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Introduction to Plasmas

The word plasma is used to describe a broad range of quasi-neutral substances that
contain many ionized atoms or molecules and free electrons, exhibiting collective
behavior due to long range Coulomb force. Nevertheless, not all the media
containing charged particles can be classified as plasma. The word plasma derives
from the Greek and means something molded. Tonks and Langmuir first used the
term in 1929 to describe the internal region; far from the boundaries of a glowing
ionized gas formed by electric discharge in a tube [Langmuir 1928].

From a scientific point of view, matter in the known universe is often categorized
in terms of four states: solid, liquid, gas and plasma, the fundamental distinction
between solids, liquids, and gasses lies in the difference between the strength of the
bonds that bind their constituent particles together, thus, plasma may be called the
fourth state of matter.

When we increase the temperature of a gas beyond a certain limit, it enters a

regime where the thermal energy of its constituent particles is so great that the
electrostatic forces which ordinarily bind electrons to atomic nuclei are overcome.
Instead of a hot gas made up of electrically neutral atoms, we have two mixed
populations made up of electrons and ionized atoms. It's a plasma, it's not solid,
liquid, or gas. Perhaps its most extraordinary characteristic is its high electrical
conductivity, which is so great that the electrical fields that are applied externally
are effectively cancelled by the currents they induce within the main body of the

Plasma Production

Plasma is a state of matter. In this state, the ionized gaseous matter becomes highly
conductive, so that long-distance electric and magnetic fields dominate the
behavior of matter. [Goldston, R.J.; Rutherford, P.H. (1995). Introduction to Plasma Physics. Taylor
& Francis. p. 1−2. ISBN 978-0-7503-0183-1.] The plasma state can be contrasted with other
states: solid, liquid and gas.

Artificial Plasma

Different type of plasmas can be generated in laboratory by different methods;

some of them are as follows.

Glow discharge are non-thermal plasmas generated by the application of Direct

Current or low frequency RF (<100 kHz) electric field to the gap between two
metal electrodes. Probably the most common plasma; this is the type of plasma
generated within fluorescent light tubes [stern DP peredo].

Capacitive coupled plasma is similar to glow discharge plasmas, but generated

with high frequency RF electric fields, typically MHz. These are differing from
glow discharges in that the sheaths are much less intense. These are widely used in
the micro fabrication and integrated circuit manufacturing industries for plasma
etching and plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition [sobolewski].

Inductively coupled plasma similar to a CCP and with similar applications but the
electrode consists of a coil wrapped around the chamber where plasma is formed
[okumura 2011].

Arc discharge is a high-power thermal discharge of high pressure and moderate

temperature (≈10,000 K). It can be generated using various power supplies. It is
commonly used in metallurgical processes. For example, it is used to melt minerals
containing Al2O3 to produce aluminum.
Corona discharge is a non-thermal discharge generated by the application of high
voltage to sharp electrode tips. It is commonly used in ozone generators and
particle precipitators.

Dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) is a non-thermal discharge generated by the

application of high voltages across small gaps wherein a non-conducting coating
prevents the transition of the plasma discharge into an arc. It is often mislabeled
'Corona' discharge in industry and has similar application to corona discharges.

Plasma in Nature:

1). The solar wind

2). The magnetosphere

3). The ionosphere


Plasma is an electrically neutral medium composed of positive and negative

particles which are unbound (ie the total charge on the plasma is approximately
zero). While they are unbound, in the sense of force they are not "free" The
movement of charged particles induces electricity in the magnetic field and any
motion of the charged plasma particles influences and affects other charged electric
fields. In essence, this defines how much collective behaviour is modified. [10]
Three plasma-defining components [10] [23] [24]

Debye Shielding: If the plasma parameter Λ [26] surrounds the number of carriers
around a charged particle in a sphere (called the Debye sphere, its radius is the
Debye shielding length), then the plasma approximation is sufficient to shield the
electrostatic effect of the particle outside the sphere.[21][22] The Debye screen
length (as described above) is short compared to the physical size of the plasma.
This criterion implies that the majority of plasma interactions are more meaningful
than edges where edge effects can occur. The plasma is quasi-neutral if this
condition is fulfilled.

Plasma frequency: The electron plasma frequency (measurement of electron

plasma oscillation) is higher compared to electron neutral collision frequency
(measurement of collision frequency between electrons and neutral particles).
Electrostatic interaction can dominate the ordinary aerodynamic process when this
condition is met. [28] [28]

Criteria of Plasma Gas (edit it)

Thermal vs. nonthermal (cold) plasmas

Plasmas are categorised as "thermal" or "non-thermal" (also referred to as "cold

plasmas") depending on the relative temperatures of the electrons, ions and
neutrals.[citation needed]

At the same temperature, thermal plasmas have electrons and heavy particles, i.e.
they are in thermal balance with each other.

On the other hand, non-thermal plasmas are non-equilibrium ionised gases, with
two temperatures: ions and neutrals remain at low (sometimes room temperature)
temperatures, while electrons are much hotter.

({\displaystyle T_{e}\gg T_{n}}T_e \gg T_n).[31]

The mercury-vapor gas inside a fluorescent lamp is a kind of common nonthermal
plasma, where the "electrons gas" reaches a temperature of 10,000 kelvins while
the rest of the gas remains barely above room temperature, so that the bulb can
even be reached while working with hands.[citation needed]

The very high temperature plasma formed by the Z machine, where ions are much
hotter than electrons, is a specific and unusual case of 'inverse' nonthermal plasma.

Classical and Quantum Plasma [by john hay Hopkins]

Classical Plasma

Efforts to integrate and comprehend the parallel presence in the plasma of

collective and individual particle-like actions. In the pioneering work of Debye on
the screening behaviour and Langmuir and Tonks on the oscillatory behaviour of
classical plasmas, such attempts have their liistorical roots. Again, it can be seen
that the new research has been characterised by success. It is now possible for a
wide range of plasma phenomena to outline a coherent theory of particles and
individual behaviour.

Quantum Plasma

Attempts to perform detailed derivations of plasma properties with low and high
temperature limits on the one hand and low densities on the other hand (the high-
density, freeelectron gas model of a metal). These attempts have been made. In
particular, on the quantum side, great momentum from the application to the many-
body problem of field-theoretic techniques. And were distinguished by
considerable success.
Complex plasma phenomena

While the underlying plasma equations are relatively straightforward, the

behaviour of plasma is extremely varied and subtle: a typical characteristic of a
complex system is the appearance of unexpected behaviour from a simple model.
In some sense, such structures lie on the border between ordered and disordered
actions and can generally not be represented by simple, smooth, mathematical
functions or pure randomness. One manifestation of plasma complexity is the
spontaneous development of interesting spatial characteristics on a wide spectrum
of length scales. For instance, the characteristics are interesting because they are
very sharp, spatially intermittent (the gap between characteristics is much larger
than the characteristics themselves), or have a fractal shape. Many of these
characteristics were first studied in the laboratory and then recognised in the
universe.[citation required] Examples of plasma complexity and complex
structures include:


In certain plasmas, such as the plasma ball, the aurora,[51] lightning,[52] electric
arcs, solar flares,[53] and supernova remnants, striations or string-like structures,
[50] also known as Birkeland currents, are seen.[54] They are often associated with
greater current densities, and a magnetic rope structure may be created by the
interaction with the magnetic field.[55] High power microwave breakdown at
atmospheric densities .[56]

Filamentation is also a self-concentration of a high-performance laser pulse. The

nonlinear aspect of the refraction index becomes significant at high power and
creates a higher refraction index in the middle of the laser beam, where the laser is
brighter than at the edges, allowing the laser to rely much more on feedback. The
tighter, centred laser has a higher plasma-forming peak brightness (irradiance). The
plasma has a refraction index of less than one which allows the laser beam to
defocus. The interplay of the refraction focusing index and the defocusing plasma
produces a long plasma filament that can be micrometres to kilometres long .[57]
The significantly lower ion density due to excitation effects of ionised electrons is
an interesting feature of the filamentation produced by plasma .[58]

Non-neutral plasma

Electric force strength and range and good plasma conductivity typically ensure
that the densities of oppositely charged ions in any significant area are equal
("quasineutrality"). A plasma with a large excess of charge density, or consisting of
a single species in an extreme situation, is referred to as a non-neutral plasma.
Electric fields play a dominant role in this kind of plasma. Charged particle waves,
an electron cloud in a Penning trap and positron plasmas are examples .[59]

Dusty plasma/grain plasma

A dusty plasma consists of tiny dust particles that are charged (typically found in
space). The particles of dust accumulate high charges and connect with one
another. Grain plasma is called a plasma which contains larger particles. Dusty
plasmas are often referred to as complex plasmas under laboratory conditions .[60]

Impermeable plasma

The impermeable plasma is a thermal plasma type that acts in comparison to gas or
cold plasma as an impermeable solid and can be moved physically. A group led by
Hannes Alfvén in the 1960s and 1970s briefly researched the interaction of cold
gas and thermal plasma for its potential applications in the insulation of fusion
plasma from the reactor walls.[61] However, it was later found that the external
magnetic fields in this configuration could cause plasma kink instabilities and
ultimately lead to an unexpectedly high loss of heat to the wall .[62] In 2013, a
group of materials researchers announced that only a highly pressurized blanket of
cold gas was used to successfully produce stable, impermeable plasma without
magnetic sealing. The passive effect of plasma on synthesis of various
nanostructures shows clearly that the successful containment of the plasma is hard
to achieve because of high pressure. They also showed that the screening of plasma
gas ions at the interface can lead to a high secondary mode of heating, which
results in various kinetics of reactions and the formation of complex nanomaterials
when the impermeability is maintained for several decades .[63]

Waves in Plasmas:

Plasma waves are an interconnected group of particles and fields that constantly
reproduce. A plasma is an electrically conductive quasineutral fluid. In the simplest
case, it consists of electrons, but can also contain several ion-species including
neutral and negative ions. It can also contain one positive species of ions. The
plasma ties to electrical and magnetic fields due to their electrical conductivity.
This particle and field complex serves a wide range of wave phenomena.
[Swanson, D.G. Plasma Waves (2003). 2nd edition.]

The plasma electromagnetic fields are supposed to be two parts; One part is
static/equilibrium and One part oscillating/perturbation. Plasma waves may be
categorised as electromagnetic or electrostatic based on whether or not a magnetic
field is oscillating. When we apply Faraday's induction law to flat waves,

K × E = omga B
we find that an electrostatic wave must be strictly lengthy. In comparison, an
electromagnetic wave must have a transverse, but partially longitudinal

Different modes of plasma waves can be defined by whether they propagate to the
stationary magnetic field in non-magnetic plasma or parallel, perpendicular or
oblique. Finally, the disrupted electric field can be parallel to or perpendicular to
the stationary magnetic field for perpendicular electromagnetic waves. [Stix,
Thomas Howard. Waves in Plasmas (1992)]


[Chen, Francis F. Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2nd
edition (1984).]

Alfven waves in dusty plasma ?

The Alfven wave, named after Hannes Alfven, is a type of magnetohydrodynamic

wave in plasma physics in which the ions oscillate to restore the force of effective
tension in the magnet field lines. [Iwai, K; Shinya, K,; Takashi, K. and Moreau, R.
(2003) "Pressure change accompanying Alfvén waves in a liquid metal"
Magnetohydrodynamics 39(3): pp. 245-250, page 245]

The plasma alfvén wave is a low-frequency oscillation in the ions and in the
magnetic field (compared to the ion cyclotron frequency). The density of the ion
mass provides the stress of the magnetic champ and the force for the restoration.

The wave spreads into magnet field, while there are obliquity waves and when the
propagation is perpendicular to the magnetic field it smoothly converts into the
magnetic wave. The ion movement and the magnetic field interference are in the
same direction and are transverse.. The wave is dispersionless. [Hannes Alfvén
(1942). "Existence of Electromagnetic–Hydrodynamic Waves". Nature. 150
(3805): 405–406. Bibcode:1942Natur.150..405A. doi:10.1038/150405d0. S2CID

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