVT. LTD. believes that all injuries, occupational illnesses as well
as safety and environment incidents are preventable.
Conduct all its activities in such a manner as to avoid harm to employees, subcontractors and the
Implementing, safe operating procedures (SOPs) and controls and the relevant safety practices in
construction activities;
Company with all statutory requirements concerning Health, Safety and Environment;
Create a culture of learning and practicing Health, Safety and Environment systems, procedures and
practices among all its employees and sub-contractors;
Providing awareness training to the concerned person who are directly associated with the
construction activities at our project sites to ensure good HSE performance;
Respecting the surrounding community and controlling environmental health hazards arising from
operations and events as a result of the project site activities.
Working as a team in our effort to achieve the objective of averting accident without harm and
Date: 15/03/2018
Safety is a team effort – Let us all work together to keep this a safe and healthy workplace.
3.1 Ensure that a plant wide safety committee is formed and is carrying out its responsibilities as
described in this program.
3.2 Ensure that sufficient employee time, supervisor support, and funds are budgeted for safety
equipment, training and to carry out the safety program.
3.3 Evaluate supervisors each year to make sure they are carrying out their responsibilities as
described in this program.
3.4 Ensure that all incidents are fully investigated and corrective action taken to prevent the
hazardous conditions or behaviours from happening again.
3.5 Ensure that a record of injuries and illnesses is maintained and posted as described this
3.6 Set a good example by following established safety rules and attending required training.
3.7 Report unsafe practices or conditions to the supervisor of the area where the hazard was
The Management of GLOBE GAS EQUIPMENTS INDUSTRY PVT. LTD. and various section heads are
firmly committed to maintaining and continuously improving of HSE management system and to
protect health, safety of Serious Services employees and also others who may be affected by its
activities and to the protection of environment at all work places and will ensure that no
environmental hazard will be created by the activities of Serious Services and sub-contractors.
Management visit to convey safety Project Head Monthly
message, staff meeting and inspection
5.1 Ensure that each employee you supervise has received an initial orientation before beginning
5.2 Ensure that each employee you supervise is competent or receives training on safe operation
of equipment or tasks before starting work on that equipment or project.
5.3 Ensure that each employee receives required personal protective equipment (PPE) before
starting work on a project requiring PPE.
5.4 Do a daily walk-around safety-check of the work area. Promptly correct any hazards you find.
5.5 Observe the employees you supervise working. Promptly correct any unsafe behaviour.
Provide training and take corrective action as necessary.
5.6 Set a good example for employees by following safety rules and attending required training.
5.7 Investigate all incidents in your area and report your findings to management.
5.8 Talk to management about changes to work practices or equipment that will improve
employee safety.
6.1 Observe the items of responsibility established in this document as well as job safety rules which
may apply to specific task assignments.
6.2 Immediately inform the area supervisor the existing unsafe conditions in his area of
responsibility and leave the work unless the corrective actions are in place.
6.3 Ensure the employees can fully comprehend the specific task assigned to him by his supervisor
to avoid any untoward incident/accident in his area of responsibility.
6.5 Cooperate during the inspection in his area of responsibility as well as the facilities surrounded
in him.
6.6 Participate actively the trainings, seminars set by the company for the promotion of healthy
and safe working conditions.
6.9 Working hours shall be observed always and maintain good attitude to his co-workers.
6.10 Do not attempt to execute the job if you’re doubtful the situation, immediately consult your
6.11 Always think safety all the time before executing any task entrusted to you.
6.12 Be concern to your co-worker, be responsible and never let anyone get hurt by ignoring the
6.13 Be friendly all the times; avoid fighting if possible to your co-worker because it will constitute
immediate termination.
6.14 If you’re not feeling well seek medical assistance immediately and inform your supervisor.
6.15 Be tactful all the time and observed cleanliness in your area of responsibility.
There should be a daily TBT (Tool Box Talk) on the job site for all workers by the crew leader and
supervisor as per the activities and weekly HSE topics. The meetings will be conducted by Spig safety
officer in conjunction with line supervisors and workforces. Indoctrination will include instructions
on project safety practices, reporting of accidents, availability of medical facilities and individual
responsibility in case of accidents during the course of operation. The agenda will be recorded in the
logbook to be kept by the Safety Officer. GLOBE GAS EQUIPMENTS INDUSTRY PVT. LTD. Safety
Officer must attend the scheduled meeting set by the General Contractor’s Safety Department either
weekly or monthly. Safety Officer shall be copy furnished with every weekly/monthly meeting being
conducted. Copy of each weekly/monthly minutes of the meeting will be posted at a conspicuous
location at the jobsite.
Minimize Occupational health and risks through engineering Control, Administrative control, Hire
and placement, Periodic inspection and maintenance of equipment.
1. Fatal ZERO
The sub-contractors shall be subject to the same standard, as CLIENT NAME is required to comply in
the performance of the contract. Regular audits/inspections will be planned and conducted to verify
and assess the subcontractor’s compliance with HSE Management System.
The HSE Advisor will monitor sub-contractor’s compliance at site and non-compliance shall be
reported to the site manager and contract manager for appropriate action.
Related HSE statistics of sub-contractors shall be included into GLOBE GAS EQUIPMENTS INDUSTRY
PVT. LTD. statistics. All sub-contractors are accountable for their respective HSE performance and
shall be required to meet Key Performance Indicator and targets in line with GLOBE GAS
The sub-contractors HSE Statistics shall be included in contract HSE Statistics. The sub-contractor’s
performance shall be closely monitored and incorporated in the COMPANY overall HSE
The sub-contractor HSE Performance will also be included on the agenda of regular Serious Services
HSE Management System reviews for this contract.
Control of Suppliers: Vendor/Supplier/Third Party Performing Services for GLOBE GAS EQUIPMENTS
INDUSTRY PVT. LTD. or its sub-contractors that involve Journeys to site and irregular presence on
site will not be required to prepare the HSE Plan. They will be monitored by Site Manager/Project
All new employees of SPIG take mandatory HSE induction Training from CLIENT-HSE Department.
New coming employee upon his arrival on the project shall be instructed on HSE rules regulations
Providing Personal Protective Equipment is one way of reducing, controlling the hazards associated
in the jobs carried by the workers. Providing complete PPE’s means that each life is valuable
compared to many factors involved in the project.
Personal protective equipment is available for your use. When equipment has been specified for
certain work assignments or areas, you must use it.
All employees, visitors and vendors must wear hard hats prior to enter the job site.
Must wear clothing suitable for the work you are doing. Wear sturdy work shoes. Safety shoes are
Must wear proper eye protection when you are exposed to flying objects, dust, chemicals.
Hearing protective equipment is available upon request. May be required to use it in designated
areas or for specific jobs.
Respiratory equipment may be required in area where health hazards exist due to the accumulation
of dust, fumes, mists or vapors.
Safety harness and lifelines must be used when working above 1.8 meters.
Wear gloves when handling objects or substances which could cut, tear, or burn the hands.
Hairnets may be required for employees whose hair is a potential source of injury.
Head protection (Safety Helmet) and foot protection (Safety Shoes) shall be worn by all the
employees while working at SITE. Safety belt with full-body harness shall be used while working at
height > 1.8 M. Safety harness shall be anchored at the shoulder or above height.
Safety helmet shall be with ISI mark with chin strap. The Colour codes of the helmets shall be
followed as mentioned below: –
Workers Yellow
Electrician Red
Visitors Orange
To achieve our HSE objective and to meet the ZERO Accident Targets, HSE training shall be regularly
organized for all personnel working on Project. All managerial and supervisory staff shall attend HSE
Training Courses, organized from time to time. Training register shall be attending training programs
organized by the CLIENT as per the CLIENT training schedule
The CONTRACTOR’s/ SUB-CONTRACTOR’s SM/SE/SO shall take care that all their vehicles entering
the project SITE should have necessary documents & register the necessary details at the security
gate record at the SITE. The CONTRACTOR’s/ SUB-CONTRACTOR’s SM/SE/SO should take care that all
their vehicles shall be equipped with an audible reverse signal alarm, which operates automatically
with & all times during the backward movement.
traffic regulations:
Displayed speed limits must comply with all rimes.The speed limits for all vehicles within Project
Area shall be 20 km/hour or as specified routes must be adhered to – under no circumstances may a
vehicle leave the hardtop road surface. The number of passengers in a vehicle may not exceed the
seating capacity of the vehicle.
The gross weight of a vehicle using a bridge must not exceed the stipulate maximum permissible
Park vehicles only at designated places so that it doesn’t create hindrance to other vehicles.
GLOBE GAS EQUIPMENTS INDUSTRY PVT. LTD. will ensure that trucks & trailers will not be used for
transportation of personnel at SITE.
Hazardous or corrosive materials may not be transported by vehicle within a restricted area without
Driver to his superior must report all injuries however minor immediately.
The best defense against fire is to prevent the fire from starting; you need to know what to do to
keep on fire from starting, as well as how to deal with an accidental fire.
To ensure that fire protection and prevention are properly monitored make sure the below
mentioned are present on the site.
A portable fire extinguisher will be installed, accessible, inspected and maintained fully charged and
Proper storage of materials (Flammable).
Good Housekeeping
Emergency procedures should be readable and conspicuously posted on-site or in the office.
Fire drill should be quarterly done on the site to exercise the workers on what to do in case of an
SPIG is committed to protecting the health and safety of all personnel involved in its activities as an
internal part of its business management. Heat stress is a major health hazard especially in summer
season, where climate is hot and humid with a temperature rising up to 45-degree centigrade and
relative humidity reaching up to 70 to 80% in some parts of the country where we operate. This hot
and humid climate creates a potentially dangerous situation for those exposed to the heat The
company approach to protecting the health of its personnel in such areas is to provide a safe
working environment by minimizing their exposure to such hot and humid conditions and its adverse
health effects. In order to achieve this objective, we follow the basic occupational health and
industrial hygiene principle i.e Recognition, Evaluation and Control.
GLOBE GAS EQUIPMENTS INDUSTRY PVT. LTD. Heat prevention and management guidelines
addresses heat stress identification, evaluation and control to implement to reduce various effects of
heat stress-ranging from heat cramps, heat syncope, heat exhaustion and heatstroke among the
Prevention Guidelines:
The primary hazard to be controlled is a heat-related illness. There are three primary illnesses
associated with excess heat strain on the body that this document will address. They are heat
cramps, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke. When the human body cannot maintain the internal body
temperature or electrolyte balance, illness can develop from the heat cramps to heat exhaustion and
finally to heatstroke. There are two major factors affecting body temperature when working in hot
Establish a complete heat illness prevention program, provide training about the hazards leading to
heat stress and how to prevent them, provide a lot of cool water to workers close to the work area,
at least one pint of water per hour is needed.
Modify work schedules and arrange frequent rest periods with water breaks in shaded or air-
conditioned areas, gradually increase workloads and allow more frequent breaks for workers new to
the heat or those that have been away from work to adapt to working in the heat (acclimatization),
Designate a responsible person to monitor conditions and protect workers who are at risk of heat
stress, consider protective clothing that provides cooling.
Any equipment’s use for hoisting works shall be certified by the third-party inspector prior to its full
operations. Any types of lifting equipment’s must be operated by the certified and competent
personnel in compliance to the instructions provided by the manual procedures. All works involving
the use of crane should be planned and rigging study should be carried out to ensure that.
Follow the safety procedures before commencing the hoisting and lifting works.
The capacity of the crane should be ascertained before using. Brakes should be checked while lifting
critical load and adjusted if needed.
Carry out a functional test of the hoist switches, to ON and OFF, operate UP and DOWN then note if
it’s the response.
Provide adequate barricade and signage to avoid other workers entering the area where lifting
operations is on progress in the factory and sites as well.
Safe working load of any mobile crane depends on:
(d) Radius of rotation while lifting the load, inclination of boom to the vertical
(f) The safe working load is generally tabulated in the load chart of the crane. Sometimes crane are
de-rated due to defects in welding, bend in angle, bracings and condition of clutch, brakes etc
(g) The load is the total load hung from the rope sheaves of the boom including the weight of hook
block, ropes/sling etc
It is very important that the subcontractors and suppliers follow and maintain the approved
Housekeeping plan.
Housekeeping means there is a place in everything, and everything is in its proper place. It is
everybody’s business to observe it in the workplace. Housekeeping is also important it lessens
accidents and related injuries and illnesses; it, therefore, improves productivity and minimizes the
direct and indirect cost of accidents/illnesses.
Sweep up and remove daily all kinds of waste e.g. packing material, cotton waste, grinding wheels,
FRP scrap, etc. leave clear space around storage and ensure unobstructed access to firefighting
purpose and emergency evacuation. SPIG shall ensure good housekeeping at site by regular
monitoring of the worksite by supervision and providing training and the importance of
housekeeping. Waste container provided for at site and an office area for collecting the waste
Temporary electrical cables shall be so installed as not to cause a tripping hazard to personnel, nor
be liable to Mechanical damage by the equipment.
Return all surplus material to the stockpile at the completion of your job.
Do not leave tools and materials where they will create a hazard for others. Put them in the gang
box or return them to the tool room.
Wipe up spilled liquids immediately. If you cannot handle the problem, notify your supervisor so that
he can arrange for the necessary clean up.
Keep change rooms clean. Do not let soiled cloths, food scarps, and soft drink bottles accumulate. If
drinking cups are us deposit them in the containers provided. Also place sandwich wrappers, paper
bags and others trash in these containers.
Toilets, wash-up facilities, and drinking fountains are provided for your convenience and comfort.
Please help keep them clean and sanitary. Report any problem to your supervisor.
Where work at height is required the team leader will ensure that all such work is properly
controlled and that safe access and working platforms are provided in accordance with statutory
requirements. The team leader will ensure that all scaffolding is erected, altered or dismantled only
by competent, trained, experienced personnel under the immediate supervision of a competent
Contents [hide]
All scaffolds will be of sound construction and be properly maintained and inspected by competent
person. Where the provision of scaffolding for work at height is impracticable other safe working
methods or systems will be used. This may be in the form of a mobile elevated work platform, or the
provision of fall arrest equipment provided. Where such alternative methods are used a system of
work will be devised to ensure that all aspects satisfy the relevant statutory provision and provide
the personnel involved with a safe place and system of work. Any work 1.8 meter & above need
proper work platform & use personal fall arrestor.
Where such alternative methods are used a system of work will be devised to ensure that all aspects
satisfy the relevant statutory provisions and provide the personnel involved with a safe place and
system of work.
Entire height work crew shall have gone through working at height training by SPIG
GLOBE GAS EQUIPMENTS INDUSTRY PVT. LTD. shall follow CLIENT permit to work system all types of
work connected with Construction shall be
The most formal method of ensuring safe working practice – a safe system of work – is to have a
permit to work procedure. A permit to work system shall ensure that a trained authorized person
shall pre-assess the hazardous circumstances involved and then prescribe the conditions and limits
for the work to take place.
The permit certificate requires acknowledgment by the performing authority (team leader) that is
responsible for doing the work to indicate that working conditions and limits are thoroughly
Work permit systems are the most formal method of ensuring safe systems of working. Their use
shall be reserved for work where there is potential hazard and that the precautions necessary for
that work need positive enforcement.
Issuing Authority: – is the person who signs a work permit and authorizes the work to start, provided
that all the prescribed special conditions have been or shall be complied with? He shall ensure that
all supporting documentation has been obtained and is properly completed before the work permit
Performing Authority: – is the person who receives the Work Permit, normally a supervisor of the
operatives carries out the work. He shall ensure that he, and all the operatives involved, understands
the conditions, limitations, and precautions necessary as stipulated in the Work Permit, and that
these are complied with
Electrical supply systems shall be maintained in a safe condition and electric connection for
construction power shall be provided as per CLIENT procedures all portable electrical equipment
shall be 220 volts or lower. All overhead supplies shall be protected with suitable goal posts and
prominently placed precautionary signs. Regular checks and inspections shall be carried out on all
electrical equipment’s and recorded with the notice on the piece of equipment confirming it is safe.
Proper cable management shall be maintained at the site for all times. All lighting cables shall be
buried or at least 2 meter over the ground. And where road crossing is their cable shall be buried
with appropriate casing pipe. Besides these following precautions shall also be taken:
All switchboards, extension boards, etc, should be protected from rain and water. No water logging
shall be allowed around switchboards.
Earth leakage circuit breakers should be provided on all distribution boards and main switchboards.
All fuse shall be of good quality and conform to correct ratings, use of makeshift wire or conductors.
ELCB or RCCB will be provided. ELCB trip rating, not more than 30 mA.
All distribution boards and the electrical facility will be properly protected from rain, construction
While working on electrical equipment and facilities, the power supply must be disconnected and
LOTO system must be provided,
Electrical maintenance must be used wooden platforms, use lockout & tag out, insulated tools and
rubber boots.
While crossing the overhead electric line, all operational movements of excavators, cranes, tractors
and all other tall items of equipment have to be carefully observed.
Sanitation is extremely important on-site or plant; it helps to maintain good health and tidy
environment where numerous people are working daily.Here are some sanitation facilities that are
required to be available on-site or in-plant.
There should be an approved portable water system use for the distribution of drinking water.
Ensure that drinking water is free from any contamination that can affect the health of the workers.
Make sure that a number of toilets can accommodate the number of people working on-site and it
should be monitored and maintained every day to ensure its cleanliness.
Washing Facilities
Washing facilities will be provided as needed to maintain healthful and sanitary conditions,
particularly to those workers who engaged in the application of paints, insecticides, or any
substances where contaminants are harmful. Each washing facility shall be provided by water and
soap to maintain its sanitary condition.
All power tools will be inspected tested to determine its safe operating condition and proper
All hand tools will be in good working condition and shall use only for the purpose-designed.
Electrical hand tools shall be replaced immediately if there is the sign of any damages.
Use of tools shall be in accordance with the safety requirements of standard safety manual.
Steel Engineering Technology shall strictly comply with all manufacturers’ instructions regarding
specific use and maintenance of power and hand tools. MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) should be
provided by the manufacturer to the consumer for additional details.
Steel Engineering Technology shall not issue or permit the use of unsafe/defective power and hand
tools. Such tools shall be promptly removed from service and repaired/discarded.
All hand tools and power tools shall be kept in proper and tidy place after use.
Do not attempt to gain access to a scaffold by climbing on it (unless it is specifically designed for
climbing – always use a ladder.
Scaffolds and their components must be capable of supporting four times the maximum intended
Any scaffold, including accessories such as braces, brackets, trusses, screw legs, ladders, etc.,
damaged or weakened in any way, must be immediately repaired or replaced.
Scaffold planks must extend over their end supports not less than 6 inches nor more than 12 inches,
unless otherwise specifically required.
Scaffold platforms must be at least 18 inches wide unless otherwise specifically required or
Where persons are required to work or pass under the scaffold, scaffolds shall be provided with a
screen between the toe board and guardrail, extending along the entire opening. The screen must
be made of No. 18 gauge U.S. Standard wire, ½ inch mesh or equivalent protection.
All scaffolds must be erected level and plumb, and on a solid footing.
Do not allow workers to ride on a rolling scaffold when it is being moved. Remove or secure all
materials and tools on deck before moving.
Do not alter any scaffold member by welding, burning, and cutting, drilling, or bending.
The medical team and first aid supplies must available on site to ensure instant rescue will be done
appropriately during the event of an emergency such as fatal accidents, fire or illnesses occurred on-
First Aider/Company Nurse should be available on-site or plant all the time whenever the work is on
First Aid stations must be accessible on-site/plant to all medical facilities and easy to locate to avoid
inconvenience during the event of an emergency.
All possible emergency services such as telephone numbers and addresses such as hospitals,
doctors, poison control centers, fire departments, ambulance, etc. are known listed and provided by
the client.
First aid supplies should be monitored to avoid the deficiency of each item.
The first-aid arrangements should cover shift working, night and weekend working where this is
work carried out. This may mean appointing or training several people to ensure adequate cover.
Report all inquiries immediately, no matter how minor, to your supervisor and to First Aid.
Treatment will be given, and the Incident will be recorded. Should later medical care be needed, you
will have fulfilled your obligation.
You must notify your supervisor and First Aid prior to leaving the job site because of injury or illness,
whether personal or work-related.
If you get outside medical treatment (without clearing through First Aid) for a work-related injury of
illness, you must notify First Aid at the start of the next scheduled workday. Failure to do so may
result in disallowance of your claim and/or discharge.
Prior to returning to work after a disabling injury or illness, you must present a medical clearance for
the attending physician to First Aid.
Drugs, tranquilizers, and insulin must not be taken on the job unless authorized in writing by your
personal physician. A copy of this authorization should be in your first aid file.
If you have a physical handicap, such as diabetes, impaired eyesight or hearing, back or heart
trouble, hernia, or aversion to heights, tell your supervisors. You will not be expected to do a job
that might result in injury to yourself or others.
First aid teams are organized and trained to render assistance. In the event of an injury or illness you
will get proper first aid treatment. Your physician will be notified in the event if an emergency.
Never move an injured or seriously ill person unless necessary to prevent further injury. Emergency
steps for notifying First Aid are posted through the Jobsite; familiarize you with them. First aid
should not be administered by non-designated employees expect in case of severe bleeding or
cessation of breathing.
The storage of material must not block any exit from a building.
Pipe, conduit, and bar stock should be stored in racks or stacked and blocked to prevent movements.
The quantity of material stored on scaffolds, platforms, or walkways must not exceed that required
for 1 day’s operation.
Material must never be thrown or dropped from a distance of more than 20 feet. The drop area
must be barricaded to protect personnel from being struck by falling materials. Trash chutes are
required for dropping materials from heights above 20 feet.
Protruding nails must be bent or pulled when stripping forms are not in proper place/crate.
Serious Accident
If an employee is involved in a serious accident or a major loss to equipment or property occurs, the
Safety Engineer/Officer and/or the Project-In-Charge shall notify designated personnel and affected
organizations so that an investigation can be initiated. The following shall be the procedure:
Upon learning of a serious or fatal accident in the project, the following personnel must be
immediately notified:
HRD Department
An investigation should be conducted as soon as possible after the accident. The investigation must
be fact-finding, not fault-finding. Members of the investigating team should include the Project-In-
charge or his representative; site Safety Engineer, the responsible Area Safety Supervisor, HR
Department representative and the employee’s supervisor. The purpose of the
Investigation is to determine the real causes that similar accidents can be prevented, and also to
determine facts bearing on legal liability. A description of the operation being performed at the time
of the accident is essential. All personnel assigned to the operation and all witnesses to the accident
shall be interviewed and statements taken. A private place such as an enclosed office or conference
room should be used for these discussions.
The interviewers (2) must obtain hand facts and not hearsay. The information obtained must be
recorded and signed by each person involved.
Name, badge or I.D., numbers, address, and occupation of victim, co-workers and/or witnesses.
What activity is being performed prior to and at the time of the accident?
What materials, equipment or conditions were involved? Include all contributing factors.
What happened?
Why did it happen? Include all unsafe condition and/or unsafe acts.
To the best of witness knowledge. Was there a previously known/or reported problem or condition
associated with the accident?
Drawings and/or sketches indicating the location of the accident must be made. All measurements
such as time, distance, etc. must be accurate. Photographs should be taken as soon as possible since
conditions often change rapidly. The back of each photograph should contain the following
information: description and location of the principal item (S) date and time, name of the
Immediately after the accident, the area must be secured in order to prevent any alteration of the
scene prior to the investigation. If equipment, tools and materials are involved in the accident, they
shall be removed temporarily from the service and placed in safekeeping. If this is
impractical, the area shall be cordoned off and a security guard posted to prevent unauthorized
personnel from entering the area.
Recordkeeping Procedures
The project nurse provided by Main Contractor or First Aid Station personnel must maintain a variety
of records. For the protection of the employees, medical personnel, the company and client.
This is a chronological listing of all visits to the First Aid Station. Every injury or illness reported, no
matter how slight must be recorded. A copy of the logbook and necessary forms shall be provided to
the First Aid Station.
This is confidential record of the employee’s illness and injuries reported to the clinic or First Aid
Station. The project nurse of First Aider is responsible for keeping the medical record of every
employee in the site. At the end of the month, he/she shall submit to the Project-In-Charge and
Safety Engineer a summary report of all cases treated in the clinic.
Duty of First Aider shall promptly accomplish the Clinic Accident Report which must be distributed to
the following office:
1 copy – Personnel/Records
The Supervisor’s Report of Accident Investigation shall be prepared and submitted within 24 hours
after the accident. The Foreman/Supervisor shall investigate the accident and fill up completely the
form and furnish copy to the abovementioned offices. A standard report format is provided to assist
as a guide to the investigator.
Corrective Action
The Supervisor/Foreman shall specify what corrective action if any, was taken Instruction given, etc.
If corrective action is not applicable, indicate same on the report.
Raise the alarm to aware everyone inside the building and offices.
Use fire fighting equipment’s such as fire extinguishers, fire hose reel, etc. if you are trained to do so
but don’t put yourself in danger.
Immediately leave the building or office and seek the emergency exits and proceed immediately to
the assembly point.
Never attempt to use elevators during the event of fire; it will lead you to danger.
Relax and don’t panic because it will lead you to injury or even death.
In case you are suffocated, simply drop the ground and inhale since there is existing oxygen over
When you reach the assembly point, stay calm and inform your supervisor if there is still missing in
your group. The supervisor should do the headcount to his people as soon as possible.
Do not attempt to re-enter the building unless there is a further notification coming from Area
Controller (Project Manager, HSE Personnel).
Do not attempt to administer first aid to the injured worker if you are not trained to do, let the first
aider to administer first aid.
Call enforcing authorities such as Senior Management, HR, Projects Manager and HSE Experts, and
Investigative team for an immediate investigation to determine the immediate causes of accidents
and to prevent the recurrence.