225 Long-Distance Relationship Questions
225 Long-Distance Relationship Questions
225 Long-Distance Relationship Questions
To Spark Deeper
beaten path?
Do you plan a detailed itinerary before traveling or do you jump in the car
and go?
If you could visit anywhere, where would you go and what would you do?
Do you speak any other languages? How did you learn them?
If you could learn any language instantly, which language would you
What’s your favorite mode of transportation and why? (Car, plane, boat,
bicycle, etc.)
What national parks and major landmarks have you visited? What did you
Did your family often take vacations when you were growing up?
Did you break any bones as a kid? What was the story?
Did you have birthday parties as a kid? Which one was your favorite and
What was your neighborhood like? Did you play with the kids next door?
If you could change the meaning of your name, what would it be?
What are the worst weather conditions you’ve ever driven in?
What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made as a leader, and how did you
When was a time you got really dirty or muddy? What happened?
How do your music choices influence your daily emotions and vice versa?
What’s the most complicated meal you’ve made and how did you learn to
make it?
Where is your favorite coffee shop and why do you love it?
How do you usually hear about the latest news? (podcasts, newspaper,
What are your siblings like? What makes each one unique?
How close are you with your siblings, and do you wish you were closer?
What lesson are you most thankful your parents taught you?
Are your parents content with where they are and what they’re doing?
What’s your favorite meal to eat at your parents’ house and why?
Do you keep in touch with your high school friends? Will you continue to?
Since we started dating, how has each of us changed for the better?
What’s a fallback career for you, and why isn’t it your first choice?
What is faith?
Who and what has influenced your thinking about religion most?
What’s your perspective on the best and worst ways to help people in
If you were to advocate for one social cause, what would you support?
What do you think of the trend for businesses to focus on “social good”?
What difficult experiences of yours help you relate to others in their time
of need?
goodness, even when they re not happy.
What do you believe the Bible says about the roles of men and women in
How should the Bible guide our financial decisions, like debt and building
How does our relationship display the gospel and glorify God?
Do you know your spiritual gifts? If so, how do you use them?
How would you describe your church to someone who’s never gone