Ref#4-Internal Control
Ref#4-Internal Control
Ref#4-Internal Control
“With men this is impossible;
but with God all things are
possible”. Matthew 19:6
Know the
Understand the objective of
nature & purpose studying an
of internal control. entity’s internal
Understand the
relationship Know how to
between communicate
effectiveness of reportable
internal control conditions to
and substantive management.
Internal Control (Defined)
❖ PSA 315 paragraph 4(c)
⚫ “The Process designed and effected by those charged
with governance, management, and other personnel to...
✓ provide reasonable assurance about the achievement of the
entity’s objectives with regard to...
a) reliability of financial reporting,
b) effectiveness and efficiency of operations and
c) compliance with applicable laws and regulations”
The Entity’s System,
The Entity’s (including the
Risk Control Monitoring of
Control related business
Assessment processes, relevant Activities Controls
Environment to financial
Process reporting, and
The Elements of Internal Control
Lesson Review...
Question # 1
⚫ Reasons an auditor obtain an understanding of
the internal control structure…
Suggested Answer:
An auditor obtains an understanding of a client’s internal
control structure as a part of the control risk assessment
process in order…
1. to plan the nature, timing, and extent of subsequent
substantive audit procedures, and
2. to obtain information about reportable conditions
(control deficiencies) to report to the client.
Question # 2
Suggested Answer:
✓ The auditor must obtain a sufficient understanding of the
client’s system of internal financial controls to identify the
types of potential material misstatements of financial
statement components, and the risks associated with each.
Suggested Answer:
✓ The auditor obtains an initial understanding of the client’s
financial controls by studying the organizational structure,
inquiring of management, and studying last year’s working
papers if a recurring audit.
Question # 9
⚫ What kind of documentation is required relative to
the auditor’s understanding of a client’s internal financial
Suggested Answer: The documentation of the auditor’s
understanding must…
✓ provide clear evidence of support for the auditor’s conclusions
regarding the assessed level of control risk.
This is especially necessary if control risk is assessed below the maximum
✓ The documentation at this point typically consists of some
combination of…
• narrative memoranda,
• questionnaires or checklists, and
• internal control flowcharts, as well as
• documentation of the auditor’s conclusions, and
• the reason(s) for assessing control risk below maximum, if applicable.
Question # 10
⚫ How does testing of internal controls help in the
design of substantive audit procedures?
Suggested Answer:
✓ Testing of internal financial controls may permit the auditor
to further reduce the assessed level of control risk.
✓ This, in turn, should lead to a decrease in the nature,
timing, and/or extent of substantive audit testing in the
Question # 11
⚫ Under what circumstances might an auditor decide
not to test internal financial controls beyond
obtaining an initial understanding…
Suggested Answer: …
✓ Some combination of the following means is typically
utilized by the auditor in testing a client’s internal
financial controls:
a) Reprocessing transactions through the client’s system;
b) Observation of controls; and
c) Document examination and testing.
Question # 13
• Differentiate between misrepresentation and
Suggested Answer: …
Misrepresentation Misappropriation